Originally Posted on: July 23, 2019


"Hey" = Speaking

'Hey' = Thinking

'Hey' = Memory

"Hey"= Technique/Battle Cry

Chapter 1: New Stand

Yoshihiro flew across the sky in his picture, a string attached to a bird in his right hand with the Stand Granting Arrow in his left.

"Arrow, show me your next target, so I can protect my dear son Yoshikage." Yoshihiro stated as he pushed the arrow head out of the arrow when the bird landed on a telephone pole.

The arrow was still, which caused Yoshihiro to sigh.

'This means there are no potential stand users here.' He thought as he started to move his right hand to cause the bird to leave, when he felt the arrow move.

He stopped what he was doing and followed the 'gaze' of the arrow.

In Yoshihiro's sight, a blonde teen was seen and followed with the arrow head.

He had a modified school uniform, being a second-year student. A head band wrapped around his head, headphones on, and had a school bag in his hands.

(What Naruto wore in that one Shippuden Ending)

He had 'whisker' marks/tattoos on his cheeks, his skin was a healthy tan peach, and his blonde hair stood out like a sore thumb.

He was alone, no one around him except the students walking in the same direction he was, and that was getting less as they diverted to their own homes.

'He is the one the Arrow wants.' Yoshihiro thought as he prepared himself to create another stand user to use against those who hunted his son.


Naruto Uzumaki sighed.

'Another boring day at school and still no friends.' He thought as he changed the song he was listening to. Jimi Hendricks Foxy Lady started playing. 'Well, at least dad helped me with my great taste in music while he could.'

His parents, Minato and Kushina, had gotten a divorce when he was nine years old. They were always arguing and it escalated one day with Naruto getting hurt, thus his face had been scarred with 'whisker' marks.

While he was recovering, Kushina and Minato talked about their marriage the last few years and decided to get a divorce, and Minato let Kushina get full custody of Naruto with no argument.

Thus, Naruto was confused for a very long time when he and Kushina arrived at his grandparent's house after he was released from the hospital, asking where his dad was.

It had been eight years since then, and Naruto had not seen Minato since that day.

Naruto sighed.

When he learned of the divorce, he remembered being very upset and cried. He wanted both of his parents. Sadly, Kushina had to tell him that it wasn't going to happen, which broke her heart when her son refused to talk to her.

It affected his school work, his grades dropping for a while before they picked up again.

Then a second blow happened.

They moved to Morioh, making Naruto lose his friends in America because Kushina's job transferred her to Morioh.

That was three years ago, and Naruto had been trying to make friends, but his attitude kept him from making any along with his thug like appearance.

'I hope mom gets home alright.' He thought as he waited at the cross walk.

Naruto's eyes widened in realization of pain.

"YES! I got him!"

Naruto turned his head and saw a photograph with a little old man, stabbing an arrow into his right trapezius.

"What…" he said in shock as he felt the arrow dig deep into his body.

His eyes widened further when the arrow was pulled out violently. His body convulsed, making him collapse to his knee as his body shook.

'Yes, he has the potential to be a Stand user.' Yoshihiro gleefully thought as he watched the wound close up as an orange visual of a humanoid stand started to appear next to Naruto.

'What the… I don't feel any pain from where I was stabbed.' Naruto thought as the convulsions stopped and he could think clearly.

He turned his head and saw the old man smiling. Naruto's eyes narrowed.

"Hey, can you see me?" Yoshihiro asked expectantly.

His stand, Atom Heart Father, bound his ghost to a photo, thus he could be seen by those with stands, and from what he saw next to Naruto, Naruto could definitely see him.

"Yeah, I can see you," Naruto replied as he stood up, his actions being mirrored. "And I want answers to what you just did."

Yoshihiro, putting the arrow away, was about to answer when Naruto thrust his hand forward and grabbed the photo out of the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Yoshihiro asked in shock and fear. "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME SAVE MY SON!"

"As if I would help an old man who just stabbed me." Naruto stated. "Now tell me what you just did?"

Yoshihiro's eyes bugged out.

'This can't be. All of the others listened and attacked them, but why is this one different?' He thought as he tried to escape. "I won't tell you anything, traitorous bastard!"

"Me, a traitorous bastard? Sorry old man but the only bastard I see is living in a photo." Naruto stated as he gripped the photo and was about to tear it to pieces, but was punched outside the head from behind.

Not wasting a moment, Yoshihiro took off to the sky, leaving Naruto alone.

"Look at this bastard, talking to himself like that." One said as Naruto got up and saw it was a group of older students from his school.

Naruto scowled, his anger spiking as he saw the old man vanish without giving him answers.

"You have no idea what you just did." Naruto stated coldly as he dropped his bag.

"All we know is you are going to give us your money and valuables, you damn foreigner." The leader, from his looks, stated cockily as he pulled out a small hand gun and pointed it at Naruto.

He stood four feet away from Naruto, who wasn't shocked about the gun.

This wasn't the first time he had been attacked for being American/Japanese.

Minato was American while Kushina was Japanese, thus Naruto was bilingual.

Naruto tskd.

'This is going to be a little fun.' Naruto thought as he slowly put his hand in his pocket, to grab his wallet. 'I can see he isn't the physical type from the reason he is carrying a gun.'

He pulled out his wallet, making the thugs smirk in confidence, and were confused when he dropped it.

"What the…" The leader asked as he saw Naruto lunging at him, arm pulled back to punch him.

However, Naruto was grabbed and forced to the ground by the other thugs, but the leader was still launched backwards, several teeth flying out of his mouth with his nose broken and out cold before he landed against the hard concrete, cutting his head open a bit causing a lot of blood to spill on the cement.

"Oh shit!" the thugs said as they looked at Naruto, who was looking at the area where the guy landed in shock.


The thugs left, grabbing their buddy and fled in a run as Naruto grabbed his wallet, never taking his eyes off of what was in front of him as he stood up.

Standing before him was something that truly couldn't be real.

At his height, stood a humanoid with pale orange skin. Its chest was bound tightly with white bandages, covered with an open dark blue vest with deep orange folds on the shoulders and around the neck. An orange skirt held up by a dark blue belt was wrapped around its waist, with segments at the hips exposing its skin. On its wrists and shins were black cloth arm bands with orange wrings on the ends. On its head was a helmet with a visor, that was also orange that had what appeared to be fox ears with blue interior and black glass where its eyes should be. The visor/helmet covered its nose, eyes, and ears, with no hair appearing behind it. Its lips were full and plump.

From what he could see, its body was thin, muscled, but thin, having a very sensual femininity but the masculine build made it androgynous.

'What is it?' Naruto thought as he stood still, watching it as it watched him. 'Is it going to hurt me?'

Surprising him more, it shook its head and bowed.

'What?' Naruto thought as he looked at it.

All the while people had thinned out, so it was just Naruto, this creature, and a few other people.

Naruto took a step back, the creature not moving, he took another, and another.

Soon he was six feet away and it stood up, and floated, following him at the six-foot distance as Naruto booked it.

'It's so fucking fast.' Naruto thought panicked as he ran home, noticing it was following him. 'WHY IS IT FOLLOWING ME ANYWAY?'

He turned the corner and stepped off the curb and heard a honk.

Naruto turned his head to see a speeding car, when he had the right of way as the sign said he could cross, coming right at him.

'Fuck…' Naruto thought as everything seemed to slowdown as he watched the car ever so slowly get closer, and he could not stop himself from moving forward. 'I'm going to die. Mom, I'm sorry.'

As he accepted his death, the car was launched to the right, slamming into the building, destroying the hood with the driver out cold from hitting the wheel with their head.

"HEY SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" one of the civilians nearby shouted.

"Hey you okay? I saw what happened that person almost hit you?" one person asked Naruto as he stopped moving and was staring at the area the car was before it slammed into the wall.

He was looking at the strange creature that had been following him, stand with its back to him, its arm was extended from punching the car away from him, which is why the car hit the wall instead of him.

The creature lowered its arm and turned back to him, its face, the part he could see, was emotionless but became a beautiful smile before it hovered over to him and vanished into his body.

'What is going on?' Naruto thought in shock as he was ushered over to sit down, in case he was hurt and to calm down.

Chapter 1, DONE!

Yep, my first Jojo story is started. I wonder what will happen

Naruto's stand is an Original Stand I created. Name, type, all of it, will be posted next chapter, what are its special abilities? I have them down too. If you want to know what it looks like, I drew a picture and have it as the cover art, so enjoy it.