(A/N) Hello! By the way, you interpret and decide how on earth Orochimaru managed to fight Hiruzen with a snake tail instead of legs. I have no idea how, so you make it up. This is the end, actually, probably shoulda warned you last chapter, but I didn't realize, so sue me. Or don't. Do you even care if I put up a poll? Or should I just start switching off what I do with the empty spots?

Sasuke swooped under a huge claw, growling under his breath at the huge beast that was apparently the beast Gaara held inside him come to life.

He dove towards Naruto, or one of the clones, didn't matter, and perched next to him. "Naruto, your clones need to distract the biju, and I can get you up there to properly seal it away if you use one of those anti-weight seals Mito gave you."

The clone, he knew it was a clone because it popped, nodded, then popped.

Naruto, the real one, hopped up onto the branch next to him a moment later. "Got it!" He slapped a tag onto his own arm, and Sasuke jumped into the air, flying a loop de loop before grabbing Naruto by the back of his jacket and flying up towards the biju's head.

Orange clones swarmed the biju, distracting him from Sasuke and Naruto. The biju stomped and slashed at the clones, popping them by the dozens.

"Dropping you now!" Sasuke shouted, hovering over the sleeping form of Gaara.

Sasuke dropped him, and Naruto landed on the biju's head, rolling to absorb some of the impact and get closer to Gaara.

"You are so lucky I already had a tag drawn for this!" Naruto yelled to Sasuke, drawing said tag out as he lunged towards Gaara, batting sand tendrils away.

He slapped the seal tag onto Gaara's forehead, the red head's pupils coming back into view as he was shoved back into consciousness as the biju was forcibly pushed back into the seal.

The form of the biju dissolved, popping the rest of the clones as the sand spread out across the forest floor.

Sasuke noted that Temari and Sakura were just fine as he caught both Naruto and Gaara, slowing their fall. He couldn't fly with the extra weight, but he could slow their fall. "Jeez," he grunted. "Could you two be any more balanced? Gaara, you're at least ten pounds lighter than Naruto."

"I'm sure he's fine!" Naruto squawked. "I'm just dense!"

"In more ways than oneā€¦" Sasuke muttered. He set Naruto and Gaara down on the ground, before landing himself.

Naruto's tails flicked, and caught Gaara as he slumped to the ground, unconscious, and without a biju possessing his body.

"So, that fixes that, I suppose," Sasuke said, bringing a wing around to smooth out a few ruffled feathers.

"We should get back to the village!" Naruto decided loudly. "There's still an invasion goin on ya'know!"

"And what do we do with him and the girl?" Sasuke asked skeptically. "We should just wait here for some Jounin to come find us."

"We might as well make it easier for them by heading for the village," Naruto argued back. "And we could go see how Shino and Shikamaru fared!"

"We should probably go check on them," Sakura offered, walking down the trunk of a tree, Temari following behind. "And Naruto's right, might as well make it easier for them to find us."

"We were just fighting a biju, for kami's sake, I'm pretty sure everyone knows where to find us," Sasuke deadpanned.

"All the more reason to move, we don't want to be ambushed by enemy nin while we're out in the open like this," Sakura reasoned calmly.

Sasuke frowned. "Fine. I'll scout." He ran up a tree, flapping his wings hard once he reached the top, and leaping into the air.

From up there, he could see Naruto make a shadow clone, hand the sleeping Gaara off to said shadow clone, then follow Temari and Sakura into the trees, clone close behind. Sasuke soared ahead, searching for any ninja. He noted Shino lying face down on a tree branch, another man, who Sasuke assumed was his father, or someone else from the Aburame clan, knelt over him, hand on his back.

He glided down to right above the tree tops. "Shino's fine, was probably poisoned, but he's fine now, another person from his clan is with him."

"And my brother?" Temari asked worriedly.

"I'll check," Sasuke said reluctantly, catching Sakura and Naruto's insistent looks.

He flapped his wings to gain altitude again, searching for Temari's idiotic brother. The purple face paint wasn't too hard to find.

"Your brother is passed out on a thick tree branch, low chakra, he'll live," Sasuke called down.

Without waiting for a reply, he soared ahead, looking for Shikamaru. He was sleeping, Asuma standing next to him, watching unconscious sound-nin.

He swooped back to his team. "Shikamaru's fine, looks like Asuma found and saved him. I think he's sleeping. Again."

"Typical Shika," he heard Naruto laugh as he flew back up to check on Konoha itself.

A good section of the eastern wall was completely crushed, and it looked like a forest had randomly been grown on the roof of the place the Hokage had been sitting for the final exam section. Based on the lack of fighting, it appeared that the invasion was over, and Konoha was victorious.

Sasuke allowed himself a small smile. Their home was mostly intact and safe, and they were alive. That was good.

(A/N) Ah, good place to end it, no? You pick the ending. Decide who's dead for yourself, and leave it at that. If you lot want, I can post another chapter after this that has my notes on what everyone would be. (Including the Boruto generation) I have a story that has a very similar world set up as the other universe Team 7 ended up in, if you're curious and want that posted in this one's spot. I have a couple of other stories that can be posted as well, so there's that. Happy Valentine's Day!