
Chell had finally made it out of the torture chamber known as Aperture Science. But even though Chell was done with Aperture, Aperture wasn't done with her.

The world Chell stepped into wasn't the world she remembered. It was something out of a movie. She could hear sounds of population, so that was the direction Chell went, lugging the Companion Cube behind her.

Eventually, she made it to the city limits

Detroit the sign said. Home of the androids.

Chell did not know what to think. But she knew cities had police stations. And police help people.

Detroit Police

Chell walked in.


Hank had seen a lot of things in his day. Androids gaining their freedom was something he didn't expect, but gladly embraces. Even Connor becoming deviant himself was something Hank wholeheartedly embraced. But, he didn't expect to see a girl who was falling apart at the seams lugging a cube walk in the door.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. That didn't stop her. She motioned for something to write with, the secretary handed her a pen.

She wrote for a couple minutes. She handed the paper and pen back to the secretary. The secretary happened to be an android, and she looked confused. More confused than an android should've been. She noticed Hank and called him over.

"Lieutenant, could you please come over here?"

She handed Hank the the paper.

My name is Chell. I recently escaped from Aperture Science. The last time I was on the surface, was when I was a little girl. I have no idea how long I was in suspension. I don't know what I should do next.

Hank whistled.

"Wow, havent heard of Aperture in years. Last I heard of it when I was a kid."

Chell looked kind of shocked that someone knew what she was talking about.

"My names Hank. I can help you." Hank turned to the secretary, "tell Connor I'll see him later."

The secretary nodded. "You can leave the cube here." He says to Chell

Hank and Chell walked out the door. There was a couple minutes before Hank started to talk- Chell was trying to take in everything at once.

Hank started to talk.

"The year is 2038. Androids are very prominent, the secretary you were talking to is one. You may not recognize an android, because they do look human. My partner Connor actually is an android, but he insists on keeping his android stuff, the dumb idiot. Androids recently led a peaceful revolution and got their freedom. Proud of them. Shortly after Aperture fell off the grid in 1998, nothing really happened for a while. Until 2018, when Cyberlife was founded. That was when androids started to kick off. November 5, a couple days ago is when the androids got their freedom. That's pretty much all you missed."

Chell opened her mouth. A rasp came out. A wraith of a former voice. Both of them realized that they had left the paper back at the station.

Neither one to give up, they continued their one-sided conversation. This time with questions, and Chell nodding and shaking her head as needed.

The unlikely pair found themselves at Chicken Feed. Connor says it was unhealthy, but Connor wasn't here. Little did Connor know, Chicken Feed had very recently gotten new management. Legally this time.

"What do you want?" Hank asked Chell.

Chell looked at the menu, and finally pointed to a chicken tender and fries meal.

"Good choice."

A couple minutes later, after everything had been paid for, the food was ready. The two headed to a table. Funnily enough, it was the table that Hank and Connor had sat at only a couple days ago.

Chell ate like she hadn't seen food and wouldn't for another week. Which could've been likely considering the state Chell had walked in.

After eating ravenously for about two minutes. She was finally done. She tried to speak again.


It was a broken word. Her voice not much better than it was earlier, but it was a start. Hank almost broke down crying. This girl, this child, was far more broken than he could ever be. But he was determined to make her whole again. Somehow.


-I like to think that Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and GLaDOS' activation happened on the same day- we all know Chell was there on that day

-the date for GlaDOS getting activated according to Google is 1998

-when Cyberlife was founded was 2018 also according to Google

-the Chicken Feed being under new management is completely non-canon

-Chells food choices, are once again, chose after my own preferences, love chicken and fries. The true childhood meal. Childhood comfort food.