Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. This is nothing more than a story to alter the canon. Also I will use Jutsu of my own creation or alter the name of real ones to fit my work.
Author Note: This story includes gore, lemons and adult content. Also it will negate parts of the canon, like the space bunny goddess mumbo-jumbo. Lemons will be announced so is easy to skip them in case you are not willing to read them.
"Biju speaking/ inner Sakura speaking"
"Biju thinking/ inner Sakura thinking"
Broken hartsHyuga state:
Hyuga Hinata was is her favourite hiding place. The tunnels under the compound, to be exact the tunnel under the council chamber. "We have to end this tomorrow, the earlier the better." "Pry that Hiashi does not discover us before this endeavour is done" "Relax, my son is naïve if he thinks that he can go against us un spare one of his daughters from being branded with the caged bird seal. Tomorrow morning we will deliver this weak Hinata to his future husband jajajaja. This new Lord merchant is wealthy and powerful, I´m sure that his son will not refuse young Hinata. (Chuckles). He may be 6 years older but Hinata is starting to show an early development in her womanly figure… I will not have a slutty looking woman in the main family again, her mother was bad enough."
"Are the elders trying to get rid of me? Why? And is really father trying to spare little Hanabi and myself of the cursed seal?" "Hiro, here there are the marriage contract and the branding tools. Tomorrow after my granddaughters sparring lesson you will take here to her new home and brand her. All that is needed is the name of the suitor. This will help the Hyuga grow stronger than ever." "As you order it shall be done. Is a pity that you let allowed your weak son become clan head, while you are wisher than he will ever be." "Do not mistake my son´s naivety with actual weakness! He may not be suited to rule, but if angered he can put all of us down singled headedly. That is why we are working on this while he is away. You have 5 days starting tomorrow to end your part of the mission. I guarantee you that my other granddaughter will marry your new-born and someday our combined line will rule the Hyuga."
"So that is their plan. I need those documents, I need to hide until father returns and show him! How dare they!" While thinking this 8 years old Hinata was following Hiro Byakugan active. The greedy elder left the documents in his home inside the compound and left to enjoy the rest of the afternoon sure of his future success.
It was by pure luck that Hinata found the secret tunnels under the compound when she was 4. Pure coincidence that she found the only real entrance. But it was definitely fate that she had the elasticity needed to use all the secret entrances around the compound without needing earth based jutsu. And just like that Hinata Hyuga, daughter of Hiashi and Hitomi, heiress of the most noble clan of Konoha, was able to steal the documents that threatened her future and sneak out of the compound using those same Byakugan prof tunnels.
Konoha streets
"What can I do? How can I avoid the Hyugas for 5 days? The Hokage? No, even if he is willing to help the moment the council discovers me they can say that he has no power over clan related matters. Kurenai-neechan? I don´t know if she is in the village or in a mission and she is a too obvious choice for me. I need someone stealthy enough and willing to help me, someone that can help me run away and hide if needed. Think Hinata think. How do you know that is able to do that… NARUTO! Of course! How can I forgot him, if he is able to avoid AMBU or even infiltrate our compound he can help me! Ahhhh that would be so romantic… the running away princess and the no name orphan hero together avoiding the evil council." Thought the young girl blushing like a red lantern. "Focus Hinata. If you get caught instead of romantic scape you will have a slave's life"
"Have you heard? Finally they are getting rid of that little demon! They are chasing him out of the northern gate! Oh boy, I heard what they have prepared for him, what a pity that I have to work right now. The Yondaime will be avenged with all our family and friends." Said a young chunin. "I don't understand, what has that kid do?" Asked the owner of the dango stand in which said ninja was. "You are new here aren´t you? Well I can explain this to you cuz there is a law forbidding it, but hear me when I said this. That accursed Uzumaki bastard is a demon. And tonight he will be no more and we will be finally free of his curse.
"Uzumaki?... but, but that is… NARUTO! Oh kami above protect him, don´t let any harm be done to Naruto!
Hinata had never run so fast like that afternoon.
"Don´t worry Naruto, I´m coming for you!"
Forest outside of Konoha
Naruto was cornered in a clearing.
"Now you have done it Demon. Today we claim Vengeance for those you killed!"
"But, I haven´t kill anyone, I don´t even know what you are talking about! Just leave me alone!" Cried a bruised Naruto.
"You cannot hide monster, you will not fool us! Revenge for the fallen" Said an angry villager kicking him to the rest of the mob. "Kill the beast" "End the demon" "Skin the fox" "Avenge the fallen, avenge the Yondaime."
As the mob continue to beat the poor orphan some of them started to stave him with knives and hit him with sticks or whatever the get. "All right men, let us Ninja end this" Said one of the clan less shinobi staving the kid´s leg with a kunai. "Stop please, I don´t understand! Why do you hate me? What have I done? You are killing me!" "Yes demon, tonight you die!" Shouted a red haired kunoichi throwing a senbon to his face. "AHHHHH! MY EYE!" "Good thinking girl! Now take his other eye too!"
The mob keep laughing while torturing the young Uzumaki. And so hard they laugh that no one could hear the poor boy crying for help.
"STOP! YOU ARE KILLING HIM" Shouted an enraged newly arrived Hinata. The mob just keep laughing and kicking Naruto until one of the Ninja recognized the girls Byakugan.
"Ok folks, that is a main branch Hyuga. Play time is over, just return to your homes… but first…" Fire style: fire ball jutsu!. Said this and after the needed hand sings the shinobi breathed a fire ball burning Naruto´s body. The mob started clapping and started leaving the clearing and the burned boy how they believed dead.
Hinata somehow passed throw them and kneeled down next to Naruto, embracing his broken body and sobbing.
"Zahahahahaha! Is useless young girl. The demon is finally dead. One day you will understand! Zahahahahahaha" Laughed the last aggressor leaving the clearing.
"Na-Naruto (sob) Naruto Y-you will b-be Okay (sob sob) I wi-will heal you! N-Naruto, do not su-surrender. You nev-ver surrender. I, I will heal yo-you (sob) you will be be okay. Please Naruto! NARUTOOOOOO!" Cried Hinata. Even if she knew that it was useless she tried pulling back his bones, she covered his wounds with her balms and with leaves. All this wile crying her heart out and shouting for help. Doing everything she could think off as tears poured down her round face. Then blood and red chakra started oozing from Naruto´s wounds enveloping him and burning his clothes and the leaves, but not harming Hinata. Hinata didn´t care, she kept hugging the boy he admired so much and crying and prying for his live.
In the same forest
Killer Bee was returning home from a solo mission when he heard the hart pricing cries of a young girl asking for help. He headed that way when he started feeling a really chilling aura. It was not chakra, this was different, and it was like the forest around him was grieving with the girl. No animal move or noise, no wind, no breath. The only sounds were his own steps and the distant cries of help.
When he arrived to the clearing he saw a pupiless withe eyed girl crying her guts out hugging a blood red thing in the form of a body.
"Help him Shinobi-san! Please! Help Naruto-kun! Don´t let him die here!" As he stepped closer to the couple he felled the power in the red form, it was nearly undetectable if you were not near him but there was a breathing live surrounded by power, so focused that it was nearly impossible to detect it.
Hinata saw the Kumogakure hitai-ate. She remembered what happened to her when she was 3 years old. But that was a little price for Naruto´s life. There was nothing more valuable that Naruto´s life. "Shinobi of kumogakure hear me out!" She shouted. "I, I am Hi-Hinta Hyuga of the Hyuga cl-clan. I am the girl your people try to kidnap five years ago. He-hear me out. I-if you pro-promise to take Naruto and me o-out of here. And to he-heal hi-him, I will willingly go to Ku-kumo. A-and I will ma-make sure that Konoha do-does not bla-blame you. But first you need to heal Naruto! I know that somehow he is alive in there." Shouted Hinata.
"Yo calm down little girl, let me see what´s the thrill" Said Bee knelling down and touching Naruto. The very moment he touched the red body he felt pain like never before in his fingers. "Bee! That is a Jinchuriki like us! Somehow the Bijuu is protecting the container! We need to help him!" "Worry not little girl, I´ll do all I can to help him. I´ll take him to Kumogakure where my brother the Raikage will do all he can to help him… but I can take you" "NO! You must take me. I, I need to be with him, please Kumo-san take me with you. I will die without him… He is my hope and strength. I´m nothing without him! I have a marriage contract in my bag that frees me from the clan. The elder tried to marry me to a noble son behind my father, the clan heads, back. With all their signatures in the contract I will be free as soon as Naruto sings it and another person sings it as a witness. Take me! I will be Hinata Uzumaki of the Uzumaki of Kumo! My byakugan and my mother's jutsu will be forever for Kumo! Please I beg you" Cried Hinata, whose face was red from all the crying.
"Okay lil girl this is the thing. Do ya know what a Jinchuriki is?" Hinata moved her head saying no. "Lil boy down here and me are Jinchuriki. A human body with a mighty beast. I am Killer Bee, container of the hachibi. Lil boy here is probably alive thanks to his beast-o. As this is Konohagakure sure is ol nine-o. Do you understand what am talking about? You can kill a tailed beast but keep it in a body bound. Lil boy and me are the cage you understand? Not the demon keep inside in the flesh of a man"
"So that is why everyone hates Naruto. Because of the nine tail fox. How can they be so stupid! He is not a demon but a hero how keeps the beast at bye. I-I am sure that I love him now. He-he is like the never surrendering hero of a story. I-I will be wi-with him forever! He deserves all lo-love he can get. I will ma-make sure he has it." "I understand! Naruto is a hero! Please take us with you!"
"All right little girl don´t be afraid, you´re gonna see da power of the eight!" Said that eight chakra tentacles appeared from his back enveloping Naruto as he picked Hinata and her belongings bridal style.
Killer Bee with the two kids disappeared in the night on his way home with all the sped he had.
Later that night
"Yo Hinata. I think we should try to contact with Naruto. You see somehow Nine-o has made a chakra cocoon around him and is trying to heal him. May be we can help. But for that we need to contact them. I´m busy running top speed, how bout you and Gyuki try hum? Ya know? Old hachibi and you go and try to speak with them. Naruto will welcome a known and friendly face yes?" "O-okay, how do Gyuki-sama and I do that?" Answered a nervous Hinata."Just relax girl, my chakra will pull your consciousness in my mindscape, and then ol eight-o will lift you to Naruto´s"
Following Bee´s instructions Hinata closed her eyes and relaxed as much as she could. When she reopened them she was in front of the hachibi."Wellcome young girl. Don't be afraid, let me lift you and we will go to your little friends mind in no time" "Thank you Gyuki-sama, thank you for helping Naruto" Said Hinata as the biju´s tentacles lift her to his head. "Such a sweet girl jajaja. The Kyubi vessel is fortunate to have friends like you."
Her vision became blurry and when she focused her eyes again she was in a new place. A sewer like dark corridor with a giant door at the end. There, in front of the door and floating in the air just above the water was Naruto, enveloped in a cocoon like red substance.
"Wait, I-I am here to he-help Narut-Naruto." Said Hinata stuttering. "Please Kyubi-sama let me help Naruto!" Shouted the girl kneeling in submission. Before Kyubi´s chakra tendrils reached Hinata, Hachibi´s tentacles enveloped her protectively. "Get grip of your anger sister, we are here to help. This girl here has done all she could to protect your boy. Even trying to pay her clan's enemy's help with her own freedom! Tell us sister what is happening to your host? How can we help you both?"
"The kit is dying. No, better said, the kit is practically dead. Only my chakra maintains his remains together. All his important organs are broken. I am somehow anchoring his soul to his body by keeping it alive…" The angry and intimidating façade of the mighty vixen crumbling has she spoke. "I can´t let him die. Gyuki I can't let this child… my very own child die. His Uzumaki blood is helping me maintaining him alieve, but whit the little amount of chakra I can use… I can´t heal him properly. I need to awaken him to open the seal enough to fix him… But I just can´t. the seal does not allow me to contact with him till he is older and with his body so broken his mind is trapped within itself…" Looking at Hinata the Kyubi wondered if it was possible for a simple human to work out the seal limitations. "Maybe she can awaken him… but the consequences for her could be harsh. If my chakra, my very essence affects her she will be treated just like the kit. Well, let's see if she is as willing as she says to help"
"You there! Listen to me little human! If you are willing to help Naruto as you say, then you will try to awake him. But I warn you, my chakra will ran through your body and soul the moment you touch him. It will hurt and there may be permanent changes in your body. What do you say human!" "Thank you for allowing me to help Kyubi-sama. I will do my best."
Hinata´s answer wasn´t what Kurama was expecting. To say the truth both bijuu were completely stunned from Hinata´s honesty and willingness to help Naruto no matter the price. "Hold down a second, I will switch with Bee so he can help explaining the kit what is happening. Do you think he can help you awaken the boy?" "No, he has too much chakra for the seal to not recognize him as a harmless guest, also he has your chakra."
As soon as Bee arrieved into the mindscape Hinata tried to awake Naruto. As soon as her hands touched his face the red chakra cocoon enveloped them and a burning sensation spread through her veins. The pain was severe and Hinata wanted nothing more than to cry and stop her anguish. But this was for her Naruto, and that was enough for her to go to the deepest pit of hell and back. "Wake up Naruto. You need to wake up. I need you up so we can heal you. Don´t give up now. We can start a new life with someone like you as fast as you are ok. WAKE UP NARUTOOOOO!" She cried hugging him tightly.
Naruto opened his eyes.