AN: This is chapter 2 of my very first attempt at writing so I'm not sure how it'll turn out and id love some Feedback + I don't have anyone to proof-read it or judge it so bear with me : )

Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own HP, if I did Harry would've listened to the Hat


Harry quickly ran inside, he knew not to leave his uncle waiting, let's just say the consequences weren't at all pleasant to the say the least.

He found his Uncle sitting on his favorite chair eyes glued to the Telly, it's a wonder it hasn't broken down yet with such a massive girth harry mused.

"Yes Uncle Vernon?"

"Go start on Lunch, and it better be done by the time my show is over..."

The threat left unsaid, not that it even needs to be said for Harry to understand, he'd been faced with the consequences more times than he can count.

As he walked into the kitchen and started to get ready to prepare the meal, he let his mind start to wonder, it wasn't like he needed to actively concentrate on such a menial task anymore, he's been doing it since he was tall enough to reach the stove, and that's while standing on a chair.

Harry has always known he was a special child, at first it was because he was the only child he knew that got beaten every day for sketchy reasons such a breathing too loud, certainly little Duddlykins had never had a single hair on his head touched in his life, while Harry had his bones broken more times than he even had bones… he was turning 8 at the end of July.

However, he'd noticed another reason proving he was special, even if he had been Hidden away at number 4 Privet Drive all his life, he knew that no adult let alone a child could go through all that and still be alive, he would always be thrown in his cupboard after being beaten and wake up the next day as if nothing had happened.

His Uncle certainly thought it was Freakish since him being Healed seemed to make his Uncle even Angrier and get him beaten all over again… Although, Harry could swear he'd always catch a flash of fear in his Uncles eyes every time. He'd certainly know, he's seen that same look enough times in the Mirror.

Another reason was that he could always hear a voice in his head, hell it his only friend, and from the glimpses he got of the Telly and his Aunts muttering about crazy people he knew that it wasn't normal.

The voice was a lifeline to little Harry, always telling him when his cousin's gang was going to attack him or when there was any food in a nearby trash bin.

It wasn't just that though, it promised him that one day he would leave this hell hole, but not before having his vengeance and ripping the Dursleys to shreds.

Now, it might seem odd for a child of 8 to get giddy over such gore and death, especially to the only people he has ever known in his life, but Harry was special, the voice had been singing to him lullaby's of Anarchy and Blood since he was only a little Babe.

It was all he has ever known, the Dursleys never taught him anything or let him interact with other people, everything he has ever learned was taught to him by his friend, even his Morals…. As limited as those had been.

If there was one thing that the voice had stressed on all his life, it was that he was above these vermin, they weren't special like Harry, and soon they'd know it too, they'd rue the day they dared look upon him yet alone touch him.

As harry was finishing up and setting the table with all the food he'd never get to try, he thought about the greatest offence his relatives have dared commit, to him anyway. They hid Magic from him, they thought that they could deny him his Inheritance, the voice told him he was blessed! That those who weren't were only animals, and yet they dare try and strip away his birthright!

As Harry got back into his cupboard with the glass of water he was allowed, the voice spoke to him after not haven spoken the whole day, a first really, it got Harry really worried but the voice had promised to never leave him, he trusted it.

'Harry, I think its time. Time to leave and time I told you the truth of who I am and who you are'

'who I am? What do you mean, im harry potter, you told me so! Please don't tell me im actually Freak?!'

'Child! You are no freak, yes you are Harry Potter, son of James and Lily Potter, Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, but at the same time you are so much more. You're special even among Magicals. Do you remember my lessons on the Old gods and the Ages of the Warlocks?'

'Yes of course, thanks to you and your Occlumency lessons I don't think I can ever forget anything anymore'

'You are one of them Harry, but not any, you hold the highest rank among a Gods Faction, do you remember what that was child?'

'Yes, it was the Avatar wasn't it? The only way for a God to walk among the Earth is to pick the worthiest follower and join with him as one, and even then only the Greatest Gods could do it, wait you don't mean you're one, are you?'

The voice would've gazed proudly upon his young protégé… that was if he had a body that is

'Yes I am, I have awoken 7 years ago, it was Prophesized that a child would one day conquer death and cause the Jumpstart of the days of Old. He would be my Avatar of Darkness, for I am the Dark God, Eldest of the Eternals.'

'Well… fucking hell'

'…..I expected more awe and reverence, is that really all you can say about finding out im the Greatest Being in Existence?'

'You're the one who taught me the Avatar and God were joined and basically the same entity, im not worshipping myself, people should be worshipping ME'

'Fair enough, I wouldn't have an Avatar that would act like a sheep anyway. Moving on, I have spent the last 7 years gathering any power I could from my domain, it is still an endless source but your body can only handle so much. However, now I have gathered enough that we can travel into my domain where I will train you in the Old ways until you're 11 years old and you can go to Hogwarts. Sadly, we can't kill the vermin you live with yet, since even after we return, and as much it pains me to say it, we won't be strong enough to defeat powerful forces like those of Dumbledore of the Dark lord so we can't reveal our cards just yet, not before your second magical maturity anyway. I will of course rid us of that pesky soul in our scar first thing after we leave'

'Still can't believe I'm housing someone else's soul, let alone the Dark Lords'

'Now, I need you to relinquish control temporarily so I can do what needs to be done. We have to be fast though, if I spend too much time in control we could burn to a crisp due to Magical Overload'

'Yeah Yeah, you've hammered about the consequences long enough for the message to get through'

Harry left his mattress sitting down on the ground cross-legged and began taking deep breaths trying to enter his mindscape. It took him a minute or two but he eventually felt himself slipping away.

When he opened his eyes, it was like he was looking through someone else's view, he couldn't control himself, its definitely a weird experience.

His mouth started speaking on its own, chanting in an exotic sounding language, it was rough though, ancient sounding. While this carried on, the Dark God spoke into his mindscape

'Harry, this ritual requires blood, our blood, and its purpose is to make it seem like we're still here to power the Blood Wards'

'Go ahead, I'm no stranger to pain and blood'

His hand rose without his control and he slashed at the palm of his other hand with the knife he smuggled from the kitchen, causing a significant amount of blood to drip on to the floor while he continued chanting in the Old Tongue.

In a Flash he felt as if something disconnected from him, he oddly felt empty now like he'd lost a feeling of being loved he never thought he had.

'Whow what was that?

'That was your mother's protections being transferred to the blood instead of you. A necessary step to maintain the wards unfortunately, they were quite well done for a witch of this age'

'I don't really want to talk about this right now…'

'As you wish, now let's get a move on, you have to at least adequately know how to stand your ground by the time we get back'

And so, standing up, The Dark God, or Harry now really, moved to the nearest show and melded into it, disappearing without a trace or sound, not to be seen in this world until the time for his eventual return to the Magical World once more.