
High school senior Dimitri Belikov has just discovered his father's exciting new neighbor during his required weekend visitation - a beautiful college girl trying to sow her wild oats over the summer.

One problem: She doesn't know he's not in college, too. And he's not about to tell her.

All-Human. Very Out of character. Character age reversal.

Contains mature sexual content.


"I'll get it," I told Randall as I went to answer the door. Not like that bastard would get up to get it himself, anyways. If it weren't for the fact that my Grandma Ivashkov was far too nice of a lady to call her that, I'd say that my dad was a son of a bitch. I hope to God that no one ever thinks that about my mama, Olena Belikova, as a result of me.

It was maybe the hottest day of late May I'd ever experienced. The summer would only get hotter from here and the asshole still couldn't spring for air conditioning. No matter, I had plenty of tank tops, shorts, and wore lots of deodorant and all I'd done all day so far was sit and study. Plus, until I could find myself the right girl, I'd be taking a lot of showers, if you get what I'm saying.

Mama had moved here to the U.S. from Russia when I was young, hoping that she could somehow make things with Randall work out. I was eight, at the time, and didn't speak a word of English. My accent's still pretty thick, from what my friends tell me, but at this point, I speak more English than Russian - and probably know more of the 'colorful' words in English than Russian.

I opened the door, wiping the sweat off of my brow, and wished I'd taken a minute to look in the mirror before opening it up. Standing there in front of me was an absolute perfect ten: tanned skin ... long, glossy, not-quite-black, silky hair that I'd love to run my hands through ... full, pouty, glossy pink lips that I'd love to have against my own - or elsewhere - ... exotic eyes so dark it was hard to see her pupils that were fringed in soft, long, black eyelashes … slim waist ... tight muscular thighs ... luscious full breasts that I could just swear were hardening under my gaze. I was definitely going to have to shower after this. She was wearing a tight red tank top with spaghetti straps - no bra straps, I noted - and these tiny little black short shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination. I think I was in love. I stood there gawking at this beauty for a long moment. Unbelievably, it appeared that she was staring at me, too.

After another sixty seconds or so, I noticed that a taller blonde girl had walked up behind her at some point during our glances. "Hi," the blonde said, with a genuine smile, "I'm Lissa, and this," she elbowed the beautiful brunette, "is Rose. We're your new neighbors."

"Hi," Rose said, smiling at me, extending her hand. As I grasped it, her soft hand clung to mine. Her skin felt so good that I could practically feel my cock hardening at the thought of the feel of that hand clasped around me.

"I'm Dimitri," I told her, locking eyes with Rose's stunning gaze, "I'm afraid to say that I only live here on weekends. This is my dad's house. Are you two sisters? You don't really look anything alike."

Rose gave a little laugh that almost sounded nervous, "No. Liss and I are best friends, but we're not related. We're just sharing a house together over the summer. We wanted to be closer to the lake. Where do you live the rest of the week?"

Oh shit, she's older than I thought she was. Do I come clean and say that I'm in high school? That I live with my mother, grandmother, and all my sisters and their kids? How to play this …

It was only now that I realized I hadn't yet let go of her hand. I dropped it, but Rose kept making eye contact with me. "I live in Springfield and go to school there."

Why did I feel like her eyes were seering me from the inside out? I licked my lips, thinking of kissing her.

"Fun," said Rose, "You must go to the community college out there! I almost chose to go there when I was deciding where to go to school. What are you planning to get your degree in?"

Thank goodness she didn't ask me what my major is. I haven't had to outright lie to her yet. "I haven't really decided yet, actually."

"Ah, underclassman," Rose snickered, "I couldn't help but notice your accent. Where're you from?"

"Russia, actually. But I've lived in the U.S. since I was eight years old."

"Nice," said Rose, "I like your accent, Comrade." Did she just wink at me? I must be dreaming.

"Well," said the blonde - Lissa -, "we have to finish moving our furniture inside the house, but we just wanted to say 'hello' to all of the neighbors." Lissa grabbed Rose by the arm and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I blurted out. I couldn't let this vision out of my sight.

Both girls turned around, looking at me. I looked over at the rented moving truck. The girls didn't appear to have anyone else helping them move in. Rose had some definite muscle tone - man, I'd like to get those thighs wrapped around me -, but she was at least a foot shorter than me and just wasn't built to bench press furniture. Lissa was closer to my height, but she was maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. I inwardly cursed myself under my breath and then asked, "Could you use some help carrying things?"


Author's Notes:

I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to have time to work on this story (too many irons in the fire right now), but I wanted to jot this down while it was fresh in my mind. I'm going to keep it to shorter chapters for now so that I can keep updates going, but it might be a long while before you see another. I've got another in-progress story that I'm going to start publishing out once I finish with Building the Tension. I'll try to earn the 'M' rating more in the second or third chapter.