Hello, my name is MissBlackRock. This story right here is the sequel to another For Honor fanfiction named "For Honor – The Path to Love", which was my first ever attempt at writing a For Honor story. It ended being a love story, which was, Fun Fact: unintended. But it ended up doing really well, and was very well received. Obviously, it's HIGHLY recommended that the first story is read before this one, otherwise you'll have zero idea of what's happening, or who the characters are.

But without further ado, here I go. Back with the below-average writing. I hope everyone reading enjoys.

The Samurai…

After the events with the Urutora and Seinaru Clans within the Myre, the Samurai were at a standstill when it came to their leadership. With the Hakushi Province—the Myre's largest city—burned down, the Samurai had little idea what to consider their powerhouse. For a time, a large city under the name Amaterasu's Gate was made into the Myre's central capital. The Gate was formerly under the control of the Seinaru Clan, which was led by the Kaneko family. After the massive battle in the Hakushi Province, the assassination of Atsuto and Airina Hakushi, and the imprisonment of Daigo Kaneko, the Myre followed the rule of the Seinaru Clan until Daigo was released from prison, and took the rightful name of the Myre's Supreme Emperor after fairly serving his punishment in prison.

Upon his release, the very first courses of action that the young Emperor took upon himself were to rebuild the Hakushi Province and restore it to power, to merge the Urutora and Seinaru clans into the anticipated Saikyo Clan, and to repay the Azure Legion—an allied legion from Ashfeld—for their assistance in the recovery process of the Myre.

In order to pay respects to the Urutora Clan and the Hakushi family, Daigo took it upon himself to make the Hakushi Province the capital of the Myre, the powerhouse of the clans, and to honor the city's origins through the Saikyo Clan's efforts of unity. The armies of the Urutora and Seinaru clans were fused together, their royal families became acquainted and housed in the restored Hakushi Manor, and the city was filled with residents from all over the Myre. The newborn Saikyo Clan's ultimate objective was to bring unity and peace among the Myre in order to end its constant civil wars and state of turmoil. In time, Kaneko hoped to complete this objective with enough effort.

Now crowned as the Supreme Emperor, Daigo rules over the Myre vigilantly and responsibly. The internal conflict in the Myre has decreased, and the people are showing hope for a bright future under a young, powerful ruler. While it is true that mistakes were made in the past, the Emperor's sins were atoned for, and it was time to move forward with the progression of the Samurai people.

The Vikings…

Following the events of Ashfeld's Martial Arts Tournament, and the collapse of the Warborn, the Vikings were once again placed into a state of rejuvenation. The activity of their Raider clans decreased as village plundering became less common, and the common villagers and farmers of Valkenheim got the opportunity to live in relative peace. The people began to build back their destroyed villages, plant crops in order to stock up food for the snowy winters, and of course, enjoy themselves while doing it with food and drink. Hunters began to set out for massive game, young boys were chosen to be warriors and eagerly began their training, and the remaining Warborn leaders sat idle, searching for a suitable new leader for their clans.

Lower in the mountains laid the large villages and towns, bustling with people and life. Walls were built and more guards began to be trained in order to keep Valkenheim well-guarded from any potential invaders. In the cities, officials prospered as their people began to work vigorously, taking advantage of this brief period of peace.

Up higher in the mountains, where snow fell often and where it was much colder than at a lower height, the warrior clans lived to the very extremes of mother nature. They continued to face frigid, chilling conditions with their iron skin and fiery wills. Warriors were trained up in the mountains, taught to endure the winter's cold. They were taught honor, compassion, pride, and valor. Though the Vikings did not have any belligerent plans in mind, they thought it useful to always have strong armies ready for just about anything.

Despite taking hardships and crushing defeats, the Vikings held strong, and always seemed to return just as powerful and ruthless as they were before.

The Knights…

Ashfeld and its many legions of Knights remained steadfast in their own person efforts and achievements. Internal fighting was the main issue between the issues, similarly to the Samurai, but unfortunately, the only difference between the Knights and Samurai was that the Knights were overly adamant on serving the legions they perceived as their families, and sought to live and die by their sides instead of having to conjoin into another legion.

The Knights of the Iron Legion continued their quarrels with the Blackstone Legion, their fighting and disagreement always seemed to show no sign of stopping. The reasons why they fought were trivial and frivolous, mostly due to the efforts of the Blackstone Legion's leader and warlord, Apollyon. Despite the strength of the Blackstone Legion and its obvious rule over Ashfeld, the Iron Legion's persistence is what kept them running alongside the large legion and its armies. The Iron Legion had allies in which they put their trust in, and would not stop doing so for a long time to come. Among these allies were the Azure Legion, the third strongest Legion in Ashfeld.

The Azure Legion had grown rapidly, and had gained much fame recently due to the own personal efforts of their well-trained Heroes. Not only did the Azure Legion win Ashfeld's Martial Arts Tournament, but they also were the ones who eventually ended up claiming responsibility for bringing down the Warborn, and stopping the Vikings from tearing through Ashfeld. The fourth strongest legion, the Elio Legion, attempted to falsely take credit. It wasn't until the Azures revealed their secret, admitting to having been using Elio disguises to get behind the Warborn's front lines. Witnesses and survivors of the Hero attacks that took place up in the mountains of Valkenheim confirmed these claims. Finally, the Azure Legion's involvement in helping the Samurai has gained them a good reputation with the Emperors of the Myre, proving them to be useful, powerful, and trustworthy allies.

These new winnings have earned the Azure Legion recognition, reputation, and honor, as well as fortune. The Legion now focuses on expanding the number of outposts they have laid out through Ashfeld, while also expanding the size of their three main Fortresses. Walls are being expanded, fortified, and remodeled. More people are beginning to move in, growing the population. With more people, comes more potential soldiers, and with more soldiers… more Heroes. Their fields are growing, more food is being produced, trade is becoming highly efficient for profit, and the officials and commanders overlooking the Legion are proving worthy being able to handle the rapid growing process of their people. Out of the three large Fortresses that the Azure Legion had, Fort Lapis, Fort Sapphire, and Fort Diamond, the Heroes that were mostly responsible for achieving the Azure Legion's victories resided in the biggest, most reputable of the three, which was Fort Diamond.

Within this fortress resided the Azure Legion's most powerful general. The leader of the Azure Legion, Cinderus Alphus. This man was recognized and known by most people in Ashfeld, especially within the walls of Legions that were smaller and weaker than the Azures. The Elio Legion's rivalry with the Azure Legion had recently begun to crumble, mainly because the Azure Legion was beginning to push much too far from the Elios in order for them to keep up. The top two Legions, the Blackstone and Iron, recognized Cinderus as a wise, educated man. He had two trusted Commanders, who just so happened to be his own two children, Cinder and Cindra Alphus. The Diamond Legion was run by a Board of Directors. Alongside the General and his two Commanders, Lords were appointed as the remaining members of the Board. Three of the more predominant Lords were named Alban Saldivar, Airi Hakushi, and finally…

Emora Ryon.

These three members of the Board were also Heroes who took part in bringing down the Warborn, and in helping to repair the Myre after very unfortunate events that involved imperial issues regarding marriage, and the fusing of two clans within the Myre. As mentioned before… the clans in the Myre have fused under the Supreme Emperor's rule, and the issue has long been resolved. The former royal family of the Myre, the Hakushi family, has been retired. Now, with the Kaneko name leading the Myre, Hakushi was free to marry the love of her life, the widely-known, popular, and reputable Lord Ryon. Alban Saldivar, a trusted friend of these two Heroes, now works alongside them in the Board of Directors to properly manage Fort Diamond.

Emora Ryon, a young, impressionable, emotional, and still-growing Warden was known throughout Ashfeld as the Hero who won the Ashfeld Martial Arts tournament with a stylish kiss. She led a group of Heroes up the mountains of Valkenheim, and was the one responsible for assembling the well-built teams in the first place. Finally, Emora Ryon was… unfortunately the cause of the Myre's troubles, due to intervening when… it was admittedly, not her place to do so. But because she did, the Myre is now better off, and the Warden was able to redeem her own mistakes through the restoration of the Hakushi Province within the Myre, and the crowning of Daigo Kaneko as the Supreme Emperor of the Samurai. This unique Warden is now on the brink of becoming even more well known. Despite her flaws, she continues to work hard to prove herself, while keeping her modesty, humility, and honor intact.

She continues to uphold the traditions, values, and oaths of a Warden, while maintaining steady, strong connections to her friends, loved ones, and allies. She continues to train and work hard, keeping up her physical strength, learning new combat techniques, acquiring skills in new martial arts, and bettering her own health with smarter life choices. She continues to show love to her wife and fellow Hero, Airi Hakushi, keeping her loyalty, affection, and heart in the right places, always making sure that the sanctity of her bond with the love of her life is forever strong. And finally, she continues to be herself. The same woman she was when she was a child, a teenager, a trainee.

Now, all of these values will be challenged as a new threat rises over the horizon. The Factions are unsuspecting, all of their guards down. The time is perfect to strike. In this world, after the cataclysm, peace is nothing but a false hope. Peace is something that cannot be. Peace is all but a reality, a preach that lying mouths yell out in order to bring unity among a slather of fools. The Factions were formerly at each other's throats, doing everything they possibly could to try and rid themselves of each other. Now… this new enemy emerges that will easily be able to vanquish this old, ancient way of thinking. The only way to survive…

Is through unity.

That'll be it for the first chapter. This story was heavily delayed, but I figured I needed to get something out to get it started. We're hitting the ground running with this one, because there's no reason not to.

Also, I tried to briefly summarize the events of the first story during these paragraphs of reminiscence, but it's obviously better to have read the first. So just as a reminder…

"For Honor – The Path to Love" is the first story. Can't know how a character can be without knowing who they are.