Chapter One: Tides of Change
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or World of Warcraft. They belong to JK Rowling and Blizzard respectively.
Jaina woke up staring at the dirt on the ground below her. Pushing herself up onto her knees, she attempted to teleport herself back to Theramore, but when she tried to cast her spell, it fizzled momentarily before blinking out of existence.
Confused, Jaina tried to teleport to Stormwind, only to see the same thing. Standing she walked to some sort of chair that she had never seen before, but then again one can only change so much about a chair before it becomes something else. The last thing she remembered was that accursed mana bomb's blast wave coming towards her before Rhonin had hastily conjured an unstable portal to who knows where, and pushed her through it. After that, she awoke here.
She sat there for what felt like an eternity, she knew everyone she cared about in Theramore had been killed. She had read enough about mana bombs to know nothing could withstand the blast of an ordinary mana bomb, let alone one fuelled by the focusing iris. Even Kalecgos couldn't survive that. Tears fell for her fallen friends. Sighing she decided to go inspect her appearance in the nearby lake.
Kneeling, she gasped. Apart from the few minor injuries she had taken in the battle, she was showing no adverse effects. She had expected to see her appearance drastically affected but she looked the same as ever.
From what little she had read about mana bombs, she knew that those few who were lucky enough to survive were changed physically and had been at the very edge of the blast wave. Somehow the unstable energies of the portal Rhonin opened must have protected her. Suddenly feeling hungry and without thinking, she conjured a sweet roll for herself along with some diamond water to wash it down. As she ate, she realized that this meant that she could still use her magic, meaning she had indeed somehow been protected from the blast. But where on Azeroth was she? The structures around her were a bit strange compared to what she was used to, but not too dissimilar to the houses she knew of.
Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck rose up and she turned around expecting to see a threat, only to see a small boy with black hair and green eyes wearing cracked glasses. He couldn't be more than four years old and he looked terrified of her and was constantly mumbling something. Carefully she got up and walked slowly towards him and knelt in front of him. It was then that she heard what he was whispering.
"Please don't hurt me I'll be good I'll stay in my cupboard." the small boy repeated over and over.
"What do you mean your cupboard?" Jaina asked trying to calm the boy down so she could help him. If anything, it made him even more frightened.
"I'm sorry, it's not my cupboard. A freak like me doesn't own anything. It belongs to my aunt and uncle." the boy said fearfully.
Jaina knelt before him trying to calm him down. She gently moved her hand to wipe some of the tears away. However, the boy flinched away from her hand.
By this point, Jaina had seen and heard enough to realize this child had been abused at his home. Thinking quickly, she realized that he was at the age most children started going to school.
"Do you go to school yet?" she asked him.
Seeing him nod she asked, "And what do they call you at school?"
"My aunt and uncle said that my name is Harry, but I am just a freak. So everyone just calls me freak or Harry the freak." Harry said.
"My name is Jaina, Jaina Proudmoore." Jaina said introducing herself, before asking "Do you want something to eat, Harry?"
Harry looked around before nodding his head. She quickly conjured a sweet roll and handed it to him.
Seeing the confused look on his face she smiled and asked, "First time seeing magic?"
"But my aunt and uncle say that magic doesn't exist." Harry said.
Jaina just smiled and watched as he ate, looking somewhat happy and content for the first time since she saw him. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she only realized he had finished eating when she saw his lips move.
"Hmm?" she asked.
"C...could I, could I live with you?" Harry stammered out.
She almost missed it but there was a small amount of hope in those emerald eyes of his. Reaching into a pocket of her robe she withdrew a diamond that had been something she had been working on in her spare time to relax and had finished just before she received word of the attack from Baine. Praying that this would work she pushed her magic into the diamond and to her relief, her wealth was all still there in the form of a thousand golden bars each twelve and a half kilograms, more than enough to fund her, at least on Azeroth, and hopefully enough to fund her and Harry here. She had intended for this to cover any repairs that could be needed and was glad that she had. There had originally been twice the amount, but it had been used up over the years to repair structures and the like.
Harry meanwhile was standing there dumbstruck. Sure, he had seen Jaina make food out of thin air, but this left his jaw on the ground. Before them there was the diamond. Only it had enlarged itself into a large spherical room. Its walls dancing with lightning that twisted around the walls, clouds, and ocean waves. Harry reached out to touch it and to his surprise it was cool to the touch.
As Harry was wondering around the interior, Jaina sat just inside, reminiscing the days when she would watch the stormfury diamonds along with the fury of the sea in a storm as a child. She was glad she had taken the precaution of tying the magic to her and making it visible only to her and anyone who she wished to see it. Anyone who she didn't wish to see it would just subconsciously move around it.
"Well if you are going to live with me then you and I are going to need to have a talk." Jaina said motioning for him to sit next to her on the ledge.
"Do your parents treat you the same as your aunt and uncle Harry?" Jaina asked.
"My aunt says that my parents died in a car crash, giving me my scar when I was one. When I asked what happened she said that my parents were no good drunken freaks and hit my leg with a rolling pin."
Jaina flinched at the last part. A few months after Varian had been kidnapped, she had walked into the Theramore barracks to find a guard she had accepted who had transferred from Stormwind beating a young boy's foot repeatedly with a rolling pin.
She had immediately taken him into custody and personally returned him to Stormwind only to witness the corruption of the nobles first-hand. She had been forced to release him and make a hasty retreat. With Varian missing, the nobles had almost complete power in the confusion following the abduction.
Following that incident, she had enforced a greater amount of scrutiny on anyone coming from Stormwind, and forced them to agree to be liable to Theramore's laws. Later, she had started helping the orphanages. At first it was the lack of resources and helping the children learn. This had helped her move somewhat past Arthas and onto the future. A year later she had started helping kids who had been abused by their parents or guardians.
"Harry, do your aunt and uncle have any children of their own?" Jaina asked praying that the answer was no.
Seeing Harry hesitate Jaina added "I won't get mad at you Harry, but I do need you to be truthful with me. I may not understand completely what you're going through, but I used to help children in your sort of situation."
Harry again hesitated before saying "They have a son who treats me as bad as my aunt and uncle."
Jaina's expression tightened when she heard this.
Jaina seeing his expression start to drop again tried to somewhat distract him by saying "Harry, a scar that old shouldn't look as fresh as that. Do you mind if I take a look?"
Harry simply nodded. As Jaina reached over his forehead to touch it she realised it was the result of a curse that was acting like a warlock's soulstone, only in the form of a scar.
Deciding not to tell Harry for now about the soul, Jaina said "Harry, your scar is the result of a curse which I can remove if you want."
"Will it hurt?" Harry asked nervously.
"It'll just feel like I gently poked you and then it'll be gone." Jaina replied.
Harry sat and thought about it. He was very mature for a five-year-old Jaina mused, but then again, he probably had to grow up fast in the environment he lived in.
"C... can you do it. It's been giving me headaches for as long as I can remember." Harry stammered.
Jaina nodded and cast the spell.
"Well we should go to your aunt and uncle..." Jaina started to say before Harry started to panic again. "Harry, I'm not leaving you there. I need them to sign you over to my custody so that I become your guardian. Otherwise they could have you sent back there."
This seemed to calm Harry down a bit.
"Don't worry, I'll stay close the whole time. They won't hurt you again if I can help it." Jaina said reassuringly.
Hopping down from the ledge, Jaina cast a different spell at the stormfury diamond and it shrunk back to its normal size.
As Harry lead Jaina to his aunt and uncle's house Jaina was thinking about what she was going to do and or say.
"It's over there." Harry said, pointing at the house with a number four on the dark brown front door.
Jaina strode up to the door and knocked sharply.
A tall thin woman answered the door saying "Yes what can I help you wi…" before the words died on her lips at seeing Harry. "What's the little freak done now?" she sneered.
Jaina felt Harry cowering behind her and decided to take this into the house in front of her. "I need to speak to you inside about a matter regarding your nephew." she said as calmly as she could.
"Fine. Freak go to the…" the woman started saying before being cut off by Jaina.
"He will be staying where I can see him." Jaina said coldly, not budging from her position.
"Fine, follow me." the woman said.
They had just sat down when the sound of a motor was heard coming towards the house.
"Petunia we're home." a man called from the hall.
As soon as he heard him Harry was squishing himself against Jaina, trying to get away from the voice in the hall and make himself as small as possible.
It was then that Jaina got a look down Harry's back. It was covered in dried blood and scars. She pulled Harry up with her and went to sit on a chair opposite from the hall and the now identified Petunia. As she passed the door into the hall, however, a round leather ball flew at her thrown by a large angry man.
Reacting on instinct Jaina let loose an ice lance from the hand not holding Harry, nailing the ball just above the man's head.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked erecting a purple barrier around herself and Harry.
"You're a freak just like him! Get out of my house!" the man roared trying to pound his way through the barrier, causing Harry to try to bury himself further into her chest.
Jaina however, was unimpressed. "I will leave once you sign custody of your nephew over to me."
"Fine, we've been trying to dump the freak for years, so I have all the paperwork." The man said.
"I will also need all documents concerning your nephew." Jaina said.
The signing was done quickly after Jaina had read through the papers and documents.
"Where are your things Harry?" Jaina asked.
"In there." he said pointing at the cupboard under the stairs that had a padlock on it.
"Will you open it, or will I have to open it for you?" Jaina asked.
"No! Now leave our house. You got what you wanted." Petunia said.
"Very well then." Jaina said tersely, before shooting a smaller ice lance straight through the padlock, embedding itself in the door.
As she was about to open the door, she heard Harry scream and turned to look at him just as Vernon came hurtling at her with a knife, barely missing her and colliding with the doorframe knocking himself out. Jaina kicked the knife into the kitchen, clattering against the back door, as she pulled harry behind her. Having had enough she dragged him back into his living room and deciding not to take any more risks froze him in an icy prison that would contain him.
Turning to Petunia she asked, "Do I need to do the same to you?"
Shaking slightly Petunia shook her head.
Turning back to the door and opening it she gasped. It was worse than anything she had seen before. There was a large amount of dried blood under a small bed that was two thirds Harry's size, along with glass from a shattered light bulb. On the bed was a small blanket with holes in and a pillow that had mould covering it. The shelves held jars of nails and looked to be on their last legs. How Harry was still alive was a miracle in and of itself. She watched as he pulled a pair of baggy pyjamas that were way too big for him and a single plastic figure holding a gun that was missing a leg and badly cracked. Harry then shuffled back to her.
"Is that really all you own?" Jaina asked.
Harry nodded silently and said, "I know, I'm just a freak. I'll go back to the cupboard." Harry said sullenly and started walking back into the cupboard under the stairs.
"You will do no such thing Harry." Jaina said, kneeling before him she said in a gentle voice "You are not a freak Harry. They were wrong to do this to you. No one deserves to go through what you went through."
"Even if I can talk to snakes?" Harry asked.
"Yes, even that." Jaina smiled, thought for a second then asked, "Had any good conversations? I could tell you stories I've been told by druids in my old home who could do similar things."
"There was a snake yesterday who told me it overheard my aunt complaining about a trunk in the attic with my name on it and how she couldn't wait for me to get rid of it for her." Harry said.
Hearing Petunia's breathing hitch Jaina asked, "Can you show me where the attic is?"
Harry led her up the stairs and pointed at a ladder. "Aunt Petunia uses that to climb up there." he said pointing at an indent in the roof.
Jaina nodded bringing out the diamond and setting it on the floor in one of the bedrooms before enlarging it and saying, "I'll be just a moment. Why don't you wait in here, there is a spell so that no one will be able to see you while you are in there."
Receiving an uncertain nod from Harry Jaina started setting up the ladder while Harry hid behind the bars of gold trying to make himself as small as possible.
Meanwhile up in the attic, Jaina found the trunk that Harry had described. Engraved into it were the words "For our dear son, Harry Potter. Hope you'll never need it. Love Mum and Dad." She tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. She wanted Harry to be able to open something from his parents though, hoping that it would help start the healing process for him. Taking a quick look around she noticed a letter that had Harry's name on it lying on the floor. Picking up the letter, she cast a levitate charm on it and guided it down through the exit and down the ladder.
Not seeing Harry in the diamond she called out "Harry, where are you?". She then saw Harry carefully poking his head around from behind the gold bars and said, "I found something that was left here from your parents."
"Really?" Harry asked perking up slightly.
"Yes, why don't we go back to the park and we can have a look at it. I'm sure you don't want to be in this house any longer than necessary." Jaina said.
Harry simply nodded, cautiously coming out of the diamond.
Jaina pushed the trunk inside, closed the diamond, and shrunk it, before putting it back in a pocket of her robe. As they walked back to the park Jaina looked up into the sky for the first time since she arrived and was stunned. There was only one moon in the sky.
"What is it?" Harry asked frightened.
"Nothing, I just realised I'll likely never see my old home again, or what's left of it." Jaina said crying a little.
"What happened to your home?" Harry asked.
"I'll tell you when we've found some place to settle down." Jaina said smiling slightly at seeing Harry come out of his shell even if it was a tiny amount and no more than she had seen on occasion earlier that day.
When they reached the park Jaina brought out the diamond and enlarged it nearby some trees.
Upon entering Jaina pointed to a sofa and suggested "Why don't you go sit on that sofa and I'll bring the trunk over to you so you can open it. Ok?"
Harry nodded and sat down on the sofa while Jaina levitated and pushed the trunk over to in front of the sofa and turned it around so that Harry could open it. Upon doing that she cast slow fall on the trunk and dispelled the levitate spell she had cast, causing the trunk to slowly lower to the ground.
Harry didn't open it straight away, he simply ran his fingers over the engraved letters on the front. Jaina couldn't help but think about her last remaining item linking her to her own parents and brothers. She wondered what her mother and brother's reactions would be when they learned about what had happened in Theramore. Running her fingers over the pendant of a silver anchor hanging from her neck, even though they hated her for helping to cause her father's death, she at least hoped that they would be safe from Hellscream's war machine. Meanwhile, Harry was trying to open the lid of the trunk but couldn't as it was too heavy.
"Do you need some help Harry?" Jaina asked. Upon seeing him freeze at her question she continued, "There is no shame asking for help when it is needed."
Seeing Harry nod, she knelt down and helped Harry open the trunk and saw it had several sections covered by a clear plastic lid with a piece of parchment lying on top.
"C…could you read it for me, Jaina?" Harry asked not having a very good grasp on reading due to his poor eyesight.
"Of course." Jaina said, picking up the piece of paper and motioning for Harry to come and sit with her on the sofa and read the letter aloud.
To whoever reads this letter,
If you can read this letter then the magic embedded within has found you worthy, and you most likely have rescued our son, Harry Potter, from a fate we hoped he would never have to endure. However, we suspected that it will come to pass.
By this point you have probably realised the sort of people that Petunia and Vernon Dursley are. Contained within this trunk is Harry's key to the Gringotts bank in London. We have also included enough money as of April 1981, and a bit extra to account for any increases in pricing, as well as instructions and a map detailing where you should go to get to London, and from there Gringotts. We also urge you to go to the Ministry of Magic and ask for an Amelia Bones, she can help you in getting guardianship of Harry, or find someone who can take guardianship if you are unable or unwilling, from both the Dursleys and Albus Dumbledore.
Please take care of, and heal our son,
Lily and James Potter
Jaina handed the letter to Harry, and picked up a piece of paper that detailed instructions on how to get to London. Putting that aside she picked up a brown pouch that contained a bunch of rolled up paper with numbers on it kept together with a rubber band, along with a large amount of coins.
"Do you understand the money here?" Jaina asked.
"My aunt made me go to the shops once and explained it to me." Harry said, "It's separated into pounds and pence. My aunt said that one hundred pence equals a pound."
Seeing Harry's expression drop again Jaina said "Harry, you will never have to go back to that place again. Where I come from, it is a very serious crime to put someone through what your aunt and uncle did to you. I'm sure it's the same here."
Harry nodded and asked, "I really never have to go back to that place again?"
Jaina nodded, "We should probably get moving. I promise we'll go through more of this later, ok?" Jaina said, putting the money pouch and travel instructions in a pocket of her robes. Seeing what the other people were wearing she resolved to get some clothes somewhere to better blend in, along with replacing Harry's abhorrent clothes.
Harry hopped down and nodded. Jaina held out her hand for Harry to take and started following the directions that had come from the trunk. Apparently, they had to take a train for half an hour to somewhere called Waterloo Station and then something called a taxi to Charing Cross Road. Seeing a vehicle drive by with the words taxi she realised that this world was much more advanced than her former world.
As they were walking Harry asked, "What's your home like?"
"My home is, was a city far away from here that functioned as a harbour." Jaina replied, happy that Harry was talking.
"You mean like another country?" Harry asked.
"A bit further than that." Jaina replied, "I'm from another world, called Azeroth."
"What's it like there?" Harry asked.
"I'll tell you in a minute Harry." Jaina replied, "We need to buy tickets first."
Walking up to the ticket office, she asked for two tickets to Waterloo Station.
"Certainly." the lady said smiling, "That will be eight pounds and forty pence please."
Jaina took out the money pouch and took out a handful of the coins and looked at them carefully before handing her nine of the round coins that were engraved with the words one pound around the edge. In return the woman handed her a few seven-sided coins with rounded corners.
Nodding her thanks, she asked "Which platform do we need to go to?"
"Platform two, it'll be the next train. Have a nice trip." the lady said.
Jaina thanked her as she guided Harry towards the platform. The train arrived a couple minutes later, and they quickly found a pair of seats. While Harry was looking out the window Jaina pulled out her book of maps from Azeroth and Outland. Looking at the cover it showed Outland and Azeroth. Opening the book, she looked at the index and found Dustwallow Marsh. Turning to the page she traced her finger over Theramore Isle.
With a jolt as the train started to move. "Is that where you lived?" Harry asked.
Jaina nodded and said, "This is part of the continent of Kalimdor. You can look through it if you want." she said handing the book to Harry.
"W…what if I break it?" Harry asked nervously.
Jaina chuckled, "That book has been through much worse, believe me. I made it indestructible with a spell."
Feeling a bit better Harry took the book and started looking through the pages as Jaina watched the world pass by out the window. Ten minutes later Harry's head had fallen against her as he'd fallen asleep. Gently stroking her fingers through his hair, she started to think through what she wanted to get done in London.
Obviously, Harry needed new clothes, as did she, but that would have to wait until they got her gold bars converted to money. They also needed to see this Amelia Bones. Looking at the instructions and map it showed a visitor's entrance to the Ministry of Magic. All in all, it was probably best to go to the Ministry first and get the guardianship of Harry sorted out first.
Fifteen minutes later the announcer said that the next station would be Waterloo station.
"Harry." Jaina said rubbing his shoulder slightly.
Harry woke up startled and it took a few minutes to remember that he wasn't at the Dursley's anymore. Frowning he asked, "What will I have to call you when you become my guardian?"
"That's up to you Harry." Jaina smiled.
"I was hoping you would let me call you mum. You're the only person who's ever been nice to me." Harry whispered, "I don't want any aunts and uncles."
Jaina smiled, "If that's what you want Harry then you can call me that." She hoped in time that he would overcome his fear of the terms aunt and uncle.
When the train stopped people started rushing to get out first and Jaina couldn't help but sigh. Some things never change even in another world.