So this is a new story that I'm trying out, where Sirius and Remus were near each other at the time the attack at Godrics Hollow began. Complete AU.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter

"Remus... we switched, I cant tell you the sceret because I dont know. Its safer if I never find out if you want to then ask Peter, but it'll be safer if you dont know the secret too."

Remus just stared blankly at him, digesting the words he slowly began to realise what Sirius was trying to tell.

"Why would you switch?"

"Isnt it obvious?" Sirius looked at him cocking his eyebrow "Im too obvious of a choice, at least this way noone will suspect Peter being the secret-keeper, and we can protect and shield him so noone finds out we switched "

"Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard Sirius, and you and James thought it would be a good idea to eat 30 pints of icecream in one sitting to beat a record," Remus sighed.

Just as he was about to nag at Sirius about the stupidity of his actions he watched as one of his bestest friends collapsed to the ground clutching his wrist in agony, in mere moments he had his wand out and was looking around the vicinty of the area for signs of the attack. It quickly occured to Remus that noone was attacking them yet Sirius was still of the ground in pain. As he looked closely at Sirius he noticed the braclet of his wrist was glowing red, growling he reached inside of his pocket and saw too his was glowing red.


"James," Sirius gasped "James... Lily... Harry... HARRY! Moony the wards, the wards they're being attacked,"

Remus was already pulling his friend up if the ground and trying to contact the Order, surely someone could help? But noone was answering, where was everyone?

Suddenly the grip Remus had on Sirius slackened, as Sirius took of in a dead sprint to the nearest apparation point, due to his heightened senses Remus was able to keep up with Sirius and soon both were able to apparte themselves to Godrics Hollow, or at leats the closest spot.

As soon as they both arrives they already knew deep in there hearts they were too late, they should not of been able to seen the blown up house, the should not of been witness to the carnage of explosion, yet neither hesitated in running into the house were there best friends were supposed to be protected and hidden, no noise could be heard from inside the house. Sirius was already making a dead sprint for the stairs for the nursery where the extent of the damage came from when he noticed Remus had stopped.

Slowly turning he was not prepared for the sight that greeted him, there on the cold hard ground was James. James his bestest friend, his brother in all but blood, was dead. It was clear he had been killed defending, the only logical choice was defending his wife and son. Remus was beginning to hyperventilate, Sirius was struggling to hold sense of himself, he was struggling not to fall apart instantly in that moment.

"Lily?" Remus choked out "Harry?"

Sirius tore his eyes way from James and forced himself to move up the stairs. Every part of him was screaming for him to turn around, to break down, but he knew he couldnt. Slowly the pair made their way up the stairs they kept their wands out.

The door to Harry's nursery was opened slightly and from the faint light coming from the room they were able to see a figure laying prone on the floor, Remus threw up in that instant and began crying, Sirius however pressed forward opening the door. He hoped that this was a nightmare and sick nightmare hed wake up from any moment, but no... Lily, sweet kind Lily was laid on the floor one had loosely holding a wooden bar on the crib.


Sirius fell to the floor, he heart began to constrict they were dead, they were all dead, he failed them, he killed them, he'd failed them... the mantra continued to circle through his head and he sobbed his heart out.

"Padfoot?" Remus whispered "Wheres Harry?"

Sirius's head snapped up, he instantly began looking around the room for his godson, that was when a small noise for above Lily's head was heard, Remus and Sirius hesitantly glanced at each other before moving towards the crib, lifting it they could just make out the small form hidden there quickly identified as Harry, Sirius sunk back covering his mouth, he could bear to see his godson like that he couldnt, he just couldnt, but Remus percevired he reached under to carefully pull out the toddler hpwhen he felt a small hand grip hold of his finger.

"Harry?" He whispered hesitantly

"Mooey...?" A little voice replied

"HARRY!" Sirius shouted quickly moving to help out his godson

He was alive, upon hearing Sirius's voice Harry began crying and reaching out to him, Sirius scooped him up and held him closely to his chest, he began murmurring and hushing the boy to calm him.

"Sirius, we need to get him out of here, " remus said hesitantly " We dont want him to see..."

Sirius understood, tucking Harry into thr crook of his neck he let Remus guide the way out of the Nursery and out of the house, Remus had the good sense to pick up a blanket to wrap around the boy to protect him from the chill of the night.

"Remus stop, ut wasnt me,"

"Liar, you lying traitorous bastard," he snarled "I know the truth, dont try to lie to me,"

"It was Sirius,"

"No it fucking wasnt,"

Stood before him Peter was a whimpering mess, he believed that Sirius would chase after him, he never expected Remus to be the one who confronted him, he never expected Remus to know the truth. This would prove to be more difficult to convince his friend that he was innocent.

Peter thought hard about alll his options, he knew he didnt stand a chance running, not evern in his animagus form, Remus was catch him in an instance, damn werewolf, but if he didnt find a way to escape, to g e out of this he was screwed.

"Moony, I swear... I had nothing to do with this, Sirius is lying to you," Peter pleaded " We need to run, now, before he comes for us,"

Remus bit back the angry chuckle he wanted to do, how could this bastard stand in front of him and lie. After all he knew the truth, and he'd been with Sirius when the Potter's were attacked, meaning Sirius coudnt have ratted them out as he knew his friend had been searching for him a few days. But he couldnt let Peter know that now... could he.

Looking as though he began to believe him, Remus let his face mold that of a person who was devastated, as though he was beginning to believe that his friend could have decieved him and his friends in the worst possible way, he slowly sank to the ground.

A small smirk appeared on Peters face but he quickly rearranged his features to hide it, he walked calmly towards Remus, with the full intention of killing his friend, he couldnt have Remus going back to thinking he betrayed everyone now could he. Keeping his wand close to his arm began to wrap an arm around of Remus, when suddenly he felt himself go rigid, before blackness took over.

Remus of course had seen the smirk on the rats face and knew of his intentions, luckily for him, he was smart enough not to approach him alone. From the shadows a figure began to approach, immoblising the rat, ensuring that he would not be able to transform if he should wake up sooner than they believed.

"Cheers Frank," Remus said

"Not a problem, now should we take this piece of trash to the Ministry, I believe we have some Aurors who would love to question him,"

"Lets go,"

It had taken a few days to be able to track down Peter, more than it should have but that was due to Remus and Sirius unintentionally get caught up in another attack, luckily though they managed to ensure that everyone was safe. Well aside from some cuts and bruises, not to mention a little spell damage, everyone would be able to make a fast speedy recovery.

"Do you believe him?" Frank's hesitant voice broke the silence

"No, I know the truth, Sirius even made an oath to prove his innocence, dont care what anyone says I know heshe not lying,"

"Its not that I dont believe him, its just everyone blieved him to be the secret-keeper, they will keep on saying he could only be the only person who could tell anyone where tot dind the Potters... why did they switch?"

"Long story," Remus sighed

"I'm greatful and indebted to you both, I will stand by you both no matter what,"

"Frank I'm just glad we were able to help and save you all, I cant even begin to imagine what would have happened if we didnt decide to ask you for some advice," Remus shivered "I'm just glad we arrived in time,"

"Me too," Frank whispered "Me to,"

It wasnt long before the pair arrived at the Ministry, it didnt take them long to walk down the strangely familair corridoors to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement where the Aurors were waiting patiently.

"Halt," a deep voice demanded

Repressing a sigh both men did as theyh were told and waited for the necessary checks to be over with before they could step foot within the department.

"When you said you were bringing in the traitor Longbottom, I expected you to be dragging Black in, not him," Moody growled "Why are you wasting my time?"

"This is the traito Moody," Frank stated looking directly into the eyes of the most feard Auror "Bkack had nothing to do with this, and before you ask, hes currently in a safe hidden location so no you wont be finding him anytime soon, so lets get this over with,"

Surprised with the confidence in with one of his trainees spoke Moody slowly began processing everything in his mind, whilst everyone else was looking around confusedly. No one said a word as they brought Pettigrew into ana interview room and ensured that he was tied down. Raising his wand Frank revived him.

As awareness came to Peter he realised he was no longer outside, nor was Lupin anywgere near him, he didnt recognise the surroundings he was in, but he felt like he should. He could hear voices tslking around him,familiar voices at that, and like a flash he knew where he was, he began panicking, trying to escape, but nothing was working.

If there was a shadow of a doubt of why Peter had been brought in it disappeared the moment he opened his mouth trying to proclaim his innocence. Aurors trained hard to be able to tell when someone was lying and telling the truth, when someone started sprouting out nonsense before they had even been asked a question there was no doubt that they were lying, or at least not telling the whole truth.

It didnt take long before one of the individuals of the room to become annoyed at the mumblings, bringing in veritiserum to solve this ince and for all, the moment they did everyything became clear, answeres were answered problems were solved, and no one had any doubt that the person to betray the Potters was sat within this room.

Remus had long been removed from thethe vicinty of the area after he lunged at Peter ready to attack the bastard. Frank had been the one to forcibly pull him from the room, and then remained by his side until the questioning was over. Both were lost within their own thoughts when Mody had arrived to tell them the results of the interview, Pettigrew would recieve a trial where he would be sentenced to life at Azkaban, Remus sarcastically remarked that they better ensure he was locked in an anti-animagus cell if they didnt want him to be able to escape, which lead to a few awkward questions. It soon became public knowledge though, and everyone prepared to ensure that they wouldn't lose the convict before he was even sent to prison.