Author's Note: Helloooooooo Everyone, sorry for the wait! Now I know some of you already know about the cancellation of my Life Foundation Series, but today I am here to bring you the Prologue of my newest Fanfiction, Kamen Rider Gadget! Now, to those who had read my last update may know, I had originally Intended this to be Kamen Rider Gadget vs Retsujo Sentai Koseiger (Heroine Squadron Koseiger), where Mikumo obtains a Harem in the forms of the 6 girls of class 1-A, but after looking through the concept data for Izuku's Original Version, Mikumo Akatani, I thought... 'This is just screaming a Pairing with Mei Hatsume!' And I decided, instead, I will create a Super Sentai Version of this story alongside this one, so you guys can pick your poison on my two projects! This other Project will be called Eiyuu Sentai Koseiger (Hero Squadron: Koseiger), where the Sentai Members will be the Big 4 from the Training Camp Arc (Katsuki Bakugo, Mikumo Akatani, Tenya Iida, and Shoto Todoroki) with either Ochako Uraraka, Mina Ashido, or Momo Yaoyorozu as the Pink Ranger of the Group! I will leave that for you guys to decide who will become the Pink Ranger in a Poll that I will post on my Page. Remember only one person can be chosen to be the Pink Ranger, and you only get one choice, so choose wisely. Aaaaaanyyyywaaaaay, that is enough out of me! I hope you guys enjoy the Prologue: Build's Legacy! Catch ya on the Flipside! RIDER SMAAAAAASH!

Prologue: Build's Legacy

In the School Yard of a neighborhood middle school, a fight has broken out between the School Bully, Katsuki Bakugou, and it's resident Quirkless, Mikumo Akatani, the two of them exchanging blows with one another, Mikumo growling as his face has not only bruises, but burns from Katsuki's Explosion Quirk, and Katsuki is growling from the bruises on his face, all caused by one of Mikumo, or in his mind Yamikumo's, inventions. This little number is the Burst Brace, a pair of gauntlets that are mounted on his wrist, they increase the force of punches through the use of constantly recoiling springs that release upon contact and add to the force. "Damn it, Yamikumo! Just give up already! You'll never get into UA!"

"I'll never give up, Kacchan! You can't make me, and this world won't break me!" Mikumo says, stomping his foot as metal clamps wrap around his boot, "Let's go!" Mikumo says, rushing forward, slower than usual, but he smiles as he continues fighting with Katsuki, and everyone is shocked to see the two still going, but eventually, the police, nearby heroes, and the teachers are forced to break up the fight, in which Katsuki is furious, but Mikumo only has a smug grin on his face, his weapons flowing back into his uniform, unnoticed. Mikumo is guided home while Katsuki is lectured about the usage of his Quirk in public, and the Police find out that, as usual, Katsuki tried to intimidate and bully Mikumo, who only proceeded to defend himself, matching Katsuki despite being completely Quirkless.

It's a wonder to everyone in the situation how a Quirkless Boy could match somebody with a Powerful Quirk, and only come out with some minor injuries. Mikumo smiles as he heads home, and like usual, his mother is both angry and worried. Mikumo and Katsuki getting into fights is nothing new, but every single time it gets worse and worse, and today was minor compared to how bad it can get, with both boys nearly killing each other in a few rare instances. However, she can understand why, ever since her son found out he was Quirkless, he's been working hard and literally fighting for his dream, as many people attempt to put him down, trying to force him to give up his dreams, however, there is something that he has never told her son, something she has kept quiet about, and now she thinks is the perfect time to tell him. "Mikumo!" Inko Akatani says, walking to her son as he walks up.

"Hey mom…" Mikumo says, turning his head away, "Got into a fight with Kacchan again…"

"I know… I can tell from your injuries…" Inko says, sighing as she looks at her son. "You know, since you are almost old enough to enter High School, and since you keep getting into fights… I guess it's time I told you the truth…"

"The Truth?" Mikumo asks.

"Come inside…" She says, and brings him over to the table and then brings him a photo, and reveals to him that there were Heroes of the Early Days actually all in one photo, some of them older, some of them in their early 20s, but all of them are standing proudly, holding their helmets in their hands. "This…" She points to a man in a red and blue suit, his helmet in his hand with a cocky smile, "This is our ancestor, Kamen Rider Build, Sento Kiryu… The 39th Generation of the Heisei Riders, and next to him…" He points to a black, silver and white rider with a watch motiff and kanji shaped lenses. "Is his successor, Kamen Rider Zi-O…"

"Whoa…!" Mikumo says.

"Build was a genius, though he did have a slight split personality disorder…" Inko says, smiling as she shows him the pictures of their ancestor, and she even brings out his notebooks on how he created his Rider System, and even helped Zi-O get his start, and once Zi-O finished his adventures, they worked together to steal a new System from a powerful Villain called All For One, who had developed a Neo-Shocker Organization, which had caught the attention of the Riders, and though they were defeated, they were able to dismantle the organization and take the newly minted Rider System, as well as all the data on it, in which Sento would entrust to his descendants to protect, and if one ever proved strong of will and heart to be able to use it, to give to them. Inko smiles as she brings out a small box with paper charms wrapped around strands of rope and slowly undoes the knot that holds the container shut. "I've been protecting this since before you were born, my baby… And now it's yours… The Gadget Driver…"

What he expected was some sort of device in the box, but what he sees, instead, is a book, but despite this, he opens it and finds the instructions to actually build the Gadget Driver, Mikumo's mind absorbing the information like a sponge, a wide smile across his face. "Oh man oh man! I could actually make this!" Mikumo says, smiling big, his inner techie really loving the thought put into this Driver. "All the details are here…!" He then stops, "Wait…" He then begins reading through the entirety of the book, and over the course of dinner, he not only finds the instructions for the two pieces of the Gadget Driver, and the Rider Machine, but also a scanning system to locate and copy Quirks! They were meant to be mass produced, so they were designed to be made with inexpensive materials that were easy to replace and recycle for future productions. Mikumo, however, wasn't a bastard who made things out of cheap scrap, he actually put love and care into his creations, making them from the most expensive and highest quality materials he could afford out of pocket.

In any case, he now had a plan, and gets to work on making not only the changers for his circle of friends he would hopefully make in UA, he also got to work on building the Gadget Driver, the Gadget Visor, and the Gadget Operator. To be specific the Driver is built in the form of a Smartphone, in which after selecting a special app on the phone and placing it against the waist, the smartphone transforms into the Gadget Driver, in which the phone's casing and screen becomes several times more durable thanks to the materials it is made from. When a Certain App is selected on the screen, and upon speaking the password, obviously "Henshin", and then placing the phone upon the waist, it transforms into the Driver and Mikumo's Rider Suit flows over his body.

The Entire Suit itself is constructed of Nano-Technology, and throughout it's design, there are circuit board markings flowing through it, and with microcontrollers on the joints of the arms, legs, between the shoulders, on the back of his forearms, and finally on his lower legs. However, the suit only travels as far as the neck, and doesn't spread past the portion of skin that connects with the head, and that is where the Gadget Visor comes in, as once the transformation takes place, they transform into the helmet. The Gadget Visor actually not only acts as the helmet for the suit, but also the main computer and the heads-up display for the entire system. The Helm of the Suit has both a communicator built in, thanks to it connecting to the Driver, it also has a secondary camera, a recordings, among other things, but it's biggest feature is the fact that it has Quirk Copy system, where it can scan and copy the Quirks of other heroes, and create gadgets that can recreate them, with adjustable power levels. Whats more, the scanner is highly detailed, and doesn't waste even pebibyte of data in it's analysis, and alongside it's scanning ability, it is a constantly learning machine, and can eventually recognize patterns and help the user predict and determine an opponent's attack patterns down to the smallest detail.

As for the Gadgets the Gadget Visor creates, their data is stored and then created inside the Gadget Operator, the smartwatch on the Suit's wrist, in which Mikumo can not only utilize Offensive, Defensive, and Supplementary Gadgets, but he also, as he needed, could create different forms based on previous data, and amplify the power of Quirks he obtained. However, the biggest project he would work on, but wouldn't get done in time for the exam, would be his Rider Machine, the Go-Go Gadget, which by itself looked like a model motorcyle, but in truth it was actually it in standby, and was usually stored away in the belt, however, he needed to build and customize it from the frame up, and that would take longer than he had once he finished with the three primary components. It also wouldn't be finished until after the Entrance Exam, which was going to be a brutal trial by fire for the Driver. However, once he finished, he had just over a week left, not enough time to do any preliminary tests on all of the systems.

Oh on a tangent for a moment, if you are wondering how Mikumo can actually pay for all the materials and the equipment to make these things, in his spare time no less, Inko Akatani is the CEO to Kiryu Industries, which is the biggest Hero Support Company in the world, and was founded on the ideals of her ancestor, Kamen Rider Build, aka Sento Kiryu, to "Bring Love and Peace" to the World, and ever since Sento founded the Company as a front in order to hide the Gadget Driver's Instruction Manual, it was highly successful once Heroes became more and more needed. The best part about it is that Sento was not only the Head of the Company, it's CEO, but he was also the Head of the Research and Development Team, and as such, many heroes owe their lives to Kiryu and his company for saving them. Inko has enough funding and materials, as well as space, to allow Mikumo to use their ancestor's old workshop, after a much needed renovation and an update to all of the tools in the shop. It's also fortunate for the company that Mikumo is actually very good at using as little components as possible to accomplish the best results once given, that's what made him a genius in terms of innovation and invention. It's also the reason why many people in the company don't want him to become a hero…

He is far too valuable an asset to let go out and battle Villains and Common Thugs, but then again, some of them need to be reminded that every CEO of Kiryu Industries was a Hero before they decided to retire, including Inko, who chose to retire from Heroism after she had Mikumo, and even chose to live in a humble dwelling in order to not let his wealth and financial power corrupt him. Much to the surprise, and joy of the Company's biggest members, it actually worked, and created a kind, smart, and loving boy who was just like his predecessors, yet could be as ruthless and cunning as even the shrewdest business man when he needed to be, not to mention manipulative when the situation required a bit of coercing. It's the reason why some of them were hoping that he wouldn't become a hero and instead focus on becoming the next head of the company.

In any case, Mikumo smiles as he finishes the Rider System and presents it to his mother, the woman smiling as she realizes her lifelong dream has been revived thanks to her son, he has revived the Rider System, and restored the Lineage of the Kamen Riders to the World. Unbeknownst to them, from the heavens above them, Build looks down at his descendant and smiles as he runs his hand along one of the pieces of his helm. "Looks like you found the Winning Combination, kid! Now go out there and kick some ass!" Sento cheers for his descendant, smiling. Eventually the week passes and Mikumo smiles as he stands before UA, a big smile on his face as he looks at the Academy, but the moment is ruined when he smells something family. "Oh god in heaven no…" Mikumo says, looking behind him and sees Katsuki. "Damn it!"

"You Damned Nerd!" Katsuki says, "You're still trying to get into UA!?" Katsuki shouts, "Why can't you just give up!?"

"Cuz I don't know the meaning of the term "give up", you bully! Then again, how can anyone call you that when I kicked your ass every day for the past several years!?"

"YOU WANNA GO, YAMIKUMO!?" Katsuki shouts.

"Maybe later, right now I have bigger fish to fry than you, and I'm going to put tartar sauce on them as well!" Mikumo says, turning away, only for one foot to get caught behind another, 'God damn it!' However, that is when he feels something grab onto him, and when he looks he sees something holding onto him, a grappling line as a young woman slowly reels it back in.

"Haha! It works!" A young woman with salmon pink hair styled in that dreadlocks, and then she pulls hard on the mechanism, pulling Mikumo into her. "Ah…!" She says as they collapse onto the ground, with Mikumo's face landing between her breasts. "Seems like the power on this thing is way too strong to be used to catch villains!" Her voice is upbeat and energetic, and then she looks at the boy on top of her, "Oh so assertive!"

"S-sorry!" Mikumo says, getting off her, then notices her piece of gear lying beside her, he picks it up and examines it, holds it to his ear as he knocks on it. "Wow, this is well built despite using only scrap!"

"Right!?" The girl says, getting uncomfortably close to Mikumo, causing the young man to blush, but he tries to ignore her closeness! "Say are you going to become part of the Support Class?"

"No, I'm actually looking to become part of the Hero Course!" Mikumo replies, "Though I am no stranger to tinkering myself! I can say that with a few adjustments, you may just pass the entrance exam!" He then notices the crazed look in her eyes. "How much sleep do you get every night?"

"About 2-3 Hours every night!"

"Don't, if you keep going like that, your children will become unstable and you'll lose your credit as an inventor!" Mikumo advises, "Get at least 7 Hours of sleep every night, it will help you focus and make you less scatter-brained!"

"You speak from experience?" She asks, getting closer, her nose touching his.

"Yup…!" He says, keeping his cool, but then curls up in a ball on the floor, "Mom banned me from the Workshop for weeks until I got enough sleep to stop blowing it up!"

"Yikes! I'd never be able to work on my Babies if that were to happen to me!" The young woman says, shocked. "I'll take your advice and learn from your experience! Good Luck in the Hero Exam!" She begins to walk off, "By the way, I'm Mei Hatsume!"

"Mikumo Akatani!" Mikumo says, smiling, "Kiryu Industries!" This catches Mei's attention, but knowing she is going to be running late, decides to interrogate him later and rushes off.

"Thanks for the Advice Miku-kun! See ya later!"

"Later Mei!" Mikumo says, smiling big, blushing a bit. 'Oh… I think I'm in love…!'

'The Heir to the Biggest Support Company just helped me! This is awesome! Maybe I'll get a good review for my babies if I follow his advice!' Mei thinks, skipping her way towards the Support Practical Exam. '7 hours of sleep huh? Might be nice!'

In the Presentation of the Hero Course Entrance Exam, Mikumo is tapping on the desk with his fingers, as if he were typing on a computer, his Gadget Visor hacking into the databanks of the Exam's Faux Villains, hoping to get some details on them, their construction, anything he can get his hands on. However, that is when one Tenya Iida stands up, asking his question about the Zero-Pointers, "And you, with your incessant tapping on your desk, would you stop, you're disturbing everyone! If you think that this Academy is going to be a Leisure School the-" However that is when suddenly he stops as a goo is launched onto his face and he is struggling to pull a gel off of his mouth.

"Shut up…" Mikumo says, "If you must know, I was looking into what you were just asking about, took me a while to get through the security system though…" Everyone looks at him, shocked, and Present Mic, he looks… Impressed!

"Wow! You managed to hack into our databases without a computer, that's pretty impressive, is it part of your Quirk?"

"I don't have one, Present Mic, sir!" Mikumo says, "I'm actually here to become the First Quirkless Hero of Japan!" With that everyone laughs at him, and Mikumo does an underhand toss to Iida, "Use this to dissolve the gel!" Tenya, taking it, doesn't need to be told twice as he pours the liquid over the gel and it unsticks, to which Tenya coughs as he tries to regain his composure.

"I wouldn't underestimate him…" Bakugou says, "This Loser may be Quirkless, but he beat the asses of strongest Quirk Users in our Middle School, all with those damned gadgets of his…"

"You speak from experience…?" One of the Examinees asks.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes… My Quirk allows me to generate sweat that has the same properties of Nitroglycerin, and even then this kid just takes the pain and dishes it back out with those damned machines of his." Bakugou says, "I will admit that while I hate this bastard as a person, I can say his strength is genuine, and not to underestimate this damned nerd…" Mikumo looks at Katsuki and can only think one thing.

'Who are you and what have you done with Kacchan!?'

"And don't let this go to your head, you damned nerd! I'll kick your ass first chance I get!"

"Thats if you can!" Mikumo says, the two of them headbutting each other and growling at one another, Present Mic smiling at the two boys.

"Alright Alright, settle down everyone!" Present Mic says, "Now to answer your question, Examinee 7111, those are the Zero-Pointers, and their Gimmick is to rampage indiscriminately whenever they become crowded! Now let me ask you all, who here has played the Super Mario Brothers?"

"I have!" Mikumo says, "It's one of my favorite Retro Games!"

"Alright then, Examinee 0666, then tell us, what were those enemies in the Game that looked like blocks but were covered in spikes and had that menacing look on their face, and what their purpose was!" Present Mic says.

"Those were called Thwomps, sir! They were essentially the traps of the levels they were placed in, and the player only had a few precious seconds once they were underneath a Thwomp to get out of the way before receiving heavy damage!" Mikumo explains, "Wait, does that mean the same is true of the Zero-Pointers?"

"Correct, and Absolutely True, Listener!" Present Mic says, "Now these Zero-Pointers are far too dangerous for anyone to get any points from, and so it would be wise to steer clear of them, but for anyone who somehow manages to destroy the one associated with the examination area they are sent to, we have a special prize waiting for you! So everyone take care and do your best in this exam! PLUS ULTRA!" Mikumo smiles as his glasses give him all the data he needs as they walk towards the Testing Area, in which Mikumo takes a moment to take off his backpack, and runs an electric current through it, causing the structure to become rigid as he opens it and reveals his arsenal inside, and begins loading up a Modular Belt with the gear he believes he is going to need. "Grappling System, check… EMP Grenades, Check… High Frequency Blades, Check… Plasma Pistol, Check… Gadget Driver, Check… Gadget Operator, Check… Gadget Visor, Check… Burst Braces on the Hands and Feet, Check… Anything Else…?" He mumbles as he has his Gadget Visor do a quick diagnostics check on his gear, "Okay everything looks good!"

"Hey you!" Tenya says, placing a hand on Mikumo's shoulder, only for Mikumo to grab him and toss him to the ground with a gun pointed at his forehead.

"Don't touch me!" Mikumo says, glaring at the man below him, nothing but pure hatred and malice in his eyes. "You can't make me quit, and I won't let this world break me…!" Mikumo says, to which Tenya notices the look in his eyes, almost as if it were a cornered rat ready to bite on a cat. He then gets off Tenya and puts his gun away, before extending a hand to the fellow examinee on the floor, his eyes still holding that look. Tenya, stunned, takes the hand as it helps him stand up, and now his curiosity is piqued, how could a boy so dangerous have a look as if he were in the middle of fighting for his life? What kind of scars did he have that caused him to view those with Quirks as a threat to his very life?

"And START!" Present Mic says as the doors swing open, to which Mikumo turns to the entrance and uses his Grappling System to launch himself over the rest of the group and get ahead of them. "What are you chickadees waiting for? Life doesn't have a start signal, now's your chance to rack up some individual points before the time runs out! Remember, you only have 10 minutes!" Everyone gets the idea and rushes in, and Mikumo smiles as he tosses grenade after grenade, which not only creates a small EMP burst, but also creates a kinetic burst that knocks the robot's back and does some damage to reveal they have been destroyed. He has managed to get himself a good number of points, and then uses his Grapple System to get out of the way of the others, who start racking up points themselves. However, some of them are lagging behind, and knowing he is going to hate himself later, jumps down and uses his Plasma Pistol to disable some of the robots so the other examinees can gain some points.

The Examiners look at Mikumo, and one of them in particular, smiles big at this, "Looks like your boy is actually helping out his fellow Examinees, that's going to cost him many Combat Points!" One of the Examiners says.

"Yes, but his Rescue Points are shooting up like crazy because of it!" A Female Examiner says, "He was smart to take an early lead and wrack up a good number of Combat Points before he started to lag in progress!"

"Well looks like I need to make things more challenging for the boy!" The Smiling Examiner says, and presses a button, "Because here is where the Real Test begins!" With the push of the button, the ground in each of the testing areas becomes turbulent and violently shakes, in which Mikumo looks in the direction he suspects it's coming from. When his eyes lay upon the massive creature looming overhead, he can't help but feel his jaw drop and his eyes bug out at the sight of the machine. 'EVEN WITH THE DATA IN MY VISOR I AM STILL SHOCKED!' Mikumo thinks, screaming in his mind.

However, to nobody's surprise, everyone begins to panic and run away, but even as Mikumo begins to turn he hears something, someone crying out in pain, and his heart beats loudly as something in him tries to compel him into what he must do next, only for a gentle hand to place itself on his shoulder. "Do it kid…" An encouraging voice tells him, and Mikumo brings out his Gadget Driver, and hits an app upon it's interface.

"Password?" The Phone calls out, catching everyone's attention as Mikumo brings the Driver to his lips.

"Henshin…" Mikumo says, placing the Phone against his waist.

"Accepted…!" The Belt Calls out, causing the belt to form around it as thickened casing and screen forms over the phone, and suddenly dark green electricity crackles over his body, creating a suit as Nanites flow all over his body, creating the interwoven material for the suit, as well as revealing all of the circuitry as it's motiff. The Electricity then travels to the Gadget Visor and Gadget Operator, transforming them into the helmet and encasing the smartwatch in a thicker and more durable casing. "Mode: Default!" The suit finishes it's transformation and Mikumo smiles under his helmet as the Gadget Visor's lenses read...

"All Systems Go!" Mikumo says snapping his fingers.

Author's Note: MAAAAN I had a lot of fun writing this Prologue, and now I'm excited to get started on Eiyuu Sentai Koseiger! I hope you guys enjoyed this just as much as I have, and please let me know what you think by leaving a comment, Follow, Favorite, all that goodness, and make sure to send me a Private Message if you have any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts you'd like to tell me directly. Also remember, I'm going to be hosting a Poll on my profile that will last throughout July until August 10th. And Remember, choose only one between Ochako Uraraka, Mina Ashido, and Momo Yaoyorozu for the Pink Ranger of the Koseigers! Also, if you have any ideas for gadgets for Mikumo to event based off the Quirks of Heroes or Villains in the Canon that i can have him run into, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments, or better yet, PM me with the idea, cuz I'm gonna love creating the gadgets, or Tools in his Rider Form, for Mikumo based off different Quirks! Remember August 10th is the last day of the Poll, and the girl with the most votes will not only become the Pink Ranger, but I also plan on having her become paired with Mikumo in the Sentai-Verse. Anyway thats it for me! I hope you enjoyed this Prologue in the My Hero Rider Verse! Catch ya on the Flipside! RIDER SMAAAAAAAASH!