I present you one of the latest story, Naruto Meet His Match! A Naruto x Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san/Teasing Master Takagi crossover fanfic!

Four new stories coming your way! Quick and short, considering the status of the laptop. (It's awful pretty close to fizzing out, I think)

IMPORTANT INFO: I am going on leave for several personal reasons, how long will it be? I don't know. All I can say is don't be concern if there isn't any update for unknown amount of time. Also I won't be able to reply back via PM in this time. By the way, I just put up the poll for the final story and like I said, there are some options that I really don't write but that's up to you readers.

Before we start, there are few things you need to know…This story will be pretty short, I think it'll be roughly ten, maybe more or less. Since Takagi's first name is never mentioned in any chapters, her name will be Emi. There will be some events taken from the manga.

Pairing: Naruto x Takagi

Characters might be OOC and there'll be some grammar error but I'm trying my best.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san/Teasing Master Takagi

Orange Shinobi and Teasing Civilian

'Alright, the academy is starting again today.' Naruto exited his apartment then turn around to lock the door, 'I will pass the damn exam this time and become a ninja!' He barely take one step down the hallway when he hear a familiar voice calling out to him, 'Oh, no! Anyone but her!'

"Hi, Uzumaki." The blonde boy turns around to face a smiling brunette girl in civilian middle school uniform, "On your way to shinobi academy?"

"…Hai, Takagi…" He replied slowly before he turns around to walk, "S-See you la…" He immediately notice that she was walking at his side with this damn smile, "Wha…"

"Let's walk together today." Takagi said before she flash him a toothy grin, "And you're supposed to call me Emi-chan. You lost the game yesterday, remember?"

"G-Gak!" Naruto nearly tripped over his feet with flushing cheeks, "D-Don't remind me that…" The reason why Naruto act weird around her is because this girl somehow always find a way to turn table on him and tease him at each chance she get…Not to mention that she always see through his pranks as if she have some kind of sixth sense! 'Why is this girl my neighbor again?!' He quietly curses the day he met her couple years ago when her family moved into the apartment building and right next door. They walk in silence until they come outside of their building and down a small pathway.

"Ah, I forget to throw it away." The brunette took an empty drink can out of her schoolbag then hand it over to him, "Can you please throw it over there?" She pointed at a trash bin.

"Sure." The blonde tossed it and the can land in the bin perfectly.

"Wow." Emi whistled impressively, "Nice throw, Naruto."

"Thank." He brushed it off, any ninja-in-training can make this shot.

"Yosh, I'll try it too." The brunette girl pick up a empty can off the ground before she throw it toward the bin, only to have it plop down to the ground and far away from the trash can with few clangs. "Mmm…" She frowned disappointingly.

"Heh, that was way off target, Emi-chan." Naruto can't help but to tease her as his way to get back at her for everything up to until now.

"So what?" She shot him a glare, "Then, wanna compete!?"

"Pfft, sure." He snorted, "I'm a ninja in training, I can't lose this one."

"Ok, we take turns throwing." Emi search and found two empty cans along with her discarded can, "Who hits first, win."

'She's finally gonna lose because she's flustered and I will humiliate her for the first time!' Naruto laughed wickedly inside his head, 'That is gonna be the best day ever!' "If you win, I'll do anything you want, Takagi." He teased.

"I'll remember it!" She said, "And call me Emi-chan." The brunette prepare herself then look at Naruto, "So, just to make sure I heard that right…If I win, you'll do anything I want?"

"Yeah." Naruto snorted again, "It's not like I'll lose anyway." Emi suddenly give him a smirk then she throw her can, which land perfectly in the trash bin. "Wha…" He dropped his jaw and she laugh at his reaction.

"Look at your face!" Emi laughed with arms around her stomach, "Did you really think I'd miss by such a margin?!" The blonde take the empty can with a grumble, "C'mon, throw already! If you miss, I'll win though."

'Dammit, she just hustled me again!' He gritted his teeth before he calm himself down with few deep breaths, 'Whatever, I can do it. Anyone can do that one easily.' He reach his arm back then throw it and at same time, Emi speak up.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you." The brunette smiled, "I'll give you my first kiss if you win, Naruto."

"Wha…?!" Naruto fumbled with the can and it crash onto the ground few meters away from them. "…"

"Haha, it's my win, I guess." Emi laughed out loud.

"…T-T-That's a foul…" He stuttered.

"What was?" She smirked teasingly.

"What?" Naruto gave her a glare, "Just when I was throwing, you…"

"Mm, go on." Emi bend closer to him with this damn teasing smirk.

"U-Ugh, nevermind…" The blonde looked away with a blush.

"Well, a promise is a promise, right?" She walked away from him with a hum, "What should I make you do…"

'It better not be something embarrassing…' Naruto grumbled under his breath at his loss.

"Mmm, I think I'll save it for later." Emi looked over her shoulder with toothy smirk, "You should prepare yourself for it."

"…I-If you say that…" Naruto followed her with his hands jammed into his pockets, "I somehow feel like I'm digging myself into something…When will I ever win against you?"

"Mm, you'll never win against me." She laughed and if he was standing next to her, he would have seen her faint blush. 'That's quite a shame he lose.' "Maybe I'll let him win next time? Nah." She said to herself quietly.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"Nope." Emi Takagi gave him this evil teasing smirk and Naruto Uzumaki pity anyone who will end up with this girl…Little did he know is that he's the one who will end up with her in future.

And that end the first chapter of NMHM!

Naruto and Takagi are neighbor for few years and it look like he have been teased many time by this girl, at same time he never manage to prank her!

What kind of moments will we see between Naruto and Takagi? Will he ever win against her? What will their life turn out to be? What'll happen next? Let's find out in next chapter!

Anyway, I think that's all I can say for now. Thank you for your time to read it.

Please leave reviews and feedback here. The flames will be tossed out.