The next day, Eden had woke feeling better than the day before. She had managed to sleep through the night without a single nightmare. When she opened her eyes this morning, the sight of the flowers on her dresser brought a smile to her face. She was still curious as to who had left them, but part of her felt as if she already knew. So, she had made a mental note to ask doctor Cullen whilst at work.

However, the minute she pulled into the parking lot at work, her spirits dropped. Fear took over her entire being, her eyes wide and her heart hammering in her chest. For there, stood in the parking lot and leaning against a familiar motorcycle, stood her nightmare made flesh. He was here, in her hometown, at her place of employment. And as he caught sight of her car, she felt shivers run down her spine at the smirk he sent her way.

She sat in the driver's seat, hands on the steering wheel in a white knuckle grip. Her chest heaved with each labored breath that she took. Her heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest. Her eyes burned with tears and her lips were pulled down in a frown. She could feel herself spiraling into a panic attack. And at the sound of a knock on her passenger window, she screamed in fright.

Her wild eyes turned to look, catching a glimpse of blond hair and worried topaz eyes. Doctor Cullen. So, she rolled down the window, trying desperately to calm her racing heart and wipe the fear from her face. But, he had noticed.

"What's wrong, Eden?" he asked, voice full of worry. "Are you alright?"

She turned from the doctor, looking back near the front entrance once more. But, he was gone. How did she not hear his bike thrum to life and tear out of the lot? Shaking her head, she tried to smile at the kind doctor. She beamed at him, saying, "I'm alright. Just, a bit out of sorts. You scared me."

The look on his face said that he wasn't buying it. He didn't believe her lie, but he played along, thankfully. "I'm sorry," he replied, a small smile on his lips. "I just wanted to make sure that you're alright, after yesterday."

Eden nodded. "I am. Thank you," she said. She then got out of the car, leaving the windows cracked as she walked inside with Carlisle. "Someone gave me a gift yesterday to brighten my day," she spoke, looking at him from the corner of her eye. "Some pretty flowers."

She saw Carlisle smile at the mention of the flowers, giving away the fact that it had been him to leave them on her front porch. However, he looked at her, simply saying, "I'm happy to hear that. And I hope that today is better than yesterday." And with that, the two went their separate ways.


By the end of her shift, Eden had almost completely forgotten about her living nightmare. The day had been long, with patients shuffling in and out all day. But it had been productive.

As she was heading out the door, however, she found herself stopped by a petite and lithe Alice Cullen. Where she had come from, Eden had not the slightest idea. She was dressed in a three quarter sleeved dress that flared out at the waist. It was a soft lavender in color with a high neckline and Alice had paired it with white heels.

"Hello, Eden," the younger woman greeted cheerfully, her ever present smile on her face. Her topaz eyes shone with a childlike innocence that Eden adored.

"Hi, Alice," the older woman replied, smiling as well. "How are you?" she asked, genuinely curious about the young woman's wellbeing.

The young woman beamed, her smile radiating. "I'm wonderful!" she exclaimed. "And you?"

Eden returned her smile. "That's great. And I've been keeping busy," she said with a chuckle. "Are you here for Carlisle?" she then asked, hiking her purse up higher on her shoulder.

"I was actually looking for you," Alice said.

Eden cocked a refined brow in question. "Me?" she asked.

Alice nodded, her smile still shining. "I came by to extend an invitation," she said gleefully. "My siblings and I wanted to know if you're free for dinner tonight? Maybe, seven?"

Eden blinked, her blue eyes wide in confusion. They wanted to have dinner with her, a woman that they didn't know. However, she found herself unable to refuse. Alice's eyes were full of hope, her face open and pleading with her to accept. So, it was with a smile and a nod that Eden said, "I'd like that."

The two then exchanged numbers, Alice telling the ebony haired woman that she would send directions to the house. The petite young woman then leaned forward, hugging Eden. The older woman giggled, returning the embrace, before the two went their separate ways.


Carlisle stood in the kitchen of his home next to Rosalie. The buxom blonde was stood over the stove, spatula in hand as she cooked. She had decided to make chicken stir fry for dinner tonight. Alice had claimed that she had seen it in a vision and that Eden would love it.

The rest of the Cullen children were scattered around the living room. Emmett, the brute, was lounged on the sofa, remote in hand. His body seemed to take up most of the sofa, his hulking figure slumped back and spread out comfortably. Edward was residing in the armchair across from the windows and adjacent to the loveseat. He held a book in one hand, his eyes scanning over the pages as he ran his other hand through his copper hair. Jasper rested on the loveseat, back straight and body tense in worry. Even as Alice walked past him, placing a kiss on his cheek in rassurance, he was still nervous.

As for Alice herself, she was busy zooming about the house, making sure that everything was in order and nothing was out of place. Carlisle could see just how excited she was, and he would be lying if he said he didn't feel the same.

The sound of an engine pulling up to the house caused everyone to pause in their ministrations. Rosalie's hand stopped moving, the vegetables and chicken sizzling in the pan. Jasper seemed to tense even more as Edward closed his book while Emmett shut off the television. Alice stood at the front door, beaming.

When the sound of a car door opening greeted their senses, Carlisle moved out of the kitchen, leaving Rose to finish dinner. He made his way over to Alice, the sound of footsteps outside growing nearer. He heard Edward chuckle, and assumed that his son had picked up on Eden's thoughts. Looking to the copper haired vampire, he cocked a brow in question, silently asking for him to elaborate.

"She thinks the house is 'damn impressive'," he explained to Carlisle, a grin on his face. "She thinks it makes her home look like a hovel."

The blond shook his head, a fond grin on his face. Alice giggled, clapping her hands together behind her back. "I'm happy she likes it," she said. "It will be her home one day, too."


Eden stepped out of her car, her eyes widening in awe at the home before her. It was a beautiful, rustic home with a modern twist. Surrounded by the greenery of Forks with numerous large windows. She couldn't help but to think to herself that the house was damn impressive, making her own childhood home look like a hovel in comparison.

She walked slowly up the steps that lead to the front door, smoothing out her dress in the process. She had decided on a long sleeved, wine red colored dress with a high neckline. Perfect for the late summer nights of Forks. She had paired it with her black flats, pinning her hair at the nape of her neck in a messy bun with her bangs swept to the side. She reached up, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, before knocking lightly on the front door.

A moment later, Eden was greeted with the sight of a beaming Alice. She still wore her lavender dress, her hair fanning out around her soft face. Her topaz eyes were alight in happiness as she reached for Eden's hand, pulling her into the house.

"I'm so glad you could make it," Alice spoke, leading Eden further into the house.

Eden smiled back, allowing herself to be lead into the beautiful home. Her blue eyes were full of awe as she took in the modern decor of the interior. The home was absolutely beautiful, taking her breath away.

It was a moment later, after being led into the living room, she noticed the others in the room. There were four others, Carlisle among them. She could hear another person in the kitchen, the sound of something sizzling and a wonderful scent filling her.

As Eden let her eyes roam over the others, she couldn't help but gawk at them. Much like Carlisle and Alice, these boys were beautiful, if not a little intimidating. The one to Carlisle's left was tall and lean with copper colored hair and a small smile on his handsome face. The blond farthest from the two was wiry and seemed tense, though he still inclined his head in her direction in acknowledgement. And finally, the last man, between the two blonds, was a brute. He was the tallest, and by far the biggest. However, his dimpled grin and boyish smile took away the intimidation factor.

"Hello," Eden managed to say. "I'm Eden Bowers. I work with Carlisle."

The first to reach her was the brute of a man. "I'm Emmett," he replied. He then reached forward, taking her small hand in his and shaking it in greeting. "It's nice to meet you, Eden."

"Nice to meet you, Hulk," she said, her hand falling from his. She could feel her eyes widen and cheeks redden in embarrassment. She hadn't meant to say that aloud, but as usual, she speaks before she thinks. Just as she was about to blurt out an apology, however, the entire room burst into a fit of laughter.

"I think you and I are gonna get along just fine," Emmett chuckled. He then threw his arm over her shoulders, dragging her further into the living room.


Carlisle watched as his children interacted with the beautiful nurse. It was a relief to him, seeing them all so welcoming of her, regardless of her nature. Emmett, he could see, had already taken a liking to her after her little outburst. Even Carlisle had to admit that it was quite amusing. He had noticed that she had a tendency to speak her mind rather freely, regardless of the consequences. It was refreshing and endearing.

"So," Emmett started. "What are some things you like to do? Sports? Reading? Things like that."

Carlisle looked at her from his seat beside her. Emmett and Jasper had taken up the loveseat while Edward took the arm chair. That had left Eden and Carlisle on the couch.

"Well, I obviously love nursing," she laughed out. "But I also enjoy a good book, musicals, singing, and art."

Emmett made a mock gagging sound, earning a laugh from Eden and chuckles from the others. Alice scowled at him as she walked passed, leaning over and smacking his arm.

"Don't worry, Emmett," Eden said, leaning back against the couch cushion. "I like some sports, too."

The burly vampire lit up at her words. He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees as he asked, "Which ones?"

"Well, I played volleyball in high school," she started. "But I also really enjoy playing football and baseball. I used to play on the Rez when I was a kid."

"The Reservation?" Edward asked, sending Carlisle a worried look that went unnoticed.

The blond shook his head at the copper haired vampire. He then turned his attention back to Eden, listening to her stories from her childhood.

"Yeah," she replied. "I grew up with Sam Uley and Emily Young. We were always really close as kids. I also babysat the younger kids when I was out that way. Made some good money during the summer."

"So you're familiar with the Reservation?" Edward asked, curiosity piqued.

Carlisle watched Eden nod her head, a fond smile on her face.

"Oh yeah," she replied easily. "I'm really close with the younger kids because, as I said, I used to babysit them. I was one of the first to hold them all when they were born," she explained. "My dad is also really close to Billy Black and Harry Clearwater. They get together with Charlie Swan and Waylan Gennings at least once a month."

It was a bit concerning to Carlisle to hear that his very own blood singer was so close to the Quileute tribe. Should he pursue her, he would have his work cut out for him. And he could only imagine how the council members of the tribe would handle the situation. He would need to tread carefully.

Just then, Rosalie and Alice emerged from the kitchen. They let everyone know that dinner was ready and the table was set.

Everyone stood, Carlisle leading Eden into the dining room with a cold hand resting on the small of her back. He felt satisfaction surge through him as he heard her heartbeat stutter for a moment. Ever the gentleman, he then pulled out her chair for her, indicating for her to sit. He grinned to himself as her cheeks flushed while she thanked him. Carlisle then moved to take the seat next to her.


Dinner was marvelous. Eden had complemented both women on their cooking, practically salivating at the sight and almost moaning in delight at the taste.

Once finished, the Cullens had all ushered Eden into the living room. She had protested at first, wanting to help with the clean up as the girls had done such a wonderful job. Her parents had raised her with manners, after all. However, Alice had clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"You are a guest," she explained to the older woman. "Guests don't do dishes. You go relax and have a drink."

After sitting with the Cullens, talking more and getting to know more about them, Eden let out a wide yawn. With flushed cheeks, she looked at her wrist watch. Gaping at the time, she jumped from the couch.

"Thank you guys, so much for having me over tonight," she said as she stood by the front door. "I had a great time and would honestly love to do something like this again."

Alice beamed, reaching forward and hugging Eden tightly. "You are always welcome here," she told Eden.

The nurse then received hugs from all of the Cullen children. Jasper's seemed a bit stiff, and Rosalie's seemed forced, but it was still nice, nonetheless. With a wave and smile, and another thanks, Carlisle lead Eden from the house and out to her car.

"Thank you for coming by," Carlisle said as he walked her down the steps. "I know that Alice's invitation was a bit short notice, but she's taken quite a liking to you."

"I'm glad she invited me over," Eden replied, a smile on her face. "She's such a sweet girl. And all of your kids are just wonderful, Carlisle. You've done a great job with them."

"Thank you," he said quietly, humbled by the praise. "I've done my best. And, Lord knows I've struggled with them at points, but they are wonderful children."

Eden nodded in reply. "They are," she said, standing at her driver side door. "Thank you again, for allowing me into your home."

"As Alice said, you are always welcome in the Cullen home," he told her, a soft smile on his angelic face.

Taking a leap of faith, Eden mustered up every ounce of courage within her. She leaned forward, placing a hand on Carlisle's shoulder for balance as her lips descended upon his cold cheek. Her heart was racing and her cheeks were flush. She could feel him stiffen before relaxing and placing his hand on her waist as she slowly pulled away. The two then stood nose to nose, topaz eyes boring into bright blue. Both of them were smiling, Eden flushing a soft pink and Carlisle enjoying the sound of her erratic heartbeat.

"Get a room!" a booming voice bellowed from the doorway. Laughter soon followed before the sound of a door slamming shut could be heard.

"I'm sorry about Emmett," Carlisle said, shaking his head with a fond smile. "He likes to act before thinking. Alice and Rose have been trying for years to break the habit, but to no avail."

Eden giggled. "It's alright. I rather like how lively he is," she said. "Thank you again, for tonight. I know I've said it about a million times but, I enjoyed myself. And your family."

Carlisle simply nodded, a smile still on his face. "Again, you're very welcome. Feel free to come by any time," he said. He then reached behind her, opening her door for her.

The brunette slipped in, Carlisle closing the door behind her. "Eden," he said softly, catching her attention. "Would you have dinner with me this weekend?" he asked.

Stunned, Eden could only smile and nod. "Yes," she finally choked out, feeling as if she were about to implode. "Do you wanna just text me the details?"

"Sounds perfect," Carlsile replied, beaming. "Be careful, Eden. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Good night, Carlisle," she replied.

She then pulled away from the handsome blond doctor, making her way down the road. She then squealed in delight at tonight's turn of events.


AN: *me dressed as Mushu from Mulan rising slowly from my writer's block* I LIVE! Please, forgive my absence. I had just started a new job and I am still getting into the rhythm that is my life now. Anyway, first note of business! Thank you all, so very much, for your wonderful reviews! You guys are the best! Honestly, if it weren't for you guys, I would have just said "Fuck it" and been done with this already. But, you guys are sticking with me. So, thank you all! Next order of buissness! ... Read and review! Much love!