Narcissism- excessive interest in or admiration of oneself or one's physical appearenceJust that one word can describe someone in great amounts. It can hurt that said person's ego, and leave them, well, unpopular. This is what this story is mostly about, one's narcissism getting to them, controlling them.

The game was tied 36-36. Lynn Loud Jr. had the ball with five seconds on the clock, she dribbled over to the corner and shot. The ball bounced off the rim twice and went in.

"OH MY GOD! LYNNSANITY HAS DONE IT AGAIN. ITS OVER. ROYAL WOODS HAS WON." the announcer yelled through his headset. Everyone was on the floor holding Lynn Jr. up.

"Yeah! Thats right!" She said, soaking in the love from fans. Lynn, all around Royal Woods, has been known for her immense amount of skill and athleticism. Which is where the nickname Lynnsanity was coined from, her immense skill.

Later that night, Lynn's younger brother, Lincoln, was laying on the couch watching tv and eating some chips, when the door opened. Lincoln looked over to see the family back from the game. Lynn, along with the family, was pumped up.

"I'm so proud of you, Jr.!" Lynn Sr. said to Lynn Jr. Lincoln watched as they were gathering around Jr.

"It was nothing. It was simple. Like drinking water." she said. Lincoln sat there waiting for a hello. Finally he spoke up.

"Hey. Um, I'm right here. No hello?" Lincoln stood up and crossed his arms. But, it was overpowered by everyone cheering. "Jeez. No one cares? Well, I guess she is cooler than me in 99% of everything. But, hey, it doesnt matter. Does it?" He thought to himself.

Lincoln went to get a soda only to find one left. But before he could grab it, Lynn swipped it away from him.

"Hey! That was mine!" Lincoln exclaimed. Lynn gave him an "are you dumb?" look.

"Finders Keepers bro. You were to slow and I got it so... bye." Lynn replied. Then she went to her room.

"I guess a water could do the trick." he grabbed a water, and went to his room.

The next morning

It was finally Saturday and Lincoln could finally relax. He got up and went down stairs for breakfast. Weirdly, everyone was up before him eating breakfast.

"Mmmmm... Bacon." Lincoln went to get some but, there wasn't any left. "Hey. Where's the bacon?" he asked only to be answered by Lynn.

"I had the rest. Sorry." Lynn put her plate in the sink.

"No consideration." Lincoln said quietly, but loud enough so Lynn could hear him.

"What was that?" Lynn said. Lincoln turned around and gave her a glare. While it didn't flinch her, she understood he wasn't going to repeat himself.

"Why is she such an ass. Just because she is superior, doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants." Lincoln thought. But then, he had an idea. An idea that would change him for a while. Into a different person.