Gempa hummed softly. His fingers is gently petting Cattus, who looked far too comfy in his lap. Amusement warmed his insides as Gempa watched the furry thing purrs in absolute delight.Gempa blinked slowly, his eyes trying to readjust to the dim lighting.

At the far corner in the dingy makeshift bedroom, Halilintar was fast asleep. The normally fierce eyes is now shut tight, long eyelashes fanned his flushed cheeks.

Gempa's gaze then rest upon the other remaining occupant. Solar, the workaholic brainiac that he is, not surprisingly is still tapping away on his laptop. Occasionally he would stop to take a sip of his coffee and mumble techno-babble to himself ( or at least, that's what Taufan and Api called it) and proceed to strike that thinking pose.

How he adored this- just being themselves and relax.