Eclipsed Ancestry

By GreenCrystal19

Disclaimer: Only saying this once. I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. These belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. If you didn't know that, you are a true Seaweed Brain. (Just kidding!) Also: Cover art by Viktoria Ridzel (or Viria/viria13/vika) and cover design/setup by me, using Apple's photo app and Pages app (funny how Pages can flip photos horizontally, but Photos can't.)

Author's Notes: So I know this is weird. Percy related to Voldemort. But it IS an interesting concept, and I've read some half-finished versions that were really good. So bear with me, okay? Takes place in Order of the Pheonix, and after the giant war in Blood of Olympus. Percy is 16 and a half but is in 5th year, as are the other demigods. No events from Trials of Apollo except Leo getting back with Calypso.

Chapter 1

Harry's PoV

Harry was being squeezed through a tube. Or least, that's what it felt like. Apparating. He'd always imagined it as a whoosh and a bang, like flying, but it was nothing like that.

Oh, where was Harry going? He didn't know. What he did know was that he would be picking up Voldemort's grandson. Dumbledore had told Harry about the situation before they'd left; the first time that the older wizard had offered Harry any information for months. Harry was still furious at him for that, and for being stuck with the Dursleys for almost the whole summer.

Now, Harry, Dumbledore, and Lupin stood at the top of the hill, next to a large pine tree with-Harry did a double take-a golden rug and a dragon. Harry wondered what that was about, but having had experience with dragons, he stood well away from the glittering copper reptile. Despite having stopped apparating, Harry still felt like his insides were being squeezed through a tube. He was angry and nervous and irritated all at the same time. What if Voldemort's grandson killed him? What if that was Harry's destiny? Harry shook his head and looked in front of him again.

The wizards looked down at a blue and white farmhouse, surrounded by strawberry fields and Greek buildings, the entire valley full of kids and weird human-goat hybrids wearing orange t-shirts. Interesting place for Voldemort's grandson to hang out, Harry thought.

The wizards made their way down to the farmhouse. No one seemed to notice them, courtesy of Dumbledore's magic. He'd decided that the less attention they got, the safer they were. As the arrived at the farmhouse, a guy on a white horse-wait, a centaur-greeted them. He wore a T-shirt that read "Party Ponies" in big text, and something else that Harry didn't bother to read. The centaur had brown hair and a brown beard. "I am Chiron," he said. "I assume you are here for Percy?"

"Yes, we are," Dumbledore said. With a twinkle in his keen blue eyes, he asked, "May we sit down, Chiron?"

Chiron nodded. "Of course. Percy is coming now." The wizards followed Chiron along the porch until they came to a cluster of lawn chairs around a table. The wizards sat down, and Harry surveyd his surroundings. It looked like a happy sort of place, like any summer camp. It certainly didn't look like a summer camp filled with Dark magic. But looks can be decieving, Harry thought.

Dumbledore had told them that Percy did not practice magic as they knew it-with a wand and spells. However, Percy was still supposed to be very powerful, so they were planning on taking him to Hogwarts before Voldemort found him and made him join his army. Harry knew that he may stay for a year or more, so he'd would have to be careful around him.

As the tension among the group reached it's peak, a teenager came around the corner. He looked to be about sixteen or seventeen, and he had an easy-going smile, black hair, and sea-green eyes. Voldemort's grandson walked up to the group and plopped down in one of the chairs, looking at them expectantly. "So, what's this all about?" he asked.

Percy's PoV

I was having a great day. Annabeth was at Olympus, as usual, but I was still having a great time. Travis and Conner Stoll were planning a prank with me. It was great. But then Leo ran up to us. "Percy! Chiron needs you in the Big House! He said that it was urgent."

"This isn't another prank, is it?" I asked him. I had a bad feeling about this. Could the Titans or Giants be returning? Or was this something new...something worse?

"No; it's not a prank! Chiron ACTUALLY wants you at the Big House." Leo's nose caught fire, before extinguishing. So it must have been urgent; that only happens when Leo's nervous or excited. So only 80% of the time for that last one. Okay, let me explain. Leo is a son of Hephaestus. He has fire powers, and is one of the most annoying friends I have. Of course, he's still great.

By this time, we'd arrived at the Big House. Leo directed me around the corner of the wrap-around porch before heading off to do some Leo things in Leo World. I walked around the corner, bracing myself for anything-monsters, Mr. D, a god, my mom...What I saw were some very jumpy looking dudes. One wore some crazy purple and silver robes, and had long, silver hair and a long, silver beard. He seemed calmer than everyone else. The other one was a shabby looking guy. He had brown hair with some gray streaks.

But the guy that really caught my attention was the one that looked like me, although he looked less like a demigod and less...well, watery. Okay, that sounded wrong-I mean less like a son of the sea god. He had messy black hair and green me. But there were some differences. This guy was a bit shorter and scrawnier than me, and his eyes were more emerald than sea green, like yours truly. He also had black glasses with perfectly round lenses, and there was also the fact that he was glaring at me like I'd set his bed on fire. (Like Leo did that one time...but I won't get into that.)

I plunked myself down on one of the lawn chairs and asked, "So, what's all this about?"

The old guy answered my question. "This is about you, Perseus."

I stiffened. "Just Percy," I said. My real name was usually only used by hungry monsters or an angry Annabeth. I thought an angry Annabeth was scarier.

The old guy nodded. "Percy, then. My name is Professor Dumbledore-" I wondered why he had such a weird name- "-and I am a wizard, as are Remis Lupin and Harry Potter."

The boy with the glasses stiffened, and I assumed he was Harry. I wasn't too surprised at the wizard thing-when you've seen what I've seen, you don't really get surprised at little things, like wizards. Even so, I was wary-this didn't sound good. "What are you here for?" I asked. I wanted to get to the point.

"How to say this..." the Dumbledore person mused. "There is a certain Dark wizard rising in our world. He and his followers, the Death Eaters. They are a problem, because-" At that moment, a satyr-Coach Hedge, to be specific-trotted around the corner, Leo following. "Coach, just because Percy is meeting some wizard-people doesn't mean he needs you to protect-" Leo was saying, between giggles.

Coach Hedge interupted, shouting, "WHAT ARE YOU CUPCAKES DOING HERE?! YOU CUPCAKES HAD BETTER-" I decided to take matters into my own hands, as Leo had collapsed against the wall of the Big House in silent laughter. Gods, I hate my life.

"Coach," I began. Louder, I said, "COACH, could you please maybe stay out of this?"

The saytr continued on shouting things about cupcakes and push-ups. By the gods, this was embarassing, I thought, catching a glimse of the wizards' faces. Chiron was trying to get Coach to leave, unsuccessfully, I might add. I looked at Leo, like, Why did you do this to me? but he just continued laughing. I stood up and walked over to Coach Hedge. "Um, coud you maybe leave? Like, now?" Leo finally helped me, and we persuaded the saytr to leave us alone.

I sat back down in the lawnchair with an exasperated sigh, and Leo leaned against the railing, watching."Sorry. Coach Hedge is a little..." I looked at Leo for help.

"Fun," he supplied. "Eccentric. Unconventional! Wild!"

"Yeah," I said awkwardly. "What Leo said."

Dumbledore winked at me and said, "I can see that. As I was saying, the Death Eaters and the Dark wizard, Voldemort-"

Leo snorted. "Who would want to eat Thanatos? And Voldemort? That rhymes with Mouldy Shorts!" When Leo finished laughing, he said with grin, "Sorry. Keep talking; it's funny."

I face-palmed. Harry unexpectedly leapt to his feet, whipping out a...stick. "Wow. A stick," I said sarcastically.

Harry glared at me, and said, "Voldemort killed my parents, and hundreds of other innocent people."

Leo was silent. "I'm sorry," he finally said. I knew that his mom had dyed in a fire, and that Leo used to blame himself for what Gaea did. I understood too-demigods had a lot of problems with parents. Fortunately, my mom was awesome.

Dumbledore delivered the grand finale. "You are Voldemort's grandson."

"Voldemort's evil grandson," Harry muttered. Lupin gave him a look, but I'd heard what I needed to hear. That explained the angry looks Harry had been giving me.

Just then, the shadows by the corner of the porch suddenly darkened, and out walked Nico di Angelo. My life just got better and better, as it went on, didn't it?

Harry and Lupin leapt to their feet, twigs out and ready to...well, I don't know what the twigs did. Dumbledore remained seated and said, "Harry, Lupin, sit down. He means us no harm."

Nico looked suspicious. "Chiron? Percy? Leo? Explain, please?"

Chiron, Dumbledore, Leo, and I filled him in. Unlike us unmature demigods, Nico didn't crack a smile. When we mentioned Voldemort, he clenched his fists and muttered something like, "Arrogant mortal. How dare he give himself that cursed name-" but cut himself off. When we finished, he said, "I see. That's what my father meant."

I gave Nico a curious look, but he shot me a return look that clearly meant, We'll talk later. I gave a small nod, and turned my attention back to the wizards. "So...what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

Lupin gave me a grave look. "You are supposed to go to Hogwarts School...with Harry," he said.

Oh, schist!

Author's Notes:

Most Demigod POVS will be from from 1st Person for now, and wizards' will be from 3rd person limited. So the same as their books.

Edit: I will be switching from 1st and 3rd person as I see fit (read: as I feel like it)