It only took a week until the event that was known as the Bloodbath of Mogmore spread throughout Eostia. A simple raid for more sex slaves ended with a body count of over 200 people consisting of all the villagers, imps, and Black Dog soldiers. There were also reports of imps throughout the region suddenly having heart attacks after the bloodbath. No one has been able to figure out why though.

The one thing that people were certain about however, was the identity of the killer, The Heartless Wendigo. When the commanders demanded a report from the scout team that went looking for the raid party, they responded by saying they found the corpses of the raid parties strongest soldiers, and that was it. Just mentioning the fate of the strongest soldiers was enough to give people a vivid imagination of the village. The Heartless Wendigo loved collecting trophies from those it thought was a decent challenge.

The Black Dogs would eventually send parties into The Wendigo's most commonly sighted locations in order to seek vengeance for their men. Of course, they would get revenge if The Wendigo was even remotely close to its home to begin with. It was not in the forests where it stalked and devoured its prey, and it was not in the native lands where the wendigo species originated from.

Wherever it may be though, it had to be stopped. Who knows what kind of horrible acts it was committing at this very moment?

Chapter 3: The Goddesses' Contingency

"Minerva! Stop! You're leaving blood all over our lord's finely decorated floor!"

"Wha!? Oh shit, sorry!"

"Thornton! Stop being a lazy ghost and get behind that cabinet!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!"

The sounds of wet cloths and mops impacting various items filled the demon lord's former tomb. Three demons with high body counts and terrifying reputations were running back and forth cleaning up the place like servants. Minerva, after throwing herself into a river to wash off any remaining blood, was high up in the ceiling dusting off the stalactites. Thornton, using his ghostly existence to his advantage, phased through the walls to get to the hard to reach areas. Meanwhile Qree was creating a pile at the entrance that consisted of the trash Dorma had accumulated during his imprisonment and the damaged seals that littered the hallway leading outside.

Qree, The Heartless Wendigo, the one who had the highest body count 2nd only to Dorma, was clearly in pure bliss while she was cleaning, a hobby that had passed on from her human origins. The origin of the Wendigo Curse was pretty much common knowledge in this day and age. When a human succumbs to the urge of cannibalism, they are inflicted with the curse and become ravenous monsters whose only desire is to feed on more flesh. Usually, those who become wendigos turn out to be not much different than a mindless beast, and Qree was originally like that as well. However, it was after her fifth kill after transforming that her brain subconsciously noticed how much the bodies she kept for later started to smell...bad, then she noticed how bloody her arms and body were...and the cave was covered with bat droppings.

She then regained her sanity shortly after a mild freak out which terrified the nearby villages who could hear her screaming.

"UGGHHHH..." Qree dropped another handful of trash onto the pile before turning around to see Thornton had once again lazily dropped himself onto Dorma's reading chair.

"You know, for such a clean freak, you certainly have no qualms with grabbing all that filth." Thornton pointed out, looking comfortable in his position. "Not to mention all those humans you're always munching on."

Qree sighed. "Oh Thornton, my dear child. You keep mixing the two terms. I may be a clean freak, but I'm not a germaphobe." She then threw a trash bag onto Thornton's lap, who despite being a ghost, grunted in pain from the sudden weight on his lap.

"Sometimes I regret teaching you guys how to physically interact with spirits."

"Now don't be like that dearie. We wouldn't want Dorma and Jonah to come back to a still filthy tomb." The specter huffed in annoyance, but he still willingly grabbed the rest of the bags and floated out of the tomb.

"Speaking of those two...cough gods there's a lot of dust." Minerva called out from ceiling. "Where did they go anyway? After the execution, Dorma has had this weird look in his eyes. I'm kinda worried."

"Jonah said that they would be looking for traitors on their own, so we're on standby until further notice..." Qree explained. "...and honestly, if I was Dorma, that imp's behavior would make me deliver punishment personally as well."

She then heard the succubus sigh. "I just hope it didn't affect him too badly."



"Minerva sweetie, what about-"

"We are not talking about me and that imp, got it?"

Qree sighed, she had hoped to personally talk to Minerva and Dorma in private after that horrible affair, but alas. With no way to continue the conversation, she and Minvera continued their work in silence for the remainder of the time. Thornton, being able to read the atmosphere after he got back, also did his work without complaints.

"AGGHH! We're done! Finally!" Thornton yelled in triumph. He accentuated his excitement by floating to the very top of the tomb, and letting himself float lazily down onto Dorma's reading chair.

"Ugghh...inhaling that much dust can NOT be healthy." Minerva set herself down on a couch and brushed dust off her dress. "...and unhealthy for my fashion."

"Yes, despite my love for cleanliness, I, too, am glad this ordeal was over." Qree rolled her shoulder in a circular manner to loosen her joints. They all thought it was a pretty simple clean for one room, until Thornton tripped a switch and opened several hidden rooms that were practically dust traps. In the end though, the tomb that trapped their lord was good as new.

" any case," Qree said while popping her finger joints. "We should have the rest of the day to relax. Though, it is almost night. I wonder what is taking those two so-"

"EVERYONE!" A voice called out with a teleportation circle suddenly appearing in the middle of the tomb.

All three demons shot up and stood in attention when Jonah materialized into the room. Every single one of them noticed how exhausted The Fallen Angel looked, as if he had sprinted here on his own two legs instead of teleporting.

"Jonah!? What is it?" Minerva asked.

"You three need to follow me to the border of Eostia, specifically to the north of the Black Fortress." Jonah said through heavy breaths.

"The Black Fortress? But that's where Vult is." Thornton voiced his confusion. "Even if we're not really there, you said the border of the country after all, but isn't it a bit risky to-"

"LISTEN." Jonah cut him off. Everyone flinched at the sudden outburst. The fallen angel took a second to recompose himself. "I know it's risky, but...Dorma and I found something at the border."

A moment of silence filled the room before Qree broke it. "Found...what? exactly?"

Jonah sighed. "Let's just say...The Demon Lord is NOT happy about it."

~North of the Black Fortress, Border of Eostia~

The area surrounding the Black Fortress was as dead as it usually it was. No trees, no animals, no signs of life whatsoever. It has always been like this for about 100 years since the fortress first appeared. Even when the Dark Queen had been turned into a slave, the magic that was responsible for the creation of the wasteland shows no sign of disappearing. Anyone that dares to venture out of the safe zones from main entrance of the fortress will soon find their life force drained from their very soul.

Fortunately, the magic the Dark Queen created had also set up some exceptions to the wasteland; one of those exceptions was that non-humans are to be unharmed when traversing the land. This allowed the party of four to travel to their destination with no problem. Obviously, what she meant by non-humans are her dark elves and demon soldiers, which Qree thought was completely insulting. As if pointy ears and dark skin is enough to be separate from humans. On the bright side, this area was ripe with human bodies to scavenge off of during those rare times she was starving. She would prefer to be actually hunting them, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Qree was starting to lose herself in the past, remembering a human couple she found here when Jonah spoke up.

"Alright everyone...we're here." Shaking her head to focus, Qree looked to where Jonah was pointing and saw-

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Thornton screamed, and if he didn't say that, then she would've gladly broken her composure right then and there. Because towering above them a few meters away...

...was a barrier of pure, unadulterated, magic that stretched for miles to the east and west of their position. Standing so close to it, she could feel the power radiating off it. It's almost as if every type of magic in existence was used to create this behemoth of a barrier. The magic was so overwhelming that she found herself almost falling to her knees from the pressure.

'Actually...hold on." Qree thought. 'With THIS amount of magic, I should've sensed it ages ago. How did it evade my detection?' From the looks of the other two, they seemed to have the same questions going through their heads.

"Wha...what is this? Where did it come from? Because I can safely say that THIS wasn't here before. " Minerva asked. Jonah sighed.

"We don't know." He responded. "Dorma and I were chasing after a traitor, a werewolf, in the wasteland and we unknowingly led him straight into this barrier. He turned into dust the moment he touched it." All of their eyes widened.

"So you AND Dorma couldn't sense it either?" Thornton said surprised. "It takes a lot of skill to avoid your guy's detection. Whoever made this really didn't want you or anyone else to find out until too late."

"That's exactly right, Thornton." A bolt of lightning suddenly came down close to their position, and from the impact site, The Demon Lord Dorma stood clad in his black armor with his battle axe firmly in his right hand. The demons made an attempt to kneel before he raised his hand to let them know it was alright for them to be at ease. However, the demons could tell something was up. "I would've been dead if wasn't for Jonah's quick eye. I was practically kissing it when that werewolf was disintegrated." He then twisted his body around so that he would be facing the barrier directly with his back facing his comrades. The demons all slowly started to back away from him, sensing his rising anger.

"When I saw this vile creation, I was surprised. How could I, of all people, miss something like THIS?" Dark storm clouds started to gather around their area.

"So, I did what any normal person would do. I struck it with my axe to break my way through." Said axe was beginning to crackle with electricity. The demons looked at each other nervously.

"That's when I realized..." Realizing the immediate danger,Qree quickly grabbed all three demons and had all four of them dive behind a nearby rock for cover.

"...This damnable barrier was designed to keep ME in!" With a cry, he raised his battle axe to the sky. In an instant, thousands of lightning bolts impacted the side of the barrier, the sound of thunder was almost deafening to Qree's ears. The barrage went on for a couple more seconds until it eventually became silent once more. Qree peaked out from the top, and in a few moments, motioned to everyone that it was now safe to come out. When the demons walked out of their cover from the rock, everyone, save for Jonah, looked on in astonishment.

The barrier showed no signs of damage whatsoever. With the unnatural storm and the various amount of thunder from this specific location, the humans in the Black Fortress are probably sending a party to investigate. In fact, the specter looked like he was about to make a smartass comment about that fact until Jonah stopped him.

"Before you say anything Thornton, I made sure to cast several layers of silencing magic and blinding spells. No one in the Black Fortress heard or saw any of this."


"Nah, I could tell you were going to say something similar to that." Minerva cut in. "It probably would've worsened our current mood."


"Everyone!" Qree yelled. "Focus on the task at hand please?" The three demons coughed and quietly apologized. With a sigh, the wendigo looked to her old friend, his rage was still oppressive to be near and the lightning from his axe was sparking all over the place.

'Probably should leave him be for now.' She thought. Qree turned her attention to the group.

"Jonah, how far does this particular barrier go?"

"Well...before I went to collect you guys, I did some scouting to the west, east, and south of Eostia." He explained. "To push my luck, I eventually tried to see if I could fly over it. Almost got my wings burned in the process."

"So what does that mean?" asked Minerva.

"It means that the entire country of Eostia is now sealed in a magical bubble. Nothing comes in, and nothing can leave."

It's been a few days since the discovery of being trapped like a bird in a cage. The Demon Lord had eventually calmed down enough to be able to perform tasks once again. When he did, he ordered Qree and the other demons to find any sort of weakness in the barrier, or perhaps some hole that creator didn't account for.

Qree's first instinct was to check on the status of the fortresses of Eostia. After all, if the barrier appeared in response to Dorma breaking from his prison, then it wouldn't be too farfetched for an alarm spell to signal humanity to defend themselves. Fortunately, it seemed that the fortresses still remain ignorant of the demon that walks their lands and continued with their sexual crimes, so that's good. After she was satisfied with her findings, Qree continued to look for any flaws in the barrier. However, she knew that she wouldn't find any.

Celestine would've done anything in her power to perfect this kind of spell.

It was quite obvious to everyone that the reincarnated goddess, Celestine Lucross, was the one responsible for the barrier. And from what Qree could sense due to her prolonged presence near it, it appeared that she got a whole lot of help from outside of Eostia. She had to admit though, the human managed to pull one over them.

One of their initial plans before discovering the barrier was to journey outside Eostia to gather troops. Considering what kind of state the demons of Eostia are in, Dorma didn't want to risk having traitors who could only think with their dicks. Of course, that plan has now burst into flames. With access to the outside world cut off, and the former soldiers of the Hell Knights now acting like sex-crazed fiends, things were looking bleak for the demons and their desire to exterminate humanity...

...that was until a certain someone dropped by to visit them.

~Tomb of the Demon Lord~

"So...what the hell do we do now?"

All the demon generals were currently sitting around a coffee table after yet another failed attempt to pierce the barrier. Whatever it was made out of, it was clear yet again that it was made to keep people like them inside.

Minerva's attempt to throw one of her strongest fire spells, Chaos Flame, ended being bounced back to her. She dodged just time, but her entire ponytail was unfortunately singed off and now she was sporting very messy short hair. Jonah had one of his spears of light pierce straight through one of his black wings, grounding him until he heals up. Thornton, the poor soul, almost had his entire memory wiped before he even had a chance to do anything. And Qree's attempt to swipe at it with her claws ended with her being tied up and gagged, as every time she looked at her arms she would see delicious food.

A heavy thud echoed in the tomb as Dorma, now out of his armor, was setting down cups for the demons, which all of them immediately grabbed and drank. Upon sipping the drink, Minerva's beautiful red hair returned to perfection, the hole in Jonah's wing patched itself up, and Thornton's drink was absolutely delightful in fixing his mental state. Dorma then cut the gag from Qree's mouth and jammed the drink into it. Once he was sure it empty, he untied the ropes around her body.

"To be honest Thornton...I do not know." Dorma admitted. He then sat himself down next to his comrades. "Normally, I would have someone spy on the enemy to find information, but with just us five? It is just too risky, and it would be devastating to lose any one of you."

"Not only that, who would we spy on anyway?" Qree added. "Celestine? The Shield Alliance? They're too busy enjoying being slaves to get useful information out of."


"Also the fact that it would be incredibly suspicious for the more normal of us to walk right in." Jonah said. "In a land that practically worships sex, Thornton and I would stick out for not participating. As for Minerva..."

"Excuse me?"

"I am NOT letting a human touch me again."


"Ugghh! Would you please hold on?" Thornton says, casually looking at the armored woman in the tomb. "Can't you see we're in the middle of a very important discussion? Honestly..." The armored woman could only watch in astonishment as the demons continued their conversation.




In an instant, Qree leapt from the couch and landed feet first on the intruder's chest. Pinned down, the wendigo aimed her claws so that the tips would be an inch away from the armored woman's neck. Minerva and Jonah immidiately casted binding spells to her arms and legs, and Thornton had spirits that served under him on standby to posses her on his command. Dorma, meanwhile, had donned his armor and axe.

"Who the hell are you!? How did you find this place!?" Qree demanded.

"I...I..." The intruder tried to speak, but stopped a bit when Qree drove the claw tips a little bit deeper into her neck. "I was looking for help and I saw this cave for shelter! That's all!"

Jonah raised his eyebrow. "This cave is far, far, away from any form of civilization. I find it doubtful that you could just wander in here by accident."

"Well...I'm an explorer of the unknown! That's just what I-"

"I also casted magic that deters anything and anyone from coming near the mountain." The armored woman audibly gulped.

"My lord, what shall we do with this woman?" asked Minerva. "Someone like this is too much a security risk."

Dorma rubbed his chin under his helm in deep thought. "You make a good point. It's too risky. Qree, kill her and you'll have the chance to try that new recipe tonight."

The wendigo smirked. "Gladly, my lord." The sharp metal claws of the wendigo rose and was about to fall through the thin flesh of its new victim.

"A-Aunty Qree?" The claw immediately stopped midslice. Qree's eyes widened.

"Wha...what did you call me?" The wendigo was so surprised by what the armored woman said she stood back up and backed away from her. "Why did you call me, Aunty?"

The armored woman gasped. "Oh gods! It is you! It's been so long that I forgot what you looked like!" She then glanced at the other generals. "Uncle Thornton! Uncle Jonah! Aunty Minerva! You're all here! I didn't recognize any of you"

All of them had dumbfounded looks on their faces. Who was this woman and why was she calling them Aunt and Uncle?

" lord?" Dorma waved his hand and the spirits and binding spells keeping the woman pinned down disappeared. As she was standing up, the Demon Lord pointed his axe at her.

"Identify yourself. How do you personally know my generals?"

The armored woman just stood there for a good few seconds before her arms rose up to remove her helmet. When the woman's true face was revealed, everyone, save Dorma, audibly gasped. Why would he, when didn't he didn't spend 500 years thinking they've all gone extinct. The woman sported tough, green skin, messy black hair, sharp fangs with two big ones in the corners of the mouth, and two stubby horns that protruded from the top of her forehead.

"I was only a small child when we met, so it's understandable you wouldn't remember me." She bowed.

"I am Princess Seliana of the Orcs, and I need your help."