Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, Fate/ or any Type-Moon copyrighted and or trademarked work used in this story.

The world.

That was an entity that had many classifications. After all, so much research, whether through thaumaturgy or science, was put into understanding it, its vastness, and its influence upon life and order.

There was no denying that the magic community was ahead in the field. There were just some limits that science had yet to breach as a school of thought compared to the ancient discipline of magecraft.

But if one school of thought was better than the other was not relevant at the moment. Nay, the only thing that mattered was the research.

It had been observed that the world was layered. These layers, denominated Textures, had been identified as unique worlds of their own with different laws imposed upon its inhabitants. As examples, the outermost texture was the world of humans governed by the laws of physics, and due to certain circumstances, creatures identified as the Phantasmal Species, that once coexisted with mankind, now reside within their own; this texture still influenced by mystery was known as the Reverse Side of the World.

There were plenty more. One only had to think about the myths and legends intrinsically tied to humanity over the years: religion, epics, folktales, urban legends...

However, there was one texture that had yet to be truly defined. It was simply because any research invested into it proved to be perilous and at times inconclusive.

It was honestly for the best. If humanity came to understand this unique layer or at least explore it, the discoveries made would change reality indefinitely; whether that change was good or bad was entirely dependent on intention and perspective.

"She is beautiful."

This texture would come to be classified by the magic community as the Imaginary Number Space.

"And this is simply the Cerebral Corpus. She must be quite the sight when fully awakened..."

However, the one speaking would prefer its other classification: the Sea of Imaginary Numbers. Yes, a sea was what he preferred as this area was the sacred rest of an Earth Mother Goddess.

The transcendent observed the sleeping Divine Spirit before him, taking note of her enchanting features even with such inhuman traits. Long hair with twin plaits that would trail over the ground was colored like the bright blue sea and as translucent as its surface; fair skin reminiscent of snow was exposed except for her limbs, shoulders, and the most intimate of her anatomy; however, the most distinguishing trait was the pair of large, scaled horns protruding bilaterally from her cranium and arching downward twice towards her hips.

Despite this, he stood by what he stated.

"Truly, a maternal beauty."

This was not the first time he had visited her. There was not much to do within this texture of the world, so he would visit the sleeping goddess if only to abate his loneliness. He would hold one-sided conversations to pass the time and revisit topics of his interest; that included restating his admiration of her.

"Shame... It's quite tragic what will happen should you awaken... But perhaps that itself is the beauty. The will to be who you are and want to be... Even if it is purely instinct..."

However, that ritual would come to an end.

The transcendent sighed, How long has it been? Almost 16,000 years I believe... I've waited for so long just to have a chance. Now, it's time I realize it.

He admired the goddess for a moment as this would be last time he could gaze at such a majestic sight. Eventually, he decided he had lingered enough and prepared to depart from the Imaginary Sea.

He offered some parting words even if she couldn't hear him, "It's time I leave. Thank you for indulging me. I hope you dream well, Goddess Tiamat. Goodbye."

He turned away from her and enacted his Authority to leave, preparing the mystery he used before to dive into the texture so long ago. For the first time in over 15,000 years, he would resurface into the world of man.

Humanity has changed; they have adapted for the sake of progression. And it is in this era that I can realize my desire. All I need is to find them. The youngest will help me and convince the elder. That's just the kind of person she is.

With a small smile, the transcendent stepped through the aberration, "I can't wait to meet you, Miss..."


"Blueberry. I'll take a blueberry muffin, please."

The voice of a young woman chirped clearly within a cafe. She was seated by the window, enjoying the fading light of the sun paint the city park in shades of red and orange as evening encroached.

"Very well. Chai tea and a blueberry muffin. I'll return with your order shortly."

"Thank you."

She relaxed into her seat once the waiter left, and anticipation swelled within her as she awaited the small meal she ordered. One had to enjoy the quiet moments in life, and she would savor this one alongside that muffin.

Mmm, I can't wait to have a little bite!

As her eyes glazed over, her sight became unfocused to the point that all she perceived was her own barely discernable reflection on the glass window. Blue eyes focused on her image, taking note that she should start preparing her traveling case with clothes appropriate for the coming winter; the brisk days of autumn were passing quickly, and she could already feel the frost in the air. And while she was at it, a new style for her wardrobe was a choice she could indulge in.

That wasn't to say she didn't like what she was currently dressed in. It was her favorite outfit: a maroon, flared slip dress worn over a black long-sleeved turtleneck, and black leggings covered by over the knee boots. It complimented her long brunette hair and fair skin well; however, the outfit screamed of her adolescence. As a maturing young woman, a young adult of 20 years, she needed to create a new image for herself.

...Nah, it doesn't matter.

"Here is your order, miss."

"Hmm, thank you," she replied kindly and immediately indulged herself. As she ate, she reflected over the past few years of her life. Has it been three years...

Yes, three years had passed since the young woman known as Aoko Aozaki began walking the path of the magi. It all started five years ago when her late (presumably) grandfather named her the successor to their family's greatest pursuit: to reach Akasha. At 15, her life had irrevocably changed.

Two years later, the adolescent apprenticed as a magus under Alice Kuonji—a girl her age who became a friend despite their conflicting beliefs. And all the while, the brunette still attended high school as a common student; it was quite a memorable experience.

But if there was one memory that stood out against all others, it would be that night. The night Aoko clashed against her elder sister and enacted one of the greatest mysteries: the Fifth Magic.

Here I am now... One of the few able to call themselves a magician, she chuckled as she finished her meal and paid for it. She gathered her belongings, put on her white fur hooded jacket and left to take a stroll in the park, Who would've thought?

Since that perilous night, Aoko continued with life and graduated from school. After much debating, she decided to travel in her home country of Japan and explore all the sights it had to offer—both mundane and mystical. Her journey, which was about two years in, was almost over. Once she had her fill, she would travel out west and experience the Clock Tower: the headquarters of the Mage's Association.

I hope it proves to be interesting. That brief visit didn't leave much of an impression. And maybe...I might be able to find an answer... the brunette trailed off, having no desire to think such heavy thoughts even if it was her responsibility. Instead, she took note of her surroundings, seeing that night had finally settled in. It mattered not as tonight was a full moon, and the park was well lit as expected in a city of Mie Prefecture.

The young woman breathed in the crisp air deeply as autumn leaves crunched under her boots with every stride she took. And yet, her brow furrowed as she became aware of something distinct.

Strange... There's no one here.

The evening had arrived, but it was still too early in the day for the park to be empty. The path she walked on was well-traveled as residents would use it to commute between the city's many districts. Just yesterday, around the same time, the park was filled with passersby: students, salarymen, families, fitness enthusiasts, local authorities—all kinds of people.

And yet...

What the hell?

The strangest part was the fact that there was no perceptible mana fluctuating in the environment to identify if a Bounded Field was in place. If there was, she could've suspected an impending attack from a hostile, yet the lack of concentrated mana dismissed the possibility; however, the situation was too strange to rule out some sort of threat.

Aoko continued down the path, quickening her pace and heightening her senses. She considered cutting through the grass fields to reach her destination, but she thought better of it when she realized any threat could hide behind the trees and ambush her.

A soft wind caressed her figure and scattered the fallen leaves on the ground. The song of a forest was strung as the wind rustled the branches of trees dotting the pathway. As she came around a bend, she finally sighted a person standing near a lamppost and gazing up towards the moon.

As Aoko approached, she began discerning certain traits, Male, blond, and...barefoot? Her pace unconsciously slowed as her interest was piqued. Is he responsible for this warding?

The brunette drew closer and noticed that the male was quite short—in fact, too short. Despite being barefoot, the quality of his apparel suggested he wasn't a poor beggar loitering around. He wore a white kimono with leaf motifs colored in autumn; it was far removed from traditional, yet still quite humble for a male's kimono.

He was finally within her reach, and as she observed the blond who continued with his moon gazing, her eyes widened in surprise, A child?

"No matter how much time passes and no matter how much the world changes, some things stay the same. Is that not a form of eternity?" The boy said as if pondering a simple thought. She would have responded, but he continued, "Eternity... That's what it's felt like. Hmm, yes. I've been waiting for so long for this chance; however, now that I am here I find myself hesitant. Well, more like I just don't know how to proceed. How strange..."

Aoko pursed her lips and kept her guard, uncertain of the events that may unfold. She had fought such a young child only once, yet that was a child only in appearance. She had no interest to do so again (or ever), but she would proceed with caution.

"I believe it's best to just be honest and to the point. I've been wanting to meet you, Miss Blue."

She narrowed her eyes as she was addressed with one of her granted titles. Only a certain few (the upper echelon of the Clock Tower) were aware of her existence as she had yet to make a public debut in the Mage's Association.

The boy turned towards her, and she simply lost her breath. Birthmarks lined both his cheeks in three and granted him a whiskered visage, and golden eyes peered at her filled with such mixed emotion that she wondered if he knew what he currently felt. However, the youth before her invoked doubt within, for the expression he wore contradicted his eyes.

It was a placid expression, one of wisdom and experience, with a small smile as if nothing in the world could bother him. It was an expression no child should wear, and that was the conclusion she came to.

This is no child.

"Aoko Aozaki, we are quite similar yet distinctly different."

She gasped as her eyes widened. It was simply a stretch of his smile, and yet she understood as if blessed with comprehension.

This boy...reached Akasha. No... He is the Root... He touched it...

After everything she had experienced so far, she should've realized that life was never short of surprises.

He moved, and she blinked as she stood there in disbelief of the sight before her.

"Aoko Aozaki," he was prostrating before her, and she had to blink again as if hoping it would help process the sight. "I humbly request of you: please help me."

Her mind blanked as she heard him, and disbelief and doubt arose within her. How could someone like her help a being of his status? There was nothing in this world such an entity couldn't do. And yet, there he was, hands and knees on the ground with his head bowed low, simply asking her for help.

Again, life was quite surprising, and it wouldn't cease to be.

Aoko stood there, gazing upon the embodiment of the Root. Seconds passed and then lapsed into minutes. Only a few ticked by before she came to a decision. She dropped to a knee and hesitantly reached out with a hand. She gently squeezed his shoulder, and he responded by raising his head.

Their eyes locked, and Aoko searched his expression. For what she wasn't exactly sure, and he appeared vulnerable at the moment, but it didn't matter in the end.

I want to understand him, she was curious, but another vital factor influenced her choice. And god or not, he's still just a young boy asking for help.

Aoko just hoped it wasn't unreasonable.

"Okay, I'll help you," his expression lightened, and she smiled in reciprocation. The magician stood up and offered her hand. He grasped it before she pulled him up. "So before anything, may I have your name?"

He blinked and then smiled, "My name is [Naruto Uzumaki]."

Hm, that's an interesting name... And that's an expression better suited for a child, she cocked her hip and laid a hand upon it. "Well then, I hope we get along, Naruto!"


The sounds of an early morning city stimulated her mind into awareness.

"...Mmm, five more minutes," Aoko Aozaki murmured into her pillow.

The drone of an engine and the whir of a mechanical process signified a sanitation truck.

"..." she grimaced and buried herself deeper into the pillow.

The roar of a leafblower blared intermittently through the air.

"..." she turned away from the window and curled up her body into the fetal position.

The chirps of birds, the revs and honks of passing cars, the chatter of people in and out of the inn—

All right... I get it... she slowly opened her eyes and simply observed the room. It was simple and comfortable for temporary lodging, and it was quite a shame she didn't take notice of it before today. She would be leaving to help the boy she met last night.

At the thought of [Naruto], Aoko smiled, A god, huh? She yawned and sat up, pulling the covers off her before rising off the bed. She stretched for a few seconds before preparing for her morning rituals, Hmm, I can't help but see him as just a kid.

Time passed by as she readied herself for the day. She wondered if [Naruto] was waiting for her outside of the inn as she had yet to see him inside.

I have to speak with him, she walked out of the inn, expressing gratitude to the proprietor. I don't think he told me what he needed help with, she reviewed her interaction with [Naruto] last night; they had made simple yet minimal conversation as Aoko was still in shock of meeting such a unique entity. Today, she would have to ask what exactly it was he wanted if she was to help him.

Upon reaching the sidewalk, she sighted the boy waiting for her by the corner. He was observing a flock of sparrows, and the magician couldn't help but reaffirm her opinion. She smiled, Yeah, just a kid.

"Good morning, Aozaki-san."

She pouted, "Hmm, that's too formal. Please address me by my given name, Naruto."

He blinked, "Very well, Aoko-san."

Her expression eased as she nodded, "Mhmm, that's better. And a good morning to you too." With a quick tilt of her head, she gestured down the street, "Well, let's be on our way. I have an errand to run before we make progress on your request, so I hope you don't mind."

"I do not. I am imposing upon you, after all."

"Eh, don't worry about that. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I ignore a child needing help," they began walking through the suburb, keeping pace with one another, and Aoko debated on how to approach his plea for help. After several minutes, she decided to be direct, "Hey, about your request... What exactly is it that you want? I'm sorry if you did speak of it yesterday, but I guess I was still reeling and unfocused from meeting you..."

"I understand. I am the first god to have manifested in ages. I would be surprised if you weren't unbalanced by such."

"Haha, yeah! You have a point," she shifted her gaze towards him. "So..." [Naruto] shifted his sight away from her as his lips parted. He hesitated, He's nervous... Why?

"I... I desire a mortal body."

Aoko blinked, "Huh?" She stopped walking as her body tensed, and he halted as well. She smiled to ease him, but Aoko felt it a bit strained as nervousness settled into the pit of her stomach. "Can you...clarify?"

[Naruto] nodded and still refused to make eye contact, "Even though I stand before you, I am essentially a spirit."

Ah, I see, Aoko's eyes widened in understanding.

"As an accomplished and well-learned mage, I'm sure you understand," she nodded. "I need a body to anchor myself to the mortal world. Even as we speak, I am weakening. My od is being siphoned and replenishing Gaia as is natural since the advent of the White Titan. At most, I have a month of independent manifestation until I have to retreat to the Imaginary Sea. If that happens, I won't be able to return ever again."

As he spoke, Aoko observed that no passersby took notice of them standing in the middle of the busy sidewalk. All commuters intent on reaching their destinations in the early morning rush hour simply ignored them. A small distance was present between the duo and all the commuters. It was as if a bounded field was erected and influenced all within the vicinity.

Aoko was unnerved.

She couldn't detect any fluctuating mana in the area, but there was no doubt that this was some type of spell of his; however, as the magician analyzed further, she realized she had no reason to fret. The fact that she was unnerved and doubted [Naruto's] character clearly showed he was not influencing her mind.

"I need a body," he continued and made eye contact with her. His gaze was steady and firm, "But I don't want to possess and suppress a living person. It is their life, and I have no right to disregard it. Even the most irredeemable human will not fall prey to my desire."

Aoko gasped upon hearing that statement, Ah, he is just a kid... Just an honest and good kid... she sighed, and the tension coiling her body eased. "Hmm, and I guess that if you attempt to make your own body, Gaia will exhaust you immediately?"

He nodded.

"I see..." she said. "I believe I am one of the very few people you can approach for help, right?"

Again, he nodded.

"So I wonder: why didn't you approach her?"

His lips thinned, and his eyes shifted away from her.

She chuckled and smiled wryly, How cute... "You chose to approach me. The only reason I can surmise is that you are knowledgeable about me, but if that's the case, then you're aware of the fact I cannot provide you a body. So..." her smile stretched as [Naruto] squirmed a bit. "Surely, you realize you'd have to approach her anyway."


Aoko waited patiently, amused with the little god's behavior.

"...Your elder sister is a difficult person."

She laughed heartily before easing into a bitter smile, "Yeah, she's a pain in the ass."

They both stayed quiet for a few minutes. The crowd of commuters dwindled to a few late stragglers; in the silence between them, Aoko gathered her thoughts.

Touko, huh... I haven't seen her for a long while. And honestly, I think it's a bit too soon. The mere thought of her elder sister left Aoko conflicted. Where there once was simmering anger, now there was only a bitter disappointment. She sighed, But I can't let our relationship stagnate like this. At the end of the day, we're still sisters...

She trailed her fingers through her hair before focusing on [Naruto]. The boy wore a guilty expression as he stared at the ground; he was aware of the dynamic between the Aozaki sisters. She frowned and reached out to him, gently grasping his shoulder.

He gazed up to her.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I already said I would help you," she smiled to reassure him, and the guilt eased off him before a small, appreciative smile was offered in return. "Okay, let's be on our way. Though, I hope you'll be more candid with me."

"I will," he replied.

"Good," Aoko said and started walking. [Naruto] followed a beat later. "Last I heard of Touko, she was in the Kanto region near Tokyo. We'll have to board an afternoon train and make transfers if we want to be there before dusk..."

Time flew by as they traveled through the city. She took note during their outing that no human could perceive [Naruto]. Even when they linked up with a client of hers due to her errand, the individual took no notice of the young boy standing next to her.

She was once again unnerved.

At the moment, Aoko had made a withdrawal from the bank to buy their tickets for the bullet train. She stepped out of the establishment and took note of [Naruto] observing a parent and child sharing soft serve ice cream within a shop.

Is he hungry? The weather was comfortably cool for autumn, so ice cream as a treat was tolerable. I wouldn't mind some myself, she approached and called him. "Come on, Naruto. Let's have a quick bite."

He simply blinked and followed her inside. To her surprise, she noted the cashier greeted [Naruto] alongside her. She ordered plain vanilla for both of them and took their purchase to a table near the windows.

"Thank you, Aoko-san," he said.

"Mhmm, enjoy." The magician smiled as she savored her treat. As she focused on him, she observed his eyes widening upon his first taste. She smiled, "Hold on, was that surprise? It's almost as if you never had ice cream before."

"I've never tasted ice cream before."

"Wait... Seriously?" She gaped in astonishment. He simply nodded in confirmation, "Whoa... That's a tragedy and a crime. You were deprived."

He laughed, and she claimed that as a victory. "Deprived you say? I can't help but agree," melancholy painted his expression, and now she felt defeated.

She frowned, "I can't help but think you're speaking of something else."

"Ah, I'm sorry..."

She needed to change the topic, "Hey, why do you want to incarnate as a mortal?"

His golden eyes locked on to her blue pair, and he stared for a few seconds before he gazed down at his vanilla treat. "I simply wish to dream."

She quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"You weren't wrong when you said I was deprived. My existence as an embodiment of the Root is perceived as a threat to the world."

"What do you mean? By who?" Aoko asked and settled her spoon inside the small bowl before her. She focused entirely on the little god since her curiosity was piqued. Does he mean the Red Shadow? And just what is he capable of anyway?

"By the World itself," he smiled. Surprise painted her features as he began carving into his ice cream with his spoon, "It is within my power to destroy the known world. To deconstruct, restructure, and construct laws, orders, and systems governing reality is within my capacity," he casually stated, ignoring the gravity of such a claim. His focus remained entirely upon the treatment of his meal.

It was as if he was sculpting an art piece with how precise and minimal his movements were. With an occasional buildup of vanilla goodness upon his spoon, he would take a bite and return to sculpting, "If I so chose to, all the accumulated history of the World (Gaia, Alayashiki, and the Human Foundation Order) can be rendered void."

Aoko swallowed hard as her nerves flared, and a chill coursed over her body.

"Upon my transcendence, that is what I came to instinctually understand... But why would I do any of that? This is the world I was born into," [Naruto] looked up and locked eyes with her, smile still present. "This is my home."

She calmed after his statement and heaved a sigh, Jeez...now I'm glad I didn't touch the Root and simply glimpsed upon it. Just the Fifth Magic itself is a grand responsibility. Still... she observed him playing with his food, and she wondered what he would create upon finishing. I understand him. The power to destroy the world...

"We are kindred spirits in a sense. I know you feel the same," [Naruto] said.

Aoko chuckled softly, "Yeah, we are, aren't we? And I do..." she picked up her spoon and indulged once more. "I couldn't help but notice something you said: 'Upon my transcendence'. Does that mean what I think it means?"

"Yes, Naruto Uzumaki was once mortal."

"Hm, you speak as if he was an entirely different person."

"But of course," he took another bite and returned to sculpting. She was honestly curious now at what he was creating, "He and I cannot perceive the world the same anymore, and his interests are his own."

"Was he a mage?"

"Not in the strictest definition. Naruto Uzumaki was simply a product of the time; he was capable of magecraft within a certain Thaumaturgical Foundation, but he was simply a warrior of his home. What mattered most to the culture of our society was duty, and that was conditioned upon him since early childhood."

The magician frowned, "A child soldier..."

"Yes," [Naruto] clenched his spoon tightly as his smile brightened. "Naruto Uzumaki was a deprived and foolish orphan filled with a damnable determination and hope. Yes, a fool who experienced a miracle..."

Aoko narrowed her eyes as she heard the inflection of his tone, Was that praise I heard? But... she observed his body language, which was tense and impeded upon his sculpting. Any more pressure and the spoon would start to bend, You probably feel conflicted in regards to him. An orphan? Was it the parent and child that held his interest instead of hunger? Hmm...

"Oh, what thaumaturgical school did he study?" She tactfully shifted the topic away from his mortal aspect. She did not want to upset him and ruin this pleasant and enlightening conversation.

"It is a dead foundation alongside the culture. It is forever lost within the oblivion of humanity."

"Oblivion? Just how long ago were your culture and society active?"

"My era precedes King Gilgamesh of Uruk by over 10,000 years."

Aoko dropped her spoon, and her eyes widened. She understood the significance of his statement, and it was quite a lot to process. "Wow, Naruto... You're ancient."

He laughed, and she smiled. "Yes, I am indeed ancient, Aoko-san. Though I am a child compared to the mythological gods." He rested his arms against the table and admired his bowl of ice cream. It seemed he finished with his ice cream sculpture.

How fortunate that they were eating hard ice cream. She leaned forward to get a better look.

"Hmm, a spiral? Oh!" She questioned and then smiled, "Akasha is identified with many different terms: the Akashic Records, the Root, the Radix, Heaven, the Outside of the World, the Vortex of Radix, and the Swirl of the Root. The characters of your name can mean maelstrom and or spiral. How ironically fitting."

"Do you know what's truly ironic? My surname is of a notorious clan of my era with an ancient and noble heritage. This image is our clan emblem," [Naruto] said. Aoko blinked in surprise, "However, like everyone else within our culture and society, even if they were enlightened and complex, the clan and even Naruto Uzumaki were ignorant of the concept of Akasha."


He simply nodded, and she simply laughed. How absurd... An entire mystical society was ignorant of Akasha...

That was hilarious.

She shook her head and indulged once more in her vanilla treat, "Well then, finish up your bowl. We'll have to board the train soon. I promised I'd help you, and it will probably take an entire day to find my sister, so I'd like to at least be able to acquire lodging in case we fail before the day ends."

"I understand, and thank you, Aoko-san."

She smiled widely, "Don't worry, Naruto. Just leave it to big sis Aoko!"