October 1998, 6 months after the war
The Autumn weather was perfectly suitable for how Hermione had felt for the longest time, even before the war. But now, it seemed to portray different emotions– empty and desolate. She sat alone in her private compartment watching the colorful– but to Hermione seemed lifeless– leaves fly right by as the train neared it's destination to King's Cross Station where her friends– no family– Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley, were waiting for her.
The surprise phone call to Harry that morning surprised them. Hermione, after 3 months of being in a drunken stupor with Harry and Ron decided to finally go to Australia to find her parents and restore their memories. She desperately wanted to right after the war, but she couldn't. For then, she needed to mourn with everyone. But after all the funerals, came the drinking. Hermione and Harry, upon the Weasely matriarch's insistence, had taken up residence at the Burrow. However, things weren't lively and bubbly like it used to be. How could it be with all that's happened?
Hermione and Harry spoke briefly about returning back to Grimmauld Place and restoring it. They felt as if they were a burden on the Weasely family especially in this time of darkness. Fred's death had shifted the family beyond recognition. How could it have not? He was family.
George never left his room. He drank himself into a stupor trying to numb the pain of literally losing his other half. Not only that, but he couldn't handle the affliction that passed through everyone's face when they saw him. He looked too much like his brother. They were twins after all. It had gotten so bad for George that he couldn't handle looking into a mirror. Every time he did, he'd fall into this pit of extreme hysterics to the point where he'd had to be subdued by healers. He'd then become a shell of his former self. Not talking, not eating, not sleeping– just lying in bed staring into nothingness. He was there but he wasn't. Time varied for him. One day he'd just get up, go back to drinking then suddenly fly into a fit of rage where he'd have to be subdued again and the cycle would continue.
The joke shop had been closed right before the war. Now, no one really knows when it would open again, if ever. It was a brother business and George just couldn't comprehend going on without Fred. On top of that, no one was really up for joking or pranking about when so much has happened.
Ron, Harry, and Hermione had become drinking buddies, much to everyone's dismay, but who could blame them? For them, it was a reprieve from all the horrors they faced and all the horrors that's yet to come when dealing with their post-traumatic stress. Every night, they awake in their own rooms from the night terrors. And every night, they each sleep in their own rooms muffled to hide the screams of their anguished past. Then during the day, they'd drink themselves blind until they wake up sweating, after reliving their horrors in their sleep, a place that's supposed to grant them oasis. Then, the whole cycle would continue again.
No one pretended to be okay, and that was okay. They knew they had a right to hurt. Everyone affected by the war did. But when mourn turns into self-destruction, enough becomes enough.
One day, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were almost drunk to the point where things started to become blurry. It was only 10 in the morning. Ginny knocked lightly on the door to let them know that breakfast was ready. Before, it was unusual to eat breakfast this late, but everyone couldn't fathom to wake up earlier than need be. Majority of the time, it's because they had to force themselves out of bed and continue on with their life because after all, life only moves forward.
When no one had replied to Ginny's insistent knocking, she stormed in and the anger emanating from her was palpable. In their drunken haze, the trio could've sworn steam was coming out of her ears. The fierce red-head gave them the yelling of a lifetime, and for someone younger than them, it gave them quite a scare. This was coming from three people who went through more than anyone should in their lifetime.
"Listen, you three, I get what you've gone through was beyond apprehensible and downright horrifying that you can't even talk about it, but you are all going down the path of self-destruction and none of us will have it. I don't understand and won't try to understand because I won't be able to, of what happened. All I know is that it broke you three. But you did not go through a war and live only to die by inane intoxication. I know I'm being harsh and blunt but I can't stand this anymore. Harry Potter, Andromeda left Teddy in your care before she died. You need to step up and fulfill your duty as his guardian. We're all hurting and no one can ever understand another's pain. But you are not exclusive to it, but what's important is we get through it together. Because together is all we have."
The crack in her voice at what she said next rang in their ears. It's what really got them to hear her out.
"Look, we've been through a war. Something no one should ever have had to go through. We may have won the war, but we lost everything. We lost the people we love, we lost our innocence, we lost ourselves. The pain will never go away and we'll never fully heal from it, but time only moves forward and soon we'll learn how to live with it. Because that's all we could do. Live. Our time in this life is limited, that much is certain. But we'll get through it because we have each other. I know you want to drink yourselves into a stupor but I want these binges to stop now. If you want to fight me on this you will most definitely face my wrath. No one's going to live your life for you. Keep that in mind."
Hermione could recall the way she marched out of the room furiously wiping her tears only to be followed by Ron. Before Harry could get up, Hermione told him that she was going to go to Australia to finally find her parents and bring them back. Harry had pulled her into his embrace and for a moment they just held each other, trying to gain strength from the other.
When Hermione announced she was going to Australia to find her parents, everyone voiced their support as well as concern. Ron had even offered to go along with her. However, Hermione felt that it was important she do it alone, also the fact that there was a lingering awkwardness between Ron and Hermione.
They tried to make it work, they really did. But the pressure of everything pushed them apart. Not only that, but Hermione couldn't fully get over the way Ron had left her and Harry during their Horcrux hunt. The whole ordeal pushed Harry and Hermione closer than anyone could fathom. Harry still held some lingering resentment towards his best mate and the fact that Ron seemed to have a chip on his shoulder and some doubt about the extent of Harry and Hermione's friendship caused Ron to never fully get over his resentment of them and their closeness. It especially didn't help that when Harry or Hermione had nightmares too terrible, they would only find calmness in each other's arms. Neither was really able to sleep unless they were holding each other and that didn't sit well for either Ron or Ginny. But the siblings just didn't have it in them to say anything.
It was clear that Ron's relationship with either Harry or Hermione was different from what they had with each other. He knew that abandoning them at a time when they needed each other the most, letting his insecurities cause a divide between them, all lead to him being kind of an outsider when it came to them. Of course, he'd never say, none of them would. They were comfortable acting oblivious because it would ruin their dynamic. It doesn't mean the bitterness didn't go away. Thus, the relationship with Hermione never blossomed beyond a few kisses and 3 weeks of awkwardness. The relationship between Harry and Ron, however, became distant.
It had been a little under 2 months since Hermione left for Australia and nothing could have been more wrong in her life. She spent the majority of the time searching for Monica and Wendell Wilkins, the aliases she disguised her parents as after obliviating herself from their memories and convincing them to move to Australia.
Hermione was frantically searching for them and just when she was about to lose hope, she came across a small dental private practice called Wilkin's Dentistry. Hermione took a chance and rushed in. When she had asked the receptionist if Monica and Wendell Wilkins worked there, the petite woman's face had turned solemn when she told Hermione that they had tragically gotten into a car crash and how Monica died 3 days later at the hospital and Wendell died 2 weeks later.
Hermione felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She said a shaky thank you and without thinking twice, apparated back to the hotel she was staying and cried herself sick. She couldn't bring herself to even ask more about them nor could she ask where they were even buried. All Hermione knew was that it felt like someone had broken her all over again. And suddenly, Hermione found herself blaming no one but herself, for what? Not going to them and bringing them back right after the war? Being selfish and wallowing in self-pity when she could've gotten her parents instead? All of the above was what Hermione thought.
When it seemed like she had cried herself dry, without thinking twice, she apparated to the airport, called up Harry, and told him she was coming home and to pick her up from King's Cross. Sure she could just apparate from King's Cross, but she desperately needed her best friend– her brother. It didn't even occur to her to just get an international portkey home. Maybe it did, but in the recess of her mind, the long trip was able to help her think clearly.
When the train came to a stop, Hermione wiped a wayward tear from her cheek before double-checking that she had her beaded bag with the undetectable extension charm and her wand. As soon as she stepped foot on the platform and saw Harry waving her over excitedly, Ron with his hands in his pocket smiling sheepishly, and Ginny carrying a napping Teddy, the dam broke and Hermione felt as though she was going to collapse any second. Luckily, before she even knew it, Harry was holding her up, crushing her to him as though their lives depended on their embrace. They knew they were causing a scene, but frankly, they just didn't give a damn.
Hermione vaguely recalled Harry telling Ron and Ginny to go and take Teddy with them back to the burrow, and that he'd take care of her. Hermione also vaguely recalled the small protest they made before Harry said in a no-arguments tone to go now.
After they left, Harry pulled away from Hermione and pulled her to a hidden alcove where he once again wrapped his arms around Hermione and apparated them to Grimmauld Place.
"Grimmauld Place? You fixed the wards?" Hermione sniffled.
Harry let out a small chuckle. "Of course, that would be the first thing you asked. But yes, I fixed the wards so only I could apparate in here. Ginny doesn't know it yet and neither does Ron, but I'm planning to move here after I fixed it up."
"What about Teddy? When are you going to let the Weasely's know?"
Harry sighed, "I'm Teddy's godfather, he's my responsibility. I guess I'll tell them once this place is all done."
Hermione contemplated this. Remus and Tonks named Harry as Edward Remus Lupin's godfather. But when they died, Tonk's mother, Andromeda Tonks neé Black had become sole guardian. However, not long after the funerals, Andromeda had died from a heart attack and Harry became the next sole guardian. She always had a weak heart after her husband, Ted Tonks, death.
Teddy Lupin was a big reason Harry picked up his act and to the surprise of everyone, he adapted instantly. Of course he had plenty help, mainly from Ginny who seemed to be meant for the role as a mother.
"Ginny will be furious with you," Hermione said.
"I know that but Mrs. Weasely would never let her live with me before we even get married, you know that. Plus, it'll give us all space. They need their space. They need to be together, just them, as a family."
Hermione cocked her head to the side. "You know they practically think of you as one of their sons, right?"
Harry nodded stiffly, "It's not the same. I just– I shouldn't be there," he said tightly.
Hermione saw the way his brilliant emerald eyes darken and she understood.
"You know none of this was your fault right. You did what you had to do just like everyone else did what they had to," she smiled sadly before giving him a brief hug.
After pulling away, Harry led them over to the rickety staircase where they sat shoulder to shoulder on the steps.
"Talk to me," Harry said quietly.
Hermione chewed on the cuticles of her thumb– a bad habit of hers– trying to gather her thoughts and convince herself that it was real. Her parents are dead. When her glassy eyes met Harry's she let out the most heartwrenching sob he'd ever heard and collapsed into his arms. Crying. Crying for the stupid blood prejudices. Crying for everyone who had to fight in the war. Crying for Harry, Ron, and herself for being thrust into the middle of it. Crying for the way she was tortured that night because people believed she was merely dirt under their feet. Crying because of stupid, bloody Voldemort. Crying because her parents are dead because she felt it was her fault she didn't come to them sooner. Crying because life just wasn't fair. That this life felt more like hell.
Harry held Hermione for how long, they did not know. It didn't matter to them. Hermione yearned the comfort of her best friend– her brother– and Harry would drop everything just to hold Hermione when she needed him to. No, their relationship wasn't romantic. Their relationship would never extend beyond being siblings. They just loved each other, point-blank.
When Hermione's sobs finally died down to sniffles and Harry's shirt was practically drenched in her tears and snot, Hermione pulled away and rested her head on his shoulder. They both stared straight forward into who knew what and their bums were aching from the uncomfortable wood of the stairs.
"My parents passed away," she whispered quietly.
Harry snapped his head to her so fast and so abruptly, he had forgotten she was resting her head there and his chin hit her forehead.
"Harry," Hermione whined, rubbing her forehead.
"Sorry," he smiled apologetically, rubbing his chin.
"How?" He asked.
Hermione dropped her hand from her head and twiddled her thumbs together.
"Car crash. If only I went to them so–"
"Hermione–" Harry interrupted sternly, "–don't you dare finish that sentence. This isn't your fault. You did what you could to keep them safe. You couldn't have known something tragic like this would happen."
"I know but if onl–"
"No," Harry said firmly. "No. I will not have you blame yourself for something you couldn't have controlled. You weren't ready to face them all those months ago and that's okay. They would've understood. They always did. It's not your fault Hermione, and I'm so sorry you lost them," he said more gently.
They sat quietly for a few moments. Only the creaks of the old house and the Autumn breeze howling through the cracks and holes of the house filled the silence.
"You know, I think what hurts the most is that they died not knowing who I was. That in the end, I still couldn't save them from this cruel twisted thing called life," Hermione said.
"I think they eventually remembered, in their final moments. I think now, they're watching you and they're so proud of the person you've become. Strong, resilient, brave. You're exactly who they raised you to be and I think– no I know– that wherever they are, they're proud of you and they love you. Just like I do and don't forget that. I think, no matter how hard we try, we can never save everyone. We can certainly try, but you know what, Hermione? Some things just are. Some things are inevitable and some things just happen because life will always be unpredictable. We can scorn it as much as we like but in the end, we gotta just live with it and move forward."
"Your parents wouldn't want you to damn this life and be filled with regret and hatred. They'd want you to live and be happy. I know you'll miss them. I miss my parents even though I never really knew them. I miss Sirius, and Remus, and even Snape because they gave me a part of my parents and more importantly they took care of me. Even Snape in his own cold and callous way. As Ginny said, the pain will always be there, but we'll learn to live with it. It just takes time."
Hermione sniffled and wiped away the free-flowing tears from her pink cheeks and giggled. "Who knew Harry Potter was so insightful?"
Harry grinned and just shook his head.
"I was thinking," Harry started, turning serious. "you and I should fix this place up and move in it together. You, me, and Teddy."
"I don't think Ginny would be too fond of that...Or Mrs. Weasely for that matter," Hermione added as an afterthought.
Ginny was notorious for her jealousy of Hermione and Harry's relationship. They were both aware of the heat they would receive if they were to go through with it.
"Let me handle Ginny. Plus it's not like I won't open up the floo for them. This place will always be welcomed to them. And I don't think they'll put up much of a fight, honestly. I think they need their space just like we'll need ours," Harry said.
"Why don't you just propose to Ginny? You two are clearly meant for each other and we both know she's it for you. Plus Ginny's practically been in love with you since she first met you," Hermione joked.
Harry didn't respond but he had a boyish grin on his face, staring at nothing in particular, Hermione gasped.
"No! You're actually going to propose?" She squealed.
"As you said, she's it for me. I won't do it now or any time soon. But in the near future, most definitely."
"I'm happy for you and you know I'll support you 100% of the way. As long as you're happy and she's happy, that's all I care about and that's all that matters."
"Thanks, Hermione. You know I love you, right?"
Hermione titled her head to the side and smiled, "And I love you, little brother."
Hermione once again rested her head on his shoulder and they sat in the comfortable silence once again.
"I miss your parents," Harry sighed.
Hermione remained silent. She knew all too well that what Harry needed to say would come out best if she let him process what he needs to say on his own.
"Your parents– your parents took me in after the Dursely's kicked me out for blowing up my bint of an aunt. They made me feel like I had an actual family. Like you were actually my sister. The Weasely's took me in when the first met me and I'll forever be grateful to them. But I don't know. It's...different. With your family, I didn't feel like such an outsider because I was exposed to as much magic as you were. I actually felt like I belong. It felt like I finally knew what it feels like to have parents. I really miss them." Harry's voice cracked as he voiced his last sentiment.
Hermione lifted her head from his shoulder and cupped both of Harry's cheeks in her hands. His expressive emerald eyes were glassy with unshed tears.
"You, Harry Potter, will always be my brother no matter what. We would always be your family. I also think mum was planning on adopting you. She and dad loved you so much– you know after he got over that fact that there was nothing between us." Harry let out a laugh and smiled at Hermione.
"But you and I, we're brother and sister. It's you and me, always," Hermione declared, her voice wavering.
"Until the very end," Harry said, finally giving in to his emotions and letting himself cry.
The duo held each other once more. Their embrace was fierce as if they were too scared that the other would slip through their grasp if they let go for even a little. They don't know how long they sat there. They just couldn't bring themselves to think about anything else.
A/N: Hello everyone, I decided to rewrite This Feels Like Falling In Love. Frankly, I really disliked how I had written it before and I just hated the direction it was going in that I was unmotivated to even continue, so I decided to start fresh. I hope you enjoy this new version and thank you so so much for reading.
Love Always,to-be-slytherin