last chapter of this installment! this story has been an absolute delight to write and mostly an indulgence on my part to have all the fluff. thank you so much for reading and enjoy! - Dee

Alice stretched as she woke and smiled when she felt Matthew's arm around her waist; turning slowly to face him, her smile widened at the sight of his eyes blinking slowly in the early morning light - still unfocused as he woke.

"Morning," she kissed his cheek.

He caught her lips in a soft, sleepy kiss before she could draw back, "Morning, sweetheart."

"Still tired?"

"I had a busy night."

Alice chuckled - her fingers trailing over a blotchy reddish-purple bruises on Matthew's chest (the original marks were on her and hidden beneath her borrowed pajama top); they'd celebrated their engagement into the wee hours of the morning - leaving them both sore, but satisfied as they drifted off to sleep.

"I think we can get some more rest before Anna wakes up, dearest."

"Just a moment," Matthew leaned his forehead against hers and held her close, "I just want to stay here for a bit."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck - periodically pressing soft, lingering kisses to his lips and cheeks. It seemed surreal to be engaged, and true she didn't have a ring (which wouldn't be for long if Matthew had anything to say about it), but a warmth bloomed in her chest at the thought of marrying Matthew. He was already hers, but now he'd be her husband and they could live together and raise Anna without any whispers spreading about it.

"Happy, sweetheart?" he kissed her softly as she trailed her fingers through his hair.

"Very. I'm very happy, dearest."

"Good," he kissed her again.

Alice smiled as she nuzzled his cheek - sighing when he kissed her forehead; this was perfect.

A noise interrupted the quiet of their bedroom and she sat up almost immediately; the noise repeated again and Matthew joined her.

"What is that?"

"I think it's Anna," Alice put a hand on his chest to keep him in place. "I'll go see what's wrong, dearest, stay here."

With a kiss to her cheek, Matthew settled back on the bed as she got up and hurried from the bedroom towards Anna. Knocking softly on the girl's door, Alice frowned as she heard the sound of her daughter crying.

"Anna? What's wrong?"

The door opened after a few moments and Alice's heart nearly broke at her daughter's tearful face. Kneeling down to her level, she tucked some hair behind Anna's ear that had gotten loose from her braid in the night.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

"Bad dream," Anna sniffled.

"Want to talk about it?" Alice held her close when she shook her head. "How about we go cuddle with dad?"

"Okay, can we look outside first?"

Alice nodded and picked up Anna so they could look out the window in the parlor; drawing the curtains back, Alice sighed at the sight of clouds and rain - with gathering storm clouds on the horizon. In her arms, Anna's lower lip trembled as the tears started again.

"No beach today, Anna, I'm sorry."

"But we were going to build the best castle yet for Daddy's birthday!"

"I know, my girl, I know," Alice soothed her daughter and wiped away her tears. "It's rotten luck, but we have plenty we can do inside today. Why don't we go grab Goose and your book and maybe we can convince Matthew to read to us."

Anna nodded, even as the frown stayed on her face, but she cuddled close as Alice walked back to her room to pick up her bear and book before heading back to Matthew. He'd evidently heard some of what went on because he'd gotten up and pulled on a singlet before they came into the bedroom.

"Someone not in a good mood today?" Matthew asked with a smile.

"Bad dream and it's on the verge of storming outside, so she's disappointed we're not going to the beach."

He nodded and held out his arms for Anna, "C'mere, sweetheart, you can sit with me and your mum."

"Mumma said we might get you to read," Anna whispered as she curled up next to Matthew.

"She did, did she? Well, I suppose we can see what Bilbo is up to today, and since we're not going anywhere we can do more than one chapter."

Anna perked up a bit at that and Alice handed over the book - Goose went into Anna's arms - as she gently kissed Matthew.

"Not going to stay, sweetheart?"

"I will, I'm just going to start the kettle for some tea."

Alice brought them tea - milk for Anna - and they all cuddled on the bed as Matthew dove back into Bilbo's adventure with Thorin Oakenshield and Company. By the time their tea finished, and they all trooped into the kitchen - Alice making breakfast this morning - Anna's mood had lifted significantly; she and Matthew had an enthusiastic conversation about the book as Alice made their pancakes.

After breakfast, Alice pulled out some board games and puzzles - brought just in case they experienced a rainy day - and most of the morning passed with laughter and fun. When they'd cleaned up from lunch, Alice and Anna shooed Matthew from the kitchen so they could work on his birthday cake (a simple yellow cake with chocolate frosting). He reclined on the couch - his girls eventually joining him - as the heavenly smell of the cake baking filled the cottage.

"Smells wonderful, sweetheart," Matthew told her with a kiss to the side of her head.

Alice shifted until Anna was comfortable on her lap, "Thank you, I just hope it doesn't burn."

"If it does, we can just cut off the burnt portions."


He grinned as Anna dissolved into giggles; Alice grumbled a bit more until he leaned over and kissed her. As Alice periodically went back to the kitchen to check on the cake, all three of them passed most of the afternoon reading their own books (Matthew had to smile at his girls curled up on the other end of the couch - Anna on Alice's lap as their daughter slowly read out loud with Alice helping her on the harder words). Anna followed her mother into the kitchen when the cake layers were finally done baking and he could hear all of Anna's questions as the cake cooled and they made the frosting.

This was his future, Matthew thought with a fond smile, this is what he got to look forward to once the repairs on Alice's house finished and they married. He looked forward to hearing Anna and Alice in the kitchen, to cooking with Anna, to making a house a home, to watching their daughter grow and do whatever she put her mind to - he hoped she'd have better opportunities than her parents, but with Alice Harvey as her mother, Matthew knew Anna would be no less ambitious.

Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked up to Alice carrying his finished cake with lit candles on top - both she and Anna beaming from ear to ear. His girls sang to him as he drew Anna up onto his good knee.

"Can you help me, sweetheart? I don't think I can get all of these candles by myself."

"You're silly, Daddy," Anna laughed.

Alice shook her head with a fond smile and kissed his forehead, "Make a wish, dearest."

With a smile, Matthew squeezed her hand and pressed a kiss to the side of Anna's head before they both blew out the candles; as Alice cut the cake and all three of them enjoyed it (Anna ended up getting quite a bit of the frosting around her mouth), Matthew couldn't think of a better way to spend his birthday.

Mac pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh as she debated on what she was about to do; eyeing the phone in front of her, she drummed her fingers on her desk for a long moment until she picked up the receiver and dialed the number Alice had given her.

It rang for a bit until someone picked up and Mac had to smile when she heard Anna's high-pitched voice on the other end.


"Hello, Anna, this is Dr. Mac… do you remember me?"

"Dr. Mac!"

Mac's smile grew, "How are you?"

"Good, I've had lots of fun at the beach and we made Daddy a cake for his birthday and made lots of sandcastles."

"That sounds like lots of fun, Anna, I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation."

"Me too! Do you need to talk to Mumma?"

"Yes, I do, can you go get her for me, please?"


Mac chuckled as the girl laid the receiver down and she could hear her calling for Alice. Alice's muffled reply came a few moments later and soon her old mentee picked up the phone with a faint yawn.

"Dr. Harvey."

"Alice, it's Mac."

Instantly her colleague perked up, "What can I do for you, Mac?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation and to call so early in the morning, but I have some news for you… you might want to sit down."

"What is it, Mac?"

Letting out a slow breath, Mac scrubbed at her face before she answered, "It's your sister, Alice… she's here in Melbourne, in the hospital."

Mac heard the phone clatter to the floor and Anna's slightly panicked call of "Mumma!", followed quickly by Alice picking the phone back up.

"What do you mean, she's in Melbourne? Has she been there all along? Why is she in the hospital?"

"Slow down, Dr. Harvey," Mac placated her. "She broke her leg, we managed to fix it up, and she's married - which is probably the reason we didn't find her sooner."

"So she's been in Melbourne for awhile."

"I don't know, but her husband's been worried about her… he seems like a good man. I just… I know you've been looking for her and I wanted you to know. I don't know how all of this will go down, but… you can come up to Melbourne and see her."

Alice was quiet for a bit before she let out a sigh, "Let me talk to Matthew and I'll let you know by the end of today… if that's alright."

"Take all the time you need."

"And… thank you for letting me know, Mac."

"You're welcome, I hope it works out."

Alice gave her another quiet thank you before she hung up and Mac did the same. Leaning back in her chair, she hoped she'd done the right thing.

Alice looked out the window as they left Lorne behind; Anna slept in the back seat and she could feel Matthew's eyes on her as she fretted with the strap of her purse. They'd packed up the cottage earlier than planned after Alice told Matthew about her sister showing up in Melbourne. To him, it'd been no question about making a detour on the way home. ("If it were my sister, I'd do the same thing you want to do right now, sweetheart, let's go.") She'd held him tight and sighed as he kissed the side of her head - Anna wriggling her way in between them as the weight lifted up off her shoulders. Now, as they drove towards Melbourne, the reality of seeing the sister she hadn't seen in decades finally hit her - along with all the worry.

She wondered what life had been like for Cora after she ran away; had their father turned to beating her instead? Did she continue to spend time away from home? Was she happy in her marriage? Turning to watch Anna sleep behind her, Alice wondered if Cora had any children of her own. But the biggest thought echoing in her mind was the fear that Cora would want nothing to do with her.

It wouldn't be the end of the world if Cora hated her - Alice had her own family she'd forged over the years, but it would be nice if she could reconnect with the one good person of her childhood.

Matthew's hand curled around her knee and squeezed, "We'll figure it out sweetheart."

She didn't answer, she just laid her hand on top of his and continued to watch out the window. Alice had her worries and her fears about seeing Cora again, but with Matthew by her side and Anna's love, she'd be fine no matter what.