AN: I wanted the write a story from the angle of the incident in Israel being dealt with immediately. I wanted it to be a real test of loyalties. And I wanted a super-intense confrontation between Gibbs and Tony. I think that that was what was missing from the show.

Tony stared at Gibbs. He could not believe what he was hearing. Gibbs had not believed Tony when Tony had told him what Ziva had done in Israel. And, it was absolutely perfect that it all had to happen in front of Director Vance, in his office.

"I'll ask her…." Gibbs was saying.

"Ask her, Gibbs?' Ask her what? I told you what happened." Tony replied. He looked at Vance, then back at Gibbs. "You know what happened to Rivkin. You saw what Eli did…to me, in the interrogation room!"

"She wouldn't…she…," Gibbs reasoned.

Tony shook his head. "You don't believe me."

"…her side of things." Gibbs continued.

"She has no side, Gibbs! She is not deserving of a side!" Tony replied, unable to believe his ears.

"There was to be a…." Gibbs started.

Tony shook his head, again. "She knocked me to the ground and pointed a gun at me, Gibbs! Twice! Twice she pointed a gun at me!" He repeated from earlier. "And you think…."

Gibbs didn't reply.

Tony looked at Gibbs. He stood. "I can't…I'm outta here." He turned to leave Vance's office.

"Tony…?" Gibbs reached for Tony's arm. But he pulled it away in anger.

"You believe her, Gibbs! That is what this comes down to, right here! Right now! Do you believe her? Or, do you believe me? You got her to come back to the U.S. even after all the Rivkin business. And how she reacted…." Tony paused. "And you…."

It was Vance's turn to speak. The director had known Eli David for many years. And, he had seen the man's ruthlessness first-hand. So the director knew his capabilities and his influence. Vance didn't think it would have been, at all, unusual for Ziva to follow in her father's footsteps.

"Agent DiNozzo," Vance said, stopping the young man and causing him to turn around. "Stay, there are some things that you need to know." He said, beckoning the agent to retake his seat.

Tony looked at Vance, then at Gibbs, who had also sat back down.

Gibbs was giving the director one of his patent glares.

Vance looked at the team leader. "You've had plenty of time to tell him, Agent Gibbs. You chose not to. The young man needs to know. Let the chips fall where they may."

Gibbs emitted something akin to a growl and gripped the arms of the chair.

Tony looked at Gibbs again, then back at the director. "What don't I know?"

"Agent Gibbs, here, did not kill Ari. Ziva did. She was sent, by Eli David, to kill her half-brother… to gain Gibbs' trust." Vance paused, gauging Tony's reaction before he continued, "He's…."

Tony just said quietly for a few moments. His face was expressionless as his jaw worked and his fingers gripped the chair.

Tony then turned to Gibbs. "How long, Gibbs? How long have you known?"

"It's been awhile." Gibbs admitted.

"Uh,huh!" Tony was beyond angry. "And how long is awhile, Gibbs? A week? A month? 2 years? Just how long is awhile?"

Vance cleared his throat. "I told Agent Gibbs about 6 months after I took on the directorship."

Tony turned and glared at Gibbs. "I am supposed to be loyal to you, to the team?" He fumed. "Where is your loyalty, Gibbs?"

Gibbs look at Tony.

"You let someone on your team who was not worthy of anybody's trust!" Tony explained. "She played the daddy card, didn't she?"

"Don't you dare talk about Kelly!" Gibbs snapped.

"I don't have to talk about Kelly to know that she played you." Tony retorted.

Gibbs turned on Tony. "NOBODY plays ME!"

"See the handwriting on the wall, Gibbs. Vance sees it. I see it." Tony said. "You're in denial. She is not Kelly. She never will be."

"You have no right…!" Gibbs started.

"That's where you're wrong, I have every right!" Tony stated. "I have every right to expect that my co-workers, my boss, have my six." He ignored Gibbs' glare and continued. "I have every right to expect that my fellow agents do not have special, hidden agendas.

Tony looked at Gibbs. He shook his head and then addressed Director Vance. "You'll have my resignation by morning." DiNozzo said as he stood to leave.

"What?" Gibbs said as he began to stand.

"I can't trust you. I can't trust your judgement, Gibbs." Tony explained. "You let that…woman back onto our team. You never talked to me about it. And you've let her slide on things. Things I could never get away with."

"I have not!" Gibbs snapped.

"She held a gun on me, Gibbs." Tony reminded him. "A highly punishable offense."

"She will be punished, Agent DiNozzo." Vance stated.

DiNozzo turned and looked at the director. "Good, somebody finally believes me, just not the person I expected."

"Agent DiNozzo." Van interrupted. "A resignation is not necessary, there are other field offices…."

"NO!" Gibbs glared at both Vance and Tony.

"This does not concern you, Gibbs." Vance stated.

"You are not going to…!" Gibbs countered.

"First of all, I know what you are going to say. Second of all, DiNozzo is not your agent. And, lastly, you have no authority to order anybody to stay anywhere, if they chose to leave." Vance said, trying to keep his temper in check. "DiNozzo has every right to leave NCIS altogether, if he wanted. Or…" The director made of point of looking at Tony before he spoke again. "Or, he could accept another position in a field office. Or maybe even a position here, as Team Leader."

That last part really got Tony's attention. "Who? Who's leaving?" He was still wrapping his mind around this whole thing. He had always believed that the director didn't like him. Maybe he still didn't. But, at least, he could recognize talent and a good agent when he saw one.

"Leonard Gibson." Vance replied.

"Gibson?" Tony shook his head. "The man has been saying he's going to retire for 3 years now."

Vance nodded. "I know. But, he's finally filled out his retirement paperwork. All it needs is my signature. Then I'll send it on it's way." Leon picked up a folder. "It's right here."

"So, I would…lead Gibson's team?" Tony asked, a little unsure of himself.

Vance smiled. "I've been watching you. You've…matured a great deal since I've been here as director. You can do this."

Gibbs couldn't believe it. They were talking all around him. Like he was not even there. "What? Wait a minute…! What about my SFA?"

Tony looked at him for a second. "That's your problem."

Gibbs then looked at Vance. "I'll give you some folders…."

"Some folders?" Gibbs began to huff. "Some folders! I already have a SFA. I don't…."

"What you have is a recent opening." Tony said, shaking his head. "I am officially, at this moment, requesting a transfer!"


END NOTES: I still am working without a net (no beta). So, as always, if you see any mistakes…. Thanks, in advance, for reading, reviewing and alerting. I hope you enjoyed.