Well hi there! Welcome to my new TD story. Ive had this idea for a while, and while i know an underdogs story is far from original, i still wanted to try it out. I will say, im bad with a schedule so i cant make any promises on that front. Especially since i still need to finish Total SYOC Island. That story is my priority, however I felt like I needed to work on something else to help me get more motivated for it. Anyway, i hope you enjoy this story! See ya at the bottom.

The camera panned in as Pahkitew Island came into view. The camera zoomed in to the host with the most: Chris McClean. He stood smiling as he started to talk. "Welcome to a new season of Total Drama! We have had 52 losers come to compete over the span of 5 and a half seasons, some are notorious for their strong gameplay and eye catching drama."

The camera showed shots of Heather, Gwen, Duncan, Courtney, Owen, Mike, Zoey, Scott, Jo, Jasmine, Sugar, Sky, and Shawn before returning back to Chris.

"But not everyone can be a star." Chris said. "We've decided to bring back 16 underdogs for a chance of proving themselves. This season will be brutal as they fight for the crown of the ultimate underdog. Find out who will win on this season of Total. Drama. Underdogs Revenge!"

~~~Theme Song~~~

The scene panned back in to Chris. "Welcome back! You're just in time to see who is going to be competing." On cue, a large, shoddy looking boat crashed onto the beach.

As soon as it did a familiar face with a red tracksuit came flying out of the side of the boat, making a hole in it in the process.

Tyler flew and face-planted on the beach, groaning. He picked himself up. "Dude, whoever was driving that seriously needs to learn how to break."

"Boats don't exactly have breaks on them brainiac." Came a deadpan voice. Out from the hole, Noah walked out. "Maybe grow some brain cells, it'll help you in the long run."

"Little harsh there don't you think?" said a new voice. It belonged to Cody, who followed Noah out of the ship.

"Returning fan-favorites from our first generation cast: Tyler, Noah, and Cody!"

A loud noise was heard from the boat, and the camera panned over to see a very muscular woman punching the side of the boat, making the already existing hole even bigger for her to get through. "There we go."

"Making a valiant return from season 1 is Eva!" Chris announced.

Eva punched her fist into her hand. "I'm here to win, nobody better stand in my way."

"Oh please, we're all here ta win." said yet another mystery voice with a thick Jersey accent. Out from the hole on the boat came Anne Maria. "And I dunno 'bout you, but I'm definitely goin all tha way."

"Jersey-Shore reject, Anne Marie is back!" Chris said.

"Dat's right and ain't no fake diamond gonna- oh hubba hubba." Anne Maria quickly got distracted by the next contestant to arrive.

Justin walked out of the hole in the boat with both Katie and Sadie following him basking in his beauty.

"He's so dreamy." Sadie said, fanning herself.

"Totally dreamy!" Katie echoed.

"Please girls, you don't have to state the obvious." Justin said, making Noah gag.

"Is there a problem Noah?" Justin smirked at his rival.

"Yeah, the fact I have to see you again." Noah said.

"The gorgeous Justin is back, along with Katie and Sadie, who are making their return from season 1!" Chris announced.

"Ohmigosh, I'm sooo happy to be competing again!" Katie said.

"It's been, like, a really long time." Sadie said.

"Ugh oh my gag Samey will you get out of the way! The camera wants to see me first!" said a higher pitched voice.

The next two who came out from the boat were identical in looks.

"Amy, Samey welcome back to Pahkitew Island!" Chris said.

"Whatever, just make sure that you don't shoot me out of a canon when it's supposed to be Samey whose leaving." Amy said.

"Eh, depends how much I care." Chris told her.

Samey just sighed.

"If you spoke out towards your sister more, you would certainly gain more confidence in yourself." Said a voice next to Samey. The cheerleader jumped as Dawn was shown standing next to her.

"Creepy fan favorite Dawn is back too!" Chris said. "And along with her, from Revenge of the Island, it's early boots Beverly and Staci!"

"You know, my great-great-great-great grandfather invented boots. Before him everyone just walked around barefoot, yah." Said the chatterbox as she and B walked out from the hole in the boat. The silent genius was noticeably covering his ears.

"There are boots found to be from as early as 1000 BC, maybe even before that." Noah said.

"Yeah, I doubt your great-great...whatever actually invented boots." Tyler said.

"But it's true!" Staci told them.

Next from the boat came a large ginger-haired boy. He looked at the hole with a confused face before turning towards the others. He smiled lovingly when he saw Amy.

"Amy! I knew our love was fate." Rodney said to the mean girl.

"Oh great, him." Amy rolled her eyes.

"Lover boy Rodney is here too, along with Cadet Brick." Chris said as Brick exited the hole of the boat.

He gave a salute. "Private Brick MacArthur reporting for duty sir."

"And last but not least, wizard reject Leonard!" Chris announced.

"Here yee, here yee! The next winner of Total Drama is upon us." The fake wizard said coming out of the hole. "With my spells, I shall finally take victory!"

"Yeah… right." Justin said, eyeing up Leonard.

Leonard noticed Noah. "Hey, you were on the Ridonculous Race with me!"

"Do not talk about that sorry excuse for a show!" Chris yelled.

"For once, I agree with McClean." Noah said. "The less remembered from that, the better."

"Anyway, now that we met out sixteen competitors, let's go over a few things." Chris said. "First off, the producers made me build you guys actual shelter. We tore down the tree house from last season, and brought in cabins for you guys to sleep in. We will also be providing food for everyone again like in seasons past."

"Are we sure that's a good thing?" Cody asked.

"I dunno, you want to ask Chef that to his face?" Chris smirked.

"Nope… I'm good, heh." The tech geek quickly said.

"Also, making its return this season is the McClean invincibility statue." The host told everyone, earning gasps from he cast. "This bad boy is hidden somewhere on the island. You'll just have to find it."

"I need to get my hands on that!" Amy said.

"Before you guys get yourselves situated, I'm going to split you up into teams." Chris announced. "And before we get to it, all teams are final. There will be no team swapping whatsoever. Got it!" He gave a pointed look towards Katie and Sadie, which made the two give each other a nervous look.

"Now when I call your name, come stand to my right." The host told the contestants. "Amy, Anne Maria, Cody, Justin, Katie, Leonard, Noah, aaaand Rodney."

"But Sadie!" Katie whined. "I can't be without her!"

"Why Chris?" Sadie whined.

"Because I knew you two would be upset." Chris laughed. "You're just gonna have to deal with it."

"Oh the humanity!" Katie yelled.

The BFFFLs gave each other a hug before Katie joined her team.

"You guys will be dubbed the 'Crafty Corgis!'" Chris told them. A green icon of a corgi which looked to be smirking appeared next to the team. "As for the rest of you, stand to my left, B, Brick, Dawn, Eva, Sadie, Samey, Staci, and Tyler. You guys are the 'Rowdy Retrievers!'" A purple icon of a retriever with its tongue sticking out appeared next to the Retrievers.

"Oh em gee! I'm not on a team with Amy!" Samey said happily.

"Good because all you'd do is hold me down, Sparemy." Amy spat, causing the nice twin to glare.

"The teams are a little lopsided gender wise." Brick noted. "We have only three guys and the other team only has three girls."

Chris looked at both teams. "Huh… Didn't realize that. Oh well, like I said, teams are final."

Sadie began to speak. "But-"

"Final." Chris interrupted.

The BFFFL sighed.

"Lastly, we still have the confessional booth up. So if any of you have something to get off your chest, you may as well do it now." Chris said.

Confessional Tyler

"Dude I'm stoked to be competing again!" The jock said pumping a fist in the air. "Woohoo! I'm going all the way!"

End Confessional

Confessional Staci

"I'm so happy to be back! Now I can tell my new friends more about my family history!"

End Confessional

Confessional Amy

"Ugh I hate that I have to experience this with Samey again. But whatever I'm obviously going to win the cash because I'm so much better than Samey in every way possible. And this time, I'm ready to play."

End Confessional

Confessional Cody

"I'm excited to try and compete again, especially without Sierra. She may have carried me back in World Tour, but this time I want to try and prove myself."

End Confessional

Confessional Katie

"I'm like, way sad that I'm not on a team with Sadie. I don't know how I'm gonna manage!"

End Confessional

Confessional Eva

"I'm actually glad to be back, especially since I haven't competed since season 1. This time I plan on trying to keep my anger in check, but I'm definitely not going to be a pushover."

End Confessional

Confessional B

The silent genius waves to the camera and shoots a finger gun.

End Confessional

Confessional Noah

"I hate being back on this stupid show again, but that asshole Chris just loves to jump through loopholes. But since I'm here I may as well try for the cash. Maybe I'll have better luck this time."

End Confessional

Confessional Dawn

"I feel quite uneasy about this island." Said the moonchild. "I can't really sense anything natural about it.

End Confessional

Confessional Sadie

"Oh Chris is so cruel for putting me and Katie on different teams!"

End Confessional

Confessional Leonard

"I don't have the best track record, but I'm going to change that this season! Callooh-Callay! By the powers that may, I will win the cash, hooray!"

End Confessional

Confessional Samey

"I'm going to try and make the best of my time here, even with Amy." She gave a weak smile. "I do wish Jasmine were here though."

End Confessional

Confessional Rodney

"I'm so happy to be reunited with my one true love: Amy. Nothing is gonna get in the way of our love."

End Confessional

Confessional Justin

"I'm here to win." The model said. "You all only got a taste of what I'm capable of back in Total Drama Action. But I'm back and I'm still beautiful." He pulled out a mirror, and smiled at his reflection.

End Confessional

Confessional Brick

"Now that I'm back, I am ready to take this game by storm! I still live by my 'no man left behind' code, and I feel it'll save me this season, rather than ruin me."

End Confessional

Confessional Anne Marie

"Last time I was here, my elimination was a fluke! I'm here ta win, as long as I don't gotta sacrifice my looks."

End Confessional

The scene cut back to everyone.

"Now that we have the basics squared away, let's get to our first challenge." Chris said.

Amy groaned. "Already? We just got here."

"Well we are on a tight schedule." Chris told her. "So yes, already. For your first challenge, you will have to find five pieces of a statue that is modeled after yours truly. Retrievers pieces will be purple, while the corgi's pieces will be green. First team to collect the head, torso, legs, and both arms then build the statue will win immunity, while the losing team will have to send someone home." Chris gave a devious smile. "I'll give you guys a couple minutes to strategize."

The scene flashed to the Rowdy Retrievers. They were huddled together.

Eva and Brick tried to speak at the same time.

"I believe we should-"

"Here's what we're going to do-"

The two gave each other a look.

"Look buzz cut, you need to listen to me otherwise we're going to have a problem." Eva said.

"With all due respect ma'am, I believe I have a good strategy of how to do this challenge in a timely manner." Brick responded.

"It won't be better than my strategy, I can tell you that." Eva said.

"You know, my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great uncle had come up with strategies. Before him-" Staci spoke up, but was interrupted by Eva.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" The muscle woman yelled, causing Staci to recoil in fear. "We will split up into groups of two to find the pieces. Since there will be four groups, one of the groups will have to try and find 2 pieces. Once a group finds a piece and brings it back, you will go searching for the last piece!"

"Oh. That's basically what I was thinking." Brick said. "Glad we're on the same page."


Confessional Brick

"I'll admit in some ways, Eva kinda reminds me of Jo. I'm not exactly sure if that's a good thing or not… But it's a thing!"

End Confessional

The Crafty Corgis were a lot more disorganized with their approach.

"I think I should just stay here." Justin said. "I don't want to have to walk too far. It's not good for my feet."

"I'm with the hunk on that one." Anne Maria said.

"We all need to search for pieces if we want any chance of winning, you idiots." Noah told them.

"Oh you did not just say that string bean!" Anne Maria glared

This led Anne Marie and Justin to start arguing with Noah.

Katie started crying. "I really miss Sadie."

"Oh my gag get over it!" Amy yelled.

"I brought you some flowers my love." Rodney said, holding out said flowers.

"Yeah whatever thanks." Amy rolled her eyes and took the flowers.

"Riddle me this, riddle me that, tell me where the McClean is about!" Leonard chanted.

Cody just stood there and groaned.

Confessional Cody

"I swear this team is already a hot mess, and we only just became a team. Why is it that every team I'm on is so dysfunctional?"

End Confessional

"Guys!" Cody spoke up. "Can we just focus for one-"

"Time's up!" Chris announced. "You may now start searching."

The Retrievers started running off as Cody groaned. The scene flashed.

The first pair on the Retrievers consisted of Eva and Tyler. The two were running through the woods trying to find a piece.

"Where do you think any of the pieces are?" Tyler asked.

"If I knew, we'd have a piece already." Eva responded.

"You right."

Eva rolled her eyes.

Confessional Eva

"Look, I know I'm not exactly a people person, and my anger definitely puts a target on me. So I need to cover my bases. Thankfully, I already have a plan in mind."

End Confessional

"Anyway Tyler, I have a proposition for you."

The clumsy jock gave a confused look. "A what?"

Eva shook her head. "A proposition. I want to propose an alliance between you, me, and Sadie. We were all on the Killer Bass way back in the first season, and I think we can take this team by storm!"

"Huh, I didn't even realize that." Tyler said. "But heck yeah! I'm down dude!"

"Good." Eva responded. "We'll take over this team in no time."

The scene flashed, and Amy and Rodney were walking in the woods. Amy was leading the two with Rodney behind, trying to make coherent sentences, and failing.

"Me-beautiful-you-think-yeah." Rodney muttered.

Amy rolled her eyes in disgust.

Confessional Amy

"Ugh lover boy annoys me so much. Like I know I'm beautiful and worthy of all praise, but I don't need it coming from a freak like him. However, I do plan on keeping him close since he's a vote for me. Then when he's outlived his usefulness..." she swipes her finger across her neck.

End Confessional

"Uh… thanks Rodney." The mean twin said, giving an uneasy look.

"Anything for you Amy." Rodney smiled.

"Anything?" Amy smirked.

"Of course!"

The cheerleader thought for a moment. "How about you always vote for whoever I tell you to."

Rodney thought for a moment. "I mean, as long as you don't make me vote for myself I guess that's okay."

"Thanks Rodney you're the best." Amy lied. However, the farmer didn't notice, and blushed at Amy's words.

The scene flashed to Dawn and B. The two were searching around the beach.

"It's been a while B!" Dawn said, looking behind some rocks. "I see that you have had some big life changing events since our last time seeing each other."

B smiled and nodded.

Dawn smiled at her friend. "I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I do hope we can spend more time with each other while we're here."

Confessional Dawn

"I'm glad I get to rekindle my friendship with B! He's had quite a tough past, but he's someone who tries to make things better for himself while trying not to do it at the expense of others."

End Confessional

The next two the camera went to was Noah and Cody. Cody had been doing most of the talking while Noah just stayed quiet, save for some grunts of acknowledgment here and there.

"And while I do appreciate Sierra as a friend, it's almost as if anytime we make some progress, she always goes back to being creepy." Cody said.

"Cody, if we're going to be frank, I really don't give a crap about your Sierra troubles." Noah told the geek.

Cody gave an awkward look. "Okay…" The two walked in silence for a couple moments before Cody spoke again. "Sooo, I saw you got a girlfriend on the Ridonculous Race, good choice she's pretty hot."

Noah stopped suddenly. Cody followed suit, and gave Noah a confused look. "Uh, you oka-"

"Don't bring up her or that show!" Noah growled.

Cody put his hands up in surrender. "S-sorry… heh."

Confessional Cody

"Jeez Noah got really defensive when I brought up his girlfriend. Wonder if the two got into an argument before we came here."

End Confessional

The camera now focused on Samey and Staci. Like Noah and Cody, only Staci was doing the talking while Samey tried to drown out her voice.

"And my second cousin five times removed, Marty is actually the founder of Friendboard." Staci said.

"Isn't the founder's name Mark?" Samey asked.

"That's just what the government wants you to think, yah." Staci said. "Marty isn't given his rightful credit, and it really sucks."

Samey gave an awkward look. "Um… I guess."

Confessional Samey

"I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather spend time with Amy than with Staci. She's really getting on my nerves."

End Confessional

"Oh and I have a long list of relatives that are known authors, yah." Staci said. "I'll tell you about them all!"

Samey gave a grunt of annoyance before gasping. "Look! There's a piece!"

Staci looked in the direction of where Samey was pointing, and in a bush was the head to their team's statue.

"Good eye!" Staci complimented before the scene flashed.

Justin, Katie, and Anne Marie were paired together. None of the three were really paying much attention as Justin was looking in a mirror, Anne Marie was spraying her hair with hairspray, and Katie was crying over Sadie.

"Will you can it stick figure?" Anne Marie told Katie. "Ya givin me a headache."

"S-sorry… I just really miss Sadie." Katie sniffled.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Oh please you still get to see her. Besides, you're better off without her anyway, she's just a fat growth that's holding you back."

"Don't say that about her!" Katie yelled.

Anne Marie shrugged. "I mean he ain't wrong, you're so much prettier than she is too."

Justin smirked, realizing he could use this to manipulate Katie. "Not to mention it was her fault you were eliminated way back in the first season. If it wasn't for her, you could've won."

"That's… not true." Katie responded, not fully sure with her response.

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it though? I mean It's just food for thought."

Confessional Katie

"Has… Sadie really been holding me back this whole time?"

End Confessional

Over with said BFFFL, her and Brick were paired up, looking for the Chris pieces.

Sadie was visibly downtrodden, which Brick noticed.

"You still sad about your friend?" The cadet asked.

Sadie sighed. "Yeah. Like, I know this show separated us before, but like when we were together, we were on the same team. Now I'm forced to compete against Katie, and I'll hardly be able to see her."

"I mean I guess that kinda sucks." Brick said. He saw Sadie's lip quiver slightly, and he tried to backtrack. "But, maybe some time away will help you broaden your horizons."

Sadie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, uh, you could talk to the people on our team, make new friends other than Katie." Brick told the BFFFL.

Sadie looked uneasy. "I guess. I"m just really shy when I'm not with Katie."

"Why don't we get to know each other a little more." Brick offered. "What's something you like to do?"

Sadie thought for a moment before answering. "Well me and Katie love to sell homemade ice cream during the summer-"

The scene then flashed to Rodney and Amy.

"Ugh, where are these stupid statue pieces?" Amy grumbled. "We've been out here forever!"

Confessional Amy

"What I'm really looking for is that statue! I could totally use that. But Rodney doesn't need to know."

End Confessional

"Well Chris isn't gonna make it that easy." Rodney told her. "And isn't the island like mechanical or somthin?"

Amy crossed her arms. "So?"

"Maybe Chris is switching where the statue pieces are." Rodney suggested.

"Huh, that's actually pretty smart. Who knew you had an actual brain?" Amy said.

Rodney swooned at the backhanded comment. "Thanks Amy."

"This is really heavy, yah."

Rodney and Amy heard Staci close by. The two poked their heads out from behind a bush and saw the chatterbox, along with Samey carrying one of their teams statue pieces. Amy gasped.

"Oh em gee Rodney, we need to steal that from them!" Amy said.

"But that's their team's piece. We don't need it." Rodney said.

The mean twin rolled her eyes. "I take back what I said about the brains. Listen, if we take their piece and hide it, they won't be able to find it and their team will lose and vote out Samey!"

"Isn't that kinda wrong?" Rodney asked.

"Oh my gag, we'd be doing them a favor by trying to get Samey out." Amy told him. "Now hurry and snatch the statue piece before they get too far!"

The scene flashed to Eva and Tyler. The two had spotted the legs of their statue being protected by a scuba bear.

"We just need to grab the legs and go." Eva whispered.

"We can't just rush in there!" Tyler responded. "That thing is a robot, it'll kill us!"

Eva raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"I watched last season, this whole island is mechanical." Tyler explained.

"Huh, I'm actually impressed." Eva said. "But robot or not, that thing has nothing on me. Watch this."

Eva jumped from out of the bushes and went straight for Scuba bear. She pounced, and punched the bear right in the stomach. Due to it not expecting the attack Scuba Bear didn't have enough time to react, and was left with a hole in its stomach. Sparks and wires flew from the hole as the mechanical bear fell to the ground.

"And that's how you do it." Eva stated.

"Holy crap!" Tyler exclaimed.

Confessional Tyler

"Dude, Eva was scary before, but she managed to punch a hole right through a robot bear! That's extreme!"

End Confessional

The scene flashed to Noah and Cody. The two had found the head piece for their team, and were trying to bring it back to the clearing. However since neither boy was particularly strong, they were having trouble.

"Stop stop stop." Cody quickly said. "I need a break!"

The two set the head down, and tried to catch their breath.

"Geez this is heavy." Cody huffed.

"I mean, it's not surprising. Chris's head is bigger than Jupiter with a super mushroom."

Cody chuckled. "Yeah but it's full of air, so wouldn't it be lighter."

This made Noah crack a small smile.

However, a hole opened up underneath the head, causing it to fall down.

"No!" Cody exclaimed.

Chris's voice was heard over head. "That's what you nerds get for making fun of me. Now you're gonna have to find where I relocated it."

The two groaned as the scene flashed.

Sadie and Brick were engaged in conversation with each other.

"Yeah, and like, I love designing clothes for Katie to sew." Sadie said. "Like the outfit I'm wearing was designed by me, but Katie sewed them. The two of us want to start a clothing line in the future."

"Wow, that's a good goal for you two." Brick said. "I don't know if you know this, but I actually went to a fashion school after my last season of Total Drama."

"OMG really!?" Sadie exclaimed. "I totally would not have guessed."

Brick rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah I get that a lot, but just because I am an army cadet doesn't mean I can't have an eye for fashion."

Sadie giggled. "That's true."

The two then came upon a strangely large tree.

"Look!" Sadie pointed up the tree.

High in the tree, among the branches was a purple arm.

"That's really high up." Sadie said.

"Don't worry Sadie, I'll climb the tree and get it!" Brick said. The cadet did that and started climbing.

He got to the top where the arm was located. He tried reaching for it, but it was just out of reach.

"Huh." Brick sat for a moment. He then started scooching himself onto the branch toward the statue's arm. As soon as he was in reach, Brick smiled. "Aha!" However, the branch couldn't handle all the weight, and broke. This caused Brick to fall all the way to the ground.

Brick groaned in pain after he hit the ground, and the statue's arm fell on top of him.

"Good job Brick!" Sadie exclaimed.

Brick simply groaned in agony as a response before the scene flashed.

Samey and Staci were carrying the statue head.

All of a sudden the bushes started to rustle.

"Did you hear that?" Samey asked.

Staci gave her a confused look. "Hear what?"

All of a sudden, Rodney jump out of the bushes, and took the statue piece from the two girls. He then ran away as the two looked on in shock.

"Take that Samey!" Amy yelled as she ran past the two.

The younger twin gasped. "Amy! Get back here!" She then started running after them.

"Wait for me!" Staci yelled, chasing after Samey.

The scene flashed to Dawn and B. Dawn was meditating on a rock as B was using a make-shift metal detector on the beach. It started beeping, and B immediately started digging. However instead of a statue piece, he found apart of a Chris robot from last season. The silent genius sighed, and threw the head away.

All of a sudden, Dawn gasped. "The water!"

B just raised an eyebrow.

"Our team's arm is in the water protected by sharks." Dawn told him.

B frown at the mention of sharks.

"Do not worry B, I'll handle this." The moonchild said, walking into the water.

B gave a creeped out look as she seemed to simply sink down. A few moments later, Dawn had come back to the surface, now riding a shark with the retriever's statue head also on the shark. It dropped Dawn and the statue piece off on the beach.

"Thank you blessed creature!" Dawn told the shark, rubbing its snout. The shark gave a smile, and went back underwater. Somehow, Dawn managed to stay completely dry, making B stare at her in amazement.

Confessional B

He had a shocked look on his face. The silent genius then rubbed his eyes, but the shocked expression didn't leave his face.

End Confessional

The scene shifted to the top of Mt. McClean. Noah and Cody had just reached the top, still looking for the head. The two were out of breath from climbing.

"God I hate this show." Noah huffed.

"Noah, look!" Cody pointed in front of them. And there, at the top of Mount McClean, was the statue head that the two had lost.

"Great." Noah snarked. "Now how are we supposed to carry it down? We were having enough trouble carrying it earlier.

"Well maybe we could try rolling it down?" Cody suggested. "I mean at least we get to bring it down the mountain rather than up it."

"I guess." Noah shrugged. He then let out a groan. "Let's just get this over with."

The scene then flashed to the head rolling down the mountain on its own, and Noah and Cody chasing after it.

The scene then flashed to Eva and Tyler bringing back both the legs and torso to their team's Chris statue.

"Man, we got lucky with finding the torso on the way back here." Tyler said.

"Now we just need to wait for our team to get back." Eva said. "Since we have the legs and torso, we can at least put them together."

"Right on!" Tyler gave a thumbs up. The two then propped the legs up, and put the torso on top of it. Right as they did, Sadie and Brick came back holding one of the arms to their statue.

"Nice going!" Tyler exclaimed. "We're in the lead!"

"You guys already got two of the pieces?" Sadie asked. "OMG you guys are so good."

"Quick, let us put the arm on." Brick told the BFFFL.

"Got it." Sadie helped the cadet set the arm onto the torso.

"We're here!"

The Retrievers turned their heads towards the voice, and B and Dawn arrived with their statue piece. B ran up, and attached the other arm to the torso.

"Yay! All we need is the head!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Look out!"

The Retrievers looked at the new voice, but instead of it being one of their teammates, they were greeted by a large green Chris head rolling towards them.

They all let out a scream as the head bowled right into their statue, knocking the pieces everywhere.

"What the HECK!?" Eva yelled. "WHO SABOTAGED US!?"

Noah and Cody finally ran onto screen, breathing heavily.

"S… Sorry." Cody huffed.

Eva growled. "You're going to pay for destroying our statue."

Cody gulped and wet himself.

"Hold it Iron Woman." Noah said, getting in between the two. "It was an accident. We didn't mean to destroy your statue."

Eva seemed to calm down a little at the sight of Noah, but still held a glare towards Cody. "Fine. But try not to make the same mistake of sabotaging us."

"We won't." Noah assured her.

As if on cue, Amy and Rodney came running into the clearing, holding the Retriever's head piece.

"Give it back Amy!" Samey yelled at her sister, running into the clearing after them with Staci.

"What's going on?" Brick asked.

"They stole our team's head!" Staci responded.

"WHAT!?" Eva yelled. The muscled woman had it, and darted towards Rodney. She tackled him to the ground, and started beating him up.

"Why do you have the other team's head piece?" Noah asked Amy.

"Um duh, we were trying to sabotage them." Amy responded with a roll of her eyes.

"Instead of that, you should've tried to find one of our pieces!" Noah told her. "And even if you were gonna sabotage them, why bring their piece back here?"

"Oh quit whining nerd." Amy responded. "At least me and Rodney tried, unlike him."

The mean twin pointed to Leonard who had been sitting cross legged with his eyes closed, muttering to himself.

"What are you doing?" Cody asked the 'wizard.'

Leonard opened one of his eyes. "Oh? I am trying to cast a spell to make all of our team's statue pieces appear here for us!"

"So basically you just sat here and did nothing?" Noah asked

"Are you doubting me and my magic?" Leonard asked.

The bookworm glared in response. "Magic isn't real!"

"Not with that attitude it isn't." Leonard crossed his arms, and turned away.

Just then, Justin, Anne Marie, and Katie walked into the clearing.

"Hey, we found a piece." Justin said.

"Where is it?" Cody asked.

"It's in a ravine." Katie responded.

"Why didn't you get it?" Rodney asked, completely bruised up from Eva.

"Please, I couldn't go down there and risk getting any scratches on me." Justin said. "It wouldn't be good for my modeling career."

"Same here." Anne Marie agreed. "I ain't climbin in no ravine, not with these nails honey."

"I couldn't get it by myself." Katie admitted.

"Just great!" Noah groaned. "Our team is full of useless neanderthals!"

"Hey! You wanna say that again shrimp?" Anne Marie glared.

"I'll say a lot more than that. You are useless!" Noah yelled, pointing at Leonard and Katie. He pointed to "You two are so incredibly vain." He said pointing at Anne Marie and Justin. "And you and your boy toy should have focused on our team rather than the other one!" He said pointing at Amy.

"Noah, calm down!" Cody yelled.

"No! I've been here less than a day, and I'm sick of all these people." Noah crossed his arms.

"We have our winners!" Chris announced. The corgi's looked at the other team, who had just finished their statue, and were cheering for their success.

Noah rolled his eyes. "Of course."

"That means the crafty corgis must vote someone off tonight!" Chris said. "I wonder who it's gonna be."

The team was full of glares with Noah and Amy glaring at Leonard and Justin and Anne Marie glaring at Noah.

The scene flashed to Amy, Rodney, Cody, and Katie on the steps of their cabin.

"We need to talk about who's leaving tonight." Rodney said.

"I think it should be Noah." Katie said. "He said some really mean things."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Oh please, he was just being honest."

"Not to mention, me and him were the only ones to actually get a piece for our team." Cody said.

"I guess." Katie said, uncertain.

"Besides, there's someone whose like way more useless." Amy said as the scene flashed.

The next scene was at the campfire ceremony. The tension between the Corgis was still thick.

"Crafty Corgis, gotta say you weren't very crafty today." Chris told the team. "You have all cast your votes, and made your decisions. Whoever's name I do not call will immediately be eliminated from Total Drama Underdog's Revenge."

Confessional Justin

"My vote is for that rat Noah." The model said. "He needs a reality check on who actually matters on this team. Me."

End Confessional

Confessional Noah

"Everyone else on this team deserves to be voted off, but I cannot stand to be on the same team as the anti-me. My vote is for him."

End Confessional

Confessional Katie

"Oh I don't know who to vote for! I wish Sadie was here to help me. She's the smarter one."

End Confessional

"The first marshmallow of the night goes to… Cody."

The tech geek smiled as he received his symbol of immunity.

"Katie and Anne Marie."

The former caught her marshmallow with a smile, while the latter was too busy spraying her hair down with hairspray.

"Rodney, Amy."

Rodney smiled that both he and his 'love' were safe, while Amy smirked confidently.

"And Justin."

The Model smiled as he caught his marshmallow.

It was down to Noah and Leonard.

"This is the final marshmallow of the night." Chris said. "And it goes to…

Leonard gave a nervous look.

Noah glared, angry to be in the bottom two.


The bookworm caught his marshmallow without much emotion.

"And shocking absolutely no one, Leonard, you're the first one eliminated." Chris said.

"No!" The LARPer exclaimed. "Reversicus Ceremonious!"

Nothing happened, making Leonard sigh in defeat. "What's the elimination method this season?"

"Oh it's a fun one." Chris laughed.

The scene flashed, and Leonard had a large firecracker attached to his back.

"The Firework of shame!" Chris said.

"Isn't that, like, dangerous?" Katie asked.

The host laughed. "Very much so. Anyway, any last words Leonard."

"No, not really." The LARPer mumbled.

"Kay, you're loss." Chris then pressed a button, and Leonard was launched into the air, away from the island. When he was far enough away, the firework went off in a burst of green.

"And that's one down, fifteen to go." Chris said. "Will the Crafty Corgis be able to be more organized? How will Katie and Sadie cope with being on seperate teams? Find out on this season of Total. Drama. Underdogs Revenge!"

Before the scene cut to black, it showed the Corgis heading back to their cabin. However, before he could go in, Noah was stopped by Amy.

"What do you want?" Noah grumbled.

"Wow, touchy." Amy said. "You need to get that pole out of your butt."

Noah rolled his eyes. "You need to not be an annoyance."

Amy huffed. "You know you should be nicer to me, I did save you from elimination tonight, after all."

Noah raised an eyebrow in response as Amy walked into the girl's side of the cabin. The scene then faded to black.


Leonard- 4 votes (Amy, Cody, Katie, Rodney)

Noah- 3 votes (Anne Marie, Justin, Leonard)

Justin- 1 vote (Noah)

16th: Leonard

Aand there we have it. Guess i should explain some things. First, the absence of some notable underdogs like Dakota, Beardo, Ella, and Ezekiel. I really didn't want to have more than 16 characters in the story, so i had to make some cuts. Besides, for the most part, i would want to do something with those characters if i had them in a story, but im already packed with ideas. Second, the inclusion of Cody. No its not to have NoCo. There will be none of that in this story. Even tho i was tempted, and i know people hate it and I'm petty XD. i didn't want to just include characters who haven't been good at the game, but also underdogs like Cody, Beth, Cameron, and even Max who have done great before but they were still underdogs during the competition. My main regret is not having another one of those characters to further emphasize this, but ye take some ye lose some.

Onto the elimination, Leonard was really only picked to be first boot. I really see no use in him outside of fodder. I did actually think about eliminating Noah since hes really popular, and most stories have him going pretty far. But alas, I had nothing to do with Leonard. Constructive criticism is helpful, and if anyone has challenge ideas, I could always use them. Thanks for reading! ~MG