Hey guys, i don't really have much to say mow, so here is the next chapter.

So sit back and Enjoy

Prologue II – Becoming The Master

Truthfully, Naruto didn't know what to expect when he performed the summoning, a lot of things he had imagine to a giant monster of a man, or something along those line anyways. But he nor the others in the classroom have expected… well… her.

"Huh, what's with that look? I'm your Servant." The Servant known as Avenger stated with displeasure. "Could it be that my Master is an Idiot Master?"

Naruto's eye twitched as he tried to hold in a comeback, 'At least I'm tall enough to look people in the eye!', Taking a deep breath and replied to his… Servant's request? "Yeah, I'm Naruto, your Master… did I do it right Luvia?"

He turned to look at his friend to see that both Luvia and Lord El-Melloi dumbfounded… did he do something wrong?

"Umm, guys?"

Lord El-Melloi was the first to recover; exhaling the long-held breath he was holding as a tired expression donned his face. Luvia then took a step forward with eyes narrowed while she examined the Servant. "Not what I was expecting to be honest… are you really a Servant?"

"Are you blind? Of course, I'm a Servant, you Muscled Diva. I'm the strongest Servant compared to all the others." Avenger said with an annoyed expression, Luvia was taken aback at the sudden response by the 'Hero', then her mind processed what was just said.

"Muscled Diva! Did you really just insult my body?! I take pride in conditioning myself; you know!" Luvia was not one to allow insults like that just go by.

"Oh, they you must not have much pride considering your body shows you really have no feminine physique like myself!" Avenger retorted making Luvia respond in turn as Naruto watched the insults fling by, unsure what to do.

'This is my Servant?' Naruto thought, as he couldn't really process what to make of the situations. He read that the Grail would match the Servant that was closest to the Master based on their personality if they had no Catalyst. Did he do something wrong during the summoning ritual or something? He did recall a stirring in his stomach but, he didn't believe that was the reason for this strange development.

"Okay, break it up you two. Luvia, it's not wise to pick a fight with a… Heroic Spirit…" Using the term rather lightly based upon the first few minutes she had begun speaking, "You should know better than that." El-Melloi spoke up, the blond girl had the decency to feel embarrassed by the whole thing as the Servant pulled down her eyelid and stuck out her tongue, ticking the girl off but Luvia remained calm. "And I'd rather not have to clean up the mess if you two did fight. Besides, it's far too early in the morning for this talk so why don't you three head off to bed. After all, Luvia you have class in the morning and I don't want you to be late, since I am your tutor."

The two blonds then remembered what time it was and that the older magus was correct. They excused themselves and began walking out the room with Avenger following behind them. When he heard the door to the room close, Waver's eyes focused on the two summoning circles. Walking up to them and crouched down and studied them, he compared the two with and intense focus. After a few moments, he saw that nothing was wrong with ether of them, they were each a perfect copy… nothing out of place just like how it was supposed to be. Which begged the question… why did Luvia's summoning fail? By all accounts she should have been the one to have completed the ritual, given the fact she was an actual mage and had a Catalyst to aid her. Did the Grail reject her? It was too early in the war for all the masters to have been selected… right?

The only guaranteed slots within the seven were a single member from the Tohsaka's, the Matou's and the Einzbern's. He knew that the Tohsaka's were down to only one left alive. The Matou's had two possible heirs but no real confirmation, but from what he had heard through the woodwork that their magical talent had been in declining for the last century for unknown reasons. As for the Einzberns… well… they were a reclusive family over in Germany that kept to themselves, rarely ever speaking to others. Most likely they would have another homunculus Master just as the previous wars, bar the fourth that he participated in. As for the two slots meant for the Mage's Association, they had selected an Enforcer and some new prestigious mage to be there. Meaning that Naruto was for some reason, placed into one of the last remaining two slots for those that had great potential.

However, the last Servant he had known to be rather… lacking the heroic aspect…

"But that isn't what is the most troubling…" His eyes then landed on the other circle. "Servant class Avenger… A Servant outside of the primary seven classes? That should be impossible… hmm, I need to look into this as soon as possible." Waver reached into his pocket, pulled out a cigar, and placed one up to his lips. "Naruto Uzumaki, you really have stumbled upon something odd… I wonder if this is warning to what to come." Taking out his lighter, Waver clicked it to bring forth the fire for his cigar, giving it a bright light.

He then took a puff and sighed, "I know you had something to do with this Zelretch… what are you planning…."

(With the other)

After leaving the classroom, Luvia and Naruto had begun walking through the school building, making their way to the outside. As they walked, Avenger was walking behind them, her eyes glancing left and right at anything that caught her attention, although truthfully, she was keeping an eye out for anyone looking to make themselves into an enemy. He was glad that it was late at night, otherwise he would have no doubt that with the armor his servant was wearing it would no doubt draw some unwanted attention.

"Why are you two so quiet?" Avenger said, making the blonds sweat drop as they thought 'It's kind of awkward to talk with you here.' The two kept quiet as the Servant blew a puff of air before looking out the window with a neutral expression on her face that seemed to also border disappointment. It took a bit to get outside before Luvia shivered from the surprising cold summer night, Naruto seeing this gave her his jacket.

Luvia quickly thanked him, before she looked up at the night sky with a blank face. "I should be heading back now."

Naruto looked at her with confusion, "What do you mean? Aren't we heading towards the dorms?' Luvia gave him small look, before clarifying.

"Actually, I need to start making the preparations for our time in Fuyuki." Her friend raised an eyebrow at that.

"Now? Can't you do it after you get some sleep?" He offered, which the girl thought about before shaking her head.

"As much as I liked to, I can't. We still have six months before the war officially begins, so any and all information that we can get a hold of will be vital. Better to start now while we have the upper hand for the time being. So have a good night Naruto, I'll see you in the morning." Luvia then began walking in the opposite directions of the dorms; Naruto waved goodbye before he turned around to see Avenger giving him a dull look of boredom.

"So… are you done fooling around with the weirdo, Master?" The ninja mentally sighed as he turned to address his Servant. The woman had annoyed expression on her face, when she noted him staring at her longer then she liked. "What are you looking at? It's getting annoying now."

"So… I guess we should head home then." Naruto stated rubbing his neck unsure what to make of his Servant.

"Better then out in the open…" Avenger muttered before she gestured out around for Naruto to continuing on to his current residence.

The walk to the school dorms wasn't very long, but it was… rather awkward for the two. Naruto wasn't sure how to act towards Avenger, she had a hair trigger temper, which reminded him a lot of Sakura. But unlike his old friend and crush, his gut told him that she'd gut him like a pig if pushed too far.

His eyes glanced towards Avenger, who was staring off into the distance as if she stuck in her own head. It made sense given that she was summoned into an unknown time period that was completely different then her own. From what he remembered, the Grail would implant a Servant with knowledge of the time they were summoned in order to blend into society, how much he doesn't know really. Naruto's eyes then looked away when he saw the Servant glaring at him.

They quickly entered the Norwich school dormitories and began walking up the stairs to the top floor of the building. After arriving to the clock Tower, El-Melloi II had managed to pull some strings and with Luvia's help, got him his own room which so happens to be at the end of the hall, with the only room next to it being Luvia's. Motioning his Servant inside before following and closing the door behind him, he turned to face his Servant who was scanning his room.

"This is your place?... Who knew my Master couldn't even afford a decent place to stay?" Avenger commented which annoyed him bit, but he held it in.

"It's only temporary until we go to Fuyuki for the war." Naruto said as he motioned for her to take a seat, she narrowed her eyes before sitting on top of his bed. The blond then took a seat on chair next the desk, the two stared at each other as they waited for the other to start it off. Eventually the blond relented; seemed like his Servant wouldn't be open about herself.

"So… Avenger?" Naruto started, "Can you tell me about yourself?" His Servant blinked as if caught off guard by what he just said as the only thing she responded with was a simple, 'Huh?'

"Well, if we are going to be partners in the Grail War, we should at the least get to know each other a bit more. I don't even know your name?" Naruto said as his Servant gave him a very familiar look that he seen from Sakura, Shikamaru and Tsunade, given him.

"I don't know what Catalyst you used to summon me, but you called for me specifically." Avenger stated as Naruto grew confused and thus giving Avenger a headache of sorts, "You really must be an idiot… great…" Avenger bemoaned, making Naruto sigh, "I'm not in the mood for talking, so how about we skip all that and just go to bed."

"I…guess…." Naruto muttered a little annoyed by his Servant, before his mind thought about something important. "Wait?"

"Turn off the light, while your still up." Avenger said, having already pulled the covers over her body and began snoring, seemingly to have fallen fast asleep. Naruto felt his eye twitch in annoyance as he stared at his Servant stealing his bed without even asking him. She could have just asked to have his bed, heck, he would have offered it to her without even asking but it just pissed him off.

And was she really wearing her armor in bed? Who the hell did that? Well… other than his Servant.

"You are really a rude girl… all I wanted was for us to get along and you throw it in my face, add in the fact you steal my bed without even asking or even considering my opinion… well, time for some payback." Naruto then pulled out a black marker and sneaked up on his sleeping Servant.

However, just as he was about to do the mischievous deed, his eyes began to get irritated. Naruto rubbed his eyes to try and rub it away, only to see a series of odd symbols form in front of him before they changed into his native language. Naruto recalled in the research that he and Luvia had done, when a Master forms a contract with a Servant, they gain a sixth sense that allows Masters to see the skills and parameters of their Servant as well as others.

And what he saw, well… suffice to say Avenger was certainly a beast of a Servant, even if he didn't understand half of what he was seeing.

Strength – A

Endurance – B

Agility – A

Mana – A++

Luck – C

Noble Phantasm – A++

Avenger – B

Memory Correction – A

Self-Replenishment (Mana) – A+

Magic Resistance – EX

Self-Modification – EX

Dragon Witch – EX

Ephemeral Dream – A

Charisma – E

Revelation – A

"Sheesh, I don't know what half of that stuff means, but you've got a lotta stuff up your sleeve." Shaking his head, Naruto continued on with his old ways of enjoying himself.

(With Luvia)

After separating from her friend, Luvia had waited a couple of minutes, letting out a heavy sigh. Adjusting the jacket that Naruto had given her, meaning at least she wasn't freezing now. Sitting on a bench just out of sight of the main entrance so that her friend and his Servant didn't see her waiting for them to leave.

Servant… that word caused her shoulders to slump down, her mind was currently going through a whirlwind of emotions but there a few key ones that were more prominent then others.

Sadness, disappointment and jealousy.

Luvia closed her eyes as she mentally went over every detail that she can remember about the ritual. There had to be something, why was she unable to summon a Servant?

Given the fact that she was a genius, the head of the Edelfelt family and 100 Magic Circuits so she knew it wasn't her. Luvia then thought about it being a faulty summoning circle but that would involve blaming Lord El-Melloi II, which was something she couldn't even do. She owned that man a lot and given his status of a former Master of the previous, he would obviously know what he was doing, and the fact Naruto was able to successfully preform the ritual showed it wasn't the circle itself. So, what happened?

"This is really frustrating…" Luvia stated aloud as she slouched on the bench before getting to her feet. She had waited long enough and made her way inside. Despite the fact the two would have already be in their room by now but that wasn't something she wasn't willing to risk. It also didn't help that she had arranged Naruto's room right next to hers. The amount of rumors that came from that were annoying, she was glad that Naruto hadn't noticed any of them.

Quickly sneaking into the building and up the stairs, Luvia quietly ran to her room before closing the door behind her. Without a second thought she made her way to the wall that stood between her and Naruto's room, she was able to make out a couple muffles coming from the other side which soon died down. Disappointed that she was unable to hear anything private between the Master and Servant duo, she collapsed on her large king size bed.

Staring at the celling of her room, Luvia grabbed her pillow to scream into it as loud as she can. Lucky she was in private room with thick walls, that no one would be able to see nor hear her out of character moment. After a good 30 seconds of screaming, she removed the pillow and hugged it close to her chest.

"What am I going to do now?" She asked herself, her entire plan that she made for almost a month down the drain. Ruined over the simplest of reasons, she honestly didn't think about the probability of her failing to summon a Servant. It stung that the Holy Grail didn't think of her as worthy to be a Master. Luvia closed her eyes as the stress of the last 10 minutes or so had caught up to her and passed out.

Since she wasn't able to become a Master, then she would need to gather all of the information necessary on the opposition. Small or not, even a foot note would be useful against the enemy Masters.

(In the Morning)

"Wha—" Avenger said as her eyes widen as she blinked herself awake. Now, normally Servants don't need to sleep at all. However, the novice of a Master of hers didn't need to know that. Not to mention it allowed her to sleep in the most comfortable bed she ever had in her life. She didn't move her head, as she was too comfortable at the moment to care. Her eyes darted towards the ground when she saw her Master had taken the space by the bed to sleep.

Avenger didn't know what to make of her new Master, from the moment she was summoned, she felt… something was off from him, she just couldn't put her finger on it. After leaving that classroom she pretended to be observing her new environment as to watch her new Master. She wasn't sure what to make of him, but she held in the feeling of bitterness she felt towards the blonde. After leaving the bimbo diva, Avenger continued to watch her Master as if the secrets he held would be revealed to her by keeping her eye on him for as long as possible. She honestly didn't understand him, there had to be a catch with him, after all, there had to be one given the fact he had summoned her of all people.

"What time is it?" The pale woman stated as she eyed the sleeping form of her Master. She yawned before she brought a hand up to her face to keep the light from waking her up. Alas it was for naught so she was up might as well have gotten up. She rose from the bed and began to walk towards her Master's sleeping form, when something caught her eye. It was her reflection, on her face was doodles, she was given a stereotypical evil handlebar mustache, a monocle on her right eye and whisker marks that are very similar to the soon to be dead man.

"RRRRRAAAGGGHHHH!" Avenger yelled as Naruto's left eye opened and he smiled at his small prank.

(One chase scene later)

"You mad?" Naruto asked, his Servant who had her arms crossed in front of her as she looked the other direction.

"What do you think…?" Short and simple through gritted teeth.

"You're mad, aren't you?" He asked again.

"No shit." Another gritted answer from the servant.

"Well at least you aren't blasting holes in walls." Naruto stated with a cheeky smile.

"I can change that in a heartbeat!" She shouted facing him to show that she still had the doodles on her face. After finding out that he Master had pranked her in her sleep, Avenger did everything in her power to scrub the marker off in his bathroom. Before eventually chasing her Master around the room with her sword.

Was she actually tiring to kill him?

Naruto would like to think not, but he wasn't willing to put that question to the test. Eventually Avenger got annoyed and stopped chasing him, leading to where they are now, with Naruto grinning at his unamused Servant. It was kind of nice to see that she wasn't as bloodthirsty as she was making herself out to be. He could tell when someone was pranked whether or not if someone really was trying to actually cause him serious harm, and Avenger? Far from it.

"You're not as mad you made yourself look." Naruto muttered, when a knock on his door caught his attention, he then stood up while avoiding the glare the Heroic Spirit was giving him. Gripping the doorknob and pushed it open to Luvia on the other side with a large luggage bag next to her. "Luvia?" Naruto said.

"Morning Naruto, so how was your first night with your Servant?" Luvia asked, entering his bedroom with her luggage bag rolling behind her. His blue eyes stared at it with confusion, which was mirrored by the pale woman.

"Fine… I guess." Naruto replied feeling that it would be best not to mention that he had pranked Avenger last night and the chase that followed afterwards. "What's with the suitcase though?"

"It's for Avenger." Hearing her name, the servant eyes fell on the rich girl. "Seeing as we can't really have her going around London with a full set of armor, and given that she didn't go into Spirit Form, I'm assuming she prefers to actually just go around physically most of the time. So, I went to my room and got a bunch of my old clothes for her to wear." Luvia then lifted the luggage bag and placing it on Naruto's bed, unzipping it showing off the large amount of clothes that was placed inside. "So, Avenger why don't you—"

"Declined." Avenger shot Luvia down in a heartbeat, causing the two to look at her. "I refuse to wear any of your clothes."

"What is that supposed to mean!" Luvia exclaimed with her hand placed on her hip.

"You heard me Thunder Thighs. Do I really need to explain? I don't want to wear any of your clothes; your fashion sense sucks." The female blond jaw dropped in shock at the very rude comment. "What person in their right mind would wear something so frilly?"

"You!" Luvia started before Naruto got in front of her with his hands in front of him in an attempt to placate her.

"Wait Luvia, please, I'm sure Avenger didn't really mean what she said." Naruto said trying to come up with an excuse for his servant.

"Oh no, I meant it." The pale woman responded plainly when her Master turned his head towards her.

"You're not helping!" Naruto focused back on Luvia to see her clenching her hands and gritting her teeth.

"I was just trying to be helpful, but if you don't want my help then I can just—" Luvia then began to pack up her things when Naruto reached out and stopped her.

"No this is great thank you Luvia." Naruto said before he addressed Avenger. "Look, Avenger…can't you just wear the clothes Luvia gave you for now, at least until we get you some clothes that you like. Fair?"

"When I see some clothes I like, I'll let you know." She vanished into Spirit Form, unable for the eyes of others to see where she was. Both blondes sighed in slight irritation in how difficult Avenger was being.

After Avenger had gone into Spirit Form, having refused to wear anything that Luvia had brought with her, they were currently on their way to a clothing store that was actually own by the female magus, who allowed them the use of her personal limo to get to the store.

Naruto never actually been in a limo before, so this was whole new experience for him, his eyes darted every which way while feeling the genuine leather seats and other accessories, making Luvia giggle at his reaction.

"Come on Avenger, would it really have killed you to at least try on what I brought?" Luvia asked the spiritual form, wherever she was in the limo with them.

Usually when a Servant went into Spirit Form, they usually communicated mentally with their Master, although since Luvia was already aware of their status as Master & Servant, Avenger saw no point in talking privately with Naruto.

"Don't you have a hole to die in somewhere?" Avenger yelled, wanting nothing to do with aristocratic clothes. She might at least find something she'd like, but given that it's a store owned by Luvia, the odds were slim. "Where is this stupid store anyways."

"Just around the corner actually." Luvia said as the limo made a turn at the intersection, before coming to a stop. The driver of the limo the came out and opened the door for the trio. When they exited the vehicle, Naruto's jaw dropped. "Welcome to my little shop."

"Little?! This is…" Avenger started before Naruto collected himself.

"Anyways, Thanks again for letting us shop at your store." Naruto said, making Luvia smile at him before motioning them to follow her. The male went ahead a bit and held the door open for Luvia before going in himself.

"Don't worry about it, besides I needed to buy some stuff as well, so this works out for us." Luvia said, placing her hand on her chin in thought, while her mind drifted back to the Servant, "We should probably start off with getting some clothes for Avenger. Best to get that out of the way first before anything else."

Despite being in Spirit Form for the time being until she got into a dressing room, Avenger felt that she was not going to like what was to come…

"Hell no." Avenger stated with a flat expression with a matching tone of voice. Naruto and Luvia sighed for the… actually they lost count how many times they sighed in the last two hours.

That's right… they spent the last two hours finding, or rather trying to find something for the Servant to wear, in what is considered to be Luvia's favorite store but every time the Edelfelt head had given the pale girl something to try on, she actively refused to even put them on. It was a rather frustrating experience to be honest. Luvia had taken them to her private dressing room where she a number of clothes to choose form and allow Avenger freedom to appear out of thin air, as to not expose the secrets of the magical world.

"Oh, come on what's wrong with this one." Luvia exclaimed as began arguing with Avenger as it was beginning to give Naruto a headache.

"How about the number of frills and lace on almost every single piece of clothes you pick out." Avenger said with disgust, Avenger was crouching as she leaned against an open space on the wall in the dressing room. The female magus' eye began to twitch her hand clenching the gorgeous top that she had pick out.

"Fine if you really hate what I pick out for you then you choose then!" Luvia yelled at Avenger who popped to her feet to respond in the same tone.

"I will!" Avenger then stomped off to find something in the dressing room that wasn't horrendous in her eyes.

"Naruto…." The female blond muttered towards her friend, "…I really dislike that Servant of yours." Naruto gave a nervous chuckle in responds. "Seriously, how did someone like you get a someone like her? Shouldn't the Grail match a Servant and Master based on personality?" All of the research she poured into the subject pointed to just that, and yet, Avenger was nothing like Naruto.

"I don't know any more then you do. Maybe being matched is based on something else? I mean this is only ten years after the last war, unlike the usual sixty which is kind of weird when you think about. Maybe that has something to do with Avenger being summoned?" Naruto tried to explain making the girl groan as she glanced at the stack of clothes that Avenger was going through as she tried to find something she liked.

Her eyes then looked towards him for a moment and hummed in thought, would this be the right time to mention her plan?

"Oh, think she got something?" Naruto mentioned but before she can get a look Avenger was already inside the fitting room with door locked and all. "I'm sorry for making you help find Avenger clothes, I don't know why she doesn't just wear the ones you brought."

"It's okay, I could kind of understand her reluctance to wear the stuff I gave her. Given the armor she wore she probably never wore anything with lace and frills, given that back in her time period, those type of clothes tended to be more for the upper class of society that looked down on everyone." Luvia gave the Servant an excuse, but Naruto didn't accept it all the way. Call it whatever you will, but he just didn't understand why she wouldn't accept the gift if someone gave him a whole bag filled with clothes back then he would have taken it; no questions asked. "Umm, Naruto."

Hearing his friend grab is attention, he turned towards her as she bit her lips. Raising a brow at her and gave her a look of confusion. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you something?" Luvia asked. Naruto held back a smartass remark but nodded his head. "How come you never asked about why I wanted to join the Grail War?"

"Oh, well, I just thought you didn't want to talk about it." Naruto spoke unsure about what to say as he scratched his whiskered cheek. "I mean, I just thought your reasons where your own and I didn't want to butt in on something personal if you didn't want me to know, then that was fine with me. Besides, you never really asked why I join the war either."

"Ah… I see…." Luvia remarked, her eyes looking at his hand, more specifically the Command Seals that were on the top. "I guess it doesn't matter now… given the fact I was unable to summon a Servant to begin with, maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

The blond frowned but before he could respond, he saw a silver hair woman walk out the dressing room. "Is that Avenger?" The girl looked towards the dressing room to see.

"What is she wearing?"

Naruto didn't replay as he was surprised by what he was looking at and gauging Luvia's expression, it can be said the same for her. A couple of feet from where they stood was Avenger, clad in a tight and short black leather sleeveless dress, that had a white zipper in the middle. She also had knee high black heeled boots with jacket underneath her arms. "Huh, didn't see that one coming… damn…"

"Of course, I look fantastic." Avenger had a smirk on her face as she seemed to enjoy her new clothes, removing the jacket from underneath her arms and put it on. The jacket was a dark blue and red on the inside, with black fur collar around the collar and the wrist, it also had a gold edging and no zipper. "Wow you look great, Avenger. I didn't expect—" Luvia said before Avenger ignored her before walking up to her master.

"So, Master I picked out a new outfit, can we go now, I can't spend another second in this place." The Servant said, Naruto blinked as he was still taken by surprise in his Servant's choice of clothes, but then shook his head no.

"Sorry Avenger but we should at least by you a few more outfits, we can't have running around in only one outfit after all." The blond said as Avenger gave a mild scowl before placing her hands inside her new jacket pockets, not being please about the whole thing.

"Fine… but I'm the one who will be picking and not the Blue Wearing Wench." The servant said as Luvia glared at her and yelled out to her.

"Who are you calling a Blue Wearing Wench!"

(Later at the ice cream parlor)

"Are we done yet?" Avenger said as she sat in her seat in the ice parlor, that was in the store, her head was laying on the white table. After about three more hours of shopping, the trio managed to get a reasonable amount clothes for Avenger to wear, but that still took a lot longer than necessary due to Avenger being picky about what is that she liked.

Right now, the trio decided to take a break and enjoy a nice little treat, hence the ice cream parlor. Luvia had been nice enough to pay for Avenger's clothes even though Naruto felt that he should be the one to pay for it considering it is his Servant, but the girl insisted to which he reluctantly accepted. Around the trio was a bunch of shopping bags and being the sole guy of the group, Luvia made him carry them all, much to his displeasure and to Avenger's small glee in seeing her Master annoyed.

"Quit complaining Avenger, you've done that ever since we left the dorms this morning. Besides it wasn't that bad, you even found something you like." Naruto gestured towards the outfit his Servant was wearing.

"This thing yeah so what? I don't know what the being deal is if I wear my armor." Avenger said, making them sigh, that been happening a lot today.

"It's doesn't matter if you like wearing your armor Avenger, it's about blending in. Do you know what people will do if they see a woman in full medieval armor and carrying a sword around in the middle of London? They would call the police and then it would be a whole thing that I don't want to be a part of. This isn't Japan." Luvia explained as Naruto gave her a flat look, feeling that she had her own prejudice about Japan, honestly, he didn't know how to feel about that, despite the country having a lot in common with home.

Deciding that it would be best to focus on his servant, "After we finish eating our ice cream, we can go back to the dorm, deal?" The pale girl frowned before sitting up straight as a worker came by and places in front of them a bowl of ice cream, except for Luvia who had a large parfait placed in front of her. The Master-Servant duo stared at it before looking at her, the female magus felt her face flushed before asking "What?"

"Nothing…" The two replied as they began eat their own treat, Avenger's eyes popped open the moment the ice cream touch her mouth.

"What is this? This is really good!" Avenger stopped speaking as she began to shovel spoon full of her tasty treat, before pausing before dropping her spoon and clenching her head. "Ow! What the? What is this? Ouch!"

"It's called a brain freeze; you get that from eating ice cream too fast." Naruto answered with a grin, amused by the situation, even Luvia enjoyed it. Eventually the pain stops and Avenger went back to eating, a bit slower now that she felt the pain of a brain freeze and wasn't willing to get one again. "Hey, Avenger do you want to try some of mine? It's chocolate flavored."

The Servant gave Naruto a look, before staring at his ice cream… and then snatched his bowl to begin eating it. He was too stunned by her action to stop her, making Luvia who was covering her mouth with her hand to stop the laughter from escaping. "This is really good! Hey Thunder Thighs, what flavor was mine?"

This time Naruto was the one who had to stop himself from laughing at Luvia face of being called Thunder Thighs, again. He guessed Avenger already had her insulting nicknames read for Luvia, just as Sai did when they first met. Taking pity on the girl and responded for her. "It's cookies and cream."

"I can't decide which one is better… they both taste really good!" Avenger paused before looking at Luvia's parfait, "Hey, let me try some!"

"No way!" Luvia then began pulling her treat closer to her as Avenger tried to reach her spoon across the table to snag some of the female blond's treat. She wasn't satisfied with steal from her Master and was coming for hers. "Naruto control—" She then paused as her eyes widen along with her face becoming red.

"Avenger… please tell me you didn't come here without anything underneath after getting your new clothes." Luvia asked Avenger who gave her dumbfounded look.

"What are you talking about? Why would I wear something underneath this? It's too constricting for me." She said, making Naruto eyes widen in realization before he and Luvia came to the same conclusion. Avenger wasn't wearing a bra underneath her very tight dress. Luvia shot up from her seat, gripping the Servant's hand and began to drag the girl away.

"Hey! Let go of me! I still need to eat your parfait!" Ignoring her, the magus quickly speed walk towards the nearest lingerie store she could find.

Naruto watched them go, before he directed his gaze towards Luvia's parfait and pulled it towards him to begin chowing down.

No sense of letting it go to waste after all.

As he began to eat the parfait, he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. Turning around to see that it was El-Melloi, in an all-black business suit glancing down at him.

"Naruto, do you have a moment?" Waver asked with serious tone… Naruto slowly nodded his head and gestured the man to sit down.

"Uh, yeah sure thing…." The older man pulled back the seat and sat down, "So, is there something you need?"

"There are a few things I need to talk to you about actually." Waver said, resisting the urge to pull out a smoke, the man didn't get much sleep after the summoning earlier in this morning. He spent the majority of the day researching and studying the circle for the ritual and what could have happened to cause the appearance of another Servant class. The man can honestly say he didn't learn much for his efforts. "But first I have to ask, how is it going with Avenger?"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused by the odd question, the man decided to elaborate on the subject.

"I mean how is the Servant acting, is she behaving well enough? Enough to listen and understand what you say? Not to mention how are you feeling after the ritual? Given the fact that you lack Prana and Mana, I need to make sure nothing is wrong with you." El-Melloi responded making the blond rub his neck.

"Truthfully, Avenger is… a handful. Not in a bad way… it's just, I guess the best way for me to say it is that I don't know how to respond to her." Naruto admitted, "It's been only a few hours since we meet so it's gonna take some time for us to get used to each other, but I know the two of us can work together. After all the Grail selected us for a reason right." Waver held a barely noticeable smile at what he just heard, before it fell.

"Alright that's one thing, but how's your health? Have you noticed anything off or unusual?" Usually Servants that needed large amounts of Mana would drain their Master's significantly, and from the little bit of info he had available to him, it was likely that Avenger would take a toll on any Master; high-tier mage or not.

"Not really. Well, nothing I can notice right now anyways." Naruto answered honestly, he didn't feel any different than he did yesterday.

"I see… anyways, all I ask is that you monitor your health closely and to report to me if anything is wrong." Waver stood up from his seat as he prepared to leave. "One last thing… considering the circumstance of the ritual and the unusual situation around the whole thing, it's best to be cautious about Avenger. A Servant class is based on the best characteristic for said hero, and throughout history and legends, avengers have been known as dark hero's, willing to cross any and all lines to achieve their goals. So, I ask you be careful with your Servant." With that he left, leaving Naruto alone with a slowly melting parfait.


Naruto hated to admit it, but he knew that word quite well since it something that was closely related to his best friend. He didn't know if the Grail had a sense of humor, considering it gave him a Servant that is or was driven by revenge. "I wonder if this is because of my past with Sasuke?"

He stood up, gathered the bags the girls left behind and began walking off to go looking for them. As he strode through the halls, he wondered where they could be. After all, there couldn't be that many stores that sold girl's underwear, right?

(With the girls)

"Damn these things are annoying, how can you wear them." Avenger asked as she felt the need to pull on her new lingerie that she was forced to wear by Luvia. After finding out that the Servant was going all natural, Luvia was swift and pretty much forced the Servant to wear them, despite her protest. Saying that in this day and age woman have to wear them, for various reasons.

"You get used to them Avenger." Luvia said with flat tone as stopped the girl from picking and adjusting her panties, she was glad the Servant was easier to deal with when buying them. They managed to get in pick a decent number of bra and panties with little to no fuss, which she was grateful for that.

"At least we are down with this nonsense..." The pale girl stared at the bag in her hand that had her new undergarments, filled with varies kinds of stuff. She didn't really know what kind they were, but she didn't care about that really, now that they got her clothes, they could finally leave this disgusting place behind.

"Hey, girls." Just a group of four teenage boys that were definitely older than they appeared, approached the duo. Luvia gave them tired stare; why did this have to happen now? "You guys want some company?"

"Not Interested." The Magus said as she tried to leave before the guy's friends crowded them.

"You can at least tell us your name gorgeous, how about we treat you to come thing to eat? I know a good place tha—"

"What part of 'No' do you idiots don't understand?" Avenger said, with scowl on her face, prompting the blood drain from Luvia's face. Her eyes darted towards the Servant, with a look of worry and fear.

"Oh, you're really feisty… and damn do you look good in that dress. What your name?" One of the guy's asked as the Servant gave them a dull look.

"How about leave now before I get pissed off." Avenger threaten as teens chuckled not taking her seriously…

"Come on, do you seriously think we're afraid of you Shorty? Look I think we got off the wrong foot how about we—" The man didn't get to finish the sentence as soon as the Servant straight up decked him in the face.

"Who the hell are you calling Shorty?!" Avenger exclaimed loudly; her fist had a thin trail of smoke coming from it do to how hard she decked him.

The other guys looked at their downed friend before looking at the person responsible, "You cunt!" One guy yelled as he charged Avenger, who was very eager to teaches her a lesson. Just then, Naruto showed up from around the corner and saw his Servant punch a guy, before he can do anything Avenger managed to parry the punch and launched a quick upper cut into the guy's stomach and then he passed out.

"Tryin' to cop a feel? I'll castrate you pissants!" Avenger yelled and then began kicking the remaining two guys' asses. Naruto and Luvia then quickly moved to grab the Servant, pulling her off and dragged her away as fast as possible. They were glad that Luvia owned the place, but that is when they realized that it was going to be a long six months before the war began.

(One Week Later)

After the scene at the mall, Naruto and Luvia both decided that it would be best to avoid going out in public for the time being. Which didn't please Avenger since she was forced to remain in her Master's room or remain by either one's side. Add in the fact that she refuses to go into her Spirit Form, preferring to remain solid. He didn't question it much, since it didn't really drain him that much for him to notice, despite having been told that they consumed more Mana when they physically manifest.

For the past couple of days, Luvia had kept busy helping arrange Naruto's trip to Fuyuki and setting up whatever was necessary for him. He could be more grateful for her help, because he would have spent a bunch of time sneaking on to a plane to get to Japan. During this time, this left Naruto and Avenger alone for the most part, so he decided to try to try and get to know his Servant. For the most part it was hard, given her reluctance to open up to him.

Therefore, in response, he'd prank her. Nothing major, in his opinion just a simple whoopie cushion in her seats, whipping cream on her hand while she was sleeping then tickling her nose to make her wipe it on her face.

Amateur hour of course, but nothing that'd warrant her burning him, as she so loved to apparently claim.

But this would piss her off and make her chase him in anger, while fun for him, he can't help but think Avenger felt differently, despite what Waver had told him about those that had been labelled as such.

"Hey, Master are you done acting like an idiot?" His Servant asked him, from her seat on his bed, it was rather early in the morning and when she woke up; she found that he Master hadn't prank her. Which caught her off guard, since her Master usually got up before her, staring at the wall in front of him? She had eyed him for the better part of an hour to see if he was up to something, but had lost her patience.

"Avenger…" Naruto said, as he looked towards her with an awkward expression his face, which was an odd sight for her to see given that her Master was…well… him. "Do you want to take a walk?"

Her brow rose up at the question. Avenger hummed in thought before she stood up from the bed and grabbed her clothes to change in the bathroom. After a few minutes, she came out with her leather dress and jacket combo, Naruto gave her a smile before he motioned her to follow him. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion of his intent but followed him anyways.

The two then walked through the dorms, down the stairs and out the front door of the building. They walked into the courtyard, before Naruto sat down at a nearby bench. He then gestured towards the bench asking her to sit; she gave him a blank stare before sitting down all the while wondering just what it was

"Okay, Master what gives?" Avenger said with narrowed eyes, making Naruto sigh before rubbing his head.

"Umm, Avenger… you don't like me much, do you?" Naruto said catching her by surprise; she took a moment to process what she just heard.

"Uhm?" the Servant let out, "What are you going on about?" She asked still unsure how to respond. "I don't really hate you. Do I get annoyed by you? Damn straight I do. I hate that you always pull something on me every time I wake up, it's infuriating." Avenger sighed as she closed her eyes for a minute before opening them again, "Master it's too soon for me to properly know how I feel about you but for the moment, I'll follow your lead."

"I guess that is all I can ask for at the moment, huh? Look Avenger…I'm sorry for the pranks if it makes you feel better. Honestly, I just wanted you to lighten up a little and try to get you to open up a bit. You know? Pranks are my way of getting people's attention to show more of themsevles."

"As long as you make sure to not to pull any more of them first thing in the morning, then we can see what happens." Avenger answered, before crossing her arms and the two continued to sit there as they watched the sunrise. "So how long do we have until we the start of the war?"

"I don't know really, Luvia told me that we had a long time before it begins, I think you're the first Servant to be summoned at the moment." Naruto answered, making her scowl in annoyance.


"Yeah…" Naruto responded, prompting the two to sigh at the thought of waiting months for a proper fight.

"Shit it's boring as hell here…"

"You said it Master…"

"Hey!" Hear a familiar voice call out, they soon saw Luvia coming towards them. Avenger groaned at the fact she was there but bit her tongue to prevent herself from making a comment. "What are two doing out so early?"

"Why are you up so early, Luvia?" Naruto asked in return, "Normally you enjoy sleeping in a bit when you can."

"I was looking for you. I swung by your room but didn't see you, so I began looking for you on the grounds." Luvia explained.

"Well were here, so what do you want?" Avenger asked bluntly as she was already annoyed by the aristocrat's presence. "If you've got something to say, then spill."

"You're not as grouchy as you usually are… but never mind. Forget about it." Luvia said as she turned to look at Naruto as she had smirk on her face. "I do need to talk to your Master about a… proposal of sorts." The two looked at her, wondering what she offering.

"Okay. What's your proposal?" Naruto asked with his brow quirked upward, making her cough as her cheeks.

"I'd rather discuss this part in private…" She admitted making Avenger huff as she got the hint and walked off to give them some privacy but close enough to react, just in case.

"Naruto, do you remembered what we talked about at Carnac." She asked as he stared at her with a confused expression, "You know… the department store that we just went to not too long ago…"

"Right!" Naruto pointed in exclamation, before a serious look appeared on his face. "Is this about why you wanted to join the Grail War?"

The girl nodded her head, before staring at the ground, shuffling in place, "Yes. You see… I really don't know how to explain this. I guess I'll just give it to you straight. During the third war my family had decided to participate in the war, two twin sisters. My great grandmother actually, but I'm getting off topic now."

Luvia cleared her throat before getting back on track, "The twins had managed to do extremely well in the war making it to the final stages with their Servants. However, during the fight the younger sister was slain by the Toshaka's Servant. Soon after the older sister's Servant fell in battle and ending the war. The older sister survived the war and fled the country, leading the grail being destroyed in the final battle."

Naruto sat in silence as he thought about what his friend just said. "So, why do you want to join the war? Is it for revenge?" he asked nervously, thankfully Luvia shook her head.

"No, I have no need to pursue something as petty like revenge for something that happened over seventy years ago." She said causing him to breathe a sigh of relief, "The reason is rather simple, if not a little mundane if I'm honest, it's a matter of pride."

"Pride?" The blond asked as Luvia nodded.

"Yeah, after the war my family's reputation had taken a hit which is something I can't take lightly, especially where reputation matters in the Clock Tower. I know it's not the best reason but now you know my reason. But that is not the only reason why I'm telling you this." She said before taking a deep breath, "Naruto… I'd like you to be the Edelfelt family representative for the upcoming war."

This piqued Naruto's interest as from a few feet away Avenger eyed the female blond with a calculating gaze, trying to figure out what she is trying to do.

"Sure." Naruto replied simply as he shrugged, making the other blonde blink in surprise.

"What? Is that it?" Luvia asked, making the male shrug his shoulders again/

"Yeah. I mean, do I really need a reason to help a friend?" Naruto stood up before he placed and hand on her shoulder to give some measure of comfort; making her release the breath she was holding.

"Thank you… I was worried that you wouldn't accept. You don't know how much this means for me." Luvia said before throwing her arms around him catching him by surprise as Avenger eyes widen by the action. Naruto return the hug, the two stayed like that briefly before stepping back.

"Luvia, I promise I will do everything I can to help you. I owe a lot for everything you did for me." Naruto admitted making her smile, "So, how will me being your family representative work anyways? Is there, like, something special I need to do our something?"

"As the Edelfelt representative your actions would represent my family so I will ask that you don't do anything to drastic, but as the head of the family I'll be willing to look the other the way." She sated with a cheeky wink, making him chuckle. "Other than that, nothing really. But we will have to go over tactics and go over the potential Masters. I was able to acquire some information on our opposition from some lengthy intel to a footnote."

"That seems good to me." Naruto said with a grin, Luvia smiled as figure she should be heading back to her room.

"We can go over everything in detail later, I have class and I still need to get ready for so I will meet you afterwards. Also, I do think you should prepare some travel bags for you and Avenger." She said, making Naruto confused by the sentence.

"Travel bags?" He asked making the blond magus giving him a sly grin.

"Yeah, after all, tomorrow we'll be heading to Fuyuki to set up base for the Grail War. I've already made arrangements for me to be entered in as a student at the local academy." An unsettling feeling began to form in the pit of Naruto's stomach, she wouldn't force him to go to school with her right?

"Um, Luvia what about me?" he asked, "Will I be going to school, too?" He was very hesitant to even do so, after barely scraping by back at the academy… the horror…

"Nope." She said as Naruto breathed a sigh relief. "You're going to be working as a teacher's assistant."

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed, from a couple of feet away Avenger began laughing loudly at her master's suffering, despite not knowing why, "Why… why must I go back into hell…?" Avenger then laughed even louder than before as a small rain cloud appeared over Naruto's head as he doodled in the dirt with rain dropping from said cloud.

(Later that day)

Since Luvia had classes to attend, the Master & Servant duo merely spent their time going over possible formations and strategies they could use with some being beneficial, while others not so much and kept them at the back of their minds should things go astray.

Not long after Luvia left class, she headed straight back to her dorm to find a manila folder marked with an elegant cup. It was the information that Luvia had her people gather about their opposition along with a few other things that would be critical to the coming battle.

Opening the door to Naruto's room, Luvia saw that avenger was reading a rather dark novel: Stephen King's It, in fact, while Naruto was eating ramen while watching some weird reality show with a bored expression, "Well don't you two look awfully bored."

Avenger quickly closed the book, as she looked to Luvia in exasperation, "Yes! We are!"

Naruto hummed in agreement with a mouthful, "Mmhmm…"

Luvia shut the door as she held up the folder for all to see, "Well, I think we can start discussing the war now with some of the information that I've had gathered for us."

Naruto quickly swallowed the last bits of his ramen while Avenger turned the tv off. Luvia had taken the folder to the table as she brought out all of the info she had, "Now we can start preparing for who we'll be up against." Spreading the files out along with a single sticky note, Luvia unfolded a map of the city of Fuyuki that had several marks of interest.

"So, Luvia…" Naruto began, "…what're we fighting against, and where're the main places to do it at?" The ninja was already eager to fight as soon as possible, as was Avenger no doubt.

"Well, as you already know, the Holy Grail War has been held in Fuyuki since 1790, and there have been four previous wars, not counting the upcoming fifth, and all have ended with no winner." Luvia explained.

Avenger sighed at the little history lesson, and was about to tell her to get on with it, Naruto's voice came over with some mild shock, "Wait, no one's won a single Grail War in over two-hundred years?" That was honestly surprising to Naruto. If the Grail truly did grant wishes in battle royale as it was structured with the rules in place, then shouldn't there have been at least one winner from each war?

Luvia shook her head, "No. No one's won any single war in the recorded history of it, however little it may be." Luvia then began to explain in further detail from the info she collected, "The first war wasn't very clear, only that there was just no winner. The second war basically turned into a murder spree, and the Church was brought in to help structure the rules since they're a neutral party in the ritual, so they could help bring some semblance of order to the Grail War's." Luvia took a small breath before she continued on,

"With the third war, it took place on the eve of World War II, so they had to be especially cautious as to not attract the attention of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, both of whom would've made things very difficult. Especially the Nazi's since Hitler was obsessed with the Occult, and the Grail certainly would've been something he'd want. The war ended in another failure with the Grail being damaged and the ritual was concluded as a failure with no victor. As for the fourth war, well that one only happened ten years ago which you are right Naruto; is very strange." Luvia didn't disagree with that statement since it took the Grail sixty years to gather the necessary amount of mana to summon Servants and fulfill the ritual,

"The fourth was almost exposed to the public thanks to a rogue Servant and Master, but luckily both the Church and the Association were able to cover it all up, but the ritual ended in failure once again with the Grail not fully manifesting for some reason. That's all that's happened in the previous wars, so there's no telling what sort of complication will arise."

Naruto knew that things weren't going to be easy, but after hearing that… well… one couldn't blame him for becoming stressed. Naruto's hands wen to this face as he muffled something unknown to the other occupants in the room,

"Alright…" Naruto began as he took his hands from his face, "…where can we expect the Grail to show up when things start getting closer to the end?"

Luvia pointed towards each of the encircled locations on the map of Fuyuki, "The locations where the grail manifest are the Tohsaka manor, the Matou estate, the Fuyuki Church and Ryuudou Temple on Mt. Enzou. All of these locations are prime areas where the leylines converge to allow the Grail to manifest."

Avenger shuffled in her spot while stating the obvious objective with this in mind, "We'll need to take one of those places for ourselves when it's down to just a couple of enemies left then." She gave a small grin in anticipation of what was to come.

Luvia nodded as she agreed with the Servant, "Precisely, but if I was a betting woman, I'd say that Ryuudou Temple is where it will manifest. The temple was built on top of the strongest convergence point, with much of the magical energy diverting towards there."

"And if we can take it as soon as possible…" Naruto started.

"…then we can just sit back and let the rest of the idiots throw themselves at us." Avenger said as she put her hands behind her head to try and recline back in the chair, confident as one could be with figuring out their strategy this early.

Naruto did have to give Avenger credit for already seeing how he would've gone through with the final stages. Fortify their position, hunker down and wait for the final opponents to come to them since the Grail would manifest right on the spot for them to take it. Though then came up the question… "So, who all else is in the war as Masters? What Catalysts did they manage to get, and what's with just the sticky note?" He eyed said note with curiosity since the writing was rather small and not entirely readable.

Luvia glanced down at what he was talking about and knew that this was where they'd have to discuss the opposition, especially when they didn't have much on one participant, "That was actually the next subject; our opposition." Taking a few files out to spread across the table, Avenger quickly picked one up to begin quietly looking over while Naruto patiently waited for Luvia, "Every Grail War has always had seven Masters and seven Servants as you already know. As for the guaranteed slots, the Grail will always select one member from the founding families, two representatives from the Mage's Association, and two more unique mages at random if the Grail finds them worthy enough to compete. But since you're not a mage, Naruto, the Grail believed that there was something unique and worthy to be called a Master."

Naruto smirked as he closed his eyes in triumph at his special circumstances, "Guess that just means I'm awesome like that."

"Could've fooled me." Avenger said absentmindedly as she continued reading through the documents, with a small smirk at the corner of her lips.

Naruto's eye twitched a bit but then remembered that Luvia was in the middle of explaining things to them, "Well, anyway… keep going, Luvia."

Luvia cleared her breath to recompose herself after that little joke, "Yes well, the two representatives in the Association are an Enforcer named Bazett Fraga McRemitz and a newly ordained and prestigious mage, Atrum Galliasta. While Galliasta's resources are pretty vast, he's not the type fitted for direct combat like you and I are. Most likely he'll set up his workshop high above in the downtown section of the city, with have heavy defenses to keep all others out, other than himself and his Servant. Now, as for Ms. McRemitz, she's an Enforcer with quite the list of success under her belt with numerous feats that could be of some concern to us. She'll put up a good fight no matter what the situation is. She's performed numerous hunts and executions on Sealing Designates and Dead Apostles that both the Association and the Church have needed dealing with and she's smart to boot, unlike Galliasta. Either way, she's going to be a problem."

"Guess we know who's going down first…" Avenger said, making the subtle hint that Galliasta would be the first to go if they interpreted Luvia's info correctly.

So far, their opponents were a quite likely, inexperienced mage that preferred to play it safe and always on defense, and a very experienced Enforcer that took and dealt out heavy punishment. While Naruto could confidently say he could fight against many of the people in the world with his skills and abilities, but the mage world was still relatively unknown to him, and given how they used magecraft in a variety of manner, there was no telling what they'd pull in the field.

Naruto sighed briefly before he nodded, "Alright then. So Bazett should be watched while Atrum's gonna stick to a safe spot for most of the war. What about the founder families?" Given how they were always selected, it'd make sense for them to be the most difficult to deal with.

Luvia put forth two pieces of paper and the sticky note forth for Naruto & Avenger to overlook, "The Tohsaka's…" Luvia said with some mild distaste in her tone, "…only have one member left in their line: Rin Tohsaka. Her father was killed in the previous war, and her mother passed away about a couple of years later. Though she's recently been handed back the title of Second Owner of Fuyuki, so it's very likely she has some of the establishments under her control in some form or another."

Now that was interesting. If this Rin girl had that much of Fuyuki under her control, inderict or otherwise, then she'd have eyes and ears all over the place, "So she's got a lot of people working for her then."

Luvia shook her head, "Not quite." Seeing the confused look on Naruto's face, Luvia decided to better explain, "You see, even though she was just recently instilled the Second Owner, many of the Tohsaka's earnings were lost years ago, with much of the network falling into disarray, though I could be wrong." Luvia decided to get back on topic, "The Tohsaka's are skilled in using Jewel magecraft, along with the Gandr shot as well as Chinese kenpo, a martial art that they hone to a high skill."

"Now, with the Matou's their original name was Makiri in fact, originating from Russia, but they were forced out for unknown reasons, where they changed their name after arriving in Japan." Luvia began on their next subject, "The type of magecraft they specialize in is relatively unknown, but honestly they're a shadow of their former selves. They say that the spiritual land in Fuyuki isn't very compatible with them, but no one knows for sure. In fact, their magical blood has been in decline for several centuries now, and it's likely they'll lose this time around for good." Taking in another breath briefly before she continued, Luvia saw that Avenger had stopped reading through the files as she paid attention to her without interrupting, just as Naruto was doing as well, "The only ones that could be considered Masters would be either Shinji or Sakura Matou. But both apparently have demerits that would make them proper Masters. Shinji's Magic Circuits are practically non-existent, and Sakura hasn't received any formal training regardless of her abundance of potential."

"So, we can probably mark them off as major players here then." Naruto stated. If neither had the proper qualities to be a Master to make it through, then maybe they'd be easy to simply just talk down after beating their Servant.

Avenger brought up the sticky note with a scrutinizing look on her face, "So what's with the Einzberns? It's just this little thing." Waving said note around in mild curiosity.

Luvia rubbed her temples, knowing that Avenger was likely going to insult her again, "The Einzberns were the ones to actually know the Third Magician, and served them, but the secret was lost centuries ago. The point of the Grail Wars was to regain it, but to no avail. They specialize in Alchemy and Healing magecraft above all other schools, making them ill-fit for combat; creating homunculi and flesh-golems are their specialty, being the ones to perfect their creations to being superior to even a hundred magi. At this point in time, most of, if not all of the Einzberns have become homunculi in Germany."

Naruto had heard about homunculi: artificial humans made through strange ways… and were treated as nothing but tools. It reminded him of the twisted experiments that Orochimaru had made in his hideouts; toying with the lives of those that deserved to live. Now while he couldn't make an accurate comparison between the two subjects, nevertheless, he wasn't fond of it, "So who's coming from their family?"

"Illyasivel von Einzbern."

And that was all Luvia said, prompting Avenger to raise a brow in confusion, "That's it? I thought you would've had your people dig up as much dirt as possible?"

Luvia nodded as she gave a slight huff, "It's not my fault that the Einzberns are reclusive snobs. Despite being homunculi, they're proud of their so-called 'pure blood' and aren't ones to share anything with outside the family." Luvia crossed her arms as she closed her eyes, "I had my people try to track down every piece, any scrap of information they could find on who they were sending to this Grail War, and all they were able to find was just the name. No picture. No description. Nothing on her skills. Just the name."

As Avenger and Luvia began to bicker over how accurate the info was, Naruto tuned them out as he silently contemplated the situation on how to approach the Einzbern Master. Considering how shady they were being with their representative, it's likely they have something either very elaborate to win the war, or they were caught off guard with how the upcoming war was coming fifty years sooner than originally expected, and so they were making some sort of rush job with Illyasviel.

"I think we need to be cautious about how we approach the Einzberns…" Naruto said aloud, interrupting the two girls as both gave him inquiring looks.

Though Avenger was the first to speak up, "What? Why? Why would they be any different than any of the others? Thunder Thighs here said they aren't meant for fighting like the others are, so why beat around the bush?"

Despite how Luvia was insulted, she pushed it aside to continue on, "I have to agree with Avenger, why deal with the Einzberns any differently? Given how all of their Masters weren't as strong as the others when confronted, they can be taken down early." In what records they could dig up, the Einzbern Masters were usually the first to go in the war's earlier stages. During their time of talking with one another, Naruto had boasted a bit in having received some form of training in martial arts from several teachers, though nothing beyond the purpose and in that he could counter mage's up close and personal. This made him ideal in regard to frontline combat against other Masters, while Avenger dealt with the Servants.

Seeing that they didn't understand things the way he did, he took the sticky note to hold up next to his head, "Take a look at this, and tell me what you guys see." Avenger was going to say something, that is until Naruto spoke up again, "Just a name and something else, right? Right." Setting down the note, Naruto crossed his arms to continue explaining, "We don't know enough about the Einzbern Master to act against to the time, and we don't know if she has any tricks up her sleeve." Naruto took a small breath as he continued on, "If the Einzberns aren't the kind of people to share things like you say, then there's no telling what they have planned. Maybe they saw the fifth war coming sooner than most others and started preparing right after the last one. Maybe they're caught off guard with the years being short and the war starting sooner than they thought, so they're doing a rush job of some kind? The fact is, we don't know enough about them to make any real decisions. And that's not even counting the last slot that hasn't been picked up yet, since I'm the sixth slot."

At first glance, Naruto didn't appear to be very smart, strategically speaking that is in Avenger's eyes, but after the way he explained the Einzbern Master's position, she had to reevaluate him slightly.

Naruto wasn't an idiot Master at all.

In fact, he had proven to be very smart if he decided to do so, "Well, guess you right about that, Master."

Luvia did have to hand it to Naruto for making several good points on the spot, "So…" She began to raise her next question, "…how do you want to deal with Einzbern Master?"

"I'm thinking about a little bait 'n' switch strategy." Naruto said with a teasing smirk that held back the main meat of what he was meaning, "I want you to pretend to be Avenger's Master, Luvia."

Both women's eyes became wide as they shot up in comical shock along with…

"WHAT?! / WHAT?!"

A simultaneously synced outburst…

"I CAN'T WORK WITH THIS STUPID WOMAN! / I CAN'T WORK WITH THIS STUPID WOMAN!" The both of them had their fingers pointed at one another, that is until they shot glares between themselves.

Though their little star down was put to a stop with a bang… literally as Naruto brought his fist down onto the table with a level of seriousness, neither thought he had, "Enough!" Both Luvia and Avenger were silenced by his sudden outburst to reign them in from violence, "Look, I get it. You both don't like each other that much, but you'll have to work through it somehow, alright? Now, with what I'm meaning is that Luvia…" Pointing at the Finnish heir, "… you'll need to wear gloves at all times while you're out in public to keep the other Masters from seeing that you don't have Command Seals. All the while supporting Avenger whenever and however you can." Turning towards Avenger who had a rather surprised expression on her face, remained silent as Naruto continued, "Now, Avenger… you need to refer to Luvia as Master and me as Naruto until our little strategy comes to an end, even if it's forced to end." Avenger looked like she was going to protest until Naruto held a finger up to stop that, "You may not like it, but it'll gives us the best fighting chance against the other Masters & Servants right now. So, we'll have to deal with it."

Naruto eyed them both that this was his decision no matter what, and he wasn't going to change his mind. Luvia sighed before she gave him a small smile, "Very well then, I'll go along with your strategy, Naruto. I might not like Avenger that much, but I can work with her if she can do the same."

Avenger huffed before she crossed her arms underneath her bosom and mumbled a bit before her words became loud enough for them to hear, "…fine, I'll work with her, Master."

Naruto smiled brightly at the two girls that would no doubt be forced to become amicable with one another. The truth being that Naruto planned on doing that since he wanted the two to get along with one another, and this was a legit excuse to do so.

Put them in a position that forced them to get along, and they'd have no choice but to work well with one another.

While this may have seemed to be the last subject to discuss, Luvia felt it best to end their serious talk with one more thing, "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I was able to scrounge up what some of the Catalysts are, though one is so blatantly obvious I don't know why they didn't try to hide it at least." Pulling out a paper from the file, Luvia began to list off the Catalysts, "Our Enforcer obtained a jewel on which has an engraving of an original rune inscribed by a legendary hero of sorts, that had been crafted into earrings. Galliasta obtained a piece of literature from Colchis; a place that has ties to Greece. There's no telling what Tohsaka has reserved, so there will likely be a wild card in this war. The Matou's managed to acquire another Greek relic; a mirror dug up from Eritrea, an item with ties to an old Earth goddess. And finally, several Einzbern homunculi were last seen carving out a stone slab from the temple of Hercules in Greece." Putting the paper down, Avenger grew a deadly smile at the last sentence; no doubt with knowing the identity of one of their opponents.

The Throne of Heroes held many souls carved into it, with many heroes knowing the identities of others either by their reputation, their Noble Phantasms, or even some by circumstantial chances such as recognizing them in their previous lives. To already know the name of one opponent gave them a massive advantage… "So, we just need to figure out his weaknesses then, now… right?" Naruto asked.

Avenger gave Naruto a 'light' jab in the shoulder that prompted him to rub it to ease the pain he just received, "Damn straight we do, Master!" Her bravado died down slightly as she reclined back into her seat, "But it sucks we don't know who the others that'll be summoned."

"Well either way…" Luvia spoke up, "…we still have six months to continue building our plans and strategies." Setting the last paper down, Luvia dusted her hands off as she put them on her hips in confidence, "The paperwork for us to head to Fuyuki will be finalized and sent over by tonight, so tomorrow we'll head there to get settled into our residence for the duration of the war. Now, what do you both say we spend out last day in London, in style?" Luvia finished with a bright smile that spoke volumes of her excitement for what was to come.

"Hell yeah!"

"I'm in!"

The Master & Servant duo proclaimed loudly as they rose from their seats with fists held high into the air above them.

Unbeknownst to them they would soon be involved in a series of events that would change their lives…

So...how did you like? Surprisingly big chapter right, well i would like to thank Jonathan Matute and 312 with help with this chapter. Recommend Sierra story "Those Who Dance in the Moonlight: A NarutoxFate Story" A great story that is in for the long haul so check it. The next chapter will be very interesting with Naruto being a teacher's assistant. I really have one major thing to say is that this story an Altered Destiny another fate story i have, needs a Beta so if your interested let me know and we can talk.

I actually lied there are something i need to address but that will be simple. This story while based on heaven's feel, there are things that will be different from the actual canon route. And leave it at that.

Well, that is it really and I'm off, will be updating another story as soon as i can.

So until we meet again, farewell