Dearest Readers,
I'm going to continue 'Shooting the Moon'! I've already dusted up the first chapter and have nearly finished the second and third. I'm going to re-publish it as a new story (still with the same title) and delete the old one (now called Shooting the Moon the ancient version). I just thought I would notify you all in this way first, so you can start looking out for it! ;o) I hope you're all still out there and reading! Thanks all of you for taking the time to read and review the old story, I hope you like the new one as much! ;oD
Now, the thing is (you're gonna hate me!) I'm changing my username YET AGAIN!
I am now 'Laura the StorySpider' and I will re-publish the story, with improvements, under the same title, 'Shooting the Moon'.
Yours Sincerely!
Sidra elf (Laura the StorySpider)