by oblivon2991

proofread by the usual drunken band of misfits

Thank you for reading my fanfic!

My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.

I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.

I don't own High School DxD anime, manga and novel series created by Ichiei Ishibumi

Please review it. I know I will make mistakes that I intend to correct and will try to learn from them and improve myself.

Thank you!

Chapter 7: Damsel in Distress

[Omen threatening their authority, force never reckoned before. Melding in darkness and light, twilight will shatter the balance of old!]

[... and when the unlikely child emerges, the king of thunder will decide! To destroy or to spare? Their actions will plant the seeds of consequence!]

[…The gears of causality move on, no god can stop it anymore!]

[The nine realms were their home. A cherished haven of their dreams and self! Entropy shattered it, no more!]

[...And when the forbidden ritual brings the outsiders forth, their battle will shake nirvana and hell! The nine realms of old! What will remain after their clash, even the gods dread to tell! The new world will burst in their wake; balance, swallowed by their new order!]

[Sealed in a perpetual loop… never-ending, their prison, eternity…]

[Chaos and order will meld in harmony and love! Chains weaken as the despised struggler arrives! The consequences will soon show their promised result! The first crack to appear!]

[A bridge towards chaos emerges as Infinity opens the gates, dreams above them crackles in joy! Their fun guaranteed!]

[The fiery bird demands its tribute! The Red Princess is his prize! A battle, hard-fought, teaching the prideful a valuable lesson!]

[The Star of God will lead the time lost inheritor, witnessing the wake of the ancient rivalry. A new family will await them, in the place where sides meet to converse and be merry.]

[Their path full of hardships and pain, painted by blood and revenge, pursued by the wrath of Vajra and Deva! They can't escape their past forever…]

[... and when heroes lose the chance, the infinite makes a step, earning doubt. Authority defied by the arm which purifies god!]

[Heaven shatters, the locks weaken, their return is due!]

[The dreadful wolf falters before the twin beasts, terror fills the evil god in their wake! Ragnarok halted in their step; their master shows the true colors of the weakest race!]

[Sealed to heaven and the abyss, hiding from common sight, their time to return approaches! All who harmed them will tremble. Ragnar on the horizon. The outsiders will return! The outsiders will defy! Everyone shall tremble!]

[The guardian of the monarch revealed, carrying the origin of Sin! Ragnarok will soon burst!]

[The machination on the run! Losing control, the poison will bring forth the final order! Making way for the King of Salt! The Final Commandment erases all who defy it!]

[Worms forced to decide by the paradox, opening the locks of abyss and heaven! Released, betrayal paid by endless death!]

[Heir threatened, the one with the discarded name turns on his allies. Terror will awake in the ranks of old and new. He who swore to protect will destroy…]

[…The evilest makes a decision, after so long, choosing sides! If it brings forth annihilation or peace, only he can decide…]

[… and when the final trumpet booms, the beast of the end will resurface! Chaos will devour all! Free from a thousand chains, the failure of the fallen god starts his endless crusade!]

[A hard choice is to be made by the one who brings dreams and imagination true! Allies or enemies? Only one path leads to victory!]

[...To bring peace, one must destroy it! To bring harmony, one must sacrifice what's dearest! They will make the hardest choice, bringing forth the door on the world!]

[The final war is on the horizon! A new age, a new reign brought forth by the ancestor of the weakest race!]

"…" the young devil with red hair blinked, watching his father with an odd curiosity.

"Father? Why did you stop? Why didn't you read it further?"

"..." the man did not answer, only stared blankly at the text.



The handsome devil only reacted when his son started to tug him, turning his attention to the boy. All along a solemn sadness playing through his blue eyes, only now recognizing the youngster stood near, waiting for him all along.

"What are you doing here, young man?" he raised his brow, asking the little devil how he got in his study. It was indeed strange, his son was usually polite, never intruding without asking.

"The door was open…" admitted the little one, pointing towards the entrance of the lavish room.

The room definitely belonged to a person of high esteem. Despite its all luxury and pomp, it was still stylish, giving the feeling of peace and harmony.

"Still, that's not an excuse. Be polite and knock before you enter. That's what your mother taught you, isn't it?" raised his brow the devil with crimson hair. Not angry, but curious why his usual well-mannered son did his act.

"But I knocked!" the boy insisted. "…And you did not react, at all…" in the end, still lowering his head repenting, the boy mumbled. Wondering why it was his fault, his father did not pay attention.

"Ah, in that case. It is my fault for not paying attention, sorry…" and the father smiled kindly, brushing his son's hair. An act the boy brushed off with an annoyed scoff.

"I hate this!"

"I know!" the devil father smiled affectionately, doing it once more. The boy once again rejecting the act.

"You still haven't answered my question!" in his eyes there was persistence! The fires of curiosity and want burning in those oculars.

Yes! The boy inherited his will and insistence from his mother!

Honestly, from time to time, it was hard to bear the two. But the man never regretted having them both!

Since the first time spotting this little man, his father knew he was destined for greatness! And maybe, a terrible, tragic fate. Even now, he couldn't say for sure, making him worry even more.

Yes, those with power were destined to be like that, and this boy possessed potential that may surpass the original Satan! The father feared a terrible fate awaited his son.

"I just…" for a moment, the head of house Gremory looked away, gazing out from his window, thinking how he should answer the question of his only heir.

"Don't like those parts…" in the end, he answered as such, making his boy blink confused.

Indeed, the text he just read was ominous. He couldn't really put any meaning behind it. No one really could…

"Why?" the boy asked once more, still staring at his father.

Listening to his father's reading, sure, those parts were confusing but not less appealing. He would gladly listen to him reading more.

"Why does this boy have to be so curious?" It was almost like a small male version of his wife was around all the time. It was hard to bear them from time to time. One, he managed! Two? Hardly. Not as he loved them less. No! He loved them even more!

So insisting and curious, the man couldn't really say "no" to him or his wife without fearing the consequences.

Had he spoiled him too much? His wife often said this to him. He was just too lax with the boy. And just now the man feared, what will be the case if he accidentally begets a second heir? He already feared the day!

"It is that bad…?" asked the boy with red hair, still innocently watching his father, some worry mixing in his face.

"No, not in a peremptory way… but foggy, it will only make your head hurt if you try to interpret it. Even the wisest can't…." shutting the thick book, then placing it on the table, a red rune appeared on its surface right away, sealing the book once more, making the boy's eyes shine with want!

"Woah! Can I read it?" The boy was giddy, too enthusiastic for his own good. But before the crimson devil could say his final judgment, the door opened, revealing a shapely woman.

"Absolutely not!" came the sharp voice of a female from the other side of the room, the judge herself wearing a nightgown with nice cleavage. Her hair brownish flaxen, eyes violet. Like usual, no human could compare to her devilish beauty. Yet, a stern expression visible on her face all along, slightly startling both devils in the room.

"But, mama!"

"Sush! Sirzechs! How many times do I have to say, do not disturb your father in his study!"


"No buts!" the woman glared at the young boy, and the little devil looked at his father for help. Indeed, from the two, the mother was always the strict one!

"It is fine…" the head of the house once more brushed the hair of the youngster, making him look up at him.

"I would have finished soon, anyway. Let him stay…"

"So I can read the book?" his eyes shone once more, awaiting the moment.

"Sirzechs!" his mother still glared, but the father raised his hand.

"Maybe, when you are older. Until then, I will show you something more exciting!"


"Really…" the older devil looked at his wife, who just sighed reluctantly. "Fine… but he needs to be in bed in ten minutes. Not more, no less! Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!" both agreed, like good doggies they were, and the woman sighed, shaking her head disapproving as she left. Sometimes, living with these two was tiring.

"Yippee!" and thus, the young devil followed his father, only glancing back at the dark, leather-bound tome, with writing, even he can't describe.

He will read it one day! Surely! He will recognize why his father's expression was so worried! He will protect them if necessary! He will do his best!

This happened more than a hundred years ago, and now, sitting in his own study, the boy, grown into a handsome man, held the same tome his father held back then.

"I see… indeed a confusing part. It makes your head hurt…" he smiled somber, remembering clearly that day, looking out from his window. Now, as he read it, he understood his father's worry.

The tome, just like back then, was heavily worn, many rows unreadable, even with magic, impossible to restore. It was from an age preceded the ages of gods and devils, made by an ancient civilization, melded by them, using magic even the strongest devil can't replicate or break.

The text it contained was foggy and ominous, too ill-omened not to be worried about it. Some of the parts referred to the "Red Princess" made Sirzechs even more concerned.

This prophecy was known by the devils for a long time, even the Maou of old knew about it! Yet, even the wisest can't fully comprehend or give meaning to it. They are written in a language, mostly forgotten and unknown.

Full with expressions and words that can be interpreted in many ways, it was hard to get the meaning of this text.

"Ah! Almost like the Bible of those humans…" he remembered that book, smiling wryly on the irony. Indeed, like that text, this as well was interpreted in many ways throughout history.

"I hope Rias is right…" yet, he can't help but worry about his sister.

Even the chance of her being in danger stressed the great Maou! Reading a "Red Princess" amongst the words terrified him! Not speaking about how worried he was after receiving her letter about the increased stray activity in her town, and that strange girl she can't recruit — the one beating Fallen left and right. He just can't concentrate on his tasks just now!

"Maybe I should give her a visit? Maybe I should visit that unwilling person and "convince" her to join my dear sister's group?" the devil caressed his chin, considering his was a solution, surely.

After all, it was mostly him who arranged the adherence of the rest of her peerage — without her knowledge, of course.

It wouldn't be so hard to recruit one more? Maybe money will do this time; mortals love money after all.

"It's no accident devil business is thriving more than ever…" Wish business thrived, more than ever, thanks to the humans who are willing to offer something in exchange for their services.

It was always like this, since devils and humans first interacted, but now, the business was magnificent! More and more humans started to lose their faith in the church, giving a chance to the other side to better their life.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Sirzechs can only smile bitterly, remembering the times of old when one needed to barter their soul to get something. Devils needed to be much more crafty and convincing in those times to sway people, but now? It was almost too easy to do business with them.

"Well, back then, they needed to trade their soul for a wish… but now, some money or other compensation will do, and the devil fulfills the wish that equals the exchange. This greatly simplifies the deal."

"Sirzechs-sama! The head of house Phenex — Lord Phenex is here to discuss the details of the arrangement…"

"Really? Now?" annoyed, the man asked, almost allowing himself to groan aloud. That huge chicken! He knew this day would come, but he really hoped something happens in the meantime that can cancel the arrangement.

Unfortunately, no such thing happened.

"Sirzechs-sama, I hope I don't have to remind you about your duties?" the woman with a voluptuous figure wearing a French maid outfit glared at the crimson devil, making even the strongest of his clan back away.

"No ma'am!" just like his father, the son became a henpeck person, fearing his wife's wrath. Still, gazing at the fleshy globes on her chest, he can't help but space out.

"Good! Now then, once you finished with your staring, please prepare, Sirzechs-sama, we wouldn't want to leave Lord Phenex waiting."

"A few more minutes…?" he mumbled, wanting to gather some strength before meeting that distasteful man. "Maybe a few encouraging squeezes?" he made a fondling motion with his hands, a slightly wicked smile on his face.

"Now!" the silver-haired beauty commanded, and the Ultimate Class devil nodded vigorously. "Yes, ma'am!"

And with that, the maid left, bowing deep — leaving the man with his misery.

"What did I bring upon myself?" sighing helpless, the embodiment of destruction stood up, prepared to meet Lord Phenex.

What will their meeting bring forth? One can only guess.

One thing is sure: Noblesse Oblige! Noblesse Oblige! A noble owed their people with responsibility.

The phrase Sirzechs and his father often repeated to themselves. Just as back then, just as now. This phrase gave them the strength to push forward and continue.

Scene Change: Kuoh Academy: Mess Hall:

"Gillian… GILLIAN!"

"Huh?" the girl with double colored eyes blinked confused, looking at her classmate.

"Geez! You spaced out once again!" Kiryuu — aka perverted girl with glasses — snorted annoyed. "This was the third time today!"

"Ah, sorry. There are a lot of things on my mind," she muttered, sighing. She can't help but have a feeling someone mentioned her.

"Really? How so? You know, you can tell everything to your senpai!" seeing her wide grin, and that dangerous glint on her glasses, Gillian was not sure.

As she got to know the girl, Gillian realized she was a bit of a tattletale; she wouldn't entrust her any personal or sensitive info. "Come on! I am all ears!"

"She is insistent, that's for sure…"

"It is about a boy? Oh! You need to tell!" just saying this was enough for every girl — and most boys — to turn their head.

It cannot be helped, most girls liked to gossip, and despite Gillian's distaste — and best efforts to look like an average student and not call much attention — she nonetheless managed to garner quite a few friends — and even stalkers — in this school.

"Maybe it is because of my appearance?" but as said, she rather spent her time in a form that she found both attractive and comfortable than walking around in a style she didn't enjoy.

In her previous life, she was forced to live as a scrawny and sickly pale kid, no way she wants to look like that anymore!

"YGGDRASIL was a place where most people spent their time to escape reality. Fulfilling to live their dream self…" it was the same in her case too, no way she wants to go back to that miserable life she had back then! "Even as a girl, it is better like this."

"No… a hundred times. No! I am not like you who always thinks about boys." she didn't even blush anymore when Kiryuu asked such a thing. One can say she was already accustomed to the gimmicks she had to bear with day after day.

"Basically, she always asks about it…" there were cases when she did so multiple times a day.

"Haah! Spoilsport!" the girl with glasses shrugged. "How scandalous! Don't say you are into girls?" then, her teasing expression returned. "Oh! Don't worry! You can tell it to your senpai! I will not spread it, promise!" she made a zipping motion, yet, Gillian can't help but recognize her fingers crossed behind her back.

"As if I would believe that…" she offered a flat expression, drinking her juice with a straw.

"What made you come to that conclusion?"

"There are several things."

"Such as?"

"You are always refusing the boys' offer. Even the most handsome ones offered a date, yet you right away said, "no"? Suspicious if you ask me."

"What if I am just busy or not interested in a relationship? You know, running a business leaves little time for such things," she answered the practiced text, putting no feeling behind her words.

"Come on!" Kiryuu leaned closer, hugging her neck with one of her arms, her face reaching closer.

"Why do girls always smell this good?" Gillian asked herself as her classmate leaned closer. Indeed, since coming here, she recognized, even after PE, girls smell nice. How were they able to do it? She had little idea.

"You know, little birds chirped that you hang around a lot with the ORC and Student Council guys. Have you joined, or what? I must admit, Akeno and Rias senpai really are attractive! Even Sona-senpai has her teacherly charm! Or…" an even more perverse grin appeared on her face. "Oh my! You and Kiba-kun?"

For that, Gillian spat out her juice. "The hell are you talking about!?"

"Hahahahaha! Busted!" laughed the girl with the glasses. It seems she found a new hobby teasing her—an opening of the otherwise neutral and "perfect" Gillian's shield appeared!

"Tch! It is not like that!" Gillian almost spat, even the presumption was outrageous! Kiba was only her friend, nothing more! He was handsome; even with male standards, she recognized that. But the two of them together? No way!

"I am still not gay…" whatever that means in her current state.

"I just beat Rias and Sona in a bet; in exchange, they allow me to use their clubroom to escape recruiters."

"Oh! How interesting. One of the great Onee-sama beaten? Her fans will not like this. Nonetheless, it will be your problem once it starts to spread." Kiryuu spread her arms, palms facing upward. That pose was like she said: "It cannot be helped."

"Just my luck…" Gillian muttered. Once again, the social system outplayed her. Now, more people will seek her out in the breaks.

"I really need to consider moving away from some secluded place. Stationing myself there all the time." she could do it, of course, and let her illusionary copy walk around and deal with those people. Yet, thinking about it, if she always runs away from problems, she will never learn how to face them properly.

Raised in a corporate orphanage in most of her life, she was socially, mentally, and physically crippled and bullied by other orphans — and later, her own workmates — coming here, at first, she had no idea how to connect with people — even now struggling to learn it.

Now, as she lives there for around three months, she felt confident she would manage somehow, she slowly started to learn what she should have learned in her first childhood, she felt, her trust in humanity slowly returns.

Still unsure what to do afterward, but confident enough to push forward and carve her place in this new world. The first time in her life, she had a steady direction to move forward! The first time in her life, she truly felt free!

"I promised this myself... I don't want to betray this promise!"

She remained in this school because she felt social interaction with these people helped her slowly fading soul and declining mind to heal. Not for Azazel! Not for the mission! But for herself and for the people she promised she would change!

All in all, despite the boring lessons, she felt herself good in this place. She even managed to gain real friends! Aside from YGGDRASIL, the first time in her life, she thought she has a place she can steadily belong to!

True, there were a few annoyances in this place, such as the members of different clubs that wanted to recruit her, trying to convince her — First the Athlete, then the Kendo club, then the manga and photograph club — and many more she doesn't even remember.

"In truth, I didn't join clubs because that would restrict my free and alone time, and of course, I don't yet feel ready to make this step… not yet."

Of course, this was not the only new thing that happened to her. Time to time, out of nowhere, a few girls even called her out, stating she wanted to steal their boyfriends — if you asked her, without proof. She did no such thing; those boys just came around and exchanged a few words with her.

"What's with the girls being so jealous without reason? They asked something, I answered, this makes no sense."

Hell, some even announced some kind of nonsense rivalry between them.

In a way, it was flattering. Whenever it happens, she can't help but find it funny how angry they left after she barely reacted to their announcement, simply walking away.

"Uhu… good for you."

Even after a bad day, messing with them always cheered her up a little bit.

All in all, she enjoyed herself here.

"Umm… Gillian? Gillian!"

"Huh? What?"

"You spaced out again…"


"Really! Geez!" Kiryuu shrugged for a moment. "So, what do you say? Coming with us?"


"I just said. Oh! Right, you didn't listen to what I said!" Gillian's classmate sighed tiredly. "I asked if you want to come with us to karaoke after school. That's all."

"Hmm, I'll pass, sorry. I have a lot of things to do."

"Such as?" Kiryuu raised her brow, finding it strange someone says no to karaoke.

"Hmm… for example, running a business? I am busy, you know." Gillian deadpanned. Even if she wanted to go, she was sure she is no good at singing. Back then, she was tone-deaf. She was sure it has not changed ever since coming here.

"I remember a karaoke competition in YGGDRASIL… I ended up dead last. Always messing up with the text, stuttering, and the like. I am a really bad singer." it was one of her most embarrassing moments in the whole game. Everyone laughed; worse, the entire thing was streamed live!

"I went on hunting the streamer players just to get off my frustration after that. It was really embarrassing." not speaking all those mocking letters she received after that, the people were not even afraid she would accidentally find them and kill them in-game. They just wanted to make fun of her!

"It took two whole weeks to build up my notoriety after that…"

"Come on!" her friend urged her. "Motohama, Matsuda, and Issei will also come!"

"As said…"

"Ummm, excuse me?"

"Yes?" blinking, they turned their attention towards the shy blonde girl who so suddenly interrupted their conversation. Gillian recognized the person right away.

"Oh! Asia? You're here? What are you doing here? And that uniform?" yes, Asia wore the typical uniform of Kuoh academy.

Just what is Rias planning in bringing her here? She can only guess, but she had a bad feeling.

"Ye-Yes, I started to attend the academy today. I just wanted to say my thanks to what you did for me that night."

"That night?"

"Ye-Yes! You know, when you came all that way for me!"

"Huh? What is she…?"

Kiryuu blinked, then right away came to the wrong conclusion. This girl really had a dirty mind.

"Fufufufufu! Gillian-chan, you never said you had a girlfriend. And that night? Oh! How dirty!" she glanced at Asia, measuring her from tip to toe. The light right away glinting on her glasses as she adjusted them. "Hmm, but I do not blame you, she really is… cute."

"Ahhh… thank you, I guess." Asia turned her face away, blushing, playing with her indexes. She was indeed embarrassed, dissected by the other girl's eyes.

"You are coming to the wrong conclusion! Nothing happened! She is not my girlfriend!" Gillian right away stood up, renouncing the claim violently. This earned not one look from the dining hall.

"W-We are not friends?" Asia was on the verge of crying. She was really sensitive. "Bu-But, you said…"

"That's not… ugh!" the innocence of Asia, and the perverted mind of Kiryuu brought her all of this! Gillian can't help but groan and collapse on her desk.

"What have I brought on myself?"

"I see, I see. Very interesting." Kiryuu grinned as she muttered, making mental notes. "Anyway… I need to go. Someone needs to spread this. It was good to meet you, "Girlfriend-chan"! Fufufufu!"

"Ah… my name is Asia Argento, it is nice to meet you." the blonde nun shuttered, her eyes still teary.

"Aika Kiryuu, likewise…" After giving a lazy salute to Asia, she gave one last impish grin to Gillian. "She is cute, good choice! Anyway… ~ I need to leave now."

"Don't you dare?! You are coming to the wrong conclusion!"

"Too late!" the girl stuck out her tongue, hurried away.

"Just what the…"

"Gillian-chan…" yet, before she moved, the girl was stopped by the one standing close to her. Her voice is trembling, on to cry.

"I am really not your friend?" Gillian felt she messed up really bad this time.

"Guhh… It is not like that, Asia-chan. It is just…" great; now, she needs to explain things to Asia so she will understand.

"How the hell will I explain things and not ruin her innocence?" that was the question of the century. Gillian feared she can't come out of this positively, be her powers or not.

Scene Change: Gillian's Café: A day later:

In Gillian's bar, Mittelt watched the bartender before her.

Staring so long without blinking would be unnerving for most, but not the handsome man.

He just smiled, tilting his head cheerful.

"What's on your mind, little Mittelt?" he asked happily.

"Just what are you people?" she muttered, pondering.

She had worked here for so long, yet, she just can't find the answer.

"Oh! What do you say, Mittelt-chan? Just a brother and his sister, running a business. What else?" his answer was, of course, cheerful — even more mysterious.

She remembered that night clearly. She remembered the accident and what happened to Raynare. The memories were too vivid and horrifying to forget them!

The girl had time to connect the dots, and she didn't like what she found! Not at all.

"Do you think Mittelt is stupid!? Or what?"

"I don't know what you are speaking about. And no, I don't think you are stupid in any way, Mittelt-chan." first time since the conversation started, the man's expression hardened, losing not its glamour.

"Don't joke with Mittelt!" she stood up immediately, trying to look intimidating. "Do you think Mittelt is a fool!? Mittelt is not, she assures you!"

"Oh, then care to tell what you realized, little Mittelt? I am all ears." the man only called Rorschach smiled, thinking the girl as a cute little addition to his master's slowly forming faction.

For Mittelt, that smile was suspicious. However, she can't help but feel something akin to a malicious, double-edged intent behind that face.

"First, that strange "dream" — when she captured us! Then, Mittelt finding herself back in her room whenever she tried to escape! Then, that Jack figure using the same power that Gillian did when she captured us! And now this?!"

She glanced at Baraquel, who, albeit reluctantly, but started to prepare things for the next day.

That girl…!? Just who does she think she is to order the Fallen leaders to do this humiliating work!? Moreover! What connection does she and Azazel have?

She hit the leader of the fallen! Then conversed like best friends?! More importantly, about breasts and how supple they are?! Mittelt was more and more confused! More importantly, pissed after receiving no clear answers!

"Just who are you people…" she slumped on the counter, exhausted.

She just had no idea!

She was promised clear answers if her questions are good. Yet, this promise just made things even foggier and messed up! She was no closer, who is her new employer? How do they do all that stuff!?

"Haah! I had enough!" Baraqiel approached the counter, putting down the collected plates. "How long do I have to do this?"

"Until master says so. Double time considering Lord Azazel escaped the first time he had the chance — referring to some kind of important business. Now, you need to work in his stead too."

"This is ridiculous!" the gruff man hit the table. "I demand you release me! And what is this thing on my ankle?!" he pulled up his trousers slightly, revealing an elegant metal shackle hugging his ankle.

"Unfortunately, until master says so, no. You still need to serve your time. As for that…" the butler glances at the mentioned thing. "A little precaution master put on you. It stops you from being reckless or escaping from your duty."

"This is ridiculous! I am leaving!" Baraqiel started to leave, opening the door and exiting the building.

"Haah… like last time?" the man behind the counter just sighed.

Baraqiel tried this many times, trying to escape the duty. "It is not even funny anymore." Indeed, from one of the leaders of the Fallen, he expected more.

"But he looks like the muscle, not the brain…" Azazel managed to remove that shackle under less than a day and escape — meanwhile doing his work diligently.

The other one? He only tried to remove it with brute force, no finesse, or thinking, just hammering it with his magic and brute force.

"In truth, master only placed it on them to test how long it takes them to get rid of it. Is he even aware that fetter feeds on his magic and holds stronger the more damage it receives?"

Indeed, back in YGGDRASIL, such restraining shackles were strong. It can even hold terrifying beasts or opponents back to perform specific programmed actions.

Yet, the intelligent bearer can easily get rid of it. Either they are turning off all their abilities and magic, completing the programmed tasks, or even overpowering it.

"He can hardly overpower it…" that shackle was made from a particular material, directly from his master's collection. Indeed, even Azazel couldn't overpower it.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" Like previously, as soon as he left the establishment, he found himself once more in the kitchen.

Of course, if anyone looked at the scene, they would not recognize Baraqiel disappearing, then reappearing in the kitchen once again. It was all thanks to a cleverly constructed false information skill; it was that way.

"How the hell am I back again?!" a shout from the kitchen, fuming in rage.

"Just as said, serve your time, and you will be released."

"Thi-This is the same thing…" Mittelt muttered, scared. No matter how many times she sees this, she can't get used to it.

Yes, the same thing happened to her every time she tried to escape. It cannot be denied; this is the same!

"Said so, you can't leave until master says so." deadpanned the man amused.

Seriously? Wouldn't they just believe what he says at once? It would make his life and job much more manageable.

"Just what are you, people? Do you think you can get away with this?!" Baraqiel once again appeared from the kitchen, even his always closed eyes opened slightly. Like usual, he threatened the man.

"Get away? Please, your leader agreed on this. My master offered a solution to repay a debt, and he didn't say no. Moreover, he escaped in the first moment he had the chance. If nothing else, this says something about how trustworthy your people are. Dues need to be repaid, Sir Baraqiel. Dues need to be repaid, or we will come for you…"

Baraqiel ground his teeth, remaining silent for a moment.

"Tell me, at least, what is she?" Mittelt questioned in the end, squinting her eyes angry. "She is no human, that's clear, Mittelt connected things. She is that Jack figure who saved us that night? Is she not?" yes, how else would it be possible? She felt the same thing both in the temple and on that roof.

This cannot be a coincidence!

Yet, the question was still up in the air, then how was she outside? With that ominous Jack person in the same space as her? Just what happened?!

"She can't be two places at once! That's not possible!"

"Or, is he working for her? Answer us, dammit!"

Mittelt was more and more confused with each passing second. It is not possible for two unnatural beings, capable of using both dark and light powers to appear in the same city, moreover in the same place? Such a coincidence shouldn't exist!

"Even the fact he/she used both elements is impossible!" yet, she experienced it firsthand.

The fact the two of them were in the same place at the same time makes her theory about the two being the same entity questionable. But even so, their power felt almost the same! Is this some kind of trick?

"Hmm, wasn't she present when that happened? One can hardly be in two places at once, no?" the man grinned, finding the girl's attempts to reveal the truth adorable.

They promised an answer. Of course, only if the question is right.

"Don't bullshit with Mittelt!" she hit the counter once again. "Mittelt saw what she saw! Just like in the night when she was captured! Just the night when that Jack figure saved her! It is either there are two people with the same power or… grr! It is so confusing!" the small Fallen brushed her hair, angry and confused. This doesn't match at all.

"What is she speaking about?" Baraqiel questioned in the end, watching the girl confused.

Whoever his captor was, she was mysterious beyond reason. Even Azazel warned him to be careful. Now, he suspected why.

"Just what mess did you get yourself into this time, Azazel?"

"Who knows…" the man shrugged, he acted like he didn't want to answer the question.

"Mittelt wants the truth…" she looked up once again, her expression hardened, filled with determination to reveal the truth.

"Just who are you, people? Mittelt is glad someone saved her, more so someone who cares about her, don't misunderstand. Still, there is no way someone can use light and dark powers at the same time. Not speaking about melding them! Mittelt wants the truth!"

"What are you speaking about, child?" Baraqiel slightly opened his eyes, looking severe. During his long life, no one was able to do that! It was completely unnatural! Impossible in the system God set up!

"That's impossible. Light and dark powers do not align; they cannot be mixed. They are each other's opposite. Just like devils and angels."

"Please forgive Mittelt saying this, Lord Baraqiel. But Mittelt saw what she saw! Both on that roof, and in that temple! That person was able to use them without hindrance, mix them like no one else. Moreover, when it happened, Mittelt felt a massive increase in potency. It was like…! It was like…! GRRRR! It was like the two opposing elements compensated for each other, creating something new!"

"Hmm…" Baraqiel doubted it was true. But with the death of God, many things changed. The system he set up barely worked. Only thanks to Michael and the rest of the angels, it is still somewhat functional.

"Well, why not ask her?" the servant smirked, ticking off both Fallen.

"She is not here…" the man deadpanned.

"Well then, you need to wait until her alone time ends. Until then, you can continue your diligent work."

"And when will that happen?"

"When she wills it…" that smile… that calm, mocking demeanor really ticked off both! They can't help it; it was just like that.

"Hmm! It was so good!" and when the fallen leader was about to use violence on the bartender, the mentioned girl appeared—coming out from the staff area.

"Ah! Welcome back! How was your alone time!"

"It was splendid! Thank you!" the girl only smiled. That grin was infectious.

"Then I am glad!" nodded the servant, glad to see his master honestly smiling. She really deserved it after so long.

"Anything happened while I was away?" as she walked behind the counter, the girl questioned, earning profound glares from the Fallen around.

"Hmm, nothing much. Everything is prepared for the opening tomorrow." looking around, it was evident. All was prim and proper.

Despite the constant grumbling of Baraqiel, he was a diligent worker. A lot less clumsy than Mittelt was.

"Good, we just received the permit to become a restaurant! We can start our preparations to introduce ourselves. Have you learned how to make the dishes on the menu?" Gillian glanced at her servant, expecting great things from him.

Not accidentally, she summoned him. He was like a swiss army knife. He had tools for almost every situation.

"Of course, it's all in my pinkie! As you know, my nature allows me to change jobs freely. Naturally, my effectiveness is less than the original copied one. But still, for simple tasks, it is more than enough."

"Great! Just great! In that case, we can start our true preparations!" she grinned.

Of course, the two Fallen most likely misunderstood what Rorschach implied under the profession. But every YGGDRASIL player would clearly know after just hearing; it referred to the job classes one can learn in the game.

Thanks to Rorschach's race, he was able to copy and use the profession of other players and NPCs he saw before — with a lesser degree than the original one, still effective enough. Because of this, Gillian used him often back in the game — saving many templates in his database.

"I need to apologize to you once more, burdening you with this too."

"Ohohoho! Don't worry about it, my dear lady! This servant lives to serve. After all, that's the meaning of our existence." the servant's bow was prim and proper, befit even to a noble. Even watching it, Baraqiel can't help but compare to the highest-ranked people he met before.


"So, who do we invite to the taste testing?"

"Hmm?" the girl started to smile wild. "I had a good idea…"

"And that's it?"

"We invite a few of my school mates, that's it!"

The idea born in her head and the servant just clapped.

"Splendid! Even that Gremory and Shitori girl?"

"Even them too! After all, who has more refined taste than a few stuck up brats from noble houses? Hmm, maybe the old man?"


"Old man?"

Baraqiel and Mittelt can only shutter. Calling the heirs of the Gremor and Sitri clan — two from the 72 pillars — stuck up brats?!

Also, throwing one of them in the dumpster?

No matter her strength, this brat can expect assassins to be coming for her head soon. Most noble devil houses hardly tolerate humiliation.

And what did she mean by old man?

"You really dislike nobles? Don't you?" the Fallen leader can't help but ask.

"Ah! You are still here?" and for this question. Gillian turned Baraqiel. "Didn't I let you go?"

"No?" raised his brow, the man.

"Oh! My bad then. You served your time a half-day ago." she snapped her finger, and the engraved fetter appeared in her hand. "There you are. But before you go, answer me. Would Azazel-kun be willing to come to a taste test? He is old, surely he tasted many things. His opinion would be appreciated.

"Well, it is best to ask him, I think…"

"Ah! Fine! Then please relay this request to him. Now, go…" she waved him away like he would be an annoyance. "Tell Azazel-kun, don't play dirty, or I will kick his piss hole. Also, I'm expecting him in the taste test."

"Hmm, I will…" the man massaged his ankle. "But before I go. Tell me one thing."

"Only if you as well tell me one."

"Just what are you? Are you really able to use both light and dark?"

"That's two questions. Only answer one. Choose…"

"Very well. But answer honestly."

"Only if you as well…" that smile… that damned dubious smile of her! He just can't place it!

"Hmm…" The Fallen hummed, he needs to choose wisely. This info might prove beneficial in the future.

"Just what are you…"

Even Mittelt looked at Gillian. Ever since captured, she ponders on this. Yet, she found or got no clear answer.

"You really want to know? Are you sure this is your question?" the girl raised her brow, slightly amused.

"Yes. Are you a stray god? A mutant devil? An angel? Albeit, I doubt that. Just what are you? A monster?"

"Hmm, very well. I answer. But if you ask me, this is a waste of a good opportunity to ask something interesting. But oh, whatever…"

"Just answer."

"Hmm, how impatient. In that case, I assure you, according to my perception. I am no god in any way — please don't compare me to those parasites. Devil, a monster? Maybe for my enemies. Angel? Less likely, maybe for the selected few, I might be seen as such. To be honest, for myself, I am me. Just me. Only me…! In the past. In the present, and hopefully, in the future. I will be me…"

"…" silence descended in the room, only the clapping sounds of the servant reverberated in the establishment.

"A splendid answer!"

"Oh! Thank you! I practiced it before the mirror!" laughed the girl heartedly.

"Don't joke with me!" roared both Fallen in rage. "You didn't answer the question at all!"

"Yes! Mittelt can testify it! This was no answer at all."

"Well, you didn't specify for whom. Anyway, I can only say what I surely know, and you will understand without further explanation. A thing… That's for me; I am me!"

And that was the honest truth. Honestly, she only knows she possesses the memories of her past and current self. Her situation is confusing. Similar cases only happened in games and Isekai stories before.

She is new in this world, all confused and needs to experience everything personally. She can't be sure of anything with the exception of one thing:

"The only thing sure is that I possess the memories and the avatar of the original owner. It might be that; I am only a copy, uploaded into an artificially created body."

Technology that allowed people to upload their consciousness into artificial bodies existed in the year of 2138 — only available for the upper layer of the society, of course, and people important for the corporate.

The "real" Gillian may still be back in 2138, on that toxic Earth, spending his miserable life as a corporate programmer and engineer. The current one inhabiting this plane might be just a perfect copy, with all memories precisely the same as the original one — placed into a new body.

In that case, everything the original had was replaced, or with the exception of the body is the same? Hard to say which is the real thing. It might come to that, some of the copy's memories modified.

"Messy like the Theseus Paradox… eh?" but that's why it is called a paradox. No? "All my parts were replaced. Or am I still the same? Or someone else entirely? Either way, it doesn't matter. I am me! ME! Only this matters. I want to enjoy myself here." only her opinion matters. Ruining her new life by worrying about such minor things was never in her mind.

Is she a copy? So what? She can't care less! Most people in 2138 were considered a drone by the corporate anyway. Easily discardable and replaceable.

"Answer my question…" Baraqiel squinted his eyes.

"I answered. You never specified for whom. Now, it is my turn."

"Fine!" the man clicked his tongue. It was apparent, Gillian's answer really irritated him. "Ask away…"

"Hmm, let's see..." she hit her lip with her index finger. "I can't help but find you familiar. Your face, your features… Say, are you the relative of Akeno Himejima?"

"…" the man shuddered for a moment, looking away. "Please, ask a different question."

"Ah! A sensitive topic?"

"You can say that." Baraqiel stated, his mood seemingly fallen.

"In that case, I don't force it."

"Thank you…"

"But let's be clear, if you allow this feeling to distract you too long, you will lose yourself, possibly hurt her too. Clear your business with that girl, or you may never come to terms what you want from your life."

"Duly noted…" the man opened his eyes slightly. "You need anything more, or can I go?"

"Your time is served, free to go." Gillian waved him away. "Now go before I change my mind." she shrugged in the end.

"Hmm, very well. Come Mittelt; we return to the base. I have things to discuss with Azazel." Baraqiel turned away, starting his steps towards the door.

"Lo-Lord Baraqiel! Mittelt truly can return?"

"Hmm, I see no reason why you couldn't. Despite your actions, Azazel gave you amnesty. Also, you were just a pawn manipulated by Raynare. You just followed orders; it was not your fault. You can return to your underworld with me."

"I-I… A pawn…" the little fallen muttered, coming to a sour realization, glancing at Gillian for a moment with empty eyes.

"You can leave Mittelt; your time is served." Gillian smiled friendly, supporting her head with her palms.


"Haah! Oh, man! We will be a mess, not a cute maid to serve the guests. But oh well, we will manage somehow. Still, we will miss you." Gillian grinned, offering a thumbs up. "Take care, little one. Don't forget to visit."

"Let's go…" the fallen leader started to don his coat, putting on his hat, yet, the girl didn't move.

"Mittelt always was an outcast…" the small one started to mumble, lowering her head. It is confirmed, now, she was sure of it.


"Ever since Mittelt was created, she never really found her place. No one really showed care for her. Even if she goes back, what will become of her? Will anything change? Lord Baraqiel, will anything change?" she turned her empty gaze at Baraqiel, awaiting his answer.

She wanted it so much! She wanted the confirmation of her existence. That, even after all that happened, she was still valuable! Her life had meaning!

Yet, she somehow suspected his opinion. Why would anything change?

She was just a mid-class Fallen — closer to being low than mid — why would anyone care about someone like her? She was an expendable resource in the eyes of the leadership. She and the ones like her made to be fodder, used as a mere resource.

It was like this back then; it is like this now. Nothing ever changes…

"I can't say that, as it is not up to me. If you return, you will be assigned under someone else, given an adequate task. I can only promise that much."

"I see…" she lowered her head, somehow expecting such an answer.

Her whole life… her entire existence was worthless. She felt like that amongst the Angels, and after that, the Fallen.

First, God discarded her because of just a blunder, cursing her with black wings, turning her brothers and sisters against her. She was hunted like a worthless dog!

Then the Fallen sent her into actions she barely survived, treated like fodder, a no one. Lastly, Raynare cheated her with false promises; she had no intention to share her power and make her more significant! Now, she was sure of it!

During all her life, she was treated like trash! For all her life, she only wanted some meaning!

In all cases, she was denied the chance! In all cases, she was deceived and discarded!

"Life… has no meaning?" she glanced at Gillian and her servant once more.

Only one person came to her rescue in her darkest hour. Only one giving her a true home where she was cared for! Despite wanting to kill her, trying her hardest, despite failing so many times, this person never really hurt her, only being angry for her, not against her.

"I see…" she sighed, making her decision. As expected, she will be thrown back to darkness again if she goes back to her original life. She needed… no! She wanted this change!

"Please forgive Mittelt, Lord Baraqiel, but Mittelt would like to remain here. For the first time, since existing, someone showed concern about her, coming to her rescue. Not even God did that before. Not even God showed so much care…"

"Hmm, I see. What a pity. But it is your decision. I will relay it to Azazel then." with that, Baraqiel left, leaving the group behind. This was the strangest experience in his long life.

"…" Mittelt just stood in the middle, with lowered head, darkened expression.

It was confirmed, even Lord Baraqiel showed no concern, accepting her decision without hesitation. Her fellow Fallen really didn't care about her at all! Not even trying to convince her to change her life, or even offering false promises, something will change! Just… nothing…

"…" tears started to pour from her eyes, slightly flinching as the Fallen leader closed the door behind himself.

"Sniff! Sniff! That was really beautiful, Mittelt-chan…" Gillian sniffed in the background, wiping a phantom tear.

To ruin such a dark moment… really!?

"Tch! Don't be so full of yourself! Not like Mittelt has any other normal choice!" after shouting, her volume lowered, offering a cute pout.

"Oh! So Kawaii! Don't you think, Rorschach?"

"Hoho! Indeed, our small maid grows on us; it seems!" the servant laughed heartily.

"Like fungus…" added in the end the player with a smug expression.

"Very accurate comparison, my master!"

"Mittelt may have made the wrong decision…"

"Either way, welcome in our deficient family, little one…" and this being was before her when she raised her head, using her handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Now, now, don't cry; it will ruin your pretty face!"

The girl felt, the first time since God created her, her choice was her own. Not forced, not ordered, but made a choice that will finally lead her in the right direction.

The first time in her life, she really saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The first time in her existence, she truly felt free! She felt she belonged somewhere!

Scene Change: Somewhere in a hidden base:

"As you wish, I bestow terror upon you…"

"Get away! Get away!"

"What is this thing!?"


"Please have…" 'SLASH! SPLATTER!'

Shadow and light! Pure brutality on the screen! The strange white-haired girl, wearing a peculiar military uniform tore the people apart, easily shattering the bindings trying to hold her down.

On the screen, no fight visible, only total massacre! A ruthless killing machine is squashing bugs.

The man, sitting on his throne smiled delightfully, watching the video play on his screen.

"Truly this is…" he just can't find the words to describe. "What did you say? Where is this recording from?" his tone deep, very manly indeed. His handsome face and sharp ears are making him look like a villain.

"Hmm, this is the extracted memory of an escapee…"

"Escapee?" the man with handsome features and long black flowing hair raised his brow. "Please, specify, many people escape many things nowadays."

"Hmm, we found him not far from our base, speaking gibberish. How he managed to evade detection so long despite his broken mind, we know not. We are only sure he is a Fallen, belonging to an unknown faction. Wandering around, speaking about the end of the world, and some new order. Speaking about some angry deity…"

"I see…"

"According to him, their group performed an ancient ritual mentioned in an old book. Muttering about some ancient prophecy."

"Old book? Ancient prophecy? That's pretty vague…" snorted the man annoyed. "Like escapees, many ancient texts and prophecies exist. Which ones? Did that person reveal anything else?"

"Unfortunately, the man was just a grunt. Not too smart at that. It seems, the trauma and the meeting with that being caused a mental breakdown. In fact, aside from a few more bits of info, we managed to extract only this much until now."

"Is there… any chance his memories are faked?"

"We found no traces of modification. The emotional markings are too intense and deeply engraved to fake them. According to our best knowledge, it is not possible to make such real fakery with today's technology and magic."

"How perplexing…"

"Lord Kokaibel?" the Fallen subordinate watched his master disturbed.

"Proceed with the interrogation. I want to know who this person worked for, as well as which prophecy he spoke about. And above all…" the man's smirk widened even more. "Find this being for me! She seems interesting enough! Maybe she is willing to join our war!"

"Lord Kokaibel, if I may say this. That being seems… quite hostile. Not speaking how easily she tore apart those high ranked Fallen and devil…"

"Are you defying my order?"

"N-No! Of course not!" the subordinate stiffened, feeling his master's overwhelming killing intent descending upon the room. "I-I just… what if we can't control this being? What if she refuses to join us? The emotions and memories we managed to recover displayed pure terror. The fear of god! And those sealing chains… according to the information of our experts, they can even hold Seraph level beings for a while! And that thing just shattered them like they were made of paper!"

"Are you saying, I can't deal with her?" only a glance from Kokaibel was enough to fill the subordinate with terror.

"O-Of course not! I just…"

"Hmm, I may lose against a being like that…" the man smirked, embracing this bittersweet thought.

It was no question, with five pairs of raven wings, his power was great. He was able to pulverize armies with his skills. Even in heaven and amongst his kind, very few can compete with him.

Yet, he knows well; he was not the strongest. Ever since defeated by that human more than sixty years ago, he knows well not to underestimate his opponent.

"But I will get him! One day… that miserable human will beg for quick release!" with a smile, Kokaibel already imagined his old and frail self-laying before his legs. That exorcist will beg for fast release!


"M-My Lord?!" the Fallen subordinate blinked perplexedly. He thought he would get punished for saying such a thing, yet, his lord admitting his weakness? That was new. Even more, laughing at it?

"It is nothing…" He was aware, against the current new generation of Maou, moreover the Seraphs, their forces have a little chance. One of those people was able to eliminate armies and go on before falling.

With their numbers so low, the obvious tactic was to put heaven and hell against each other, then sweep victory in when the two sides weakened enough.

"But… if we manage to put this person against the two, our victory will be easier."

Indeed, if they manage to pull this ploy, even Azazel will have to admit, Kokaibel was right all along!

"Instead, tell me, how is the Holy Sword Project coming along?"

The assistant quickly paged the notepad in his hand, looking through his notes.

"The research team led by Valper Galilei, showing promising results. It seems the girl is an even more promising user than the descendant of Sigurd."

"Hmm, you mean that test-tube baby?"

"Yes, the one Valper deemed good enough to join our cause but disappeared mysteriously. Strangely, in the same town where the stray activity increased recently, and that mysterious vigilante appeared."

"I see… Interesting results. Anything else to report?"

"Lord Azazel has been suspiciously active in recent months. Often visiting a site in the Sahara, and a Japanese town called Kuoh."

"Hmm, wonder what that old fox wants in that town? There is too much coincidence…"

"The town is under the control of devils. Also, this is the town where stray activity drastically increased recently."

"Hmm…" according to his best knowledge, that town controlled by the Gremory and the Sitri family. The two well-known families which produced not one, but two Maou! "It is a coincidence?"

He is appearing in the same town, which is under the control of the sisters of Maous? In the city where his plans will take place? He doubted it is a coincidence. He suspected that would be the case. More so, nothing is simple with Azazel in the picture!

"That old fox did not accidentally survive the great war!"

He despised Azazel with all his heart! Retreating so early, withdrawing their forces on the verge of victory?! He will never forgive him! He will have his revenge on everyone, denying his people the deserved victory! He will prove! They need not that short sighted God! They need not white wings to be strong! Their race will rule everyone superior!

"We were on the verge of greatness… yet, he took it from us!" squeezing the arms of his throne, he cracked them.

"Lo-Lord Kokaibel?"

"Seek out the places which Azazel often visits. I want to know what he is up to. Make sure you are not discovered."

"As you wish!" with that, the assistant left, leaving the Fallen leader alone.

"What are you up to…?"

"…" Kokaibel leaned back in his seat, continuing to watch the recording, only snorting.

"You need not hide in the shadow. I know you are there," he called out as soon his assistant left.

"Most wise, Lord Kokaibel. Discovering me so easily…" a being in robes and plague doctor mask stepped forth. His tone distorted, his head under the hood like it was not even there; only two glowing eyes showed behind the glass of the mask.

"You know anything about this… being?" he glanced back at the scene where the forces of different races attempted another desperate counter-attack, just before torn apart by an invisible force. Not even able to reach her.

"Hmm, maybe I am. Maybe not. Who knows nowadays." chuckled the creature, finding the whole thing amusing.

"I see, secretive as always. I hope your little project is paying out. Using that town as a testing ground drew more attention than initially expected. We don't want to involve the Maou and my people before time."

"Fufufu… are you saying, the great Lord Kokaibel not prepared to face the Maou and his "former" boss?"

"Tch!" his rage flared immediately, hearing such insulting words indeed tested his patience. "Don't mock me, creature! The time when Azazel can order me around ended! I fear no Maou, nor those despicable angels! I will triumph! No God, no dragon, neither devils can take away my prize!"

"I see, you are determined." the being's tone turned more serious, lowering his head. "Then let me warn you, oh, mighty Fallen. Be careful what you wish for. War will come, eventually. Upon their return, it will be decided who's worthy and who not to remain. It would be most unwise if we turn enemies."

"Duly noted…" Kokaibel clicked his tongue, his hate towards this creature ever-growing. "Do what you want then, just don't hinder my plans. Or there will be consequences."

"Very well. To make up for this small inconvenience, for now, I withdraw the experimental samples from that town. There are many promising places to test them anyway."

"You better…"

"Now then, I leave, I wish you the best luck with your endeavor. Hopefully, it will payout in the end. But nonetheless, I warn you, do not anger that "thing." the mysterious being within the robes raised his arm, pointing on the recording. "Her malice swallowed stronger foes than you. You don't want to be her next meal."

"Hmph…" the Fallen just turned back to his screen, and the shady figure left, just like that, leaving the man alone with his thoughts.

"Everything will come together… eventually."

Scene Change: ORC clubroom:

"You must think you are some big shot after everything you've done. But today will be your last…" Issei's expression hardened immediately, preparing his ultimate attack. An unmistakable grin is sneaking on his face. "ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! Continuous low kicks! It is an infinite combo I discovered! Once your guard is broken, the infinity hit hell begins…! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!"

"Hmph! Good grief…" Gillian started to smirk, expecting such dirty tactics. "You have no idea what an infinite combo is. Guess I'll have to show you…"


"Witness, hell!" grabbing the controller more firm; the player started her combo.

One hit! Two! Hit! Three hits… 999 hit! The score increased, stacking without end! Even Koneko — who was an avid gamer — can only blink seeing it.

"Wow, Senpai really is scary…"

"Dammit! I can't block! DAMIIIIT!" Issei screamed, his health bar hit zero long ago, yet, the combo never stopped, giving the program not enough time to play the death animation and end the match.

"Train a little more before you challenge the grandmaster of dark arts… Hahahahaha!" befitting to a villain, Gillian just laughed.

"Please, don't mock me. This is cheating, there is no other way to describe this…" the boy looked away, already sulking.

"I am no cheat, young one. This is just pure skill, mixed with well… dark arts." she lowered the controller and her head satisfied.

"What dark arts. I thought you weren't a devil!" Kiba asked, teasing.

"Well, I am not…" she sighed, finally releasing the trigger, ending her combo. Issei's character right away fell dead. "Maximum a warlock?"

On the corner of the screen, the counter long ago reached the maximum programmed number.

"Warlock, really?"

"Nah… less likely, but inspecting the code of the game, you will get to know what's allowed and what's not. What exception exists, and you see..." her smile turned devilish. "Like usual, in programs, rules can be bent, some can be broken."


"Not bugs, Issei-kun…" she laughed. "Features! Big difference!"

"There is actually no difference…" Koneko whispered, and Kiba can only sigh, laughing nervously.

"That's Gillian-chan for you."

"But there is! One is wanted, the other is unwanted!" and there is the "big" difference between the two!

"Asia-chan! Comfort me!" right away, Issei was near Asia, using her lap pillow as a comfort.

"There, there, Issei-kun. Next time you will win…" Asia just patted his head, somehow pitying poor Issei.

Her hair golden, eyes piercing green. Her soul is dazzling and innocent. That was Gillian's first impression of the girl.

"So, Asia-chan. How are you coming along since that night?"

"I-I am fine, really. Rias-senpai and the others are really nice to me. Also, my classmates are also very friendly."

"Is that so…?" she glanced at Issei, who still sobbed, grieving his humiliating defeat.

"Ye-Yes…They are really nice. Rias-senpai even allowed me to live in the clubhouse until I get my footing."

"I see, that's really nice of her."

"Yeah, we can't just let Asia-chan go without anywhere to live," answered Kiba, as usual, all smiles. "After all, it was due to a devil she was banished from the church."

"I-I just tried to help… but it seems, the priests didn't like It." she lowered her head, still sad about her banishment, and the reason behind it. "I just wanted to help."

"Don't worry, Asia-chan, we are here for you now." Issei comforted her, deeply touched by the sad story of the girl.

"Geez! Do those guys have no heart? Just because you healed a devil?"

"Ye-Yes…" she shuttered. "Still, I still believe in God. I believe he had a reason he did this. The reason he put me there." the girl started to pray. It was evident she was not yet turned to a devil; she didn't receive the usual damage devils do.


Kiba almost snorted. Though he tried to suffocate his disgust, it was clearly visible in his aura how much he despised the church.

"Well, whether he had a reason or not. It was not a nice thing…"

"D-Do, you believe in God, Gillian-chan?" timidly the girl asked. Even amongst devils, she tried to guard her faith.

"Well, there are devils, no?"

Everyone nodded.

"There are angels in this world, no?"

Once more, the people nodded.

"Hmm, doesn't that mean, someone created them? You can even call that being "God." Isn't that the obvious conclusion?"

"Yes, indeed that is…" came the voice from the direction of the door, Rias and Akeno entering. "Devils fought against the Biblical God and his servant since time immemorial. Yet, due to the casualties caused by the Great War, recently, all three sides strive for peaceful solutions. Even going that far to consider a peace treaty."

"Uhu, you already told me that, Ojou-sama… your friend also told me that."

"Ara ara! So biting today!" Akeno chuckled, charming as ever.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Rias raised her brow, her arms crossed. "Want to join? I thought you were not interested." her expression turned to tease, amused seeing the player in their clubroom.

"Of course not." Gillian leaned back in her seat, starting a new match against the AI. "This is just a good place to avoid recruiters."

The flat TV lowered from the celling was quite big, ultra HD and full screen! Who said one couldn't buy happiness?

"So, you use us as a cover?" Rias made the right conclusion. Who said she was stupid?

"Something like that…" laughed the girl. The reaction of the red devil really is too predictable. Her small frown was just adorable.

"Why not Sona then? She owes you, no?"

"Well, the fact is… she has too many rules in that School Council whatever — You can't do this! You can't do that! Hell, she doesn't even allow video games in that room. Saying something like: "Those things will rot out your brain, I will not authorize such destructive activity in this place!" Poor Saji-kun, she even spanked him while I was there. I had enough! It was just noisy! I left that place after just an hour."

"Sp-Spanked!?" Issei jumped up immediately. At first, fear settling on his face, then, imagining a beautiful girl spanking him, his lewd side returned.

"Senpai is lewd again…" muttered Koneko, not surprised in the slightest.

"Oh! Ara ara! Issei also wants to get spanked?"


"Well, if you work hard and manage to get a contract, I may consider spanking you, Ise…" winked Rias seductive.

"Sona-san did so with that weird demonic circle on her hand."


"Really…" Gillian nodded to Kiba's question, whispering.

"I-I see…"

Devil power-infused spanking was quite painful. Issei doesn't know what he is signed up for.

"Senpai will regret this…" Koneko deadpanned, already imagining Issei's screams as Rias spanking him.

"Hmm, why not play at home then?" Rias asked, returning her attention to the player.

"Rorschach always let me win despite asking him to take me seriously. Mittelt-chan is just too bad in these games. She is not challenging at all. Also, if she loses, she throws a tantrum, screaming and breaking the controller. Online opponents as well not as challenging. Though you devils will prove some challenge, after all, you are "inhuman," but until now, no luck." she turned to Rias and Akeno. "Wanna give it a try? If you defeat me, I will owe you a favor, maybe even consider joining your little girl club."

"Hmph! Defeat my members first, then we can speak about a match. After all, the way to the boss leads through the servants."

"Buchou…" Koneko tugged Rias. "Gillian-senpai is glitching…" Koneko whispered to Rias subtly. Earning a hum.

"Hmm. I see…"

"That's not glitching; I just use the features present in the program to gain advantage and make the game more challenging to others. As well… I am supposed to be just a "simple human," you're a devil, your reaction, speed, and strength are supposed to be better. No? You should use that to your advantage. But fine then! To give you a handicap, I will not use features against you!"

"Hmph… simple human, you say? According to Kiba, you were pretty inhuman that night."

"What can I say…" she pulled her eyelid down, sticking her tongue. "I have the Sharingan!"

"Very funny…" Rias offered a mock smile, knowing well that anime — Well, much more anime and Japan-related stuff if it comes to that. "Well, you lack the tomoes… maybe not awakened yet?"

"Or not activated." Gillian grinned. "So, care to have a tournament?"


"I don't see why not? We have a little time before our club activities start. But don't forget, if we defeat you, you owe me."

"How very generous. Then, let's start!" and with that, the tournament started.

"Buchou, you can do it!"

"Come on!"

"Hehe… you will lose!"

"No! I won't allow it!"

The small tournament went on for an hour, and with the exception of one or two matches, Gillian won it all.

To know the tactic of the enemy, one can lose once or twice, making observations on the enemy and their tactic. Measuring their strength and weaknesses, retreat, making tactical preparations, then coming back to defeat them later.

"As the saying goes, one can win the war by losing all the battles. And lose it by winning all the battles."

This was especially true in YGGDRASIL. Information was a precious resource; keeping your weakness and especially strengths from the enemy were important. Getting to know and exploiting theirs was the way to win.

"Yet, simply hiding your strength and weakness was not enough! You needed to evolve! Change your style, abilities, and skills to always remain in control! Sooner or later, no matter how cautious you were, the enemy will find the pattern in your moves! Figure you out! When that happens, you lose!"

Retreating, losing a few battles to get to know the enemy was not a shameful thing; it was a precious tactic many guilds and players used in the past to defeat the much stronger enemy.

Just like Gillian, many players used this to win big by investing as little time and resources as possible.

"I remember, the groups I joined usually used this tactic. Once, we got the assignment to harass a famous guild. It was for weakening them, forcing them to abandon many important resource nodes and divide their attention from the main threat."

That operation was one of her greatest successes under her history as a mercenary player!

The number of enemies was greater. Possessing wealth and items many just dreamed of!

Counting many members, amongst them many skilled and even famous players!

Their firepower and variety are a lot higher than the summed strength of the guild alliance that hired them!

Hell, they even owned a few world items!

Their teamwork is peerless, honed during countless battles together.

Their guild base was said to be close to impenetrable, almost comparable to the famous Great Tomb of Nazarick!

Their advantage over Gillian's group was without question. There was no way anyone could have defeated them in a straight battle — at least, not without crippling losses.

"Even with me in the group, we would have surely lost in the end…"

Yet, they won the war by losing all the battles! Constantly retreating, doing mock battles with the enemy guild. The information they passed down their contractors, and the damage they caused greatly helped in the final defeat of the opposing guild.

The mercenary group she was part of at that time was just a scapegoat for the guild alliance to gather information, divide and force the Mammoth guild to make unfavorable decisions! Decisions that lead to their fall after the months-long operation!

"In the end, that huge guild collapsed. Their members are so frustrated they can't work together effectively anymore and are leaving one by one! Most raiding and robbing their own guild vault as they left. Hell! Some even sold us insider information. All of this left the guild financially crippled, unable to function properly anymore."

From that point, it was not really a war, just pest control.

"Even a giant falls, if stung by enough bees…" many bees will fall under the process, but they were a minor sacrifice for the greater cause, their poison turning the giant's robust immune system against itself through an allergic reaction.

"I can't lose…" Rias bit her lip, trying her hardest to hold out, yet, her health bar was close to the zero.

"You are going down, Ojou-sama!"


[Player 1 WIN! Player 2 Lost! GAME OVER!]

The text appeared on the screen.

"Haah! That's it…" Gillian leaned back in her seat; Rias lowered her head, her expression darkened.

"I lost…"

"You will win next time."

"Don't worry, Buchou, this is just a game…" her Peerage tried to comfort her.

"Well, this happens if you challenge the Maou from a different world." Gillian grinned before her expression turned straight once again. "Still, this match was not fair… I want a rematch, later when you are in top shape."

"Wha-What do you mean?" Issei shuttered, not understanding the slightest what Gillian referred to.

"My opponent was distracted." she glanced at the red-haired girl. "Aren't I right? Red…"

"Stop calling me that! And yes! Actually, something really happened."

Around, everyone just blinked.

"I-Is it connected with the thing that happened that night?" Issei asked timidly, remembering Rias suddenly appearing in his room one day after saving Asia, requesting her first time with him. Everything went wonderfully, until that maid appeared through a teleportation circle, introducing herself as Grayfia, the servant of house Gremory.

"Yes… it is about my engagement…"

"Ahh… I see." Gillian hummed. "Then, it is a family topic. In that case, I wouldn't want to intrude. I will just excuse myself then…"


Rias nodded, and Gillian stood up, prepared to leave. "Say when the case is solved, then we will have that rematch." putting her hands in her pocket, she was prepared to leave.

"And hey! Good luck with your wedding! Congratulations, I suppose..." she made her hands a gun, pointing at Rias while winking.

"Thank you… I guess." Rias visibly frowned, her expression darkened, nonetheless thankful for the compliment. She was noble; after all, no way she wanted to look ungrateful.

As for why Gillian didn't comfort her?

First, she didn't want to involve herself with devil family matters, nor want to get involved in the messy thing that was politics and nobility.

Secondly, it was not her problem! Why would she make her life more complicated by intruding Rias's life this much? They barely know each other! She owed her nothing!

It was bad enough Azazel always invaded her shop, asking favors, then most of the time, leave without paying!

Coming to her shop to drink a good coffee and eat something is fine. Even chatting is fine. But to involve her in their political intrigues? Thanks, but no!

"Seriously, if I did not find that guy useful, or even entertaining, I would have simply beaten him the crap out of him and sent him back to wherever the hell he came from."

She didn't want other Supernatural Entities to come to her café and harass her with their ambition and the like! Azazel was the necessary bad contact she did business with to get to know more about this world and get what she want, nothing more!

"It is a trade both sides benefit from…"

Finding a common topic with the man they can chat on was only a bonus.

"I must admit, he had a good taste."

"Well, see you tomorrow. Asia-chan, take care. Don't let Kiryuu bully you. She always speaks nonsense."

"Ahh! It is not that bad..." the girl smiled bitterly, remembering that strange girl with glasses.



Yet, as always, luck was not with our player! At that moment, when Gillian was on to leave, the teleportation circle in the middle of the room activated!

The symbol immediately changed, replacing the Gremory symbol with what looked like a fiery bird. Shortly after that, fires burst forth, almost burning off Gillian's brows.


"Asia! Get behind me!" The fires burst forth from the magic circle were scorching, even felt by the members behind Gillian. Asia was lucky Issei was nearby, shielding her with his body.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I am fine… it was just hot." muttered the former nun, feeling her impeccable skin slightly sunburnt.

"Seriously! If I were a simple human, I would have suffered three-degree burns!" Gillian pondered to herself, mourning the fact no one actually asked if she was okay, at all!

Then, as she came back from her wondering, a strange sight came to her view.

"Huh? Did I activate something? There is a dude, and a maid?" in the end, Gillian can only blink, seeing the two persons standing before her.

One was a maid, extremely beautiful at is, with back long silver hair that had two braids — In all honesty, she wouldn't mind hiring her to work in her shop.


As for the other… he was akin to a playboy with blonde hair; even his shirt was half-open.

"Hmm, I think I activated some switch walking past this line." Gillian looked around like she was searching for something, playing clueless.

"No, you didn't activate anything. They are just…"

"I am the maid who serves house Gremory. My name is Grayfia. Pleased to make your acquaintance." the maid right away introduced. Proper and prim, just as expected from a head servant!

"Oh… yo! Gillian… Gillian O'Dyēus. Well, a simple student and a café owner. Nice to meet you, too." she welcomed her slightly clumsy. The maid's unmoving expression really reminded her of the strict female teacher figures from particular anime and manga.

"Even from Hentai. Damn! "You remain in detention after the lesson is over! I will discipline you! Nyah!" her expression became weird suddenly, akin she tried to suffocate her perverted smile, this, of course, earned a raised brow from Grayfia.

"I see… you are the person Oujo-sama mentioned in her letters. Hmm, I see. Indeed an interesting human."

"Thanks, I guess…" Gillian gave a glance to Rias from the corner of her eyes.

Damn, this girl! She didn't manage to recruit her, and right away betrays her? It was not nice to say, at least!

"Say, are you for hire? I am looking at maids for my shop."

"Unfortunately, I am the servant of house Gremory; I am not for hire."

"What a pity…" Gillian said, disappointed. Indeed, hiring this maid would surely bring a great many customers to her shop. She was not only beautiful, but her tone, mannerism, and posture were just perfectly befitting to a head maid.

"Well, Mittelt also has her charms as a foul-mouthed assistant maid." She still breaks many plates and speaks back to people. Hell, she has even threatened customers with death if they do something she didn't like — or pinched her bottom.

Strangely, a few people enjoy such treatment as getting beaten by a cute loli, requesting her directly to serve them.

"I should start such service…" still, she could treat the situation better. That's why Gillian or Rorschach are always around, to show the way out for such people who try something like that.

"Hmph. Coming to the human world after so long, and what's the first thing to see? A human? An exotic one at least…" the playboy standing near the maid measured Gillian, walking around her while caressing his jaw. "Hmm, not bad. Her clothes are a little burnt, but we can dismiss that. I am still missing an important piece. Maybe you will do nicely." smiled the playboy. "Say, what if…"

"Riser, why are you here?" albeit, his offer was interrupted by Rias, The girl glared at him with hate mixed with disgust.

"What a silly question?" the man shrugged. An amused smile forming on his face."Of course, to see you, my lovely Rias. I come to see you!" he walked to the Princess of Ruin, kissed her hand elegantly. The girl immediately pulled her arm away, her disgust ever-growing.

"Yet, you start to flirt right away. Not very faithful, I see…"

"She is your servant, no? In love and marriage, the sides share their assets. And as such, hers. If you want, I can as well lend a few of my lovely servants to you."

"She is not my servant. Not yet, at least…" Rias bit her lip, turning her head away.

"Family matter?" whispered Gillian, asking Grayfia, seeing the small discussion between the two accelerate.

"Yes, he is Ojou-sama's suitor, her finance."

"I see…" she hummed. "In that case, I will sneak away. I don't want to disturb the two lovebirds."

"Good…" the maid nodded. "Please, do so..."

"Oh! I see! Free prey then!" Riser's smile turned dangerous, glancing Gillian — who tried to sneak away in the meantime.

"You there! Stop, we are not finished yet!"

"My luck…" muttered Gillian. When she thought her day would end nicely. Instead, what's she get in her neck? A womanizer.

"I should have teleported away… yes, that's what I should have done."

"In that case, we'll take her too. It has been some time since I got a new bed warmer. Come then, Rias, we have much to do."

"Let me go, Riser!" yelled Rias, the guy trying to pull her away.

"Now, now, my dear. I came all the way here for you. We need to go and inspect the ceremony hall. The date of our wedding has already been decided, so we need to check it then."

"I said, let me go!" Rias basically tore her hand away from the guy. Gillian never saw her that angry, nor her tone that serious.

"I can't even have my opinion in this case?" Gillian whispered, asking Grayfia, and the maid lowered her head for a moment.

"Hey! You piss me off! You are rude to Buchou and Gillian! Actually, what's your attitude towards the girls?" Issei stood up, very much pissed. This guy…!? can't devils detect power levels? It was both cute and foolish how clueless and daring this guy was.

"Hmph! And who might you be?"

"I am the servant Devil of Rias Gremory-sama! I am the Pawn, Hyoudou Issei!"

"Hmm. Ah, okay."

Riser's reaction was just dull, not even taking up Issei's threat.

"Who is this guy anyway?" Gillian asked Grayfia once again. Aside from being Rias' suitor, and his name, she knows not who he was.

As for the bed warmer thing… She doesn't even take his offer seriously. Why would she?

Back then, many people said many more offensive things to her former self; she learned not to take such matters seriously.

"Also, taunting enemies was not a new thing in YGGDRASIL. Losing head and charging into your demise was not a wise thing. It is better to ignore such a thing."

This also often enraged the enemy, who seeing their tactic is not working, actually lost their cool, and made a blunder.

"Oh? Rias, you haven't mentioned me to your servants? I mean, are there guys who don't know me?"

This guy… now he really didn't make sense. How should people he never met know about him? Even if famous, he was never mentioned by Rias. Then how should they know who he is? This made no sense.

"His ego really is…"

"Please forgive him…" Grayfia lowered her head; she was the one apologizing even in Riser's stead.

"I didn't tell them because there was no need!" Rias' words filled with venom, she really didn't like this guy.

"Oh! How harsh! Like always! Hahahahaha…. in that case, care to introduce me, Grayfia?"

"This person is Riser Phenex-sama. He is a pure-blood High-class Devil and the third son of House of Phenex."

"Heh, third son…" Gillian wanted to suffocate her smug smile by turning her head away, but it was recognized by the man.

"What did you say…?"

"Ah, nothing. Don't even listen to me," she muttered, waving her hand before her face dismissively.

"Tell me again…" he walked closer, leaning in her face. "What did you say? Human? It sounded like an insult to me. ANSWER ME! WHAT DID YOU MEAN; "Heh, the third son…!? ANSWER ME, DAMMIT! Depending on your answer, I might spare, or fry you." the fires raised around the man, scorching the air around himself. Despite this, the girl didn't seem fazed at all, more so, offering an entirely bored expression.

"Well, if you really want to know, I'll tell you. But please don't get offended."

"Just answer… human."

"Hah! How rich an insult. You are really bad at this. Practice some more, please. You are awful…"

"Gillian, please…"

"I will solve this, Kiba, don't worry." she turned back her gaze to the man. "Back to the point. Rias is supposed to be the only heir of house Gremory, right? And her parents gave her away for a third son?" Gillian glanced at Grayfia, who nodded.

"That's right…"

"Hmm, I don't like where this is going. Are you trying to offend me? Stop this instant, or I will burn you to ash. Apologize now, and I might forgive your insolence. You can get away with a mild punishment!" Riser formed a gun with his finger, pointing at Gillian. The end of his index lighting up in flames.

"Hmm, no, I don't think so. I am only stating what's logical from a historical standpoint. I mean no offense." Gillian tilted her head, not intimidated by the slightest by the man and his searing flames.

"Hmm, what do you refer to? Explain! I am starting to lose my patience!" Riser's eyes squinted, even more, his anger as well his flames rising.

"Let me explain…" she cleared her throat. Rias already facepalmed, fearing, this can't end well.

"You are the third son of your family, no?"

"Yes, so what?"

"I don't know how it goes for the devil nobility. But in human history, third-born sons were unnecessary things, usually parceled away with little allowance, title, and interest. Or, for other options serving as stewards, retainers, administrators, and seneschals of their family. More often, joining a knight as a simple squire to reach knighthood in time. Yet, this is strange. Rias bragged so much how her family is very important for the devil society. That's true?" she glanced at the maid once again, and Grayfia nodded confirming.

"Definitely, house Gremory is one of the 72 pillars of devil society, owning the rank of Duke. Possessing powerful demonic powers, vast influence, and territories."

"Ohhh!" Issei and Asia gasped, Rias grew even more in their eyes.

"Is that true, Buchou?"

"Yes, that's true…" and Rias confirmed by nodding.

"Yet, to give away a princess… the only heir of the house for a third-born? I don't know… this makes no sense to me. So, how does this go in your society, Red? I am confused now…"

Before Rias can answer, Grayfia took the lead.

"In all actuality, Oujo-sama has a brother, but he left his family name behind in exchange for the Satan title."

"I see… so she is the only heir that will carry the name forth. What a pity…"

"You… you…!" Riser basically boiled in rage, flames emerging from his body, it was on a point where the man could burst forth a firestorm.

"Eiii! Ho-Hot!" it was too much to Asia; her pale skin can't stand this heat!

"Get behind me, Asia!" Issei sheltered the girl with his body.

"Gillian!" even the devils felt uncomfortable from the heat.

"How dare a miserable human! A little chit like you speaks to me like this!? BERATING A NOBLE!? THE SON OF HOUSE PHENEX! THE RULER OF WINDS AND FIRE! I WILL TURN YOU TO…!"

'Psst!' "Ahhh! My face!" Riser grabbed his face; his fires died down in an instant.

"Chill down, dude. You will blow up continuing like this…"

"Wha-What was that!?" the devils watched flabbergasted as the until now high-class devil backed in pain, his fires dying down in an instant, grabbing his face.

Gillian is holding a sprinkler filled with water in her hand.

"Miserable gna… ahhh!"

"You speak waaaaaaay too much. If you want to act, then do so. Barking dogs rarely get the steak."

"You little!" 'Psst!' "Ahhh! Again?!"

"Shu! Shu! No hitting. I mean no offense. If you take it that way, that's only the fault of your overly frail ego and PC nature. I take no responsibility for your weakness." she stated flatly, not even interested, hitting where it most hurt to the man.

"I will...!" Riser raised his arm, wanting to slap the girl, many blisters and burns present on his face from the strange "acidic" substance Gillian's bottle contained.

'Psst!' once again, the water sprinkled on Riser's face.


"Su! Su! Bad bird!" again, and again, Gillian sprinkled Riser with water, and it was like the man's skin started to boil as the spray touched him, making him back. "You don't just attack others."

Riser gritted his teeth, trying to suffocate the searing pain that originated from his face and parts the "water" touched—trying to call forth his fading devil powers.

"It is like something blocking my powers… but how!?" the fear of the unknown filled Riser for a moment, then he realized, the only thing capable of that… "Holy water…!?," he muttered in realization.

"You little…! Haah!" desperate to counter, and blinded by rage and shame, he raised his fist, encased in fire striking towards Gillian.

"I see, you want to attack. In that case, I restrict myself for the strength of an athletic human. Your demonic power levels have already been reduced to a level where even an athletic human can counter you with relative ease."

In a way, it was kinda pathetic; a little water can turn a high-class devil into a frail little baby.

"If all devils like this, I will be really disappointed."

The world slowed for Gillian, her mind making the necessary predictions faster than light! Her passive combat divination is kicking right away, acclimatizing for the amount of strength she wants to use.

"Target enraged. Further, distract him while smudging your hands with holy water…" She sprinkles the face of Riser again, his fire extinguished thanks to his lack of concentration, and also closed his eyes thanks to the pain.

Blinded, he didn't realize Gillian was pouring some holy water onto her knuckles. "…block his blind jab, counter it with a cross punch to his left cheek."


Riser stumbled back, his jaw cracking from the strike, losing his balance for a moment, his jaw cracked, blistered from the holy water on Gillian's fist.

"Next, discombobulate and daze him by striking his ears with an open palm. This makes him further lose his balance. In an attempt to counter, he will attempt a wild haymaker. Employ elbow block, and body shot."

Riser immediately grabbed his ribs, spitting blood as the pain ran through his body.

"Trying to recover and gain footing, he will try to shower you with fire attacks. Break sprinkler, extinguish his flames, dislocate his jaw, and with a second strike break his nose. Thirdly, traumatize the solar plexus with a firm strike, break his ribs."

That time, Riser was barely standing, his hands and face full with blisters, barely able to see from all the tears of pain pouring in his eyes. All his body is trembling in weakness, the holy water blocking him from using any of his devil power and fires to his advantage.

"Traumatized, he can't defend against the sudden kick in solar plexus. In summary, ears ringing, broken ribs and nose, dislocated, and a broken jaw. Multiple bones broken, diaphragm hemorrhaging. Average human recovery, six weeks, psychological recovery, at least six months. Regeneration factor seemingly blocked by holy water."

This little mock battle happened under a few seconds; most humans wouldn't even be able to comprehend what happened, crashing Riser on the other side of the room.



"Wow! You are hot!" Gillian shook her hands lazily, making a few pseudo burns appear with a skill. After all, punching a fiery bird unscathed would be too suspicious.

"Eiii!" Asia gaped, jumping back behind Issei.

"Fast…" Koneko muttered wide-eyed, seeing the perfectly utilized counter. In fact, she perfectly countered Riser's every move. It was almost like Gillian divined the exact future. How the man will move and what to use against him! Doing so without seeing him fight even once!

"Sh-She just beat up that guy?"

"I-Impossible! A human beating a high-class devil?" Even Rias can only mutter, seeing Riser blacking out, lying on the other side of the room in a miserable state.

"Ara ara… that was unexpected." The first time all of this started, Akeno only blinked, her face losing her usual composure.

"Gi-Gillian, are you alright?" Kiba asked, worried, going to check her. Recovering, Asia followed, seeing if she is alright.

"Yo-your hands burned! Let me heal them!" Asia started to use her powers, making the pseudo burns "disappear" with her prayer.

"Nahh, it is fine…" she rolled her eyes. "I just need some spare clothes, this birdbrain burned them pretty bad." well, she was basically half-naked. The heat really did the work on her clothes.

"It is good. I always carry spare in my bag. Oh, and Issei, no lewding here, only in your room." she pointed at the boy.


She sighed in the end, lowering her head.

"Wow! Devils of this world really are allergic to holy water." Gillian concluded the obvious, in her head, but also made an observation.

"Look at that! Is he already healing? His name is Phenex… that resembles Phoenix. I see, then, according to my hypothesis, his powers are a regeneration factor, and as I saw, flame generation and control. Still, compared to the beginning of the battle, that healing factor is a lot slower, reduced at least by 90% in intensity using less than a bottle of holy water. This means… his regeneration is either countered by the holy water, or its speed depends on his stamina or demonic power. In that case, a little holy water was enough to burn away all his demonic reserves. Truly, this is… pathetic."

In the game, lore and usually in mythology, regeneration can be negated in several ways. Either overwhelmed by brute force or negated by some other means — mostly with anti-regeneration measurements.

Devils of this world and the ones of YGGDRASIL were weak against holy and radiant damage; here, they also had an awfully strong allergic reaction to holy water.

"Yes, when I was summoned, there were several devils who went against me. Not speaking the strays I encountered until now…" even the touch of radiant and holy attacks made them scream in agony, before turning to dust. "… and those were quite weak tries. Geez! I just tested their resistance with a few skills! Shooting a few probing shots. And weakened that much by simple holy water?" As it comes to light, they had no resistance at all against holy and radiant attacks!

Back in the game, simple holy water was only mildly irritating to the weakest of evil beings. You actually needed the infused or angelic high tier version even to start to irritate high-class evil creatures.

"One may think they equip items that reduce holy and radiant damage or gain them immunity. But Nah! Why try? Why would you even defend against things you are weak against and can turn you into a frail baby or even melt your face off? Why bother…"

As she pondered on this, the magic circle lit up once again, to be exact, fifteen figures appearing.

Two magic casters. A girl is wearing a Chinese dress. Two with beast ears. Two with identical faces —seemingly twins. A loli girl. Two older girls with nice bodies. A Yamato Nadeshiko likes a girl wearing a kimono. There is even a girl who looked like a European princess, and of course, a wild-looking older woman who has carried a sword on her back. The ones are wearing a dancer outfit, and the one who wears a full face mask that hides her face was only the cream on the top.

All in all, fifteen more people appeared in the same room.

"Riser-sama! You got hurt!"

"Ughhh… I-I!" Riser was still half-dazed, edging between unconsciousness and being awake.

"Quickly! The Phoenix tears!" one of them quickly recovered a small vial, pouring its content inside his mouth.

"Wow! Healing potion?" Gillian blinked, seeing the blisters disappear from the man's skin.

"Phoenix tears. Powerful healing elixir made from the Phenex Family's tears" explained Rias, her eyes squinted.

"I am fine!" healed, Riser slowly stood up, still grabbing his face struggling. The burning feeling from the holy water is still lingering. Physically, he was fine, mentally, not so much, his soul needs time to recover from this attack.

"Who dared to attack Riser-sama!"

"Step forth so that we can punish you!"

"I will deal with this…!" Riser stepped forth, pushing the girls aside, his expression hardened.

"Riser-sama! But you…?!"

"That's enough!" the first time since the meeting, Grayfia raised her voice.

"Riser-sama, may I need to remind you of the terms of your stay here? For Sirzechs-sama's honor, I won't hold back. Don't forget; you are not here to start a fight."

Finally, Grayfia intervened. Why, just now? Gillian can only guess.

"If I had to guess, she is monitoring me and my reaction…" of course, that's only if we stated she is paranoid — what Gillian was after playing YGGDRASIL so long.

"She attacked me! With Holy Water! She is…!"

"As I saw it, you were the aggressor, Riser-sama. You are a high-class devil; you should have simply ignored her. Or should I report your behavior to your family and Sirzechs-sama?"

The first time since the meeting, Riser hesitated, even going that far to turn his head away.


The hell he wanted to fight against the monster queen, less likely against that Sirzechs and his peerage of assorted monstrosities! He would rather swallow his pride than face them!

"As for you, young lady…"

"Ah? Me?" Gillian pointed at herself, clueless. She just defended herself, what's their problem now?

"Yes, you. You should not provoke others." Grayfia's face was quite stoic, but her tone was more than enough to give a strict, motherly feeling.

"Uh… sorry?"

"You better." Grayfia nodded approvingly.

"But I only stated the obvious…" she muttered with a pseudo sniff.

"Gillian, please, don't do this again…" Kiba sighed, checking her once again. He was distraught for a moment. Yet, she surprised them again.

"Promising nothing." she stuck her tongue mischievously.

"…" Kiba's eyes started to twitch. This girl…! She will make his hair grow grey. Just now, this made him wonder if his fans will like that or not. "Ju-Just, don't! Please."

"Ok, papa…"


"That's not enough! I demand compensation!" Riser boiled, even shaking his fist in anger.

"Can I leave now?"


"Riser-sama…!" one look from the maid was enough to make the man stop.

"Tch! Fine! Come, Rias, we are leaving! I have enough of this filthy place and the exorcists you keep around."

"But, I am not…"

"…" this earned a chiding look from the maid again.

"I have the right to choose; I don't want to marry you, Riser!" Rias stated, not budging the slightest. The first time since the meeting started, she stood up for herself.

"Our families already agreed on this. It cannot be helped. No matter what you want, it is already decided. Think about your household's situation."

"That's none of your concern! If I am the next heiress for the House of Gremory, then I will choose who will become my husband! My father, brother, and everyone in the clan is rushing it! Also, it was a promise that I will be free until I graduate from the University of the human world!"

"That's right. You will basically be free. You can go to college, and you can do whatever you like with your servants. But your father and Sirzechs-sama are worried. They are afraid your household will become extinct. We lost a great number of pure-blood Devils in the last war. Even if the war has ended, our rivalry with the Fallen Angels and God hasn't ended yet. It is not rare for the successor of pure-blood Devils to get killed in the worthless battle against them, which leads to the household becoming extinct. So for a pure-blood Devil that is also happening to be a High-class Devil, getting together would be the obvious solution for the forces of Devils. A pure-blood High-class Devil. Even you know that these children will be important from now on, right?"

"Wow! This sounds like the script of a very bad Soap Opera…" Gillian muttered flat-faced. She disliked such stuff.

"This is serious! We can lose Buchou!" Kiba scolded his friend, not amused by the slightest of the inappropriate joke.

"Ok! Ok! Sorry!"

In the next moment, Rias and Riser started to argue about something connected being a pure-blooded devil and keeping their bloodline.

Not as Gillian really paid attention, she was not interested in politics.

The only things she managed to glimpse was that only half of the original 72 devil families exist today. If pure-blooded devils do not marry and produce heir, they will go extinct, or overthrown by the growing numbers of reincarnated devils.

"Heh… they are stupid. It is proven, hybridization usually better from an evolutionary standpoint. Mixing the right traits from different bloodlines is usually more beneficial than keeping the existing intact." of course, one needed to make sure the blood containing the right trait was not thinning too much, else, that positive trait they intended to keep might disappear.

Still, inbreeding between close family members was never good; it can cause serious trouble in their genetic makeup.

"Just look at the noble and royal families of old. It was not rare a king married his sister or a close family member to keep the bloodline intact; then the kids became deformed and retarded in the end. With a troubled mind on top of that!"

She read her fair share of historical documents, as well as saw how those royalties and "nobles" looked in the digital archives. Some were like someone pulled them out from a Picasso painting!


As she pondered on this, Riser's servants glared at her, their expression filled with hate. The intent they aimed against her even more so.

"Hello…" she waved friendly to them.

"Insolent, human!"

"How dare she hurt Riser-sama?"

"I will skin her…!" and they just muttered, only their master's presence and Grayfia holding them back to really attack.

Only one of them watching her with something akin… curiously? Intrigued? Yes, her aura indeed implied such emotions.

"That small girl… she really resembles that Riser figure."

"You know, Rias. I am also a Devil who carries the name of House of Phoenix behind me. I can't let that name get tarnished. I didn't even want to come to a small old building like this in the human world. Rather, I don't like the human world that much. The fire and wind of this world are filthy. For a Devil like me, who rules fire and wind, I can't stand it."

The area lit up around him, starting to burn the area around the man.

"I will take you back to the underworld, even if I have to burn all of your servants, and…"

"Do you want to get sprinkled again?" Gillian recovered another sprinkler from her bag lying not far.

"Just how many of those do you keep around!?" Issei honestly had no idea; he was only sure he had chills even looking at that bottle.

"Just enough… I need to protect myself from devils, after all." she stuck her tongue, making the devils shudder in the chill. There is something unnatural in this girl. "Want a bottle, Asia?"

"Ah… I am fine, but thank you." the nun smiled bittersweet, really appreciating the offer. Still, she was entirely sure, Issei and his friends will not hurt her. Despite being devils, they were the good kind.

"Stay out of devil business, human, or my servants, and I will take care of you. This time, I will not hold back!"

"Heh… it didn't look like you were holding back. Sprinkle, sprinkle…" Gillian raised her bottle, making a motion like she pulled the trigger, akin, mocking her opponent.


"Haah! Wha-te-ver…~ I'll leave now; I've had enough of your badly written Soap Opera." Gillian grabbed her bag, bowing one last time to Grayfia.

"Farewell, Grayfia-dono. Have a nice day."

"You as well, Gillian-sama." the maid bowed her head, giving the proper respect.

Heading towards the exit, the player stopped one last time, near Riser, of course.

"… and bird head."


"If you disturb my peace, I will turn you into a yakitori." she pointed at him with her bottle.

"Tch! You little…!"


"Ahh! My face! Again?!"

"Hahahahaha! Like a witch, melting from the water!"

With that, Gillian hurried away, leaving the suffering Riser alone, his servants jumping to help the high-class devil immediately.

Rias can't help but bite her lip, forcing a small gloating smile. "This human is definitely not normal…"

She sensed something akin to an unnatural air around her under the "battle", her guts twisting just thinking about how she disabled Riser so easily.

"A chance? Maybe…"

With that, Gillian disappeared without a trace, heading home.

That day, the player left a deep impression on all who were present. Grayfia definitely has something to report to her dear husband.

From the next chapter:

Closing the door of his red car, the devil looked up at the establishment.

"Hmm, Rias didn't lie, this place indeed has a strange name." he can only chuckle to himself, lowering his head.

"Well, let's see this person for ourselves." spinning the keys of his vehicle on his finger, the handsome devil entered the building, hoping he will earn what he came for.

"Latera eiusdem monete…"

He muttered, opening the door.


Well, that's for now!

Sorry for the long wait!

In the next chapter, the player and the crimson Maou meet!

How will their meeting end? Read, and figure out!

Until then…

Be safe! Safe sail! Good night! Good day! Stay inside!

Away from Corona!


Read and Review!

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Until next time!