((AN: So one thing I need to explain is this is going to be post Spider-Man Far From Home, but I'm going to pretend that Peter's identity as Spider-Man hasn't been revealed yet. It might happened later in this. Also I think I'll say Cap didn't go back in time, but he did pass the shield to Sam. I love reading the May's abusive boyfriend trope so here this is. Happy is NOT the abusive boyfriend. I want this to be clear because I ship May and Happy. Anyway, the story isn't only going to be the abusive boyfriend plot since there is a lot I want to do.

Also I'm not sure about this title, but I've been listening to a lot of Beatles recently so here it is.))

It all started when Happy and May broke up, even though Peter didn't realize it at the time. It had been a month and a half since the whole incident in Europe with Beck. Peter's seventeenth birthday had come and gone and the summer was coming to an end.

It had been awhile since Peter had visited Tony's grave. He used to go often but it was hard to get there without a car and then the whole incident in Europe happened.

He'd never forget Tony's grave in that illusion Beck had created. Maybe Tony would be alive if you were better.

That still haunted Peter's dreams at times even though things were… pretty good. At least better than they had been. Dating MJ had been amazing and finally, at least for now, Peter didn't constantly feel like he had to be the next Iron Man.

It was.. much better.

But then that late summer day Happy took Peter to Tony's grave.

It was actually peaceful. Not like the grave had been in the illusion. Peter had brought flowers even though it seemed stupid in a way. Tony hadn't cared about that.

But it wasn't like he could have brought cheeseburgers and AC/DC CDs.

Happy put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You know Tony would have been proud of you?"

Peter just shrugged.

Even now that Tony had been gone almost a year, it didn't seem real. Sometimes he half expected to get a call from him saying that he had some new upgrades planned for Peter's suit.

Of course, that never happened.

"He was proud of you," Happy said.

Peter hoped so. He had always wanted that and even now he still did. Tony had helped him a bunch. He didn't know where he would be now if not for him. When Tony had found him, he had still be wearing his first suit that he had made himself. He didn't know that much about the superhero world and was new to having his powers.

Even though he could be Spider-Man without the suit, even he had to admit now he was better off with it. It made May less worried about him and he could do more. Save more people. Now he wasn't the naïve kid anymore either. He knew what was really out there.

"I wish that he could still be here," Peter said, but he knew that he was going to always wish that. He still wished that for Ben, even though it had been even longer since he had passed away.

"I do too," Happy said, moving his hand away from Peter's shoulder and then taking the flowers from him and putting them by the grave.

"And I wish there was more that we can do now," Peter said, but what he really wished was there could be more that he had done that day months ago. That day when Tony had saved the world.

And died in the process.

"Yeah, Tony wasn't much of a flower person," Happy said.

They didn't stay there much longer, but still Peter was glad that he went. Maybe Mr. Stark wasn't really here since he hadn't been buried. He had donated his body or something but still it gave him… peace was too strong of a word. Still it helped him a bit.

After Peter and Happy went to get cheeseburgers. They normally would go see Pepper and Morgan after visiting the grave, but apparently they had gone out of country for something which Happy even claimed to not know about.

It was fine, even though Peter liked being around them. It had been hard at first, but now he loved Morgan. She was like the little sister he never had, but had always wanted.

"I need to talk to you about something," Happy said.

Peter frowned and ate one of his fries. It was perfectly greasy and delicious. "What's wrong?" He could tell something was wrong just by how Happy said it.

"Your aunt and I are just going to be friends."

Somehow Peter's frown deepened. Maybe he shouldn't care after all he knew that the two of them might not work out. However, May had been a lot happier and it had been… okay, it had been weird having Happy around more, but it hadn't been bad. Just different.

And it had been nice having someone who understood Peter's world. Someone who he didn't have to lie to about Spider-Man. Yes, MJ and Ned knew about it, but they didn't really understand what it was. Happy couldn't either, but he had been around Mr. Stark for so long that he got it more.

And Peter… well it was probably stupid and childish, but things had been good with Happy since he and May had been dating and he didn't want him to decide now that being around Peter was too awkward. It was nice having another father like figure.

He had already lost three.

"You're thinking weird things, aren't you, Peter?" Happy asked, frowning at him.

"No way," Peter said. "Just…. Thinking about Star Wars theories." Yes, that was lame and there was no way that he was going to buy that even from him.

"I'll still be seeing you just as often. Well maybe not as often since I won't be at your house as much. That was—"

"That was awkward anyway," Peter said, even though really it hadn't been that bad.

"I'll still be working with you," Happy said.

Peter nodded and took a bite of his burger. It was tempting to ask him why he and May had broke up, but he would ask her that later. He had noticed that she was acting different the last few days, but every time he had tried to get her to say anything, she had told him it was nothing and then would ask him about his patrols and just how he was doing.

He should have talked to her more.

"Everything will be the same. May and I are even going to stay friends," Happy said again.

And at first he even seemed to be right. Nothing really changed that much. He still went on patrols and would call Happy to tell what happened. Once a week, they would meet up as well and talk more about Spider-Man related things like about potential upgrades to his suit and what not. He didn't avoid his calls like he had right before the Homecoming incident and he responded to his texts fast.

But Happy just disappeared. At first, he had gone back to not responding to the messages and then finally after what felt like days he sent one with just this. "Something big is happening, kid. Will contact you as soon as I can."

And that was it. Peter had tried over and over again to call him, but it went straight to voice mail without a single ring. Gone… He had just disappeared. Not even telling him what the big thing was that was happening.

Peter knew that he shouldn't let it bother him. He had so much going on with his last year of high school starting and his relationship with MJ getting better and better all the time. Not to mention his Spider-Man patrols. Really it was almost a compliment since now everyone trusted him not to do something that got himself killed. He knew his limit.

Still it was annoying to be cut off again even if he did his best to hide it and stopped texting Happy. He would message him again when he was ready and Peter wasn't going to text him again and again like he had before. He was older now.

But it wasn't easy. Every time he pulled up his phone, he thought about sending one. But he stopped himself.

At least he could keep busy.

Patrolling was one thing that helped with that. And today was crazy. There had been a couple of people trying to rob a store not far from Peter's. It had been wilder than usual since there were so many of them, but not something he couldn't handle. Still he breathed a sigh of relief when it was done and no one got injured.

When he got back to the apartment, May hurried over and hugged him. "How was your patrol today?"

He always downplayed it to her. He didn't want her to worry any more than she already did.

"It was fine. Just normal stuff," Peter said. "Nothing that I couldn't handle." Handling the neighborhood issues was a lot easier than Beck and Thanos. Obviously…

He still had nightmares when it came to both Beck and Thanos and he didn't know which was worse. Would he always have them or would they eventually fade away?

"That's good," May said as she released him from their hug. He half expected for her to ask more questions because she normally did but instead she smiled. "I have something I need to talk to you about."

Peter frowned. He just didn't like how she said that. "What?"

"It's nothing bad. It's actually really good," May said as the two of them went over to the couch.

That actually didn't make him feel any better and if anything it made his spidey sense (not Peter Tingle) go off. Something was up.

"What's going on?" Peter asked. Maybe she had heard something from Happy. Somehow the two of them had remained friends, even though they had broken up.

Peter hoped if he and MJ ever broke up they would find a way to remain friends too. It would be bad enough not being with her, but losing one of his best friends would make it a lot worse.

But since they were friends then it was possible that she could have heard something before him. Maybe something had happened to Happy. Peter was cursed. It was his Parker luck. So many people who he loved died.

He didn't want Happy to join the others.

"Is… Happy and everyone are okay, right?" Maybe Happy wasn't a superhero, but he still did get involved in dangerous things. That was probably what happened when you had been around Mr. Stark too long.

"Happy?" May frowned. "I'm sure he's okay. I haven't heard from him recently."

"Oh… Okay…" Good. At least he was okay. He couldn't help but breathe sigh of relief. He wasn't going to be losing yet another father figure. "Then what's going on?"

His spidey sense was still going off but it was mild. Probably just nerves.

"I've been seeing someone new," May said, finally spitting it out.

Oh… "But you and Happy just broke up." He hadn't meant to say that, but it somehow just came out. Stupid Peter. May deserved to be happy and if she wanted to find someone else to date than that was good for her.

"It's been a couple months now, Peter," May said with a sigh. "And it's not like I planned it. It just happened."

"Oh…" Peter said since he had no idea what to say about this, but May kept looking at him. She expected for him to say more. "That's… If you're happy than that's good."

And it was. His spidey sense had been a lot more consistent since Europe but it still had its moments.

"And I want to meet him," Peter said since he knew that it was the right thing to say. He even forced himself to smile.

May smiled back and hugged him and it made it all worse it, even if his spidey senses weren't happy about this.

He thought that it would take awhile to actually get to meet May's new boyfriend, but just a couple hours later she said that he would be able to come tomorrow. Peter forced himself to smile and nod, even though if anything that made his anxiety worse. Why was that and his spidey sense so crazy right now?

The next day he did his best to forget about it and it wasn't hard. School went pretty good. He was in multiple classes with MJ and Ned and got to sit by them in all of them. He had gotten really lucky and only had one class with Flash.

Patrol was pretty uneventful too. He stopped someone from breaking into a car and gave a few people directions. Yes some people asked him if he was going to be the next Iron Man, but that question didn't freak him out as much as before. Even though he wasn't going to be the next Iron Man. There could only be one.

When he got back home, May hurried over to him and hugged him. "Peter, did you forget?"

He froze and then he remembered. Her new boyfriend was supposed to be coming.

"Sorry. I can get ready," Peter said and he did still have time. He was just glad that he wasn't here yet. He didn't want too many people to know about him being Spider-Man. It was okay that MJ, Ned, May, Pepper, Happy, and lots of other superheroes such as Doctor Strange knew it as well as Nick Fury, even if he was a jerk, but he didn't want too many more people to know.

Especially someone he hadn't even met yet.

And he especially wasn't going to meet her boyfriend in his Iron Spider suit. That would be… that would be something. Luckily, he did have time to get ready and to hide the Iron Spider suit, not that he thought her boyfriend would come in his room.

When he came out her new boyfriend wasn't even here yet, but just a couple minutes later there was a knock on the door. Once again his spidey senses went off, way worse than they had when he was even on patrol today.

May stood up but then looked at him and frowned. "You okay, baby?"

"I'm…" For a moment, he considered telling her, but it was probably nothing and he didn't want to worry her. "I'm fine. Just nervous." And maybe it was just nerves.

"Don't be nervous. Eddie is great. You'll love him."

Peter forced himself to nod and even smile, even though his stomach was twisting and he felt like he was about to jump out of his skin. Hopefully it really was nothing. Hopefully May was right and he would love her boyfriend.

May went to answer the door and Peter just stood there waiting, trying to look normal. His phone vibrated in his pocket but he ignored it. Hopefully it wasn't MJ. He hated to ignore her texts.

He almost pulled it out to look at it, but then May came in with a tall man with sandy blond hair and cold grey eyes. However, when he saw Peter he smiled. That should have made Peter feel better, but if anything it made his stomach twist more.

Still he forced himself to smile too, hoping that he didn't look as anxious as he felt. But he had never been good at that.

"Peter, this is Eddie," May said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Eddie extended his hand for Peter to shake and he did just that.

"Peter, I've been wanting to meet you for awhile," Eddie said, smiling at him as Peter pulled his hand away. He had a firm handshake. Almost too firm.

"Yeah, same here," Peter said, but it was a lie since he hadn't known about him for awhile. But he had seen that May was happier. Like she had been when she was dating Happy.

And he wanted that for May. She deserved happiness more than anyone.

"May has told me so much about you," Eddie said.

Peter's phone was going crazy. He tried to pull it out but Eddie gave him a look as if he had done something horrible so he put it back.

Even though he wanted to know why it kept vibrating. No one ever texted him this month. Well that wasn't true. Ned could get a bit crazy when he got excited about something such as a new Star Wars trailer, but none of those were coming out today.

"I… she told me a lot about you too." Total lie. May hadn't told Peter anything about Eddie, probably because Peter was obviously still friends with Happy since they worked together.

"Peter's so smart, Eddie," May said beaming.

"Really? He looking into college?"

"Yeah, I'm applying and researching them. Might go to MIT" Peter said. Tony had wanted him to go there too. He used to tell Peter so many stories about MIT and thought that it would be good for Peter.

Peter still thought that and had loved the stories.

"MIT? That's expensive," Eddie said.

Peter froze. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about that. But he thought he could figure it out. He wondered if he could have EDITH almost pay for it but that didn't seem right. Having Stark industries pay for his college even if he hoped to work for them one day.

"Peter's so smart. He'll be able to get a scholarship."

"Yeah, maybe," Peter said not liking how Eddie was looking at him.

"Oh, you will," May said, beaming at him. "Peter interns at Stark Industries."

Peter paused but nodded.

The next hour was awkward. They all sat in the living room together, staring at each other awkwardly. Eddie made small talk but didn't seem super happy about any of Peter's responses especially when May wasn't paying attention. Still, he wasn't out right rude.

Peter knew he couldn't ignore it anymore. He shouldn't have to begin with. What if something was wrong?

He looked at it and his blood ran cold. It was Happy, not Ned. Happy. Peter was so stupid not to look at it. He had been trying to be polite, but he was an idiot.

"Why are you looking at your phone?" Eddie said narrowing his eyes even though it wasn't his business what Peter did.

"Peter is really busy with the Stark Industries internship."

If anything that just made Eddie glare at him even more. Peter tried to ignore it. Maybe he was just awkward or had like resting bitch face.

"Someone's been trying to reach me for awhile," Peter said. "I shouldn't have even ignored it."

He was horrible for ignoring it. Who knows what could have happened? It would be Peter's fault if someone got hurt. He would never forgive himself if something like that happened. This wasn't the same as ignoring Nick Fury's calls.

"I have to call someone," Peter said and he didn't even wait for May or Eddie to say anything and walked to his bedroom. He could feel Eddie's eyes glaring at him but he didn't care.

He just had to find out what was going on.

Peter was about to call him but then the phone vibrated. Happy. It was Happy.

Peter answered it right away. "What's going on? Is anyone getting attacked? Do you need me to—"

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Happy asked, luckily, he sounded more annoyed than panicked despite all the missed calls. "Geez, kid, you used to call me too much and now you don't answer."

"I'm sorry. Is everything okay?"

"It's… a lot is going on," Happy said.

Peter frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You need to come here."

"I… okay. Are you at the Tower?" After the Compound had gotten destroyed, Stark Industries had bought the Tower back while the Compound was getting rebuilt.


"Then where are you?" Peter asked. He could borrow May's car even though he hated driving outside of the city. Usually Happy drove him places but he couldn't now.


"What?" How was that even possible?

"Yeah, we're going to have you come out here on a private jet. ASAP."

At first all Peter could do was stare ahead. This was really the last thing he expected.

"You still here? Hello?" Happy said.

"Yeah, and yeah that's fine." He'd go to Wakanda. It had to be important if Happy wanted him to go.

"Good I'll have a driver pick you up in thirty."

"Happy, what's going on? Why do I have to go to Wakanda?"

There was a long pause. "It has to do with Tony."

((AN: Thank you for reading. Please comment. It makes me so happy!))