chapter 4

Bengali was getting use to being a baby. Attention and getting to eat, sleep and play whenever you want, this is great. But I miss being able to do things for myself. Bengali thought.

He often tried to stand up and that often caused more than a few bumps on his head. Bengali was determined to to stand. He also wanted to walk. Today he was sitting in the play pen Panthro made. He was getting lonely. He saw Tygra and reached out and made grabbing motions.

"Looks like someone wants to be picked up," Tygra said and picking him up.

Bengali cooed contently and started to babble. Let Tygra hold him for a while. Then Lion-o and Liosia came in and he reached for them.

"Hey little guy," Lion-o said taking him.

"Hello Bengali," Liosia said.

"Lio-o and Lio-sa," Bengali said.

"Did he just say?" Lion-o asked.

"I think he did,' Liosia said.

"Looks like Bengali is growing up." Tygra said.

Finally! Bengali thought. He was able to speak some but not too good but he was happy never the less. Bengali was soon starting to try to say the other Thundercats' names.

Lion-o was feeding Bengali some mashed squash. Bengali was cooing as he ate his food. Then he took the spoon and wanted to do it for himself. "If you want too," Lion-o said allowing him to feed himself. Bengali was doing okay and was making a little bit of mess of himself.

Liosia wiped his face. "There we go," she said once he was clean.

"Okay now we are done with lunch, you can play Bengali," Lion-o said and placed him in the play pen.

Pumyra saw Lion-o being so tender with Bengali. It made her smile.

Bengali started to play with his toys. He sucked his thumb while playing. It was very cute. Then he grabbed a hold on the sides of the play pen and pulled himself up. He was a little unsteady but managed to keep his balance. "Look Bengali is standing in play pen," Lion-o said.

Everyone came in and saw Lion-o was right Bengali was now standing up with support. Bengali was soon steady and let go of the wall of the play pen. He swayed slightly but kept his balance. He was standing by himself.

"Look at that, he's just full of surprises," Panthro said.

Then Bengali toppled and fell right on his little tush. "Awe," the other Thundercats said. Bengali didn't cry this time landing on his backside didn't hurt like falling face down.

"Well he seems proud of himself," Wilykat said.

"I bet he is, bet all babies like adults become proud of themselves when the accomplish something," Lynx-o said.

"Well soon he's going to try cruising, which is walking while holding on to something," Pumyra said.

Bengali yawn and curled up on the floor of the playpen and went to sleep.

"Looks like he's all tuckered out," Panthro said.

"Yes he is," Liosia said picking him up and she went into her and Lion-o's room and put him in the crib.

To be continued.