My sister inspired me. She egged me on. Let this be a lesson: Inspiration is both a blessing and a curse.
It was a single note that came from Adorabat's bum. Her face flushed and she tried to hide it away.
"That was kinda cute." Mao Mao told her. It wasn't a typical wet fart, or one that had skipped aroud. It was a cute toot, single noted.
Adorabat, embarrassed, cried: "Toots aren't cute!"
"Well, that one was." Badgerclops interjected.
"No! It wasn't!" She protested, flailing her wings.
"Calm down, Adorabat." Mao Mao tried.
"I bet you guys never toot in public." She sobbed.
Mao Mao laughed out loud at that. "Believe me, Adorabat: Badgerclops and I both know the embarrassment of public flatulence."
Mao Mao nods.
"Yeah, Mao Mao was chased out of towns after people thought he was hiding a dragon!" Badgerclops jokes.
The duo of dads laugh.
"Yeah, and Badgerclops ca-" Mao Mao and Adorabat suddenly fainted.
"Oh," Badgerclops realized. "I'm sorry!" He called out to the citizens who began to faint from the smell.