5 Years After Chapter 1: At Nightfall

Vikings. They are the most stubborn beings on planet Earth.

Thanks to that, she automatically has to reasons to be in this situation, again.

The first one, since they are so stubborn, they still keep up with this stupid idea, lock up dragons (even though there haven't been raids for 3 years, thanks to stubborn issues, they still do it).

The second reason, she's a viking, like it or not, stubbornness it's in her blood.

That's why she's in this situation, again. The young viking has the filling she's being watched, as always, but the more she looks around, the surer she gets that she's alone. Maybe she gets this filling because nobody approves what she used to do and is about to do again, if anybody found out she would be exiled forever or would be sentenced to dead for treason. But she has to do it, it's wrong and this the least she can do to help them.

The day is over for a while now, everybody in the village is already sleeping and here she is. At the main gate of the arena, ready to release them.

She looks around, to make sure she won't be caught. Seeing she is alone she steps inside.

She goes to the first cage and opens it. A Gronckle. Yes, it's gonna be easy this one. She mentally celebrated.

The thing is, this young adult already does this for 3 years now, and with time we learn some things, so she did learn some facts about her scaly friends like: how to deal with each specie, how to deal with one injured dragon, which are the most difficult to calm down, which are the easiest, and it happens that the Gronckles are the easiest to calm. They are very friendly actually.

The moment she opens the cage, the dragon tensed up and in a matter of seconds, was ready to attack. Typical. She instantly puts her knife down (the one she used to open the cage) and raise her hands to show she intents no harm.

The made the dragon curious, no human does that, he turned is head to the side, watching her. After a while with her completely still, he approached her and she showed him her hand, after smelling it, he accepted and reached for her, resting his head in her hand.

The young woman patted him for a little and them took him of the cage and sent him away. With that he flew away without a sound.

She made the same with the others, this time they only had locked 2 Gronckles, 1 Hideous Zippleback and one last she was going to release.

This last cage was in bad conditions and it made more noise than the others while opening, the dragon most be more agitated than normal. Opening it cautiously, she finds a Deadly Nadder slightly disoriented by all the noise.

It took a little more time than usual, but she calmed down the Nadder and took her out of the cage, and although the dragon was very scared, she made no noise, and the young woman was thankful.

The Nadder was ready to take of into the sky when a loud 'CLASH' was heard in all the arena. The woman looked around only to find the Zippleback she had released 'checking out' the weapons.

Zipplebacks are so stupid. I'm gonna be caught. Thor help me. With that the Nadder started to squeal and stomp. Without thinking, the young viking took both dragons out of the arena and after making sure they were flying away, she run as fast as her legs could and silently ran behind the village's houses until she reached her. She cautiously climbed her house's wall until she reached her bedroom window. Once inside she got to bed and tried to calm down after all that adrenaline rush and tried to pretend that nothing happened.

A little before

They got to the three were they always watch the event, it's tall and we can hide perfectly well and the darkness of the night helped a little more.

"Right on time, uh bud?!" – the young man asked is friend.

All he got was mumbled he couldn't quite ear as an answer.

He turned his attention to the arena and saw her. She was wearing her dark brown cloak, it covers her completely and has a hood that covers her head and most of her face. It probably doesn't belong to her, it's to big, but she has always that when she's doing this, it must be har disguise, and he must say, it works very well.

With the darkness of the night and with that hood, he can't even imagine who n Thor's name is she. He thinks it's a woman because of her fragile frame, but he's not sure. She never brings any weapon, only that knife she uses to open the cages. There's no clue to know who she is, but it must be a woman.

This time she is actually being quite fast, is already in the last cage. He always gets fascinated and anxious watching doing this.

The first time he saw her do this, when he found out, maybe 6 months ago, he was dumbfounded, he thought she was going to hurt them or something like that, but then she started to open the cages and releasing them, he was shocked to say the least. He never imagined that anyone from Berk would do anything like that. But maybe, not only he felt shocked, but also felt admiration. Admiration for the brave person, that even knowing the consequences of her treason would still help 'the enemy'.

A little touch in his arm brought him back to reality and he saw his friend a little agitated.

"What is it, bud?"

When he looked back to the arena, he saw why the strange behavior of his friend. She calmed down the last dragon, now he can see that it's a Deadly Nadder, but on the other side of the arena is the Zippleback she realized before and he is now inspecting the support were the weapons are.

He starts to go to the main gate to go away, and he released a breath he didn't know he was holding in relive. But then…


The Zippleback hit the support with its tail making some of the weapons to fall to the ground making a not so gracious noise. The Nadder grew anxious and started to squeal and stomp. How great, more noise for her to get caught. He was mentally panicking for her.

With a calm and speed he never thought possible for this situation, she managed to make both dragons fly away and ran really fast, disappearing form his sight in no time.

Not even a minute after she ran away, many other vikings got to the arena, all armed, but when they saw the empty cages they got, let's say, upset that that had happen, again.

Who wasn't upset was the chief, Stoick the Vast, he wasn't upset, he was furious, completely mad, his face almost exploded from rage.

After much shouting and screaming from the chief, everybody returned to their houses since they could do nothing.

Oh My Thor! That woman is crazy, she almost got caught today. I don't know if she is going to make this again so soon after this one!

He was pulled out of his thoughts once again, by his friend, who looked tired and ready to go home.

"Yes bud, let's go home and pray for this crazy woman to stay well after this one." And with that he mounted his dragon and fellow and they went to the place they called home.