Friday, August 7th. Pemberley, Derbyshire. Early morning hours.

Her heart beating in her ears, Caroline Bingley quietly opened the door to her chambers and peered into the dark hall. A distant clock chimed the hour; it was half one in the morning. Quietly she quit her rooms, moving swiftly down the hall to Pemberley's family wing.

Holding her candle aloft to light her way, Caroline soon reached what she hoped was her intended chamber. Slowly she turned the knob and discovered the door was unlocked. Glancing quickly into the hallway to make sure she was unobserved, Caroline entered the room and quietly shut and locked the bedroom door.

The soft glow from the dying embers threw enough light to faintly illuminate the young man asleep in his bed. His back was towards her; it appeared that he wore no clothes. She extinguished her candle and set it on a table near the door. As she tiptoed towards the bed this was confirmed for her. She hesitated. Could she do this? That Eliza Bennet is having too much of an effect on my Mr. Darcy! Caroline had to secure him now before he became further lost to Eliza's fine eyes. There was no choice; she had to proceed if she was ever to become Mrs. Darcy. Caroline removed her slippers and slipped off her dressing gown, leaving her modest nightgown on. She quietly climbed into bed, and curled her body against him. Mr. Darcy was so warm, she could not resist the temptation to touch him. She ran her hands over his strong back. He moaned softly. Encouraged, she moved her hands, exploring his body. A broad and, surprising-for-her, hairy chest lead to a pleasingly firm, flat stomach.

His breathing changed slightly in response to her touch, and Caroline paused. Confirming he was still asleep, she continued exploring his body. After his stomach she found another bit of hair, which amazed her. Who knew men could be so hairy? Stroking her hand through this curly hair caused him to moan. Pleased, she continued until she came to something soft and floppy. This part she was less sure of as her study of the male body was limited to classical art. She knew, from a blushing and stammering Louisa, that a man's sconce was what went inside a woman. Her sister was unable to elaborate as to what else happened, leaving the whole thing a mystery.

Curiosity overwhelmed her as Caroline took his sconce in hand and gently caressed it. To her surprise it began to lengthen and thicken. Its owner moaned and, in his sleep, moved his hips causing her to stroke it. This elicited another moan from her bedmate and a hoarse plea to repeat the action. Pleased with herself for her progress, Caroline pressed herself tighter to his body and awkwardly stroked him.

Uncertain what to do next, her bedmate startled her by rolling over. He gathered her in his arms and kissed her. Overwhelmed by her luck, she was still for a moment until she remembered what she was about and allowed herself to open to an unexpectedly passionate onslaught. Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck. This encouraged him to deepen their kiss. As he stroked her lips with his, his hands ran down her back and pulled her tight against his arousal, forcing himself between her legs. Caroline gasped against his lips, causing her bedmate to smile. He rocked his hips and they both moaned as a jolt of electricity passed between them. Mr. Darcy hiked her gown to her waist and rolled them so he was on top. As he kissed her neck he pushed Caroline's knees to open her to him and rubbed his erection against her temple of Venus.

Moaning her pleasure, Caroline froze when she heard "Oh Annie!" She was horrified. Annie?! Has he confused me for that cousin of his? The man moaned as he moved his arousal against her. "I have missed this with you!"


Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam was having the most sublime dream. He was with his previous mistress, Annette. She was in nightclothes. How odd as she never wears them, but then this is a dream. He smiled; he would remedy that.

Richard raised his head and kissed her; it had been many months since he had been with her, or anyone really. Damn family obligations! "I have missed you so dreadfully, my tart." He ran his hands up her body pushing her nightgown until it was gathered at her neck. "I am going to love every inch of your delectable body"


My tart?! Caroline was in Colonel Fitzwilliam's bed not Mr. Darcy's! How had she not noticed? The removal of her nightgown interrupted her ruminations; she tried to keep it on, but the Colonel was insistent, increasing his attentions to her body to distract her further. She was furious with herself for her error, but the man clearly knew what he was about when it came to lovemaking. His hands on her breasts, his sconce at her temple of Venus and his lips on hers were slowly making her forget everything. Until he groaned that other woman's name.


Richard Fitzwilliam was in heaven. His mistress was good, but this was so much better than he remembered. Her kisses were wondrously sweet; her lush breasts were fuller and more pert; her hips were pleasingly clutchable. She was affecting him greatly and he knew he must have her soon. Deepening their kiss, he wrapped her long legs around his hips. He rubbed his erection against her pearl before thrusting into her. He moaned, "Annette." Oh dear Lord in heaven she's tight! She's never been this snug. He felt her stiffen as he entered her, and noticed she had not yet relaxed. Richard opened his eyes and in the dim firelight discovered beneath him not the alluring Annette, but Miss Bingley. He briefly wondered why she was in his bed, but her virginal muscles clenched him to distraction. He experienced the happy, and all to infrequent, sensation of being fully seated inside a woman, and she felt so staggeringly good! Philosophically he shrugged his shoulders, thought Any port in a storm, smiled at her and began thrusting.

In spite of her fury, she was quite responsive to his lovemaking. Her moans and cries thrilled him as he brought them closer to their climaxes. The way she raised her hips to meet his thrusts and ran her hands through his hair and over his body excited him like nothing he could remember anyone doing before. Good Lord she has a natural capacity for this! Feeling beneficent, as he deflowered Bingley's sister, Richard decided he would thoroughly pleasure her. Perhaps a really good petite mort would be good for her superior attitude. Grinning he increased his actions and took great pride in her louder and louder cries of passion. Far too soon for his liking, he felt her muscles clutch his arbor vitae as she cried out and pulled his pleasure from him as he joined her in bliss. Thoroughly spent, though- interestingly- not thoroughly sated, Richard sank onto her while their breathing calmed and their bodies cooled.

He was stunned.

He had enjoyed taking this woman.

It was the best sex of his life.

He wanted to do it again.

With Miss Bingley.

Holy fuck!

A few minutes later he rolled them onto their sides so he wouldn't crush her; confused by what he had discovered, he held her close to him to remain inside her enticing warmth a little longer.


Caroline never expected to experience anything like that in her life. She had no idea such a thing was possible between a man and a woman.

She was astonished.

And, quite oddly, she wished to do it again.

With Colonel Fitzwilliam!


Suddenly self-conscious, she felt certain she was a dishevelled mess. Her hair had come loose during their activity and her body was now damp and warm.

She was lost in thought when she heard: "Not that this was unpleasant, Miss Bingley," Richard drawled. "But I must ask. What are you doing in my bed? Recent activity notwithstanding, I do have a policy of not deflowering the sisters of friends. I understand you are ambitious, but this is beyond the pale, even for you….Why are you in my room?... Come now, what have you to say for yourself?"

He was not angry; instead he sounded curious and rather amused. She offered up a compliment. Unlike her usual, this one was sincere. "I had no idea- to feel such things- that was astonishing!"

Flattered, Richard chuckled. "I am happy to hear you enjoyed it. Now, why are you in my room, Caroline?"

"I thought it was Mr. Darcy's room."

Of course. Poor Fitz. "Did you now? And what had you hoped to accomplish in my cousin's room?"

"I want to be Mrs. Darcy."

He looked at her askance. "Why do you want to be Mrs. Darcy?" The expressive look she gave him made him laugh. "Yes, fine, you wished to be Mrs. Darcy. But why go about it this way?"

A pause. "Miss Eliza Bennet."

"Miss Elizabeth Bennet?... Aaah yes. I believe that I understand."

She regarded him for a moment. Of course he did, that impertinent little chit. "I had to act before all was lost! I will be an excellent Mrs. Darcy!"

"Would have been."

"What?!" She moved to pull away from him, but he was faster and held her firmly.

"If my cousin had wanted you for a wife, he would have asked you by now. The fact that he has not, suggests he is likely never going to."

Furious, she struggled to break free of his embrace. "You do not know that!"

"True, I do not. But really- stop struggling- Caroline, if he was interested- oof- he would have asked by now. Ow!" He gave her a sharp look. "No teeth! Also- stop!- important to note-ouch!" He rolled back on top of her and pinned her arms above her head. "Caroline I said no teeth-my cousin does not like sharing."

"Then let me go!... Agh! Impertinent man!..." She stopped struggling. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Think, my dear. Where are you right now? Where am I?"

She frowned. "Where are you?"

He flexed his hips and she gasped. Oh dear. "Inside me?"

Richard nodded. "Fitz is a fastidious man. He does not like spoilt goods. I am, on the other hand, so long as you do not bite, not so particular." He gifted her a winning smile. She felt very unsure.

"What do you mean to do with me?"

"What would like for me to do with you?" He smiled and raised his eyebrows in invitation. His brain instantly provided him with a list of sensual things he'd like to do to her. Caroline opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Really? Nothing? After all we have shared together? I am hurt." She looked hesitant. He sighed, released her ams, and patiently said, "Come Caroline, ask me what you will."

"Well, Colonel Fitzwill-" He laughed.

"I believe we are intimate enough, Caroline, to call each other by our Christian names."

"What is yours?" He had forgotten that she did not know.


"Is it really? Hmm. Well, Richard, I-I...I know nothing about the male body, and, and I want to know more." Here she blushed and looked shyly away. "May I look upon you?"

"Only if I may return the favor." She blushed deeply, but nodded. He grinned. They rose and moved towards the fire. Richard added another log, brightening the room. He admired her body as she moved around him, both observing all those things one never sees thanks to clothing: the curve of his buttocks; her graceful hips; his broad shoulders; the sway of her breasts; the way his back narrowed to a V as it met his waist; the thatch of curls at her merry bit; his strong thighs; a heart-shaped birthmark on her left hip. Finally she knelt down in front of him and, looking up, asked, "May I touch it?"

He groaned, "Yes."

As she touched his manhood, it become bigger. She drew back a bit when it rose up from his thighs. "It is looking at me!" she exclaimed.

Richard barked out a laugh. "Yes, he likes your touch."

She was incredulous. "It does?"

"Oh yes. Touch him some more Caroline."

"Like this"


"And that feels good?"

"Yesssss... Do you know what would feel even better?"

She admitted she did not; she was horrified by the answer. "I am not doing that!" She began to rise.

He stayed her movement. "But it will feel sooo good...Aaand you might like it." He grinned and thrust his hips towards her.

Leaning back a little, she said, "I can not imagine how."

He provoked her. "You were so brave to steal into Darcy's room and make the beast with two backs with me, but you are afraid to touch this little thing?"

The little thing jerked in her direction. "That is not little!"

He chuckled. "No, he is not. But he seems to like you all the same. Will you do it?"

She hesitated and stared. He grew under her appraisal. "I do not know how."

"I will help you," he said, his voice husky.

She frowned. "I do not kn-"

"You will like it. And it puts you in complete control."

This caught her interest. "It does?"

"Ooh, yes." She was surprised, but... she did like being in control… she considered it.

"What would I need to do?"

"I will show you… oh and do have a care with your teeth."


"It can hurt."



Twenty minutes later Richard sat heavily in a chair, gasping. With his heart racing, he stared at Caroline in astonishment. He had had no idea fellatio could feel so exquisitely good. She is a natural at this too! I wonder what else I can teach her? He smiled widely. This might end up being my favorite visit to Pemberley!

"Tell me, Caroline. Have you ever heard of 'Riding Saint George'?"



The writing within this story is the sole property of the author and any form of plagiarism (for profit or not for profit) will be treated as theft and will result in legal action. This story was written by katiedid44 and posted at FF July 2019. It has not been published as a book or ebook, nor is it meant for publication. This story, the author notes and comments are copyright protected and all rights are retained by the author. Permission is NOT granted for adding this story to Goodreads or any other website, to discuss it at other websites, or to download and share with others outside of FF.