Chapter Six

Sam awakened to the feel of a gentle hand on her shoulder. She realized she had fallen asleep on the chair in Jason's hospital room. Her eyes first flew to the bed where Jason should have been, but wasn't. She sighed and looked up then to see Alexis standing there watching her with a sympathetic expression on her face.

"Hey," Sam murmured and Alexis hugged her as if she instinctively knew what Sam needed. Sam clung to her tightly as tears began to pool in her eyes again. Damn, she hated how much crying she was doing these days.

"Hi, honey," Alexis said, lightly brushing Sam's rumbled hair off of her forehead. "How are you doing or do I need to ask?"

Sam pulled away and rested her hands on her little growing abdomen. "I'm fine," she said.

"Uh-huh… Why don't I believe you?" Alexis asked and pulled up a chair beside Sam, clasping her hand over Sam's even tinier one.

"The one we all should be worrying about is Jason," Sam said. "He's the one who might die…"

Alexis nodded. "I am worried about Jason too… for your sake … But if everyone's so busy worrying about your husband, who's worrying about you?" Alexis asked pointedly.

"I am fine, Mom," Sam insisted again. "Worry about Jason; pray for my husband. Please."

"Like I said, for your sake, I am really worried about Jason too, but I need you to be okay too, honey," Alexis said, lightly squeezing Sam's hand. "You're also carrying precious cargo, you know."

Sam nodded and rubbed her little rounded belly. "I know. But as soon as Jason is better, we can really focus on the baby. But as it is now, Patrick does not want to do the surgery as I told you over the phone. But the thing is, Jason knows why now and it's going to kill him for sure! I don't even know where he went …"

She heard a pointed cough from the direction of the doorway and looked up to see Jason standing there. "Hey," she said, dabbing at her teary-face.

"I was just showering," he said, touching his hair which was indeed still a bit damp. "I'm okay."

Sam nodded and offered him a weak, watery smile. "But for how long, Jason, how long? If you don't get the surgery …" She couldn't even finish the sentence. Suddenly she was overcome with nausea and stood up and dashed to the bathroom.


"Lucky, Lucky! Wake up!" A now-familiar, urging, sweet voice called his name.

Lucky's eyes suddenly drifted open and he saw Faith standing in front of him waving a donut in his face. "Wake up and eat!" Faith said.

"Where –" Lucky looked around at his surroundings and realized he was sitting at the end of Lulu and Dante's sofa. He remembered sitting there with a sleeping Faith but he must have dozed off as well.

He saw Lulu and Dante sitting at the breakfast nook, smiling at him. "Sleep good?" Lulu asked.

"Yeah," Lucky said but rubbed his neck where there was a slight crick in it. He turned back to look at Faith as she stuck a gooey, frosted donut in his hand.

"That's for you," she said. "I already had two."

Lucky looked at the traces of cream and sugary powder on Faith's face and smiled. "I can see that." He bit into his donut and then turned on the sofa to look at Lulu and Dante. "Sorry we took up camp on your sofa."

"No problem," Dante said. "It's good to have you back, Lucky. I hope you'll stick around awhile."

Lucky nodded. "For a bit longer, for sure," he said. "I want to introduce Faith to everyone."

Lulu looked at him incredulously. "Even dad?"

Lucky nodded slowly. "Even Dad. How is he anyway?"

"He's … Dad," Lulu said with a shake of her head.

"That good huh?" Lucky asked facetiously.

"Yeah," Lulu said. "But I know Ethan will be happy to see you. He stays at your old loft sometimes if you want to try to catch him there."

"Yeah that would be good," Lucky said. He finished his donut and then turned to look at Faith. "Want to go make some more social calls?"

Faith turned up her nose questioningly. "What does that mean?"

"It means, would you like to meet my other family members?"

Faith nodded eagerly. "Sure!"


Lucky carried his and Faith's luggage off the elevator at his old building and hoped Ethan was home or had at least, not changed the locks. He was lucky, so to speak, when Faith grasped the doorknob and it gave way easily in her little hand. She pushed back the door and called in, "H-u-llo?" She then turned to look at Lucky. "I don't think anyone's here."

"He could be still asleep," Lucky said. "Ethan works long hours at The Haunted Star."

"What's The Haunted Star?"

"A casino," Lucky said. "It's for really grownup people."

"I am grownup!" Faith insisted.

"When you turn eighteen, I'll take you there," Lucky said with a smile as he shut the door. Just then Ethan walked into the room in baggy shorts and a white wife beater rubbing his eyes.

"Lucky?" He asked in wide-eyed surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting," Lucky said. "With my daughter. Meet Faith."

Ethan looked surprised by Lucky's words but simply turned to Faith and offered her a wide, toothy smile. "Hello, Faith, it's nice to meet ya."

"Thanks. I like your voice," Faith said.

"My voice … Oh the accent," he said knowingly. "It's a charmer for the ladies sometimes, indeed."

Lucky shook his head. "Anyway, would you mind having Faith and I stay with for a few days?"

"It's your place, Lucky, but sure, the more, the merrier," Ethan said.

Lucky nodded. "Thanks." He then turned to look at Faith. "Why don't you get a bath and wipe away all that sugar and change? Then we can may be go play in the park for a while."

"Do I really have to take a bath now?" Faith whined.

"Yes," Lucky said. "Let me go run the water for you and you get ready."

"Okay…" Faith said begrudgingly but she followed Lucky down the hall.

Lucky tested the water to make sure it wasn't too hot and then left Faith to take a bath. She was old enough that she didn't need to be constantly monitored so he could have a moment to talk to Ethan.

He walked back into the living room just in time to see Ethan throwing his phone angrily across the room. It nearly clipped Lucky but he ducked in time. "Hey, what's going on?"

"It's Cassandra," Ethan said. "Or should I say Irena?"

"Irena …"

"Yes, Irena Cassadine. The girl I was sleeping with was a Cassadine – Helena's daughter! - and she can't seem to understand why I want nothing to do with her!" Ethan said. "But sorry for, you know, almost taking off your head."

"That's … understandable," Lucky said. "I am shocked."

"You and me both," Ethan muttered. "She better stop calling me because I have no interest whatsoever in getting back together with the liar."

Lucky nodded. He did understand. Once a trust was broken in a relationship, it was hard to get back. He knew that better than anyone.

"Anyway, enough about me. You have some big news, huh? You inherited a daughter."

"Yes, I did," Lucky said. "It's a long story but I do have Siobhan to thank for it."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Siobhan? She's –"

"Dead, I know," Lucky said quietly. "But I was in Ireland because of her and honestly, her spirit guided me to save Faith as she fell into an icy river … Don't look at me that way, okay? I know it sounds bizarre as hell and it is, but Siobhan did one last amazing thing for me even though I didn't deserve it. I don't tell anyone about how I came to find Faith because I don't want them to look at me the way you are now…"

"Hey, stranger things have happened," Ethan said. "Like Irena being Helena's daughter…"

Lucky nodded. He could see his brother was hooked on the woman even if he didn't want to be. Sometimes a person got so into your blood, he mused, that it was impossible to get them out.


Sam emerged from the bathroom and immediately apologized to Alexis and Jason for running out so quickly. "The nausea …"

"You don't have to explain," Alexis said. "You're pregnant. It's bound to happen. I don't mind saying it – morning sickness is a bitch."

Sam smiled in spite of herself and moved over towards Jason. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" she asked him.

"No, not yet."

"Jason, you have to eat. To keep up your strength …"

"I'm fine."

"You are not. You are really ill. Your brain could like explode at any minute and –" She broke off as Alexis reached for her hand. She looked at her mother. "What?" she asked.

"Let Jason rest. You and I are going to go to Kelly's Diner to pick up breakfast for all of us so he doesn't have to eat the swill they serve here. And you're not going to argue with your mother."


"You're not going to argue," Alexis insisted and reached for Sam's purse. "Let's go."

"I haven't even changed from last night …"

"Good point. We'll swing by your place first and you can take a long, hot shower to relax those tight muscles."

Sam looked helplessly at Jason. "It's okay, Sam," he said. "Do what Alexis says. You shouldn't be hanging around here all day. It can't be good for you."

"Jason –"

"I'll be alright, I promise," Jason said.

Sam finally sighed and nodded. She stepped over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be back soon."

She then reluctantly walked out of the room with Alexis. Alexis touched her arm. "He's going to be alright, Sam; I believe it."

"Why did you want me out of there so badly?" Sam asked.

"I think you need time to clear your head, honestly. I am very worried that you're not taking care of yourself. I want you to relax, Sam, and let me do the worrying for once."


Alexis drove Sam to the penthouse and even though Sam wanted to call and check on Jason at least twenty times, Alexis told her to relax and focus on herself and her baby.

Sam climbed into the shower and took a short but hot shower that relieved some of the tension in her muscles. That much helped.

Then after she had dressed in jeans and a white top, she came back downstairs with her hair still damp on her shoulders. Alexis was sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

"Feel any better?"

"Kind of," Sam admitted grudgingly.

"I'll accept 'kind of'," Alexis said. "Now should we head over to Kelly's?"

"I don't know if I can keep anything down."

"Well you have to try. So come on," Alexis said. She looked at Sam sympathetically. "I am worried about you, Sam, I really am. I know you feel like I'm pushing you, but I don't want to lose you or the baby you're carrying. I want to look out for you."

"I know…"


Lucky and Faith played in the park for a good hour before Faith announced that she was thirsty and hungry again. Lucky smiled and asked her if she would like a milkshake at his favorite restaurant in town. She nodded eagerly. He found that he enjoyed showing her the town even more than he thought he would. With Faith, he saw the town with new eyes and it didn't hurt so much anymore to be there.

They walked to Kelly's and had just grabbed a table in the corner when he looked up to see Sam and Alexis walking into the diner. For a moment, his breath stopped and he willed himself not to consider why. He quickly averted his eyes but Faith had spotted them and called out to Sam.

"Sam! Hey, Sam!"

Sam looked over and upon seeing Faith, she started smiling. She waved and moved over to them. "Hi, Faith." She looked at Lucky then. "Hi…"

"Hey," Lucky said.

"Sam, you remember me?" Faith asked.

"Of course. You're Lucky's daughter."

Faith nodded eagerly. "Yep. Will you sit with us?"

"I – uh –"

"Please," Faith pleaded.

Sam looked at Lucky. "Do you mind if –"

He shook his head quickly, perhaps too quickly. "Not at all."

"Okay," Sam said and turned to face her mother. "Mom, we have a table now."

Alexis just nodded approvingly as Sam slid into the chair across from Faith.