Beep... Beep... Beep...

Elsa didn't want to go to school, realistically she didn't really need to attend. But after a week's absence, everyone seemed to be blowing up her phone about every single thing. The majority were actually from Hans, Adam, and Phillip, all of them talking about how she needed to return to practice right away. She could honestly care less but they seemed adamant about her practicing since the first official game was in a week. So to not anger them any further and save Elsa a potential ass-kicking, she'll return.

Although those three being the majority, Aurora had been messaging and calling her. Elsa was actually supposed to see her last Friday but put it off by saying she was still sick and puking everywhere. Aurora seemed convinced by that and didn't push any further, which Elsa was quite glad about. But today she had to see Aurora, even had to pick her up and take her to school. Which meant she'd be alone with the golden blonde for a short while. Surely Aurora will bring up what Elsa had said last week and try to schedule it to another time. Elsa knew she shouldn't lead Aurora on, especially knowing that their relationship won't go anywhere.

Elsa looked up at her ceiling and sighed out loud, not knowing what she actually felt. She liked Aurora and wanted nothing but the best for her. Although Elsa can say, at least as of now, she doesn't love Aurora. At the time she thought she had, now she knows it was only because Anna made her a guilty mess. Still, despite there being no love, Elsa still felt the need to take care of Aurora for some reason. She felt that her Alpha identity was to blame, that monster doesn't calm down ever. Honestly, Elsa considered herself very mature and in control of her Alpha instincts. She just didn't know how to ration out her emotions that well. The girl hadn't had much experience with omegas either so that didn't help her situation.

"I'm screwed."

Elsa mumbled and finally got up, forcing herself to get ready for the day. A rather simple get up she decided on. Which was a pair of blue jeans and a white button-up shirt. With her hair in a usual braid with her wispy bangs slicked back. She took a quick glance in the mirror then picked up her phone, dialing Aurora's number right away.


"Hey! I'm returning back to school, so go ahead and tell your Aunt she doesn't have to take you today."

"Oh? Okay! See you soon! Also, please bring me a coffeeeee ?"

Elsa chuckled. "Yeah no problem, I'll get you a coffee. See you soon."

"Hey," Elsa said with a smile as she leaned over and tried to kiss Aurora.

"Nope! No kissing! You were sick for a whole week and I don't want to potentially catch anything that you still may have! But I will take the coffee you bought me." Aurora pushed Elsa's face away and grabbed her drink.

"Oh come on! I haven't seen you in a week! Give me at least one kiss so I don't feel bad about leaving you alone all last week?"

Aurora shook her head.

"Nope, I don't feel like getting sick before the first football game I have to cheer for. So you keep your distance until next Friday comes up and we're at the after-party. Then we can kiss and do what we intended to do last Friday." She winked at Elsa and took out her phone, scrolling through random posts.

Elsa was thankful that Aurora lost track of her at the moment and focused on driving. She was glad they wouldn't be having sex anytime soon and she actually had time to prepare to make up another excuse. Or even prepare to break up with Aurora. The Alpha took in a deep breath and pushed the thought out of her head. She'll plan and worry about all of that out later.

Anna slammed her locker door closed, not caring at all about it's a loud noise that erupted from it. She was beyond irritated at the moment, all she wanted to do was be left alone. Yet all her friends felt the need to consistently bug her. Anna didn't understand why she's got in her moods before where she wanted to be by herself and they all let it be. Now all of them were hunting her down trying to invade her personal space. Like now.

Upon turning around, she was face to face with Ariel. The shorter redhead gave a smile and Anna rolled her eyes. She really couldn't catch a break with these girls. Anna pushed past Ariel and kept her attention straight forward.

"Leave me alone Ariel! I just want to be left by myself!"

"But you've been by yourself since last week! We usually would leave you alone but your scent is off Anna! Which can only mean one thing! You recently went through heat and you spent it with someone other than Hans!"

Anna stopped dead in her tracks and grabbed Ariel by her arm, pulling the girl into a more private area. The omega quickly glanced around, making sure no one was around to listen to them. She narrowed her eyes at her friend and crossed her arms.

"How can you smell that? Can the others smell it too? Is that why you guys won't leave me the hell alone !?"

Ariel took a step back and looked nervously at her hands. "I picked up the new scent and then the girls also noticed that it seemed off! We all sort of just picked up on it! It's nothing to be embarrassed about! I swear! We just want to know if you're okay, y' know... if you were raped..."

She said the last part only loud enough so both of them could hear it. Anna immediately rolled her eyes though, not believing that they would assume the worst.

"No Ariel, I wasn't raped but yes I did do it with someone else. BUT you're not allowed to tell the girls that I did it with someone else. They'll go digging and searching for the person and I don't want them finding out who. If you're my friend, you'll respect my decision and keep quiet. " She stared straight into the girl's eyes, not blinking at all.

"I... Fine, I won't tell anyone but just be careful. Just don't get accidentally pregnant, can you imagine how difficult that would be to explain that one to Hans?"

Anna felt herself grow pale, she hadn't thought that much about Hans or how this situation will affect them. One thing for sure is that she's not going to stay with him much longer. It'll do more damage than anything good if she stayed with Hans. Maybe she'd do it after the first football game, that way it wouldn't ruin the start of Hans's season. Elsa seemed to be getting along with everyone now, so everything should be fine between the girl and the football team. She hoped.

"Well don't worry Ariel, everything is going to be fine and I'm not going to get pregnant. Now let's get to our classes, I don't want to be late."

They sat in silence next to each other, not bothering to even make any type of eye contact. It was awkward, beyond awkward, so fucking awkward that Elsa wanted to apologize again. She itched to grab the red head's hand and look into her eyes with her mouth spilling out words that she yearned to say. But she couldn't, Elsa basically said to pretend it never happens and that's what the blonde would do. She took a deep breath and stared down at the graded papers before her, getting lost in thought as she marked them with their grade percentage.

'I should at least try and talk to her about something though, I still have to take her back home with me... I'll just talk to her like a regular friend would... That should be enough for now.' Elsa thought to herself before pulling away from the papers.


'It's spirit week everyone!!! So make sure to wear your school gear and come out this Friday to support our Football team on their first game!! Make sure to send in photos to the school's email! So we can display them during the Rally!!! Have a great day everyone!!!' The school speaker interrupted and Elsa felt herself grow slightly annoyed. It was like the universe was telling her to not make things better with Anna. She groaned and rubbed her temples before going back to the papers.

Anna heard Elsa's attempt to communicate with her but she didn't try and instigate it further. It didn't feel right talking to Elsa, especially since she lied to the girl about taking the pill. She slid her hands downward and held her stomach, her brows furrowed together. She knew Elsa should know about their potential child on the way. Elsa was with Aurora right now though and she didn't need more drama with the girl.

'But... If I did tell Elsa right now... Maybe she'd break up with her and they could become a happy family- NO! Anna stop thinking like that! You're already a homewrecker, don't completely destroy it! If anything, you should make amends with Aurora so you can spend more time around Elsa! Then sort things out once the baby comes. If I'm actually pregnant.'

The bell rang and everyone began to leave, Anna made sure to stop Elsa before she left though. She stood quietly in front of her for a moment, thinking about what she should say before finally spitting it out.

"Everyone in the group really misses you and Aurora... They honestly can't stop talking about you two and I just want them to shut up. So I've decided I want to apologize to Aurora and ask that she comes back to hanging out with us. I don't want any more trouble, so can you take me to her right now? You should be walking Aurora to her next class, right?"

Elsa looked down at her, astonished that Anna, of all people, wanted to apologize to Aurora. Instead of questioning any further, the blonde just nodded and let Anna lead their way out. From there, Elsa took charge and walked to Aurora's previous classroom. Upon arrival though, Aurora immediately growled and possessively wrapped her arms around Elsa's neck.

"What the hell is SHE doing with you? I already told you that I don't want to associate with her anymore and as my girlfriend, that means you have to do the same thing."

Elsa settled her hands on Aurora's hips and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Releasing a calming scent over Aurora so she could calm the girl down a bit. It worked somewhat, Aurora's tensed body language loosened up, yet she still glared at Anna.

"Don't worry, she actually wanted to apologize to you." She stroked Aurora's hair and looked into her eyes. "Just speak to her, please? I want everyone to get along again."

At first, Elsa was met with silence from Aurora but eventually, the blonde sighed and agreed to talk. Aurora pecked the older girl's lips, totally throwing the concern of getting sick that she had earlier out the window. From there, she turned to face Anna's head down. Thankfully she dropped the glare, she still held an intimidating scent to her though.

"Thanks for convincing her Elsa, I appreciate it very much." Anna directed towards Elsa. "Now then, I'm sorry Aurora. I've been so fucking terrible to you and... I'm really fucking sorry. I can see that you're not a whore, your devotion to Elsa clearly shows you're not. I was acting childish and I had no right to call you those names." She took a deep breath. "So I ask that you accept my apology and we can put those all behind us. For the sake of all our friends, the girls miss you terribly and I don't want to be the reason you stay away anymore. So... how about it?"

Elsa took a step away to observe the situation, watching for any signs that a fight will happen. The two omegas continued to stare at each other, silence growing tension between them as seconds ticked by. Then finally Aurora nodded and gave a small smile.

"Sure. The minute I hear you calling me a whore again though, I will not hesitate to deal with you physically. Anyways, I'll make sure Elsa and I will come by during lunch. Now that we're all cleaned up here, I'll be on my way." She turned to Elsa and stuck her hand out, holding it out until Elsa took it. Elsa gave a slight nod to Anna and said her farewell before taking Aurora away.

Anna put a hand over her mouth and groaned, feeling sick to her fucking stomach that she had to apologize to Aurora.

'It's for your relationship with Elsa, that's what apologizing is for, you want a healthy setting for your pregnancy and child. You did the right thing, even if you had to lie.'