"What the fuck do you mean you can't deliver there?"

The rep at the other end of the phone stammered out "Well ma'am, it's actually a banned location..we…erm…"

Tilly didn't let him finish "The place is only a 35-minute drive from where me, I might as well drive there myself if your sad excuse for a delivery company won't!" she slammed the phone down. Pinching the bridge of her nose she took a deep breath, trying to relax.

"You'd think a delivery company could deliver things but nooo…." Squeezing her eyes and releasing her fingers she brought up the drive on her phone again. It was a few miles out of the city, and in the midday traffic it shouldn't take her too long. Grabbing her coat, Tilly left for the front door.

The delivery in question was a small green box with a wall socket in the side, about the size of a Rubix cube. It was black, and heavier than you might expect. A label on the side read "The Generator". Tilly had been selling them on her online store for around two years and marketed them as being able to "charge a phone to full for 5 years". Some interested parties had asked to buy the business, but she had declined. After all, no one else would be able to make them.

Climbing into her low car, Tilly angrily plugged in the address to the built in GPS. "Sodding company.. have to do everything myself…" Still muttering, she pulled off from the curb and began her drive to the mysterious banned location. The buyer, PhilanthropistBoy69, had actually seemed somewhat eager at the idea of a home delivery, even though there was no way she would divulge how she actually made the little miracles of power.

Quintilla Atherson, or Tilly as she preferred, had not actually existed until 3 years ago. She had made a good story up, forging birth certificates, citizenship, diplomas and even parent's death certificates. It was a lot of work, but unfortunately a requirement when you are an ex HYDRA experiment. Tilly now lived on the upper east side, in a loft style apartment and made her money through her sale of Generators. At $3000 each, they didn't come cheap, but so far, she only had happy customers. Before she became Tilly however, she had a much less idyllic life. The thoughts of that life came rushing back as she realised where her GPS was taking her. A silver building surrounded by green hills came into view, and on one spire a very noteworthy symbol – a large capital A. Tilly's mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god"

Her mystery buyer was in the Avengers building it seemed, no wonder it was a banned location. She was surprised her buyer even gave the real address. She pulled up to the nearest empty park and turned off the engine. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her thoughts. If this was an ambush, it was a poor one. Everyone knew that Captain America had a special place in hell for HYDRA, so no way they'd risk a fight here. But then again, maybe that's exactly what they wanted her to think. Rather than mull it over any further, Tilly moved briskly out of the car and into the cold air, placing the Generator in her pocket as she went.

If they want a fight, they'll get one she thought, opening her hand to a small green light, which she quickly extinguished.

Smiling to herself, she opened the glass door to the Avengers base.