Semi-Permanent Injuries

Hello all! Thank you for clicking here. This story is prewritten but will be updated in intervals. In total it is 51 pages long. My longest work ever. All mistakes are my own this is not beta'ed. Thank you for reading Please enjoy and review! :)

(Summary for myself when writing. Might help you understand but maybe not. Can be ignored.

Campbells and Winchesters. Little sam with John. Little dean with mary. Sam gets hurt in a hunt. Gastrocnemius and soleus (muscles in the back of calf) gets torn/cut. Can't walk without it/surgery to repair it. John doesn't let him have the surgery. Meet dean and mary. Sam on crutches. (Maybe 16. Was hurt when he was 9.) Mary stands up for him things go on between the 4 of them as a family. )

To be clear this might be confusing so I am explaining it here. I might have explained it differently in the story so I am going to explain it differently here. So when Sam got hurt 2 muscles were tore the gastrocnemius and soleus. The soleus in under the gastrocnemius. And works with it. The gastrocnemius is the upper part of the calf muscles. It helps you push off of each step. ( .com) So the soleus healed over the gastrocnemius and some other muscles. The gastrocnemius never healed correctly. And causes Sam the problems he has with not being able to walk.

I am not a medical professional I just researched some of this but most is of my own making.

I do not own any characters or tv shows mentioned.

Flashback/explanation. Sam nine.

Dad took me on another hunt tonight. I hate hunting. But tonight was a werewolf so not to terrible. We were in the woods now and had just found the cabin it had been hiding in. Dad gave me the all clear so I made my way in. I walked in and then motioned for him to come in as well. He came in and then the werewolf came at me. I made a shot but it moved so fast that it dodged the bullet. He quickly threw me into a nearby tree then grabbed me again. I heard dad shooting at it but it kept moving taking me along with it. The werewolf ran to a second location with me and slammed me into the wall. I sank to my butt and sat there unable to move. The werewolf started to torture me. He cut the back of my shin and I screamed out in pain. He kept hurting me for what seemed like a long time dad finally showed up. He killed the werewolf and had to carry me back to the car since I couldn't walk. He put me in the front seat with my head in his lap then drove us to the motel we were staying at. He then carried me into the room. Dad placed me on the bed and asked me what hurts I told him my left leg. He found the wound then sewed it back up. He gave me painkillers then let me sleep. We then left 3 days later with me still on painkillers and a pair of crutches since I still couldn't walk.

It took 3 months for dad to notice that something was seriously wrong. He took me to a little medcheck. They then took an MRI and found that my gastrocnemius and soleus had been torn. It would require surgery to fix and we didn't have the money. And it wasn't life threatening. Dad pulled me out and I have been on crutches ever since. Which has been 7 years. I am now sixteen. I can't hunt as well as I used too but I am really good at research so I do that instead. I have been on a couple salt and burns but nothing to bad. I can't run or walk normally so hunting is pretty much out of the question for me. Dad does the physical stuff while I do the research. Occasionally I will go with him to interview people but not all the time. I can drive since my left foot is the one that is injured but usually dad drives.

I was currently sitting at the little table in our motel room icing my leg. It still hurt when the weather was bad or rainy, when I didn't stretch it for a while, when I didn't prop it up every so often, or whenever. I mean the muscle is still torn in half so it is literally just hanging in like 3 pieces. Because the werewolf cut my leg multiple times cutting the gastrocnemius in 2 places which made a piece of the muscle just hang in the middle. It got intertwined with the soleus which is behind the gastrocnemius. I was doing some research when my cell phone rang.

"Hello?"I asked

"Hello is this Sam Winchester? The female voice asked.

"Yes it is can I help you"

"Yes. Your father John Winchester was brought in from a car accident he isn't badly injured I just need you down here."

"Okay I am on my way be there in 10" I replied. Staying off the radar was one of our jobs but I guess this one didn't make it past the radar. I quickly put the metal brace on my leg so it didn't get jostled too much. I grabbed my crutches and headed out to the impala. Dad pulled the impala behind his truck so if needed, I had a car. I climbed into it and put my crutches next to me. I started the car and pulled onto the road headed toward the hospital.

I found the hospital and dug in the glove box to find my ID that has my real name on it And picture just not my actual age. If they knew I was 16 they wouldn't let me have dad. If they thought I was 18 they would. I grabbed crutches and made my way into the hospital. I went up to the desk finding a lady sitting behind a computer.

"Hello I am here for John Winchester"

"Hello can I have an ID please?" I nodded and handed her my ID and she checked it.

"Okay thank you, here and he is room 316. Do you need a wheelchair?"

"Thanks but no I don't need one. Goodbye" she nodded and went back to her computer I found the elevator and went to the third floor. I checked with the nurse's station so they could point me in the right direction. I found the room and walked in.

"Car accident?" I asked him.

"Yep only a few broken ribs and a concession. But my car is totalled and I needed a ride. So I had them call you."

"Okay I needed a break from research anyway. And my ice pack was warm. So it's fine."

"Still bothering you?"

"Yeah today more than other times. Must be the weather."

"Or the hunt. You did get thrown into a tree."

"I guess. But it always does hurt. The front desk lady must have noticed something she asked if I wanted a wheelchair."

"They always ask you that its cause the crutches."

"I guess. Ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah just after this we need to get to Bobby's I had the truck towed there."

"Alright it's only like 20 minutes away" we left the hospital and were on our way to Bobby's. Dad was driving because my leg was bothering me. We pulled into his driveway and he had the truck out and working. We got out of the impala. And greeted Bobby.

"Hey Bobby"

"Hiya Sam."

"Thanks Bobby. I could have done it when we got here" Dad offered. Seeing that Bobby had already fixed his truck.

"Yeah and you still can. Help me put the fender back on." Dad helped him lift the fender then we went inside for a break. I had some books to return to Bobby so I went and filed them away. Dad and Bobby sat down. But I went to the freezer and grabbed one of the extra ice packs Bobby always has. I sat down and propped my leg on the extra chair with the extra ice pack under it.

"Hey Sam there is a case in Lawrence, Kansas. You want the truck or car, or pull the car behind?"

"Can we pull the car behind the truck?"

"Yep. Leg still bothering you?"

"Yep." Dad and Bobby nodded and went out to hook the car up. I put the ice pack back in the freezer and headed outside. I maneuvered my way into the truck so I had my left leg sort of propped in the middle. Dad said goodbye to Bobby and got into the truck. He started it and we headed to Kansas.

"So what is this case about?" I asked dad.

"A suspicious spirit. Only 2 deaths so far."

"Okay." We continued on our way.

We made it to Kansas in good time. Dad got a motel room and had me go in and get settled while he went to the latest crime scene. I put my duffle on my bed and took off my brace. Stretching my leg a little so it wouldn't get locked up or worse than it already is, I went to the mini kitchen and put my ice packs in the freezer then took the heat pack from my duffle and stuck it in the microwave. I got out my computer and sat down with the heat pack under my leg then took 3 ibuprofen. I got to work researching the new case. Dad came in a bit later and started telling me about the case. I sat there and listened. Dad finished telling me about it then he went to get dinner. He brought back a cheeseburger and fries for him and a grilled chicken sandwich for me.

"Did you take anything for your leg?"

"Yeah 3 ibuprofen. Been doing heat to see if it will work better than ice."

"Okay It won't hurt to try I guess. Do you feel like you want to go with me tomorrow to interview the family?"

"I'll see in the morning it should be better then. Hopefully." Dad nodded and we kept eating. I Went to bed pretty early to try and sleep off the pain.

I didn't go with Dad to interview the family. But he did pick me up to go talk with the latest victim that survived. He was in the hospital. I put my brace on again and brought my bottle of ibuprofen just in case. We got there and as a joke dad grabbed a wheelchair for me I gave him the stink eye and he put it back. And of course since this was a little hospital, only 2 stories. They only had an elevator in the ER and one for employees only. So we had to take the stairs. Easy for dad and it would have been for me but I had crutches and my leg was still bothering me. It took like 5 minutes for me to get up the stairs Dad stayed with me in case I fell or couldn't do it. We finally made it to where we needed to go. I was out of breath.

"You know if you would let me get you a wheelchair we could have used the elevator."

"Yeah, well good exercise. And you know I don't like them." Dad nodded and then we turned into a room.

"Mr. Jones? Hello my name is Agent Hopkins and this is my son and partner in training. We would like to ask you some question" Dad asked showing his badge as I flashed mine out.

"Um okay. But if you don't mind me asking what happened to your Leg?" Mr. Jones asked me.

"I had an accident and my gastrocnemius and soleus tore I had surgery on it so it's on the mend." I lied.

"Okay hope it gets better soon."

"Thanks" then he started telling dad the story.

Half way through the story a pretty nurse came in.


"Hello. My name is Agent Hopkins and this is my son who I am training on the field Agent Hopkins"

"Oh I am sorry my name is Mary. Would you like a chair?" She asked Dad since I was sitting in the only chair.

"Sure. Thank you."

"Your welcome I will go get it." She brought a chair for Dad then left. Mr. Jones finished telling is the story and We went to leave as Mary came back in I was on my crutches hobbling toward the door with Dad following.

"Would you like to use the elevator I can show you where it is. Most people just use the stairs but ones on crutches or wheelchairs can use the elevator." Mary explained.

"Yes thank you that would be awesome," Dad answered.

"If you don't mind me asking. What happened to your leg?" Mary asked me.

"Got my gastrocnemius and soleus torn a couple years ago."

"Oh well do you know with surgery you can have it fixed?"

"Yeah but this is so bad that it can't get fixed. I might as well stay like this. But thanks." She nodded and showed us to the elevator. Dad and I rode down to the lobby and then went to the Car. Dad brought it so of needed I could prop my foot on the bench seat and it looked more professional. We went back to the motel after we got some lunch.