{A/N: After a long battle with writer's block and endless school work, I've finally finished up this next chapter. I apologize once again for the inconsistency but to make up for it, this is the longest chapter yet! In this chapter, we see the story from Todoroki's perspective after the night he panicked in front of Momo after visiting his father. Will he be able to make amends and finally get some real answers? Thank you in advance for everyone who's still reading my work and I hope you enjoy!}

Todoroki Shoto stared into the dark ceiling above him. His tranquil Japanese style bedroom always seemed to calm him down, but it did little to ease the turmoil in his heart. After seeing his father, and coming upon an awful truth about the power inside of him, he didn't know how to face her. He had sat on those dorm steps for hours, unable to move from the sickening feeling building inside of him. What could he say to her after dealing with this mess for so long? Not only had he made them both dependent on each other through their condition, but he had also put her life at serious risk. He was at a loss, and when she suddenly appeared in front of him that night, he panicked.

Todoroki grimaced and covered his face with his hands as he replayed the scene in his mind. Feeling their connection once again with the knowledge he now had made him feel so guilty that he nearly got sick on the spot. All of the moments he shared with her, everything that they had gotten to know about each other, everything that he felt: it had all been because of the curse he carried within him. The thought sent a chill down his spine. If he had never kissed her that night, what would she be to him? Would she even be a friend or just someone who was in his class? But one thought that stuck in his mind, especially after his actions that night. She would have been better off without ever getting involved with him. The sight of her face right before he ran away like a coward flashed in his mind. His heart sunk in his chest.


He quickly sat up and held his head tightly, trying to stop his mind from thinking about everything all at once. It was too much to process and he needed to get enough sleep for tomorrow's exam. He laid back down after calming himself and thought of the happy place he had always held dear. He remembered it clear as day, the forest he walked through with his mother, snow-covered trees and a sharp chill on his nose. He saw his mother's reserved smile against the snowy backdrop and felt the kindness and warmth she had once given him. Shoto's exhausted mind was finally put at ease.

Morning came quickly as if he had just closed his eyes for a second. He rolled out of bed feeling the burden of guilt still weighing him down. He knew then that he couldn't let himself deal with this alone. Rather than dealing with this alone, the much wiser option would be to speak with Recovery girl right after the exam today. The only reason he didn't go to her immediately was because of his father's past influence. If nothing could be done about this power when his father attended U.A. then what could be done now?

Todoroki chuckled at how childish and immature he had been. He stepped into the bathroom for a quick shower to wake himself up. The lukewarm water helped relieve some of the tension in his body as he thought about the best course of action. After the test, he would go directly to Recovery girl and tell her every little detail and let her run every single test imaginable on his body. He knew some of the details about how lethal the hell flame quirk was from his father, but the quirk had manifested differently in him. The person he had inflicted with this curse could be kept alive through the same action that gave her the affliction in the first place. A kiss every 24 hours would prevent any symptoms from appearing. There had to be a reason that his power had awakened in a much less aggressive way than with his father, and hopefully, Recovery girl could use her extensive knowledge and expertise to find out why. There could even be a cure if he presents her with enough information.

Todoroki nodded his head to reassure himself that there was still hope and that they could even find a cure with time. He couldn't lose hope just yet, his life wasn't the only one at risk. He stopped the water and stepped out of the shower with a new focus. He would find any possible way to apologize to Momo for his actions last night. He needed to have her on his side when he went to speak with Recovery girl. If he explained everything that had happened to him, he was sure she could find it in her to forgive him at least for the day. He felt his bare chest at the thought of speaking with Momo once again. His heart raced from nervousness and dread but more than anything he just wanted to assuage her feelings. That would would have to wait a few hours as they both needed to focus on the exam that would begin their path to being professional heroes. He quickly changed into his school uniform and took a deep breath before leaving his room.

Todoroki arrived 30 minutes before class like he always did, and took his seat in the empty room. He looked towards the window to his left and saw the sunrise in the distance. It was a beautiful sight that greeted him almost every morning before class, but today, it seemed rather lacking. The colors weren't as bright and the room around him seemed just as dull. He quickly realized that this was all in his head, but he couldn't deny the terrible feeling he had that was affecting his view of the world around. He needed to deal with it quickly and speak to Momo as soon as possible. This exam wasn't nearly as worrisome. He had studied plenty and was confident, but the feeling still lingered in his stomach.

The class started to fill up as his classmates walked in with varying degrees of eagerness. Lida arrived soon after him and looked as radiantly upright as always, while most everyone else looked tired and nervous from a night of cramming. Normally, he didn't take notice of his classmates so acutely. He would spend the time before class staring outside because he couldn't really be bothered, but today he couldn't help but take notice his classmates more than usual. He wasn't close to anyone like he was with Momo, and it made him think of not having her with him at U.A. anymore. Somehow the idea of this class without her seemed unreal. He put a hand to his chest as a heavy chill spread over his heart.

He was never the type to be overly emotional; a childhood full of psychological trauma saw to that. His father's hellish training never failed to push all of his feelings deep inside of him. Focusing on his power while ignoring the emotions surging through him was the only way he could have possibly survived his childhood. Years and years of living under his father's first instilled in him the importance for power. If he was stronger than anyone else, then he wouldn't be a failure. He had to ignore what happened to his mother. He couldn't ever really feel those emotions. He had to suppress everything, ignore everything, and overcome everything in order to amount to anything.

All those years of torment, and the only thing Shoto remembered feeling was hatred. It was the only emotion he was allowed to show because of the power that it brought out of him. His father didn't care how he felt, nothing else mattered except for the results of his training. Getting into U.A., continuing his father's legacy at this school, aiming for the top- It was all according to his father's will. Hate had fueled his every action up to that point. Hate had been his entire life. It was the only thing he had ever profoundly felt. Then, he met her.

A motion at the door brought his attention to it as Momo entered the room followed closely by Jiro and Mina. The moment he saw her face, a shock of realization went through him. The weight on his chest suddenly lifted and his heartfelt light as a feather, like it had just beat for the first time. He had never understood this feeling, but it was there the whole time; Lying underneath the hate that had always fueled his heart. It was so clear to him that he stood up instantly, an expression of awe on his face. He saw her in a brand new light, someone who's cooperation and friendship he had taken for granted this entire time. He needed to tell her how he really felt.

While Todoroki's epiphany brought him to his feet, the immediate death stares from Jiro and Mina shocked him back to reality. He couldn't have had worse timing. He took another glance towards Momo and felt his stomach drop when he realized how uneasy and pale she looked. She wouldn't even meet his gaze as she approached her seat. He felt her best friends eyes on him still, burning holes into his face, so he had no choice but to sit back down and hold his tongue. Even if he did say something, how could he possibly explain himself to her? A few of his classmates noticed his strange behavior but were unaware of the dramatic situation unfolding around them.

Todoroki sat back down and tried to reason with himself. He could suddenly see how much he cared for Momo, but it didn't change the fact that last night happened. He was still scared of what he might still do to her; what his quirk could do to her. Did his feelings matter if all he did was put her in danger? This was all happening too fast but he wasn't entirely upset by it. He finally knew something definite about his relationship with Momo. It had taken a long time, but he was finally able to see his feelings for the girl who came to his rescue that one fateful night. He just needed to make sure that she didn't get hurt anymore because of what happened to her then. What brought them together couldn't be the thing that tore them apart, he would make sure of that.

Momo took her seat next to him and he could feel how painfully uncomfortable she was. She turned her body away from him as much as she could and looked his way in the slightest. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, regretting his actions from last night. There had to be something he could do to help her feel better. He didn't want her to have to take the exam while in such a terrible mood. Desperate, Todoroki reached into his backpack and quietly ripped a piece of paper from his notebook. The new feeling he had come to understand was now driving him to action. He felt liberated from the feeling of anger that had always plagued him. He wasn't thinking of revenge or redemption, he was thinking of Momo. His words were from the heart as he quickly wrote his message and folded it neatly.

I'm sorry for everything. Thank you for showing me what the real thing truly means.

He quickly placed the note on the corner of her desk. Aizawa Sensei entered the room right as Momo saw noticed the note. He quickly began addressing the class on exam procedures while Todoroki glanced anxiously at her hands as she began to open it. He hoped his words would reach her but just as she was about fully open the paper she stopped and folded the note back up while placing it in her pocket. He was conflicted by her actions, but he was grateful that she hadn't torn up the note on the spot. He just hoped she was well enough to focus on the exam. She faced forward now, her profile fully visible to the aloof boy who had barely known her a month ago. He had no idea then that she would change his perspective entirely. That she would make him truly feel something other than hate. That she would become the person he was most fond of. That he would be in-

"All right students, This is your written exam. Don't be idiots, and remember what you've learned from your lectures."

His train of thought was interrupted by Aizawa sensei's very characteristic encouragement. He began passing back the exams and within the next minute, everyone had begun.

After 3 hours of testing, time was finally called and the class let out a collective sigh of relief. While most of the class used up the entire time working, Momo had finished 30 minutes before time and Todoroki soon after. It was brutal for him to sit in silence next to her for so long when all he wanted to do was tell her what he needed to say. As the class began packing up, he finally worked up the courage to face her. He looked at her profile as she reached down to pack her bag. She hadn't looked at him once and he couldn't blame her. He spoke softly towards her in the hope that she would hear him out.

"Momo, listen…"

Her entire body flinched at the sound of his voice, stopping her hand from moving. After a moment of hesitation, she quickly grabbed her bag and stood up to leave without acknowledging him. She stopped suddenly, and quickly placed the note he had made her back on his own desk. She didn't look at him, but he could see her conflicted expression clearly now. His lips opened in response, but nothing came out as he watched her turn around and leave the room swiftly. He didn't speak then because he knew he didn't have the right too after last night. He needed to make up for his actions but this wasn't the time or place. He sat in his seat for a while and collected himself. After the classroom had emptied, he collected his things and began to head for the hospital in order to speak with Recovery girl to hopefully get some answers. He didn't make it very far.

Upon opening the sliding door to classroom 1-A, he came face to face with a truly terrifying being: Demon form-Kyoka Jiro. His always neutral expression his intense stomach dropping fear that filled his body when he saw that face. Jiro stood not ready to attack him, but in a relaxed stance… with closed eyes and a wide toothless smile.

"Why hello there Todoroki, I was wondering if I could have a quick word?"

He stood there frozen in place while Jiro placed a hand on his shoulder with the grip of a pro wrestler. He ended up just staring at her in fear.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Without hesitation, the demon lord herself pushed Todoroki back into the empty classroom with enough force to make him stumble back. She slammed the sliding door shut behind her and quickly grabbed the collar of his uniform. He didn't resist, and simply looked into her eyes, seeing the pain and frustration she felt.

"I would have already knocked you senseless if Momo wasn't such a kind girl. She had to beg me not to do anything. Do you even know what you did to her yesterday?"

She teared up as she tried to find a good reason to hurt him, but all he could do was stand there. He met her wet eyes with a look of painful regret.

"You have every right to hit me Jiro, You've been a much better friend to her than I have. All I've done is get her involved in a mess she has no control over. Do what you need to do, I won't stop you."

Jiro cocked a fist back and was fully prepared to hit him as hard as she could, but she quickly realized that Todoroki understood the weight of his actions. With a frustrated grunt, she roughly let go of him and rested her hands on her sides while glaring at him.

"How are you going to fix this? You better have a good plan, I'm not letting anything else happen to her. She's such a good person, and she doesn't deserve to be caught up in this mess!"

"Jiro, I made a huge mistake last night. I let my emotions affect my judgment and I reacted in a terrible way that hurt Momo. I know that better than anyone, but right now I need to go to see Recovery girl and give her all the information I have. That's my plan, and I need you to help me. Please tell Momo that I've found new information about our connection and that she should head to the hospital as soon as possible. I know she doesn't want to see me right now but this is what's best for her. I'm trying my best to take responsibility for getting her involved with my condition. And…"

Jiro was initially impressed by the amount of words coming out of the reticent boy's mouth but more so by the care with which he used his words. He wasn't covering for himself, he was owning up to his mistake and trying to make the best out of the situation.

"Ok, so you're not as hopeless as I thought. And what?"

He paused, searching for the right words but it was easier to just say how he felt directly.

"Please tell Momo that I care for her, and I won't make a mistake like this again."

Jiro met his eyes and saw only honesty and confidence in his gaze. Jiro let out a heavy sigh and then turned towards the classroom door. She opened it with a chuckle and then turned back to Todoroki.

"You know, it's hard to hate you when you can say something like that with a straight face. I'll go along with your plan, but you're gonna be the one to say that last part to her. That is, after you save our princess of course. Now get going mister ice prince, make sure you stay true to your word. That's what true heroes do right?"

The pair shared a moment of understanding and Todoroki nodded firmly in affirmation. With Jiro's blessing, he hustled out of the class and headed straight to the hospital. He wasted no time as he practically sprinted along the U.A. trail and bolted through the hospital hallways. He burst through the elderly hero's office door to find her sitting by her desk unsurprised by his sudden arrival.

"Well now, It's about time you showed up you little devil. You could have at least called my office yesterday. Anyway, it looks like you're ready to talk now. Let's hear it."

"...I was ready to tell you everything… but I think I need to wait until Yaoyorozu arrives. I made a huge mistake by leaving her in the dark yesterday. I need to make sure she hears the whole story from me now. So, can you tell me if you've found anything on your end?"

Recovery girl stood up from her chair and motioned for Todoroki to take a seat. He did so as she made her way to the window behind her desk and stared out at the center of U.A.'s campus. She spoke with her back to him.

"You want her to hear the whole story? I may not have uncovered much, but the things that I didn't find led me on the right track to a horrifying conclusion. Your father caused something horrific at this school, and then it was covered up completely. I'm guessing he finally told you about it."

She turned back to face the young man whom she felt more worried about every day that passed.

"Will she be able to handle learning about what happened in the past? Would it not be better to keep things as they are and let me handle searching for a cure? Why would you make her worry unnecessarily?"

Recovery girl stared down the boy hoping to change his mind but he didn't waver in the slightest.

"I'm not sure what your perception of Yaoyorozu is, but I can tell you one thing for sure: she is strong. Not only could she handle this information but she has every right to hear about it from me. I don't want to keep anything from her any longer, not a single thing."

A smile formed on Recovery girl's wrinkled face as she gave Todoroki a warm look of approval.

"Ahhh youth! I just love to see it blossom like this… You've matured young man. Let's get another blood sample from you in the lab while we wait for miss Yaoyorozu to arrive. I have confidence that with your new information we should find a cure soon. And one more thing… Make sure you tell her all of the things you need to say. Don't make an old lady witness two young love birds who can't communicate properly any longer, its serious torture!"

Todoroki blushed at her bold words while she eyed him knowingly. He knew that his first priority was helping Momo, and that meant being honest about everything. He steadied himself and followed the elderly doctor to her lab with the strong hope that everything would work out.

20 minutes later

Much like that morning in class, Todoroki watched as Momo came into the room and couldn't take his eyes off of her. This time however, she was able to meet his gaze. She seemed scared but still approached his seat next to an array of medical devices. He tried to stand but she shook her head and stood by his side. He was confused for a moment, but she was just trying to work up the nerve to get over last night's encounter.

"I spoke with Jiro… she said I should trust you. I don't know what kind of magic trick you pulled to make her say that, but hearing that from her made me sure of the fact that you're still the same good person I know you to be. I'm sure there's a good reason for- S-Shoto?"

Todoroki had taken a hold of Momo's left hand and held it gently in his own. He looked at her blushed expression and felt a rush of newfound emotions. Above all, he felt grateful that Momo was willing to forgive him.

"I'm truly sorry for last night Momo. I ran away from you when I'm the person who got you involved in this. I can't thank you enough for hearing me out."

He looked into Momo eyes and let his emotions show on his face. His warm gentle smile made Momo blush even harder. He pulled her hand closer to him, his pulse quickening from the words on the tip of his tongue.

"Momo I-"

The mechanical noise of the lab door opening jolted the pair back apart and back to their senses as Recovery girl entered the room. She chuckled as walked towards them but a solemn expression remained on her face.

"As much as I would like to give you two more time alone, I fear that time is of the essence. Young Todoroki here has acquired some new information about his condition. Now that you're here dear, we're going to record everything he has to say and use it to find a cure. Sound good?"

Momo looked down at Todoroki who nodded to her. From the look in her eyes, he knew it was the right decision to tell her everything he had found about his power. She took a seat in the hospital chair near his and Recovery girl prepared a recording device and a pen and paper.

He started from the beginning. He told them how his father had discovered a strange evolution in his ability at the same age as he was now. That very same power caused the death of three students that was covered up by U.A. to save themselves from a P.R. nightmare. Endeavor was protected and became the second most notorious hero. Without letting his son know, he let him attend U.A. and eagerly awaited for his true power to mature. A process that he thought would rid his son of the weakness instilled by his mother. Instead, a connection was formed between himself and Momo. A connection that required a constant bond between the two, with fatal consequences. He hadn't spoken of this connection to his father, but Endeavor was already under the assumption that he had killed a single student at U.A. He recalled the cavalier attitude with which Endeavor treated taking the life of other people in order to gain power.

Todoroki paused as his fist clenched in anger. He felt so powerless against the quirk he was born with. The frustration of being unable to stop himself from hurting someone he cared about was too much to bear. Then, he felt a gentle touch against his hand. Momo was already at his side with tears on her cheeks. He thought that she was scared at first, that telling her everything had been a mistake after all. But he couldn't have been more wrong. He marveled at her infinite kindness as she warmly embraced him.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this, you deserve so much better Shoto."

Rather than fear for her own life, Momo was much more concerned with comforting him. Even though it was his fault, even though she was still in danger, she was there for him in spite of everything else. He pressed his face into the crook of her neck to hide his tear-filled eyes. He found blissful comfort in her arms, but the pair quickly separated before losing themselves in the moment. They were each blushing bright red and Todoroki readied himself for another teasing comment from Recovery girl. She wasn't even looking at the pair. She had stood up and moved to her desk where she sat down with head in her hands.

"Are… you alright Recovery girl?"

Todoroki spoke as he stood up from his chair and made his way in front of her desk. The elderly doctor heaved a big sigh and finally looked up.

"This… this is bigger than I thought it was. Your father has the complete backing of U.A. for him to be able to get away with such a crime. I would understand if it were an accident, but it seems your father relished in the act of stealing the lives of his fellow classmates. The way he treated you… I'm sorry you had to go through that young man, but there is a silver lining in this situation. Your power has matured much differently than your fathers did. You haven't taken a single life and the person you've affected with your power is still healthy."

She got up and rounded the table to place a hand on Todoroki's shoulder.

"You are not your father, and the proof is in how your power matured. There's a lot of research I need to look into but I can say that for sure that something about your ice abilities has changed how your powers grew. You should take pride in the fact that you and miss Yaoyorozu are still alive, and trust in me to find an answer quickly. You're much too young to have to deal with such hardships. It's my job as a doctor and as a senior hero to give you the best life possible. My biggest concern might actually be the politics at play surrounding your father's time at U.A., but that's something only I can deal with. For now, I'd like for you to return to your usual lives as students. Your wrist monitors will continue to monitor your activity and everything should be alright for now if you continue your routine of reconnecting. I promise to do everything in my power to help the both of you."

Both Todoroki and Momo nodded to each other with full confidence in Recovery girl. If there was anyone on the U.A. campus deserving of trust, it was her. After thanking her for her continued support, the pair made their way to the door of the lab when they were suddenly stopped by an outburst from the elderly hero.

"Oh! That's right, I was meaning to ask you two something. Did anything strange happen last night? Your bracelet monitors both recorded some abnormal readings, especially miss Yaoyorozu… your vital signs showed signs of a panic at-"

"Nothing serious happened, I'm doing just fine now."

Momo cut her off before she could say anymore but Todoroki felt sick after hearing what she said. He couldn't believe he had hurt her so badly.

"...Okay then, you're both in good health. I understand you have another exam tomorrow so why don't you two relax for the rest of the day, doctor's orders. I'll be working hard in the lab with my team going over the blood sample we took from Todoroki. Now that I know we're looking for a mutation or adaptation in your quirk, perhaps finding a cure will be easier than we thought. Keep your heads up students, leave the worrying to me."

They both gave a Recovery girl a deep bow for her continued efforts to help and left the lab in silence. They walked through the glass sliding doors of the hospital to feel the afternoon sun gleaming down on the U.A. campus. It was about 2 p.m. so they each had free time until retiring for the night. When they had reached the fountain in front of the U.A. trail, Todoroki stopped in his tracks. Momo kept walking like she was in her own world.

"Momo… Momo please listen."

She stopped, but kept her eyes on the fountain ahead of them.

"I've made so many mistakes that ended up hurting you. For you to experience something so horrible because of me and not say anything… I can't tell you enough how sorry I-"

"Stop. Please… stop."

Todoroki caught his breath as he heard her raspy words. Her shoulders shuddered as she began to cry. Her light delicate sobs tore at Todoroki's chest, but he couldn't say anything to comfort her. It was his fault for causing all of this. He had no right to ask for forgiveness. His fists clenched tight by his sides as he hung his head down and cursed everything that had put her in such a situation.


He looked up just as she stood before him, her hands placed delicately onto his chest. He stared into her wet, bloodshot eyes unsure of her actions.

"Please don't apologize to me for the things that you've been through. You're an incredible person who's been through a hellish upbringing. All of those things you said today, I'm glad you were able to tell me everything. I'm not scared by it, your story just makes me want to help you more. There's… there's nothing to forgive."

She spoke with her eyes on her hands. Her blushed, teary face seemed to shine in the sunlight. Todoroki felt it again, like his heart was beating for the first time. Her personality never failed to amaze him. The comfort she gave him no matter how much his power had affected her. She was selfless and kind, yet strong and willful. She was…

"Momo, you're the one who's incredible."

Her face lit up as she backed away slightly in embarrassment.

"W-W-Well thank you, I m-mean I wouldn't call myself that but Jiro and Mina are always say-"

She could no longer speak as Todoroki quickly approached her and pressed his lips into hers without a moment's hesitation. One hand found the small of her back while the other held the back of her head. He pressed his entire being into her, his heart and mind no longer clouded by uncertainty. Their connection activated and Momo received every single emotion in full clarity. From the impending doom of last night, to the sudden revelation of his feelings that morning, she felt it all at that moment. The noise of their monitoring bracelets went ignored as Todoroki pressed himself even closer to the person he cared for most. Time stopped for the both of them as unspoken emotions and hidden desires rose to the surface through the one of a kind connection that had bonded them.

The need for air was the only thing that could separate them as they both gasped for breath. Their eyes locked mere inches away from one another before Momo's conscious came back to her. The proper lady of the Yaoyorozu household tried to reason with her rather improper feelings for the boy in front of her.

"Y-You… That was…i-i-inappropriate!"

"Inappropriate? I thought it was amazing."

She looked at his dead-serious expression and remembered how dense he could be sometimes. Todoroki smiled gently at the frustrated tomato that was Momo's face. He had gotten it all off of his chest through their connection. While it scared him to think of the dangers of it, The power that connected them was truly remarkable. Communicating through touch allowed him to truly express himself. The note he had tried to give her in class had already been given to her through the touch of their lips.

He watched Momo's brain run rampant as she pressed her hands against her burning cheeks and faced away from him in a daze. He had been more forward with her than ever before so he couldn't blame her for being embarrassed.

"Was that a mistake? I didn't mean to be so aggressive all of a sudden, it just kind of…"

Momo shook her head with a bashful smile.

"Like you said, it was amazing..."

They made eye contact for a few seconds before they each turned away from the tension between them. Neither of the two found it unpleasant though. Momo was the first to break the surreal silence.

"...We should probably head back to the dorms. We both need to get some rest for tomorrow's practical exam."

"You're right, although I'm sure you'll get top marks like you did with the written portion."

"How do you know that without the results?"

"Because it's you. Your genius is only second to your work ethic."

"F-Flattery will get you nowhere… but I'm sure you did just as well Shoto. You work as hard anyone in our class"

"Is it really flattery if it's the truth?"

Momo could only giggle at Todoroki's to the point manner of speaking. Their conversation continued as the pair made their way across the U.A. campus. They discussed the topics that were covered on the written exam and how they about certain questions. From there they discussed their classmates and how they expected everyone to do. Talking to each other was easier than it had ever been, and before they knew it they were already next to the boys' dorm.

"Listen Momo, I just want to apologize again for last night. I'm sure it made it hard to get enough rest for the exam today."

"Remember what I said about apologizing? It's totally fine. I know why you acted that way and it's already forgiven. I suppose I could have used some that delicious tea you made in your room that one night…"

"I'd still like to make it up to you. Would you like to have some of that tea? I could put it in a thermos for you to heat up tonight."

"... Y-You don't mind?"

"Not at all, it's the least I could do. I'll even give you some tea leaves to make some more yourself later."

"That… that sounds lovely."

Todoroki gave her a small smile and motioned for her to follow him to the boys' dorm. He hadn't really thought ahead to the part where they would be alone in his bedroom together but to him, it didn't change much. He was just happy to be in her company. Momo on the other hand, was a nervous wreck after the spellbinding kiss she had just experienced. She knew she could trust Shoto more than any other boy, but it was herself she was worried about. She managed to hide her nerves except for a slight blush as the pair entered the lobby elevator. The pair had been so in their own heads that they failed to notice Midoriya, Kirishima and several other boys from class 1-A sitting on the couches in the lobby. Deku was the first to comment.

"Wow, they're such hard workers! Going to study right after an exam... we should all try to follow their example!"

Kirishima laughed aloud.

"I'm pretty sure they're going to do a different kind of studying, Midoriya"

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"I think they're going to have a study session like the ones you and Uraraka san have been having."

The boys erupted in laughter as Midoriya's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Meanwhile, Momo was seated by the small Japanese style table in Todoroki's room while he finished boiling a pot of water with his quirk. He quickly prepared a large thermos for Momo and a small cup for himself. He carried them both over to the small table with care and took a seat.

"Here's a couple packets of tea leaves for later as well, I didn't realize you were so fond of the flavor."

Momo eyed him carefully, too prideful to admit that she liked the experience of drinking tea with him more than anything, but the taste was undeniably pleasant.

"You know how to make some good tea I'll give you that much. I should get going actually, but I'll have some with you now."

"That sounds great."

Momo poured a small sample of the delicious tea into the lid of the thermos and drank alongside the once aloof ice prince. The pair shared a moment of silence as they each appreciated the tea's soothing taste. The silence was broken by a fairly loud yawn from Momo, who's exhaustion was beginning to show. Last night's stress had taken its toll on her and not getting enough sleep wasn't something she was used to. With a final sip, she finished her cup of tea as Todoroki noticed how drowsy she was. Her eyelids fluttered and drooped as Todoroki moved towards her in concern.

"Momo? Are you feeling ok?"

Her head nodded up and down before she began to tilt towards Todoroki who caught her in a hurry. He tried to maintain his composure as he held her head against his chest. She was breathing just fine and her monitoring bracelet was silent, meaning that she was simply getting some well deserved rest. He held her gently, in awe of the quiet sound of her breath and the softness of her hair. While Todoroki was a gentleman through and through, he found himself staring long and hard at Momo's sleeping face. Her beautiful features grew soft and delicate and he found his hand moving to brush away the strands of hair covering it. He smiled freely like he did when he was a child as he appreciated the girl in his arms. He moved to give her cheek a gentle caress.

"Mhmm Shoto…"

He froze in place fearing his actions would be misinterpreted, but Momo seemed to be talking while half asleep. Before he could answer her, she continued.

"I'm happy… so happy… that you feel that way about me…"

He could barely contain the elation he felt at those words but he felt it was wrong to eavesdrop on her sleeping like this. Being careful not to wake her just yet, he reached a hand to the side of Momo's bag where he always saw her put her phone away. He silently pulled it out and input the password which he quickly noticed was Momo's birthday. He began typing a message to Jiro with his left hand while his right supported her body against him. He figured she was probably wondering where she was since this morning and he didn't want to cause any more worry than was necessary. He sent a succinct message telling her that Momo was taking a much-needed nap in his room and that things had worked out rather well.

He put the phone down on the table and went back to simply existing with a sleeping Momo in his arms. He saw a read receipt pop up on the phone from the corner of his eye and just a moment later he could have sworn he heard some of the boy's screams from downstairs. Not playful or funny screaming, just pure fear. He held his breath as he felt a presence seemingly teleport to his front door. It soundlessly opened bit by bit as Jiro's dark aura seeped in. Todoroki's instincts told him to jump out the window, but Momo's sleeping face had become a national treasure to him at this point so he boldly held his ground. Jiro approached him, eyeing him like a hawk. Her dark aura of overprotection was at full force, but the more she surveyed the situation, the more she realized that Momo was being well taken care of. In a flash her aura disappeared, only to be replaced by an impressive pouting face. She took a seat on the other side of the table, clearly wishing it were her who got hold Momo while she slept.

"Looks like you're having the time of your life holding our stunning princess in your arms Todoroki. Honestly if I hadn't had that talk with you this morning I would have snatched her out of your arms immediately…"

"I'm glad you didn't."

Jiro shot him a smirk and sighed.

"I'm relieved that you were able to work things out with her, I'll get the details from Momo later. You know, you look alot better than you did this morning. Did you get everything off your chest?"

Todoroki smiled down at Momo before answering.

"I didn't say much, but she knows everything I wanted to tell her."

Momo awoke soon after Jiro arrived in a panic of embarrassment but Jiro quickly calmed her down. After thanking Todoroki again for the thermos of homebrewed tea, Momo left with Jiro to spend the rest of the day resting in their dorm rooms. Todoroki glanced outside and noted that there were still a few more hours until sunset. To someone else that would mean more time for socializing or brushing up on fighting strategies. To Todoroki's old soul, it meant a couple more hours of sleep. He was fully confident in his abilities for the practical exam the next day. After a day full of surprises and newfound feelings, he laid down on his traditional style futon and let the lingering feeling of Momo's head against his chest lull him to sleep.

Both Todoroki and Momo awoke the next morning feeling like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. The unknown factors surrounding their connection were still there, but the pair felt a much deeper understanding of one another than they ever had before. Yesterday's events had given them the confidence that their problems could not only be solved but that something incredible could start from their struggles together.

Class 1-A gathered in the training facility that housed numerous locations for combat training that would be used for the exam. As if the universe had aligned in their favor, Todoroki and Momo found themselves paired together for the practical exam. They walked side by side into the suburban style training environment. Momo smiled confidently at her stoic partner.

"We're almost there Shoto. Our first step to becoming real heroes: It's right in front of us. Let's get through this together."

All Todoroki had to do was give a nod back. He was more than ready, and his chemistry with Momo would only make things go more smoothly. All the information they had was that they were up against Aizawa sensei, and they had to either bind him or escape through a designated area. Going up against their own homeroom teacher would be hard, but they had to have faith in the training they've done up until now. The pair marched to the center of the facility and awaited the signal to start their exam.

They waited on edge for about 5 minutes until a loud radio static filled the air. An announcement was broadcast to them in a loud mechanical voice.

"Attention Students, your examiner has been selected to be replaced by a special auxiliary hero. I repeat, your examiner has been selected to be replaced by a special auxiliary hero. The clear conditions for the exam have not changed."

Todoroki and Momo looked at each other in confusion. This definitely didn't seem routine but it might just be another test that U.A. was trying to throw at them. Expect the unexpected. That's what Todoroki told himself even when a chill ran down the back of his neck. The pair decided to move from their location after assuming that the exam had already begun. They found themselves on a long two way street that was lined with houses. That's when they began to feel the earth rumbling beneath their feet. It was light at first, but then it grew more intense as the environment around them began to rumble with each tremor.

The heroes in training assumed defensive positions as they prepared for the unknown threat. A final tremor sounded off, and then calm returned for a moment. Todoroki knew something was wrong, and then the change in the air crushed the hope he had slowly built up over time. With an earth wrenching impact, their new examiner landed 10 meters away in a ball of flame that sucked the oxygen right out of the air.

Todoroki's body screamed out in panic and yet refused to move a muscle. He saw Momo fall to her knees next to him from the impossibly hot air surrounding them. He could only watch as the man approached them slowly, eyes filled with endless rage and disgust. Never before had he felt so powerless against the unavoidable fate that he had inherited. There he stood, next to the person he needed to protect most, unable to act. It was unforgivable.

His anger at himself stoked the Hell flames within him as his vision became a sea of dark red. He felt himself move in front of Momo who was incapacitated behind him. When he looked forward, the dark emotions he held found their true target. The man who had cursed his very existence from the start: Endeavor.