I do not own Mortal Kombat or Kuroinu I just have a lot of free time here in Afghanistan
So here it is my first update in like almost a year, and holy shit I need to work on this more often, but my computer can't connect to the WiFi on the FOB so it's kind of a pain in the ass. So since my computer can't connect I'm gonna have to write everything on my phone which is kind of a pain in the ass, but hey beggars can't be choosers. So yeah this is a new story rather than an update to the others. I'll get back to them in time, but those are at my home on my desktop or on my laptop which can't connect to the internet. So this'll have to do. Sucks but yeah…..here this is.
Plus I played the fuck out of MK11 and good godly damn that game is so much fun. So this idea was spitballing in my mind, yeah I know another idea why don't you update the other storylines but I want to look over what I already have written, like Silver Black and Gold is almost completely done I just have it on my desktop, Fire and Fury almost done but it's on my laptop. You see where this is going…..
So anyway here goes nothing from a phone…..God help me.
"Dark Character Speech"
'Dark Character Thoughts'
Prologue: Godly Intervention
Everything was gone. Everyone, everything, hell every moment, from any and all conceivable timelines that has and will ever exist..
Well everything was gone except for two people, albeit two immortal god like beings that were there to see it all end.
The first was female with fair and flawless skin with warm, kind, but firm brown eyes and silky, perfect, black hair tied up in a royal bun with a single razor sharp royal hair pin, along with a small blue colored hair wrap to help keep all of it in place. Her attire was of a royal blue color with an elegant and graceful yet battle hardened combat attire that wrapped around her torso and seemed to flourish down her legs perfectly, which then broke apart at the shoulders and became small spiked metal pauldrons. The blue did not end there though as it continues up to her neck where it circled around to form an almost silken collar around her neck. Past her shoulders her arms had again silk royal blue sleeves and ran all the way to her fingers where they became black in color at the wrist, and also took on a more rough texture fitting for a fighter. Her legs did much the same as her arms with the legs becoming black below the knee and becoming a much harder and withered material, to adorn her feet were a pair of razor edged heels that worked more as weapons that appearance.
And speaking or weapons the woman had a rather unique but still extremely deadly set of her own in form of twin razor edged fans. They each had nine razor sharp blades placed along the fan, and all of them were more than capable to splitting a man in half of the need ever should arise. But for now she had them placed on the small of her back Out of site out of mind in her current choice of company.
Speaking of her company the woman stood next to a man who could only be described as godly in his appearance and demeanor.
He stood a head taller than her with muscles that had grown in size and tone from both years upon years of training, and literal battles of life, death, and fate.
His skin tone was like bronze, long ashen almost grey colored hair that was kept in a small pony tail, with long portions of them flowing down the sides of his head ending at his jawline, with the rest of it held against his head with a blue head band not unlike his female companion.
His attire was very different though when compared to the first as unlike her clothes his were more ceremonial in nature with pants, being long dark black and blue martial arts pants with beautiful golden dragon like ornaments on his belt line. To finish it off from said ornaments were long blue colored strings that held a pair of black dragon carved nunchucks on his hip and simple monk footwear albeit it with golden edges.
But his most prominent features were his eyes with were constantly glowing an ethereal light blue with the occasional spark being seen from them. Most unique were his plethora of dragon tattoos on his arms, chest, back, and waist all of which were huge intricate and like his eyes glowing a white ethereal whitish blue.
These were the only survivors of an entire universe being reset, a whole reality just sent back to square one.
The former Princess of Edenia, last Kahn of Outworld, and still immortal beauty Kitana.
And the man who defeated the mother of Elder gods and keeper of all time itself, and new Fire and Lightning god Lui Kang.
So what does one do when they have the power of an entire world at their finger tips? When one has literally all the time in the universe, to do whatever they want with it? They hadn't the slightest clue themselves.
They both stared at the hourglass the magical primordial construct that gave birth to time itself. It was a grand and awe inspiring site as it was almost as tall as a house with clear and beautiful architecture that showed no signs of decay despite being here since before time itself was really a thing at all.
With it time had been reset, rewound, frozen, and manipulated for eons. And now all that power fell onto them.
"It's all a bit much don't you think?" Lui Kang says jokingly says to his royal partner.
Kitana laughs at him, "The power to create an entire universe. I think you're over selling it." She fires back jokingly.
They had been here for what seemed like forever by this point, but in reality if had only been a few years ever since Kronika was defeated here and Raiden traded places with Kitana to give the new god a more permanent companion.
But even now the two of them were struggling deciding on what to do with the Hourglass. As so far they've been reviewing history, mostly history that pertains to their own realms and those that were more closely involved in the Mortal Kombat tournament. But eventually they branched out and looked at other realms that had either fallen to Outworld during conquest, or those that were long gone by the time Shao Khan began his reign.
"You've seen some of the more unique realms yes?" Kitana asks him remembering all of the realms they've seen in their relatively short time with Hourglass.
The god nods to her, "Indeed I have, I never thought that so many world would be out there aside from those who fought in the tournament. Seems strange that so many disappeared or were destroyed, do you think they were destroyed by Outworld and the Netherrealm or that perhaps Order and Chaos took their fair share?" He asked with general curiousness wondering as to just how many worlds perished even before the Dragon King.
The former princess shakes her head, "Does it really matter?"
The monk turned god shakes his head, "No I suppose it doesn't. But maybe we can help them avoid their fate. This one in particular interests me."
He turns the sands of time a few eons and shows a new smaller realm bordering the Netherworld and Chaos realms, "This realm held much potential. Fertile lands, an abundance of both human and other races, and magic that doesn't threaten their world entirely. It's a safe and stable realm, so that begs the question as to why or how this realm was destroyed?" He finishes with a questioning tone looking through its history.
Kitana observers with him and watches in curiosity as they saw kingdoms rise and fall over a few thousand years, they saw a Great War between demons and gods, and then they saw how the land became more divided splitting into two major factions.
One being to the south comprised of seven kingdoms led by a lone goddess in the form of an elf.
And the other to the north led by a great dark elf sorceress queen.
And for sometime they saw the kingdoms have mutual respect for one another, trade and good tidings for what seemed like about a millennium.
So they jumped ahead and were shocked to see the two now at total war with one another.
"What? How could things change so fast? It's only been maybe half a century in time?" Kitana asked shocked by how the realm had changed in such little time.
The two then went deeper into the past spending almost a whole five years simply studying this realm and it's now discovered thousand year war.
They saw many things similar to how Outworld had been before Kitana had been given the title of Khan. Humans vs elves, high elves vs dark elves, and all the while beast folks, halflings, and monsters of all kinds fighting. Races fighting for protection and scraps in the north before spreading to the south, the south pushing back humans taking others as slaves, which led to dark elves and monsters retaliation.
So on and so forth, this world became almost very reminiscent of a portion of their own history specifically Outworld, albeit a tamer version of Outworld. Just replace elves with Tarkatan, humans with the Osh-Tekk, and the monsters with Shao Khan and you pretty much have a world that could pass as a more fertile and colorful Outworld.
There was however a major difference in a majority of the futures that they came to see. After a war that lasts a thousand years comes a rebellion, a rebellion that puts the nail in the coffin for everyone in the world. In those futures it is the very man who defeats the Queen of the North who then almost immediately turns his back on his allies and take control of the monstrous hoard.
What he does next is something that neither immoral being thought, the man then declares himself emperor of the….Sex Empire
It became very apparent that clearly the man is insane.
But considering they watched a Hollywood action star defeat a fallen god, this really wasn't the craziest thing they've ever seen.
It was however definitely in the top five for the cruelest and most disgusting acts the two had seen. And that was considering people like Shao Khan, Shinnok, and those damn sorcers.
To do what he planned to do to that kingdom to all the people that lived there, was beyond forgiveness. Especially when it was started with betrayal, something that held no place in either of their minds.
And even though Kitana wasn't Khan for long, she sympathized with everyone that lived under her "father" or those that had to constantly fight just to survive in that world. So she already had a soft spot for these people who lived with the threat of both war and monsters looming overhead. However the rebellion that was sure to follow tipped the scale for her.
"Perhaps we can help them?" She suggested with a hopeful tone to her voice.
Lui Kang looked to her, "We can help, yes, but I have to ask how? Changing their history? We've seen their pasts and futures they are focused around this war and the rebellion that follows it. To have it change so drastically, we would have to place new figures into their history. Figures that will not be swallowed by the war and also able to resist the coming tide of monsters and mayhem that follows afterwards. Not to mention what happens after these wars end?"
Kitana knew what he meant placing figures from their realms into this one. It was better than removing figures from this worlds timeline, as even if they removed one or two figures there will always be more ready to step up to the position of power.
"Who would you send then, these people fighting for the goddess are relying on the very same people who will butcher them later? They must have those who can fight, those who can lead, and most importantly those who do not fight for their own gain." The new god say listing the qualities that the fighter will need.
Kitana thought for a moment and her companion was right. Choosing who to send would be tricky. Choose someone too brutal or power hungry and they would do more harm then good. Choose someone not willing to actually get involved and it's a wasted effort.
Kitana then shoots out a name, "What about your friend Kung Lao? Surly he should will be a force to be reckoned with, and you already trust him to do what is right?"
But the new god shakes his head, "As much as I trust Kung Lao, he is not the one for this task. He is a formidable fighter and one I would gladly have next to me in the heat of battle, but he himself admits that he is no leader. These people will need leaders to help them in this war as well as fighters."
Kitana thought for a while, "Then what of the grandmasters? Hanzo and Kuai Liang surly they would be perfect."
Lui Kang nodded and for moment thought she had hit the nail on the head and again shakes his head, "No not this time, those two have done so much for Earthrealm. It would be wrong to rob them of their peace now. Master Hasashi is finally at rest with his clan, both old and new. And Master Liang is also where he needs to be, teaching others in the afterlife, and reunited with a brother made whole."
He then widens his eyes at a thought, "However, while master Hasashi is unable to perhaps Scorpion may be able to help."
Kitana looks at him puzzled, "You mean when he was a specter? What good could that form do? He was only just fire and rage, he would sooner burn them to the ground then help."
Lui Kang though shook his head once again, "He was like that yes, but in our final battle he changed. Meeting his future self put him at ease. He knew the truth of his family's murder, but he also learned of his clan's rebirth. Master Hasashi was able to turn his past self's hardened heart into one that was willing to make peace with Sub-Zero and work with Raiden and us to save the timeline. And even in death the man was the leader of a clan and was more than willing to charge head first into an army of demons."
Kitana looked troubled by this but the more she though of it the more it could make sense, magic while not as common in this world as theirs was almost as potent. She had seen the battlefields that had been home to mage fights, and Scorpion's hellfire would be more than enough to turn the tides in most situations .
But she knew that one would not be enough, "So then Scorpion is one. Perhaps we should send more, this is war after all. And yes while it can be changed by one man, it is still difficult to win with just one."
The god nodded to her, "You are right. Who to send with him? Scorpion was allied with us in the end, but his sense of honor and rage may clash with others."
Kitana then thought of one exactly like that, but perhaps more feral, "What of Baraka. He too was our ally in the end, we made peace with him and the Tarkata clan, he values honor just as much as Scorpion does and led with a fighting spirit these people would be lucky to have."
Lui Kang nodded in agreement, "Yes Baraka is indeed a formidable warrior and a leader, but only to his people. What purpose would he have to lead those who are not his own?"
Kitana knee he was right but an idea popped into her head, "Then what if he were to lead his people again?"
She looks to the hour glass and she spins the sands to show just how devoted Baraka truly was to his clan and people. It showed just how devoted he was, serving under Shao Khan so that his people may have honor in combat. Trusting in Kitana when she was Khan, that she will make Kotal keep his promises, he was a man who fought for the betterment of his people rather than his own gain.
Even if Baraka was on the more…..aggressive side and was prone to more…violent tendencies.
He was good at heart when it came to his people. Just very rough around the edges.
Lui Kang sighed knowing that Kitana was right about him, while Baraka was an absolute monster on the battlefield Tarkata was and forever will be his priority.
"Very well then Baraka will accompany his own people to this world. But they will need to know that their roles as deterrents rather than conquerors." He says still skeptical of the Tarkata clan.
Kitana nods to him in agreement, "I know your concerns but I believe that Scorpion alone will be able to keep the clan in check. Or do you perhaps wish to place a third, as maybe a final barrier between the two?"
The fire god nodded at that, "Yes, while it is true they fought together at the final battle of our time they may not be the best of allies in this realm. But this adds the question of who to send that will act as a barrier between the two of them without taking sides."
Kitana goes to think, "What of another fighter from earthrealm? Scorpion is still a wraith and Baraka is still Outworld perhaps then a regular human should be best to send?"
They then begin looking through the timelines of Earth to see who they could send to fight along side the other two without this one taking sides when they all meet in the war or during the rebellion.
And for the most part every fighter from earth held clear sides as to who they'd rather fight with Raiden, Kung Lao, and past Lui Kang would most likely never fight with either, or they would side with Scorpion most likely if they knew of future events. Almost everyone from the Special Forces would most definitely fight along side Scorpion as in their eyes the wraith fought along side them during Shinnok's return as a human, while Baraka fought against Kotal in Outworld. Then on the other end members of the Black and Red Dragon fought with Outworld and would gladly fight with only Baraka and then take over.
Well all except one member, Kabal. Kabal fought with Earthrealm against both Scorpion and Baraka in Shao Khan's attack, but was unfortunately killed and then turned into a revenant. The man sought redemption for his time in Dragon clans and even became a cop before and during the Outworld invasion. And while he wasn't friends with the either of them his past as both a criminal, a police officer, and finally a revenant gave him a unique background that could perhaps let him cooperate with the other two.
"So are we in agreement?" Kitana asks picking points in time to pull the three from.
Scorpion and Baraka from moments after their battle against Kronika's final stand, and Kabal in his final moments as a living man.
"We are but perhaps one more thing could be added to them." He looked to Kabal and exchanged his old mask and equipment given to him by Kano to the more advanced model that he was given later in time. Baraka was given his people as promised. And Scorpion was given the full extent of his hellfire.
And of course all three of them were armed with knowledge, of their own realms and the outcome of the final battle, as a way of letting them know their efforts led to a final victory.
"So then now to find a point in time to drop them into." Lui Kang says looking for the best point in timeline to have them appear as to have them become established in the world and have them effectively fight against the coming storm.
And so with a final agreement between the two they placed the three of them down in separate locations.
Scorpion to the east.
Baraka to the north.
Kabal to the south.
Each of them a role to play, each of them now visitors in a new realm.
And Done!
Well here it is a new story if anything I'll probably work on this one more often then not but I'm not above throwing out a chapter of something else here and there.
Just depends on how the rest of the deployment goes I guess, eh fuck it it'll keep my entertained between work and the gym.
So please Read and Review always love reading those.
Stay Cool