Thank you for the reviews and feedbacks.

Characters might be OOC and there'll be some grammar error but I'm trying my best.

Enjoy the final short chapter of NMHM.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san/Teasing Master Takagi


Naruto snore away in his bed as he enjoy his dream…Until something smash down on his stomach and he launch up with rough coughs as a cheery voice singsong. "UP, DADDY!" A four-years old brunette girl laughed up to him with a tanuki stuffed animal in her arms, "It's breakfast time!"

"C-C-Chi, w-w-what did I tell you about jumping on daddy's stomach?" The blonde man coughed few times as he tried to suck some oxygen in.

"Mmm?" Chi tilted her head with index finger on her cheek as she tried to recall something inside her head, "Um, ah!" She snapped her fingers before look up to him with beaming smile, "I don't know!"

"Don't jump on daddy's stomach, Chi-chan." Naruto sighed with headshake as he pick his daughter up, getting out of his bed. "Please remember that next time, okay?"

"Okay!" The brunette girl rest her head on his shoulder with a giggle, "Daddy, are you going to work today? Can we play?"

"No, it's my day off so we can play whatever you like." He replied to his cheering daughter as he enter the kitchen and smile as soon as he see his wife, Uzumaki Emi, placing pancakes on table. "Morning, dear!"

"Morning, hon." Emi smiled at her husband and their daughter, "And Chi-chan."

"Morning, mommy!" Chi waved to her mother as her father seat her down in a chair between her parents before she hug her stuffed animal closer while looking over the stack of pancakes, "Mommy, do it have chocolate chips?"

"Yes." The older brunette glanced to her daughter then at her stuffed animal, "Chi, please put Tanusuke away in your room before you start eating."

"E-EH?!" The young brunette's head snap up with shocked expression, "B-B-But I want to eat with Tanusuke! Can he stay? Please? Please?"

"No, put him in your room." Emi replied and the pouting girl step down from her chair then trudge toward the doorway until a bright expression appear on her face as if a light blub turn on above her head. Chi run around the corner then walk back few moments later, her shirt have a big lumpy bump and the parent can see tanuki's tail hanging out under her shirt. "Did you put him away?" The smiling mother asked as the father bit his inner cheeks to hold his snicker back.

"Yeah!" Chi chirped loudly as she climb back up on her chair, nearly yelp when her stuffed animal's head pop up from her collar before she quickly shove it back down then trying to look sneaky innocent…Poorly. "I want syrup!" She grabs empty air few times at syrup bottle's direction.

"It's good thing Tanusuke is in your room because I would hate to throw him out if the syrup get all over it and it's too late for me to wash it out." The older brunette sips her water with a hidden smirk.

"E-E-EH?!" The little girl yank her hand away from syrup bottle, "W-What do you mean?"

"The syrup will get in his fur and get stuck for good after it dried if not wash out in time." Emi said, "Not to mention that it'll attract a lot of bugs and they'll get all over your room."

"Yes, a lot of creepy crawlies." Naruto said with wiggling fingers, "Some are so slimy that it'll cover whole of your bed."

"U-U-URK!" Chi's eyes widened in horror.

"Yes, and we'll have no choice but to throw Tanusuke away." The older brunette replied, "Good thing he's in your room right now, safe and sound…"

"A-A-AH, I FORGET TO WASH MY HANDS!" The little girl suddenly hop off her chair then run to her room.

"…You weren't going to throw Tanusuke out if that happened?" Naruto turned back to his wife with a smirk.

"Nope." Emi snickered, "I just want her to be careful with her stuffed animal." They share a small laughter before their daughter return to her seat minus Tanusuke, "Did you finish washing your hands?" The little girl nod mutely before she turn her head to her father.

"Daddy, can you get syrup for me?" Chi pointed at the bottle, she can't reach it.

"Sure." The blonde pick the bottle up then pour it on Chi's pancake, "Let me know when to stop."

"Mm, mommy…" The little girl turned to her mother with a hum, "When will I be a big sister?"

"W-W-W-WHAT?!" Naruto choked on his saliva, nearly squeezing the bottle so hard all over his daughter's breakfast.

"Oh, you want to be a big sister?" Emi smiled down to her daughter as the little girl nod few times before she look up to her husband with a teasing smirk, "Well, that's up to your father. Hon, when will you think we'll have a little sibling for Chi?"

"Yes, daddy!" Chi looked up to him eagerly, "When will I be a big sister?"

"Ummmmmm…" The blushing gawking blonde kept drowning Chi's pancake as his mind shut down, "Ummmmmm…"

"How many do you want, Chi?" The older smirking brunette asked, keeping staring at her blushing husband.

"Mmm, this many!" The little girl held up all of her fingers, "I want brothers and sisters! So we can play all the time!"

"Oh, my." Emi's teasing smirk widened as her husband's blush get harder, "It look like your father will have to work hard in near future."

"…Ummmm…" Naruto glanced rapidly between his wife and daughter before his head hang down, 'I'll never win against her, aren't I?' Emi laughed at him as if she have read his mind before she flick his forehead once, "That's seven." She laughed again and their daughter decide to join her mother with a laughter, wondering why they were laughing at her father. He hope that Chi won't pick up some teasing habit from her mother.

At least he has a happy life with Emi and their growing family.

And that end the final chapter and the story of NMHM!

Naruto and Emi are now parents and it look like the family is so normal as one can picture. It also don't stop Emi from teasing her husband and Chi must pick up some of her habit indirectly, poor poor Naruto.

Anyway, I think that's all I can say for now. Thank you for your time to read the story.

Please leave reviews and feedback here. The flames will be tossed out.