The powerful raven-haired young woman watched from a sturdy aspen tree, gray eyes twinkling with amusement as she watched the scene in front of her. The air was filled was squeaks of surprise and fear as while as sinister sounding hisses, along with a blue-clad girl hitting the carpeted ground. Upon discovering the existence of a Peanuts fandom, the Fanfiction author had the urge to write a story. A small one though, to get it out soon as she hadn't planned on this. But what, she didn't know…until she read A Cute (But Loud) Snore and Some Big Dreams by LivingOnLaughs and read that Lucy spiked Marcie's water with a sleeping pill. She shivered, even though Lucy was mean…she never seemed capable of something so...devious.

Hahaha…I love breakin' the four wall. She though as she watched Scourge for Warrior Cats beat up Lucy, the blue clad girl flying through the air and losing a white shoe. She didn't like the mean-spirited girl very much, and watched Charlie Brown fall flat on his back more times than she could count.

The poor boy's back must be so f*cked up. She though sadly, pleased the small black tom was sticking to the rule of not killing Lucy, even though his icy-blue eyes gleamed with the barely restrained urge.

"Thanks for that, dude!" The author hugged a disheartened Scourge, "And, don't worry, I'll make it up to you."

"How?" Her favorite pint-sized villain asked.

"I'll write a story where BloodClan takes over the forest, kills the 'Clans' leaders and captures some she-cat to use as sex toys and bear kits."

"Really?" The small tom instantly brightened up.


"Will we meet up again?"

"Yup, I'll be your most loyal cat…besides Bone, of course."

"Ok, see ya then." With that, the author proofed them out.