AN: And another chapter is complete! This one is a little shorter than usual, but I hope you all enjoy it despite that fact. I had a lot of fun writing this one.

"Harry!" Hermione rushed into the Gryffindor common room, holding a newspaper in her hand as her friend quickly came to her side. It was already early and after the day he had, all he wanted to do was sleep in for a bit.

"Mione? What's wrong?" Harry asked, stifling a yawn as he watched his best friend frantically wave a paper.

"This! They keep interfering with your private life!" She handed him the new paper from the Daily Prophet, which had him and Justin on the cover.

"Oh, Merlin…." Harry quickly woke up as he saw the picture of Justin holding his hand at Hogsmeade, his face turning a deep shade of red. "This was NOT how I wanted to come out to the wizarding world," He groaned, plopping on the sofa as he looked over the imposing paper.

Boyfriend for the Boy Who Lived?

Lord Harry Potter-Black was seen on a date with a fellow Hufflepuff classmate this Sunday at the Three Broomsticks. Love was in the air as these two young men talked and held hands throughout their entire date, a smile on both of their faces.

And true enough, they had used a photo of when they had smiled at each other. Of course, they had to use the one of Justin blushing at him too, didn't they? Harry sighed as he continued to read the small passage, his head already hurting.

It turns out after years of speculation, Lord Harry Potter-Black is gay. We can practically hear the hearts of all the witches breaking at this news. What will this mean for the future? Will the boy who lived settle down, or decide to become an Auror like his parents before him?

Rita Skeeter.

Huffing, Harry threw the paper to the side with a scowl. "I hate that bloody woman." He mumbled darkly, resisting the urge to cross his arms at the blatant lack of privacy. "Once I graduate Hogwarts, I plan to sue her for everything she's got. I still have the evidence of her spying on me in my fourth year, when I was fourteen. I was a bloody minor back then and without my consent on someone writing down what I say, she could have gotten into serious trouble." Hermione grimaced at the mood that Harry was in now, slowly touching his shoulder to offer her support.

"I'm sorry she's done this, Harry. I don't understand the gall of that woman to do something so…heinous." She mumbled, watching as Harry let another sigh lose, the tension in his posture starting to lessen.

"I know, Mione. It's okay. Honestly, it's something I should be used to by now. Being the Boy Who Lived meant that I would never have a quiet, paparazzi-free life. " The bitterness was there, but it was lined with something she didn't quite know or understand. "I feel worse for Justin. I let him down yesterday and now everyone is going to hound him about dating me. It's going to make it harder to let go of his feelings for me." Harry rubbed at the dark circles under his eyes, having been unable to sleep well last night. "Thank you for telling me about the paper. I would have had a worse reaction in the great hall." Hermione gently squeezed his shoulder again, rubbing slowly.

"I can think of one decent thing that will likely come from this," Hermione said with an evil smirk.

"Oh?" Harry questioned, raising an eyebrow at his friend's reaction.

"Well, Ginny wasn't there the day you came out to most of the school. Now that she'll be reading the paper…" She trailed off, making Harry unleash a brilliant laugh. "Ready for some tears?"

"Tears from Ginevra Prewitt? The girl who tried to dose me with amortentia? Count me the fuck in." Hermione fondly rolled her eyes as they made their way to breakfast, taking their seats as they waited for the rest of the students and staff to file in.

At some point during breakfast, Ginny came running up to him, fat tears pooling in her brown eyes. "Harry!" She sniffed comically, rubbing at her eyes aggressively as more tears pooled. "The papers were lying right?! You're not gay!" As usual, the Prewitt was in obvious denial as she gripped the paper tightly, her knuckles white.

"Are you asking me or telling me I'm not gay?" Harry responded dryly, causing Hermione to cough into her napkin to stifle her laughter. Others weren't as successful, especially those from the Slytherin house. The sixth-year floundered for a moment, opening and closing her mouth to try and defend herself. As Harry was tormenting Ginny, Hermione allowed her gaze to sweep across the great hall and staff table.

There she saw Severus Snape glaring at the daily prophet, a deeper frown than usual on his face as he read the insulting cover. After he was done, he observed Harry with a deep frown that made Hermione hum as she averted her gaze, smirking more to herself at obvious indicators. Instead of pointing them out, she went back to focusing on Harry.

"Why do you care, Ginny?" Harry asked calmly, taking a sip from his fresh cup of coffee.

"Beca-because-" She stuttered, her face turning a deep shade of red that matched her robes.

"The papers weren't lying about me being gay, Ginny." He finally took pity on her, trying to hold back a smirk as her eyes filled to the brim with more tears. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed. I mean, Merlin, I'm pretty sure I came out to your brother and the whole school last month." He added nonchalantly, taking yet another sip from his coffee as Ginny started crying.

"But you…you're supposed to love me!" She sniffed, causing Harry to make a face.

"Even if I weren't gay, I wouldn't want to be with someone who tried to dose me with amortentia." The number of gasps that went around made Harry smirk as he took yet another sip of his drink, looking up to meet the fear in Dumbledore's eyes from across the hall. "Not to mention I don't even love you as a friend, let alone a lover." He stated bluntly, no emotion on his face as he went back to eating his small breakfast.

"But..but.." Ginny was scrambling now, her face burning brighter with each passing second. "We would make such a good couple-"

"For the love of Merlin, would you stop? I'm gay. End of the bloody discussion." He snapped at her, his eyes flashing with power that made her freeze and pale at the sight. "Now would you please leave us alone? I'd like to eat the rest of my breakfast unperturbed." His words held faux politeness, but his eyes held pure unbridled hatred. She swallowed hard and nodded, running away to her friends as she trembled, earning laughs from all across the hall. None of that was any concern to her. Instead, she was stuck on the power behind Harry's eyes and how they promised her suffering if she didn't listen.

"That was fucking great, Harry," Dean mumbled next to him, patting his shoulder with Seamus. "I don't think I've ever seen her so scared before."

"Yeah! I doubt she'll ever mess with you again." Seamus agreed, still in awe at the power behind Harry's words. The raven-haired wizard chuckled and took a bite from his scrambled eggs, shrugging.

"That was the point." He confessed, looking up at the staff table again and meeting Dumbledore's eyes for the second time that day. The fear was still there, and Harry took immense joy in knowing he was the one who put it there. Slowly he let his eyes find Severus' and when onyx met emerald, Harry had to suck in a breath at the intense look, a fire burning low in his gut as he turned away.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Hermione asked at the deep flush that was spreading down her friend's cheek and neck.

"Yep! I'm fine!" He quickly said, taking a few gulps of water to cool himself off as he allowed himself to shiver, feeling those intense eyes on his back. Taking a few more bites of his eggs, he pushed his plate away. "I think I'll head to the library for a bit. Just to get some extra studying done. You're welcome to come with if you want?" Harry asked as he stood up, gathering his books as he started to place them in his bag.

"I'll join you in a bit. I did want to go over next week's charms assignment with you. You're better at that subject than I am." Harry shook his head at that, offering a small smile.

"You know that's not true, Mione. I'll see you in a few." He waved, heading out the doors and making the trek to the library, slowing down when he felt a presence following him. Closing his eyes in resignation, Harry sighed deeply.

"What do you want, Headmaster?" Harry questioned as he turned to face the old man, clutching one of his books. "I'm trying to find the time to study, but you manage to always interrupt me."

"Now, my boy, you know that's not my intention. I came here to speak with you about what just happened. Surely you were too tough on young Weasley?" He asked, making Harry roll his eyes.

"Prewitt, sir. Ginny is no longer a Weasley." Dumbledore ignored the comment and merely hummed in response.

"It's quite normal to have a crush, my boy. To be so rude about it-"

"Pardon me for interrupting, sir, but I've had similar conversations with Ginny in the past. A crush is one thing, but it is another to try and dose me with a love potion. That is not love, that is an obsession. I'm surprised you aren't as upset with that behavior as you should be," Harry watched at the twinkle left his eyes.

"She is still young, Harry. She cares about you very deeply and is willing to be by your side as you face Voldemort. You can't find anyone more loyal than that."

: Besides Voldemort himself.: Harry hissed darkly, causing Dumbledore to falter and clear his throat, uncomfortable with the sudden shift in language.

"Now, Harry. You know I can't understand you. Please, we need to go to my office to talk about your lack of concern for other people. I cannot allow you to push your friends away." The twinkle was back, but Harry merely sighed and shook his head.

"I've got things to do, sir. I don't have time to go into your office and talk about a war that I will not be a part of,"

"Harry," Dumbledore said firmly, an edge to his voice now. "I must insist," There was a dark undertone that made hairs on the back of his neck stand up, heart thudding in his chest.

: And I must insist that you leave me alone.: Harry hissed just as darkly, turning away and hurrying into the library as his heartbeat out of his chest.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Hermione asked for what felt like the hundredth time, her eyes full of concern as they walked back from their last class together. For the most part, the day had flown by, but Harry was still thinking of his confrontation with Dumbledore. The entire thing was making him feel sick to his stomach, but he nodded anyway.

"I'm fine, Mione. Just didn't sleep all that well last night is all." Harry confessed, knowing it was partially the truth. "It didn't help that I had to wake up to my private life on full display either." He admitted, running a hand through his hair again, messing it up more.

"I'm going to hex the hell out of skeeter when I see that fucking bitch again," Hermione mumbled, making Harry laugh for what felt like the first time all day. "What?" She asked with a small smile, glad to hear her friend laugh.

"I just don't think I've ever heard you curse that much in the same sentence." Harry laughed again, shaking his head. "Merlin, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Be bored, I suppose." She teased, making him chuckle as they came to the section where they parted ways. "I'll see you when you get back from detention, Harry. Be careful." She mumbled, making the wizard nod.

"You know me, Mione. I always try to stay out of trouble for the most part," He winked at her, giving a small wave as he headed towards the great hall for dinner, despite not feeling all too hungry. His eyes closed in dismay when he felt a presence behind him for the second time that day.

"Headmaster, if you don't mind-"

"I take offense to that, Potter." Snape sneered, making Harry immediately sag in relief as he turned to face Severus, his tired eyes meeting the intense gaze of onyx. They had lessened since breakfast, but there was still a fire inside of them that made Harry shiver.

"Sorry, sir." Harry smiled weakly, his hand running through his hair again, a slight tremor in it.

Alarm bells went off in Severus' mind immediately and he moved closer, the lines on his face etched with worry. "Harry?" He asked, his words soft as the younger wizard offered another weak smile. "What happened?" Snape asked, frowning more when Harry exhaled shakily.

"Nothing too different than usual, besides Dumbledore being…" Harry trailed off with a frown, unsure of how to word it. "Creepier than normal?" He managed to get out, frowning himself. "It just…rubbed me the wrong way today. Something about his tone and how dark he was," Harry tried to shrug nonchalantly, but it came off as forced.

"I see," Severus mumbled in worry, something about Harry's demeanor adding fuel to his protective fire.

"He's planning on doing something soon. I can feel it," Harry mumbled, rubbing his arm up and down to calm himself. "I just don't know when he'll do something and that's what terrifies me," Harry admitted with a sigh, letting his arm drop to his side.

"I'll be there," Severus promised softly, relieved when Harry offered a true smile his way, not the many broken one's today.

"I know you will, Severus. Thank you. I'll see you after dinner," Harry smiled again.

"Sir, please leave me alone." Harry sighed as he was cornered for the second time that day, his magic ready to flare up and attack the moment Dumbledore did anything.

"Harry, this is for your own good. I just want to talk to you, my boy. We've grown so distant this past year. Why not go back to how things used to be?" Dumbledore suggested kindly, clasping his hands together as he gazed at Harry over his spectacles.

"I appreciate the offer, headmaster, but I have plans that can't be disturbed. There is no reason I'm needed in your office. My schoolwork has been impeccable this year and so has my attitude-"

"I daresay your attitude has not been impeccable, Harry. It's something I wish to address in my office."

"Seeing as no one else has an issue with my attitude, I think it's a poor excuse, sir. Now please, pardon-"

"Harry," Dumbledore's voice was grave as he spoke, the same dark tone that made Harry feel sick to his very core. "I'm getting tired of your disrespect." The words sent a chill down his spine as he felt power come from the old man.

"Sir, I'm giving you full respect. I have a meeting to get to with Professor Snape. Good night." He nodded, walking away, and soon apparting the moment he was out of sight.

"Harry?" Severus stood up as he looked at the sight of Harry leaning against the wall, breathing fast. "Merin-"

"I'm fine…Dumbledore…he..." Harry shook his head, trying to calm down. Severus appeared with a bottle of calming draught, pushing it into the teens trembling hands.

"Shh. It's a calming draught. Drink it and sit down," His voice was softer than usual, leading the younger into the sitting room and helping him to the sofa. After a few minutes, Harry sat the vial down and looked at his hands.

"I'm sorry about that." He closed his eyes when a hand landed on his hair, slowly stroking. "He got fed up with me saying no to him and allowed his power to seep through his words," Severus paused at that as the fire roared back into life.

"If something of this caliber happens again, I want you to report it to the board of governors," Severus mumbled darkly, but this dark tone only served to make Harry melt. The younger nodded in agreement, too tired to argue (not like he would).

"I will. I'm getting tired of him cornering me. It doesn't help that he had to do it today of all days. Rita Skeeter had to invade my privacy and make it seem like I'm dating Justin." He missed the way Severus scowled at the memory, his hand still stroking the soft hair. "The poor guy was just rejected too. Luckily people haven't been bothering him too much today," Harry sighed, leaning into Severus with a tired huff.

"I did visit Tom yesterday," Harry admitted with a small smile, making Severus pause for a moment.

"Oh? What business did you have there?" He asked, resuming the petting that was making every bone in his body relax.

"I gave him some butterbeer. Did you know he loves that stuff?" Harry chuckled. "I teased him as usual and might have offered to join him in the future." Snape rose an eyebrow at that, looking at him in amusement.

"I thought you were planning on remaining neutral?" He questioned, observing the younger man who offered a cheeky grin.

"I was going to, but Fred and George confessed an interest in joining, so I thought I would have to give it a thought for them." He shrugged, closing his eyes as Severus continued to play with his hair.

At some point, Severus turned to him, only to find the younger wizard completely asleep, leaning against his side, face burrowed into his shoulder.

Uh-oh, Dumbledore is getting more vocal about his displeasure with Harry. His creepiness will start to shine through now. Severus is certainly not happy that the headmaster gave Harry a panic attack. His patience for the old man is wearing thin.