As the three entered the pub Estelle heard her name being called. Looking around Estelle was confused, no one called her name when they had walked in all those years ago. Arthur and William moved to go sit down in the snug but Estelle's feet were stuck to the floorboards.

The men's mouths were moving but no sound was coming out as Estelle's vision swirled making nothing discernible as the calling got louder.

"Estelle, sweetheart wake up!"

With a gasp, Estelle snapped up her hands supporting her chest as if her heart would fall straight out of it.

Her wrist felt warm but she dismissed the thought as her mind slowly brought back her senses.

Estelle's eyes took a moment to focus in the darkroom, and when they did they came to settle on Tommy. The man was squatting down next to her mattress on the floor. The moonlight lit his face, concern written all over it.

"We need to talk…"

Estelle's breath steadied out as she rubbed her eyes, noticing the warmth she felt was left by Tommy's hand which he quickly retracted. Taking one last glance at the moon Estelle threw off her covers to work her way up to standing. Her movements forced Tommy to stand up stepping back in surprise at her sudden movement.

Wrapping her arms around herself at the waist Estelle moved to leave the room only to glance back at Tommy who still stood a little frozen in his spot until Estelle motioned for him to follow along. Estelle hadn't spoken a word and that put Tommy in an uneasy spot. Still Tommy followed her as the two made their way down to the kitchen only to find Arthur there at the table sipping a pint.

"I'll just take this to go-" Arthur started clearly sensing the tensions in the room.

"No, you stay. He should know what you said too." Estelle finished as she clasped her hands together on the table, "I was awoken from what I would consider a quite pleasant dream, if I have to talk to him I want to have a talk with both of you. Now sit."

The softness in Estelle's voice was replaced with the harshness of her unused mouth. Arthur halfway out of his seat shot his brother a look as they both took their seats. Estelle turned to look at Tommy. Tommy looked at Arthur. Arthur looked at the table.

"What did you want to-"

"I want to talk about what got you in such a foul mood earlier, did something happen? Clearly somethin' happen" Tommy asked leaning forward towards the girl. His concern after his conversation with his brother after the meeting had only increased when his brother had been so tight-lipped. Arthur's only suggestion was for Tommy to tell her about his little situation or he would. A little situation which would no doubt be putting its own kink in what Estelle and his relationship were to become.

"Bloody hell!" Arthur exclaimed slamming his fist on the table.

"Arthur-" Estelle tried to soothe as the lanky man as he exploded.

"Brother." Tommy reprimand as he took a deep breath pinching the bridge of his nose. He never intended to have this conversation with Estelle with his brother right there with them.

"You bloody tell her or I'ill, that was the whole point of you wakin' 'er!" Arthur's voice bellowed throughout the house.

Estelle shot right out of her seat. Her voice came out unwavering, cold and harsh, "An' me comin' down 'ere was the whole point of not tryna wake Finn! But here ya bloody is!".

There was a fire in Estelle's sight as she matched Arthur's glare that soon found her eyes. Small clenched fists drew by her sides of the evergreen slip she wore. The softness of the material contrasted the looks everyone was giving each other.

"How about you tell me what's upset you first and then I'll share eh?" Tommy suggested in hopes of bringing everyone's emotions back down a bit. His own instincts weren't helping him navigate this situation, and he was starting to incline to tell Arthur to stop looking at Estelle with such a harsh glare.

It came out as a whisper as Estelle let her gaze fall down to the table as she let herself come back to seated, "Arthur told me this wouldn't last, that he didn't approve of this relationship."

"It won't! I dont'" The eldest interjected as he too huffed back into his seat crossing his arms defensively.

"Why in the bloody hell would you said that?" Hissed Tommy.

"We both know this isn't the life Willie wanted for ya-"

"Arthur-" Tommy tried to warn his brother he might be touching on a sore subject but Estelle's voice drowned him out. Careful not to yell waking the youngest Shelby Estelle lit into the eldest.

It was no secret that William Bates had loved his kid sister Estelle but even Tommy knew from just watching a few interaction of WIllie with his sister that he didn't see her more than something he was obligated to do, the man had mentioned what would happen at her eighteenth birthday, he'd planned on asking her to move out. They were family but William hadn't planned on being a father and even the "responsibility" of having Estelle weighed heavily on him. William had started to turn his mindset about his sister around only briefly before the Great War started, prior he had been a difficult man.

"Shut your fucking mouth Arthur! All you talk about is Willie, Willie would have wanted this or that- what about what I want? 'Sides I can't always live unda' this ghost of my brother! He would have wanted me happy! Why can't you let me just be happy!"

"Willie wanted you to get out of Birmingham not get in deeper with it-"

"Willies dead, stop trying to make him a better man- he's dead! He didn't wish me anythin'!" Estelle let out a deep breath she hadn't realized she had been holding that in. Estelle loved her brother, in ways idolized him but she wasn't delusional she knew her brother and he didn't think farther than the next night let alone who the hell she'd be in relationship with.

The floor creaked filling the kitchen as everyone shifted in their seats. The wind rattled the windows as Estelle took a just as shaky breath. This wasn't going as she thought it would when she was so abruptly woken up.

"Stop idolizing him, you can honor him and not be delusional about the man he was." Estelle said after a moment of silence. She couldn't look Arthur in the eyes, she couldn't see the hurt the outburst or the truth had caused.

"I already told ya I won't be played I've had enough of being treated like dirt" She followed up but this time with Tommy.

"Estelle…" Tommy beckoned as he reached for one of her hands across the table, "I already told ya, you ain't a passing fancy"

Tommy's eyes showed bright they were clear and Estelle could see the honesty in them floating about in them. His chiseled face never seemed to beckon more to her causing Estelle to reach out a hand to hold his cheek.

"How can you be so sure?"

"The same way you know how you feel about me, just know"

"Then why were you meeting with Lizzie Stark? Eh?"

Both heads shot to Arthur. The windows rattled more as the rain started tapping on the window. The night had gone from bad to worse.

"Who's that?" Estelle watched Tommy as he turned back to face her, her eyes that had been so full of hope moments before were full of unshed tears. Tommy's eyes closed off.

"She's a whore-" He said matter of factly. His features quickly guarded his emotions as he watched Estelles play across her face. Tommy's heartstrings pulled when he saw the final emotion display across her face, mistrust.

Estelle snatched her hand back from where it had touched Tommy only to be caught mid retraction by Tommy between his own.

"Listen its not what you think-"

"I-I How- Why?"

"I didn't go see her for that, I went for John"

"For John?"

"For John?" Arthur echoed, clearly he hadn't seen that coming. "I saw it all, gave her money-"

"Yes I gave her money"

"You bought a whore?" Estelle's voice quivered as she shook her head. This couldn't be happening.

"Not this time, I paid her to leave' our John alone, he's fallin' for her and we can't have that-"

"How do you know this?" Arthur asked.

"Its a long story-"

"Not this time." Estelle muttered as she once again pulled her body from connecting with Tommy's.


"You said not this time, you've gone to her for- for sex… before but this time you hadn't. Not this time" Estelle breathed out wrapping her arms around herself again as she felt her chest constricting with the realization.

It all went by in a blur, Tommy arguing Arthur out of the room and eventually found himself crouched in front of Estelle who was as frozen as a statue. The small bursts of yelling from the men were like blistering wind as Estelle tried to progress what she had just heard.

"Talk to me love" Tommy cooed as he looked up at her, her face was fixed on her hands messing with her own fingers.

"I'm not upset with you" Her fingers stopped fidgeting.

"You seem upset"

"I'm not, honest, I not happy 'bout it but- I just- I cannot be upset by something that happened before. You didn't wrong me Tommy"

He nodded unsure what to say.

"Back to Tommy now is it?" Tommy jested as he slipped his hand to hold the outside of her thigh, "Its in the past, it's just you going forward, only you" Estelle's eyes slowly came to meet his dancing across his face. His palm was rough against her slip, she could feel the heat of his body

"Just me?" Estelle wasn't sure if God could forgive Tommy for buying a whore but she knew that it wasn't her job and if God had let it happen God was okay with it. But Estelle needed to hear it was just her that Tommy was interested in now.

"Only you" Tommy affirmed as he leaned forward kissing her softly.

The two broke apart after a few moments of kisses, resting his forehead against hers he whispered, "You need to talk to me about what does upset you Essie, I can't read your mind. We'll work through it together eh?"


"I'm serious Estelle"

"I will try, its hard"

"Hard but not impossible, we'll in this together I share in what 'urts you as you share in what hurts me"

"I am sorry I snapped I- just hearing what you what we had what I want won't last isn't-"

Tommy broker her concentration with a swift kiss.

"Move in with me"

"Don't cut- what?" Estelle reeled back planted a firm hand on his chest. She looked at him crazy, she started to shake her head she must have heard him wrong.

"Move into my room, I'm serious"

"Tommy you don't have to-"

"I want to, let me show you I'm serious eh?"

The silence that followed scared Tommy. The windows rattled couldn't compete with the pounding his heart.

"Okay" Estelle said as she smiled shyly up at Tommy. Moving his hand up to grasp her hip he guided her to standing. Their bodies came flush against each other as Tommy kissed her forehead. Pulling back Tommy saw Estelle yawn covering her mouth the back of her hand.

"Come lets go to bed, its awfully late, we can talk more in the morning"