Hey Guys! I am actually working on my next Playful Kiss Fic but wanted to get this one shot up too. This is a one-shot follow up to the Fake Engagement story. I may do more one-shots to this particular story featuring our favorite couple and their newest member to the F4 family :-) Let me know what you all think and if you want me to continue with the story. Now, this is very much a follow up to the Fake Engagement so if you have not read that one yet, I highly recommend reading it first before starting this one. It probably won't make much sense without the back story. Thanks and hope you enjoy!

Ga Eul was on the grass while her daughter giggled kicking her bare feet happily. She heard someone call her name and was surprised to see Woo Bin walking towards them since she had been expecting Yi Jeong.

"How are my two favorite girls?"

Ga Eul smiled as he bent down and scooped up So In Ha into his arms. She squealed as he spun around with loud zooming noises. In Ha was almost a year old now and there was no one she loved more than her F4 uncles. Unless of course, it was her daddy.

Despite his concerns about being a father and his deep-rooted fear he would end up being just like his father, Yi Jeong had taken to the role as naturally as his skill with the potter wheel. Plus, his deep abiding love for his wife had grown more each day finally proved to himself that he was his own man and not bound to his father's destiny.

"Are you here to take us home?" Ga Eul asked as In Ha tucked her face into Woo Bin's neck who immediately ran his hand over her black curls lovingly.

He nodded, "Yi Jeong got held up at the museum. His grandfather wants to go over the details of the showing next week."

Ga Eul nodded pleased by the news. It had been a rough road to get Yi Jeong and grandfather to talk to each other again. When they had discovered she was pregnant they had immediately eloped to Caledonia with the help of the F4 so his family would not be able to prevent their marriage. Then Yi Jeong had leaked the news of their marriage and they were expecting their first child to the press so his grandfather would not be able to do any of his tricks to get it annulled.

Although Yi Jeong had played his hand regarding Ga Eul very carefully and there was nothing his family could do about her, it didn't mean they took the news well. They had all but shunned Yi Jeong and his grandfather had declared his work would never show in their family museum ever again. He had also cut off his access to their money and homes. Except for his studio which had been a gift to Yi Jeong from his grandmother before she passed who had been careful to put it directly in his name, so their living arrangements had not changed.

Yi Jeong was perfectly fine with his family cutting him off and declared if they didn't want to love Ga Eul or his daughter as members of the family, then they could all go to hell.

He had taken his pottery abroad to Sweden, Paris, and London who all had been delighted to have the brand-new work of So Yi Jeong. His name and popularity as an artist greatly increasing in popularity until he was more sought after by galleries and museums to the point where he could not keep up with the demands. But once In Ha had been born, his family had finally begun to come around. At first Yi Jeong wanted nothing to do with them but since Ga Eul had no contact with her parents after their attempts to marry her off to Kang Ha Joon, she wanted him to make peace with his.

It had taken a lot of work, but some recovery had been made and for the first time in almost two years they were allowing Yi Jeong to show his work at the Museum. And despite the fact, his grandfather still didn't approve of Ga Eul, he was polite on their rare interactions. Understanding Yi Jeong would walk away for good this time if anyone even remotely slighted her. The old man adored In Ha though and showered her with affection, which is all Ga Eul asked of him.

Yi Jeong though never allowed his family to be around In Ha unless he was there to directly supervise their interactions. Determined to protect her from their manipulative attempts to mold her into what they deemed appropriate.

Woo Bin, Jun Pyo, and Ji Hoo also made it publicly known that if anyone messed with Ga Eul or In Ha, they would be dealing directly with them. All in all, there was probably no little girl in all of Korea more protected than So In Ha.

"Will you be able to stay for dinner or do you have plans?" Ga Eul asked Woo Bin as she grabbed their bag. Woo Bin looked down into In Ha's big eyes that reminded her so much of Yi Jeong. "What do you think? Can I stay for dinner?"

In Ha clapped her hands and spoke nonsensically at him. Woo Bin nodded solemnly as though he understood every word. "It's settled then. Dinner and playtime, it is."

Ga Eul laughed. "You don't have too if you are busy. I know the new club opens soon."

Woo Bin shrugged. "It can wait. I haven't seen her in a while."

She smiled inwardly. He had seen In Ha less than a week ago. However, that might as well be a lifetime for him. None of the F4 boys could go too long without stopping by and seeing their princess. Woo Bin and Ji Hoo were regular visitors while Jun Pyo and Jan Di who were currently living in New York for a year to get a non-profit section of Shinhwa off the ground, providing medical aid to various countries made sure to video call every other day. Jun Pyo also had a habit of just sending a trunkful of gifts to In Ha which Ga Eul secretly donated to the local children's hospital since she literally couldn't fit any more stuffed animals into her nursery.

"She will like having some extra time with you," Ga Eul told him. They began to leave to the park when Kim Sung Hyun a little boy of three raced over and tugged on Ga Eul's skirt. She bent down and he spoke quietly into her ear. She nodded to Sung Hyun and then looked up at Woo Bin with a small grin. "Let him see In Ha for a second."

"Why?" He asked suspiciously and his grip tightened on her a little.

"Just kneel down."

He did so reluctantly and Kim Sung Hyun went over to In Ha and whispered something before kissing her cheek. Woo Bin's eyes widened but the little boy didn't seem to notice. He just gave her another peck before racing back to his mother with a wave to Ga Eul.

"Yah!" Woo Bin yelled clutching In Ha into his chest. "Did he just kiss- "

"Yep. Along with his promise to marry her."


"Come on." Ga Eul tugged on his arm with a chuckle. "Let's get going."

"Does Yi Jeong know," Woo Bin gestured frantically to Sung Hyun playing on the monkey bars, "about that?"

She shook her head with an exasperated smile. "He's barely three, Woo Bin and probably the sweetest little boy I've ever met."

"So?" The mafia prince seemed genuinely horrified. "When I was three…" He trailed off and looked down at his beloved goddaughter. "No boys. Absolutely no boys. Unless they are your uncles. Are we clear?"

In Ha laughed at the ticklish poke and then tightened her grip on his neck. He nodded satisfied. "Good. Just let me know if he keeps bothering you. I will handle it."

Ga Eul shot him a stern look. "You are not going to handle anything. He's three. Now stop being ridiculous."

Woo Bin grumbled under his breath as he strapped In Ha into the car seat that he always kept in his car. "Little punk. Kissed her twice right in front of me. Wait until I tell Ji Hoo and Jun Pyo about this."

Ga Eul laughed with a shake of her head, already looking forward to their reactions in a few years when In Ha began dating for real. Her daughter would be lucky if they didn't try to lock her in a tower or something like a fairy tale character.

Although Yi Jeong and Ga Eul had moved into a large apartment a few months ago, they still spent most of their time at his studio. This way Yi Jeong could work on his art and still spend his evenings with Ga Eul and In Ha. Ga Eul liked the intimate spacing where her daughter could play on the floor by her father and watch him make his creations. As they pulled into the drive though, her breathing hitched as she noticed two people sitting on the steps waiting for them.

Woo Bin not spotting the problem became alarmed as Ga Eul went pale. "Are you okay?"

"Take In Ha and whatever you do, don't let her out of your arms."

He blinked at the harsh order before finally seeing the two people at the door. His eyes narrowed with recognition, but he didn't respond. He simply got out of the car and grabbed In Ha before flanking Ga Eul up the walk.

Chu Min Ra quickly ran over, but Ga Eul moved in front of her daughter. "What are you doing here?"

Her mother wrung her hands. "You won't answer our calls."

"I have nothing to say to you. Either of you."

Dae Seon stepped forward. "Please Ga Eul… She's our grandchild."

"We told you to stay away," Woo Bin spoke up coldly. Trying to keep his grip easy on In Ha not wanting to frighten her. "You need to go. Now."

Dae Seon ignored the warning and began to move forward with his arms outstretched to take In Ha but Woo Bin quickly backed up with a fierce snarl. "Try to touch her and I will break your fingers."

Ga Eul straighten her spine and pointed down the step. "Leave. I don't want you here."

"Ga Eul," Min Ra cried tears streaming down her face. "She is a year old and we have never even met her. Please, I just want to hold her. At least once."

Dae Seon rubbed his wife back. "You're being cruel Ga Eul. All because we wanted something better for you- "

"You sold me," Ga Eul broke in hotly. "Not to mention subjecting me to abuse by Kang Ha Joon and his parents for my entire childhood. I never realized how messed up that was until I became a mother myself."

"We know that we didn't handle your relationship well with So Yi Jeong well." Min Ra said with a glance up to her husband. "We honestly never believed his family would accept," she gestured to the large diamond sitting on Ga Eul's finger, "you as his wife. We didn't want you hurt as Geum Jan Di had been. That's why we pushed for Kang Ha Joon so hard."

"You are still defending yourself," Ga Eul pointed out bitterly. "And it had nothing to do with you being worried about me. It had to do with you wanting to be included in the lifestyle of Kang Do Yun."

"It wasn't like that!" Min Ra yelled. "You were the one who destitute us. It was only right you get us out of it!"

In Ha frightened by sudden noise began to cry. Woo Bin quickly soothed her before giving her parents a furious glare. "Stop yelling. You're scaring her."

"You are not a part of this." Min Ra pointed to him. "This is between my daughter and me. Now, hand over my grandchild."

He laughed darkly at the command. "You know what? That does it. Ga Eul, take In Ha and go inside."

Ga Eul swiftly took her and pushed past her parents, slapping her father's hands away as he tried to reach for In Ha. "Don't touch my daughter."

"Ga Eul," Dae Seon began but she just slammed the studio door harshly in response. Woo Bin moved in closer. His fury reaching new heights with the faint echo of In Ha whimpering inside.

"I have left you both alone because Ga Eul asked me too. She said if you respected her wishes to leave them alone, she didn't want me interfering. However, since you broke that rule today… I am taking my boys off the chains."

"What does that mean?" Dae Seon asked nervously.

"It means since you can't seem to heed our warning to stay away, we will have to force you. When you get home, you will find your stuff being packed into boxes and that you are being moved."

"You can't do- "

"You scared In Ha," Woo Bin growled. "You yelled at Ga Eul and made her daughter cry. If anyone else had done that and I would be doing a hell of a lot more than just sending you away."

Hearing the warning in the Mafia Prince's voice made Chu Dae Seon realize how wrong they had read this situation. He placed his hand low on his wife's arm halting her next words.

Pleased by the reaction, Woo Bin tugged on his sleeves casually. "So, here is what going to happen now. They are going to take you to a new place. Somewhere far away from Ga Eul and her family. Then they will be periodically checking in to make sure you stay there."

Min Ra grew ill at the idea of leaving Seoul. She had grown accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the city, provided by the money deposited in their account monthly from Gu Jun Pyo who was honoring the deal made at the Kang estate. She liked being able to shop, eat out, and frequently treating herself to spa days.

"No, please." She frantically grabbed her husband's arm. "We promise never to contact her again. We will forget we ever had a daughter. Won't we?"

Dae Seon looked at the ground. He knew they had just failed their last test to see what was more important. Trying to rebuild a relationship with Ga Eul or their love for money. "We will forget."

Woo Bin looked at them disgustingly but a voice from behind them spoke before he could answer. "Then leave and start forgetting."

They turned to see Ga Eul in the doorway. She wasn't crying or mad but just resigned to the final termination of her relationship with her parents. "And I would do it before Yi Jeong comes home and finds you near me. I doubt you will get such a generous offer from him."

Min Ra nodded and pulled Dae Seon away. Her father looked back one last time but at the icy stare from his daughter, he sighed and followed his wife to the car. Ga Eul watched them leave until their taillights faded from view. Woo Bin put his arm around her and hugged her tightly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she replied sadly. "A little relieved actually. I knew they would show up eventually. At least now it's officially over."

He nodded but mentally made plans to have his men watch Chu Dae Seon and Min Ra for awhile to make sure they really did stick to their commitment to leave Ga Eul alone. He didn't trust them nor was he willing to take any chances on her or In Ha's safety.

"Come on," Ga Eul nudged him inside. "I will start dinner."

An hour later and Yi Jeong arrived home and although exhausted, his face light up as In Ha gurgled out excitedly at the sight of him. "Papa!"

He knelt as she ran over awkwardly still getting use to being on her feet by herself. He swung her up into his arms and peppered her face with kisses, relieved to be home. It had been a long tense day with his grandfather and dealing with the media on the exhibit. "How's my sweet girl?"

She smiled and he chuckled noticing her bottom teeth were starting to poke through. Yi Jeong felt all his stress from the day easing as he stared lovingly at his little girl. She was the perfect blend of both him and Ga Eul. In Ha had his dark coloring and deep dimples but her mother's smile and thick hair full of curls.

She was already promising to be startling beauty causing people to comment on her exotic look. One reporter who managed to grab a photo of her at the last Shinhwa hospital ward ceremony, had wrote in his article that So Yi Jeong better get a bat ready because boys would be flocking soon.

Yi Jeong had gotten a bat all right, but he had swung it at the papers head. No one was allowed to print photos of his daughter or talk about her. He had made that very clear. If they did, he would make sure their particular paper was no longer invited to any event hosted by the So family. Gu Jun Pyo had enforced this by declaring any mention of So In Ha by press stations would also mean being excluded from any funding or events held by Shinhwa.

"Are you having fun?" Yi Jeong brushed her tangled hair out of her eyes and looked over to where Woo Bin was building with her blocks. "Is she knocking over your newest creation?"

"Yes, but in her defense, it was a terrible design." Woo Bin grinned over at them and In Ha wiggled to be put down. "Papa play."

"Be right there baby. I want to say hi to Mama."

"She is at the stove making dinner." Woo Bin gave him a meaningful stare, "She had a hard day."

Yi Jeong frowned, "Why? What happened?"

"Chu Min Ra and Dae Seon were here when we got home from the park."

Yi Jeong immediately stiffened at the mention of her parents and tightened his hold on In Ha. "Is she okay?"

Woo Bin nodded but he could tell his friend was worried. "They wanted to see In Ha. Ga Eul refused, so they yelled at her with their never-ending blame game on how all their problems were her fault."

Yi Jeong cursed softly and kissed his daughter's cheek. "Can you take her for a minute?"

Woo Bin took In Ha and began to dance wildly with the girl until she was belly laughing. "Come on kiddo. Let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into before dinner. Ji Hoo said he would stop by after his shift at the hospital. I bet he is going to bring you a new toy."

"Toy!" In Ha yelled happily and Yi Jeong shook his head. His friends were determined to spoil her rotten. "She doesn't need any new toys."

"Go check on your wife," Woo Bin said dismissively. "Leave the toy issue to the uncles."

"Just make sure it fits in the door this time." Yi Jeong remarked dryly. "The last giraffe Gu Jun Pyo sent was so large it barely fit inside."

Woo Bin only made a shooing gesture at him before turning his attention to In Ha who was already back to block building.

He went around the corner and spotted his wife at the small stove. She was stirring lightly and had her long hair pulled into a bun. He noticed she didn't have music playing softly like she normally did and his anger spiked. He went over and wrapped his arms around her waist. Yi Jeong didn't say anything but laid a lingering kiss into her neck. Ga Eul relaxed at the feel of him and leaned back into his embrace.

"Hi," Ga Eul whispered finally. "How was your day?"

"Better than yours apparently."

She turned and pressed her face firmly into his chest. Yi Jeong held her tightly and tucked his lips down to her ear. He spoke soothingly until he felt her muscles unclench. She raised her eyes to meet his. "They tried to touch In Ha. They said I was being cruel by keeping them away from their only grandchild."

Yi Jeong growled but Ga Eul hurried on. "Don't worry, I made sure Woo Bin was holding her. I knew they wouldn't get close to him. He made it very clear they were never to come near me again."

He stared down at her and noticed she was trying to appear unaffected by the arrival of her folks, but he knew her too well for that.

"So Ga Eul," He leaned forward and boxed her in with his arms. "What did I tell you about trying to hide anything from me?"

"That it was a waste of time." She gave him a watery smile knowing he was right. No one could read her as well as Yi Jeong. Even before they were a couple, he seemed to understand her better than anyone. She tried to gather her emotions but at the tender gaze from her husband, she gave up. Ga Eul burst into tears and buried her face into her hands.

Yi Jeong murmured her name and regathered her into his arms.

"They didn't say sorry or even ask any questions about In Ha. They just repeated how I owed them and demanded Woo Bin handed her over. Like she was nothing but an object or something."

Yi Jeong hushed her and stroked her hair. "Its okay sweetheart. I won't let them hurt you or In Ha. Don't worry."

"I'm not," Ga Eul wiped her cheeks. "Woo Bin made it very clear on what would happen if they came near us anymore. I honestly don't think they will try that again. It's just…" She trailed off and he ran his thumb slowly over her cheek. "What?"

"It hurt. And I'm mad that it still hurts."

"I know." Yi Jeong pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I know it hurts. But just remember they made it this way, Ga Eul. Not you. You have done nothing to create this problem and one day it won't hurt anymore. But their choices are always going to haunt and hurt them."

Ga Eul stared at him before voicing her deepest fear that lay rooted in her soul. "Are you sure it's not my fault?"

Yi Jeong cupped her face and his eyes blazed down furiously at her. "Listen to me So Ga Eul and listen carefully. Nothing that has ever happened with your family is your fault. Not even remotely. Don't you ever think that way again. Do you understand me?"

She nodded and the sheer fury in Yi Jeong's voice at the suggestion finally washed away the last lingering doubt. "I love you."

He gave her a hard kiss that promised he would prove his love for her later on tonight. She shivered at the knowledge and he grinned wickedly at the response.

"We will finish this later," he whispered darkly into her ear. Feeling better already, she gave a quick agreement, brushing her lips over his cheek and turned back to dinner.

Yi Jeong changed out of his suit and joined his daughter in her desire to build the biggest tower ever. Then helped her successfully knock it down with loud sound effects courtesy of Woo Bin.

When Ji Hoo showed up soon afterwards with a new wooden rocking horse, Yi Jeong just rolled his eyes. However, he couldn't help but grin at the wide eyed delight from his little girl. She immediately wanted him to help her climb aboard. As he kept her steady while she rocked, Yi Jeong inwardly thanked his friends for their affection to In Ha.

At first Ga Eul had protested at the large new toy but once Ji Hoo had pointed out that he actually wanted to buy her the real thing but had decided to wait, she quickly thanked him for going small.

After they ate and were helping In Ha pick up her toys, Woo Bin looked over to Yi Jeong who was sitting on the floor with In Ha in his lap. "Did you hear about this kid at the park? Kim Sung Hyun."

"Who?" Yi Jeong asked curiously and Ga Eul quickly piped up from the sink. "He just is one of the little boys we see there sometimes. He's only three."

"Oh," Yi Jeong said not really paying attention. "What about him?"

"He kissed In Ha," Woo Bin told him firmly. "Twice."

Yi Jeong began to nod but then realizing what Woo Bin was saying, his eyes widened in horror. "Wait- he-"He tilted his head to look at his daughter. "Some boy kissed you?"

"Kiss!" In Ha repeated with a giggle. "Kiss Papa."

"And then said he was going to marry her."

"Marry her-what? Ga Eul!"

Ga Eul buried her face into the dishtowel to conceal her laughter at the frantic alarm in her husband's voice at this new information. Although she couldn't contain it any longer once he began to describe to their little girl about the evils of men who were not her father. Especially once Ji Hoo and Woo Bin joined in the conversation.

She looked up from her giggling to watch the three men surrounding In Ha and noticed Yi Jeong was holding her up high so he could stare into her face as he imparted these words of wisdom on her.

"Now remember In Ha. No Papa, no kiss." Yi Jeong repeated firmly.

In Ha shook her head, "kiss!"

"No kiss boys," Yi Jeong reiterated. "Uncles are okay and always Papa but if any other boy tries, you are to kick them in the-"

"Yi Jeong!"

"Uhh, shin," Yi Jeong finished hastily. "I will have Uncle Woo Bin show how to do that later."

Woo Bin began to nod but Ga Eul decided to intervene before this lovely conversation could continue.

"All right," she took In Ha away from her husband with a low snort. "We will worry about kissing boys tomorrow. Time for bed now. Say goodnight"

"Ight," In Ha waved her chubby little hand and Yi Jeong smiled at the sight of her snuggling into her mother's arms. "Good night baby. I will come to see you in a few minutes"

As mother and daughter made their way to the extra bedroom they had built onto the studio, Ga Eul could still hear the boys still grumbling about the little park punk.

She giggled into her girl's hair. "You are going to have a difficult time getting around that one when the time comes but…. She smiled tenderly at the thought. "Never doubt that you are loved So In Ha."

In Ha yawned and tucked her face into her mother's shoulder. She drifted off feeling as loved and spoiled as a little one-year-old F4 Princess could ever hope to be.