Gohan had to admit that he was rather intrigued by the situation he found himself in. When Dende called him to the lookout telling him that there was a being that asked to meet him, Gohan did not expect the cloaked figure that looked like it came from a children's tale and introduced itself as Death.
A quick glance at Dende, who held the position of Earth's Kami for several decades now, earned him a slight nod, confirming the words of the being in front of him. Gohan shrugged in acceptance. While this Death did not look like King Yemma, nor like any of the Kais that Gohan met or heard of, it wasn't completely out of place with what he had experienced over his life.
What did catch Gohan by surprise was the declaration itself. "I am not the Death of a world that is unknown to yours, running parallel and never crossing, yet the foolishness of the mortals forces me to look elsewhere, for one to insert in order to prevent complete imbalance."
Someone seeking out aid wasn't really strange for Gohan, though it was usually Goku that rushed to the rescue in the hope of a decent challenge, but even the Gods wouldn't claim to reside in a different world. Their own planets were very much part of the universe, though rather distant, and Gohan did learn their locations, some out of pure necessity.
When Gohan's kinda-uncle (though he would never accept the title, as then he would be accepting Goku as a brother), Vegeta, had taken over as God of Destruction and accepted training under Whis, Bulma had insisted on having a visiting Vegeta. Even with wishing to appear younger, and knowing that Vegeta did love her in his own weird way, Bulma was worried that with his new job and the long commute, Vegeta would grow distant and forget about his family.
With his father, Goku, constantly making training trips to different planets, the burden fell on Gohan. Though Gohan really did not complain, as it gave him an unnecessary excuse to train with his father, and encouraged him to learn techniques that he should have learned ages ago, mainly the Instant Transmission, though the other random abilities that Goku picked up yet seldom used, such as the memory reading technique he used on Krillin when arriving on Namek, were also nice to know. The event led to Gohan going about and picking all the techniques he could from the other Z-fighters, such as Tien's multi-form and four witches techniques, and some of the magical techniques he could learn from Dende, mainly the magic materialization and healing abilities. Gohan had an easier time learning the techniques due to his scholarly nature, and the training helped him keep the promise he made after the Tournament of Power, to not neglect his training.
Gohan mentally shook off the trip down memory lane and eyed Death once more. "Why me? A new challenge in a new world sounds like something Dad would love." He offered.
Death nodded. "He would, potentially, do well, but he is not our first choice. He is rather straightforward, a bit too simple for our liking. While he will be able to fix the main issue, he is unlikely to have the patience and subtlety needed to handle what comes next. Understand that what is required is not merely a visit to a different world to solve their problems and return, but a complete reincarnation, to live the life of one who is no longer able to do so."
At Death's pause, Gohan couldn't help but frown. It was obvious that the being is going to further explain, why did it need to wait for Gohan to prompt him to do so? While Gohan enjoyed those dramatic narrative tools when reading a book, living through it wasn't quite as enjoyable. Well, at least he wasn't dealing with Zeno. "Explain." Gohan pushed briskly.
"I was ge-" Death seemed to reconsider when it noticed Gohan's eyes narrow. "First, we should explain that in the world we preside over, there are no knowledge of the methods to harness the power you know as Ki, and should you choose to accept my request, you'll be the only one, or first should you choose to train others. Some beings in that world are naturally attuned to the life energy and are able to harness it to their own uses, though they call it Magic instead. The difference in training method leads to far less energy they can access when compared to your use of Ki, but the degree of control they have over their energy is far greater. Your Magic Materialization technique, for example, is one that is shared with that world, though only powerful magicals can perform it to such degree as you can, but even those cannot do so are able to use lesser forms of the art to achieve greater variety than your technique can."
Gohan nodded his acceptance and motioned for Death to continue his spiel. Having your uncle as god really helps keeping it casual with the anthropomorphic personification of Death, though Death did not seem to appreciate the attitude. "One such magical, a Wizard named Harry James Potter, had been chosen, or forced, by the Fates to carry a heavy burden and save the world from great evil, one who named himself Voldemort. Harry James Potter had overcome many challenges and eventually succeeded, but mortals are foolish and greedy. A group of magicals believed that things could have gone better, and decided that tempering with time was a worthy risk."
"Harry James Potter was kidnapped and used in a ritual that would send him back in time, for the sake of attempting to accomplish his goal while leaving the magical world less damaged. Their attempt was quite disastrous. Their own timeline was unraveled, so there is no going back, however the ritual could have still succeeded in their main goal, had they adjusted it for the actual soul they were using. Harry James Potter was struck by a powerful spell, known as the killing curse, twice in his life. The spell is supposed to severe the soul from the body and send it directly to us, however a twist of Fates had prevented it from happening in both times, returning Harry James Potter's soul back. But it was not whole, it was damaged and tainted by our touch, and required cleansing before the ritual was enacted."
"That did not happen. The soul was damaged further and now it is shattered, cannot be repaired. Should we leave it as is, Harry James Potter would be unable to function and the body will die soon after the supposed time trip. Without Harry James Potter, the world may still function, but the risk is too great to take, as the burden of the Fates lies upon him. What we offer you, should you accept our request, is what remains of Harry James Potter's soul, those being his magic and memories, his knowledge. You will be placed in his past, replacing him the moment he was first attacked by the killing curse, and from then you will be free to act as you please. The future that Harry James Potter experienced is no longer there, so you will have no restrictions on how to change it, though the more you do, the less you can predict. That is your prerogative."
Gohan frowned. He didn't want to leave an entire world to die, but… "You are asking me to save your world, while giving up on mine, leaving my family and friends behind." He pointed out.
Death slowly shook its head. "Once your life in our world is over, you shall be allowed to return to yours. You will be rewarded, and shall return with all the knowledge you have obtain, to any point in time you choose, be it past, present or even future, should you so desire. You could return to this very moment, or to your own childhood, should you wish things were different. There may be additional offers, but those would be discussed then."
The new information changed the request quite dramatically, which frustrated Gohan further. Why not tell such a thing straight away, instead of waiting for Gohan to ask. Was it for Death's own amusement, or was it some sort of test? Though, knowing his father, he could've jumped at the opportunity without even considering such things as… Family. Gohan understood his father's personality, but he couldn't lie and say that he was fine with the way Goku practically abandoned everyone every time he went off training, or dying...
Gohan considered how such an adventure would influence him. He was expected to live an entire life, which would be rather depressing if he was going to avoid building up a new family so he would risk hurting the feelings he had towards the family he already has. Would having a life where he loves another woman damage the love he currently has towards Videl? It took a moment of meditation for Gohan to decide what to do.
He would accept, Son Gohan would be reborn as Harry James Potter. The feelings he has towards the people of his world will remain there, and Harry will build his own connections. Once it is the time for Harry to move on, those feelings would be left behind, and Gohan... Would travel back in time. He knew it. He made many mistakes and wasted much of his potential back then. He'll just have to work at it to get back with Videl, and he'll probably tell her everything… He'll probably tell everything to the woman he falls in love with as Harry as well, truthfully. There was a lot he'll need to consider, but for now, he could only push forward.
Opening his eyes, Gohan gave Death a nod, and found himself engulfed in green light.