Chapter story: Rated M for violence, gore, PTSD flashbacks, drama, use of drugs and more.

Everyone in Kusa no Ha High school knows the name Haruno, Sakura as the academic conqueror. The head strong senior made sure that no student was left behind academically as Head of the Student Council, Discipline Committee, organizing after-school study/cram sessions. Friendships are scarce, but Sakura was able to make two friends out of Naruto and Shikamaru. Sakura's life changes one fateful night when she stayed in school longer than planned. What happens when one day a silent crimson haired stranger comes into her classroom. "Kon'nichiwa! " "Kon'nichiwa Sabaku-sensai" The short hair blonde smiled. "Chakuseki" all the students sit. " Today, we will have a visitor, performing for you guys.."

Gaara x Sakura


Emerald eyes snap open, while the owner frantically sits up, looking at the alarm clock blaring that familiar beeping of her 5:30 am alarm.

With a loud huff, she collapses ungracefully back on her blue sheeted bed. Just laying there, staring at her ceiling, seemingly deep in thought.

'Senior year.. I can't believe I'm already here.. Okay Sakura.. You started strong, now finish fierce'

The rosé hair colored 17 year old sat up once again, calmer now, sliding her legs off the edge of the bed before standing and stretching. She smiled softly as she felt and heard the soft audible pops come from her knees and back. Whilst scratching her ruffled mid length pink hair, that was in disarray, no doubt from her deep slumber, she headed to her own private bathroom to shower and get ready for the long first day of school ceremony that laid ahead.


30 Minutes later

Sakura gallops down the stairs and into the kitchen to be greeted with a large smile from her mother, who has already prepared a delicious breakfast for her and her father Kizashi.

"Ohayogozaimasu! Otou-san, Oka-san, How did you rest last night?"

Sakura's mother Mebuki smiled warmly while placing a beautifully crafted omelette on her husband's plate.

"Very well, as did your father, didn't you dear?"

The only response the two endearing ladies received was a gruff one, which caused both women in the room, to sigh and giggle before Sakura took a seat at the dining table across from her father.

"Have you read anything interesting in the paper today 'tousan?"

Sakura's father folded the paper, and shook his head solemnly. " Just unsavory ones.. You be careful on your way to school. Now, let's enjoy this delicious breakfast..Shall we?"

Sakura grinned widely. "Mhmm!"


10 Minutes Later

"I'm off to school! Wish me luck!"

"Good luck dear! You'll do great!" her parents cheered after her as she flew hastily out the front door, to reach the train.

"Darling, do you think this year will be to hard on Sakura?" Kizashi shook his head. "She isn't the Valedictorian because she's been playing it safe.. Our daughter is strong. I have no doubt in my mind, whatever trials she will face, she will meet them head on.. And win!"

Mebuki's smile waned slightly. ' I hope so..'


"Oi! Sakura-chan!"

Sakura looked around for the owner of the voice, only spotting her fellow classmates, clad in the school attire she had on which consisted of a blue skirt, white long sleeve blouse that looks suspiciously like a sailor uniform, especially with the red accent scarf that went along with the top, the cuffs were striped in blue, on her feet are brown ordinary school shoes, accompanied by black knee high socks.

Squinting her eyes, she caught a glimpse of straw yellow hair, and orange. She smiled knowing only one person in the whole world would adorn an orange headband along with that crop of blonde hair.

"Naruto-chan! Hey!" She lifted a slim arm, waving in the air to help him spot her, she squealed when he lifted her up and spun her around, which caused a scene.

"Naruto! P-put me down! Everyone is w-watching!"

"Aw! Sakura! I don't care! ..but since you asked nicely!" He planted her back on stable ground, but not before bowing in humbly before her.

"Sakura-chan, I can't thank you enough! If it weren't for you.. I would probably been repeating the last grade. I owe you big time!" Sakura sweat dropped and waved at him to keep it casual.

"Naruto-chan.. Please.. No more. I was glad to help a fellow student, let alone a friend" She straightened up and adorned on her face one of her rare genuine smiles.

Naruto stood up straight and smiled at her, but not as bright. ' That looks like the old Sakura.. But I know better that she's still hurt over..'

Just as the thought passed Naruto's mind, he felt the small hairs of the back of his neck raise on end as if being watched, he turned his head to look over his right shoulder just as soon as he saw Sakura distracted to see Sasuke looking at the pair, intensely, but with an unreadable expression. Naruto turned away just before Sakura was about to ask him what he was looking at.

"Let's head inside and get our schedule Sakura-chan! Have you decided what college you'd wanna go to?"

Sakura looked at Naruto surprised but pleased at the question. "I'm not really sure yet.. I know that is unlike me.. But-" Naruto inwardly praised himself as he successfully distracted his childhood female friend, whist leading her into the school.

1st Period - Mathematics-

"Please Rise!" Sakura demand in a strong authoritative voice as their Mathematics teacher Shikaku Nara entered and took his rightful place at the front of the room, where a well dusted and neat desk laid before him, ready for his use.

"Good Morning students! Please be seated.. As I write your lesson on the board today.. Inuzuka, Kiba, read from where we last left off."

"Hai Sensei!.."

Sakura multitasked and diligently took notes as dictated on all the material presented. 'Piece of Cake!'

2nd Period - Science- Z. Kojo

"Please Rise!"

As Shikaku Nara made his way out of the classroom, the science teacher known as Zetsu Kojo, introduced himself, and explained his goals and plans, curriculum wise, he has in store for all his students. Once finished he introduced his aid, Kabuto Yakushi.

"Good Morning.. I will be assisting Sensei Kojo for the rest of the year, if any of you need help or extra tutoring, I will make my services readily available for you, just make sure you fill out a proper request form with the date, time and location. I look forward to working with you all this year. Good Luck." with that small introduction, he moved to the back of the classroom and took a seat, not only to have the best vantage point to take notes and to assist those having a hard time following the material, but to crack down on any disruptive students in the classroom.

3rd Period - Music/Art-

"Please rise!"

"Good Morning! Now I know you all are starving, so I'll make today easy! But first! Let me introduce you to my temporary aid, Sensei Kankuro! He will be assisting us in our art portion of class for now, that is until Sensei Iwa recovers from strep-throat."

Sensei Sabaku glances around the room, making note of all her students, calling each by name and by memory before continuing on with her plans.

"Okay! Icebreakers and or Catch-me up! What has everyone been up to this summer? Who would like to go first?"

Hands none too eager rise slowly, not before one in particular shoots straight up in excitement. sighs and shakes her head.

"Okay.. Mr. Uzumaki. Make this short, ya got it?" said blonde nods in understanding before rambling about an amazing time he had with a girl in the summer.

"She's incredible! Smart! And just the right woman for me!" everyone in class chuckled at his love stricken facial expression, while Sensei Sabaku had a vein that started to protrude from her temple as he repeated the same details, over and over, getting more or less perverse as he started to describe her body.

"Alright! Next!- Hey, Ms. Sabaku, can I formally introduce myself?" said sensei face palmed in response.

"Of course Sensei Kankuro! I'm sorry for forgetting.." said man shook his head and smirked.

"It's alright.. I promise to make it quick"

Sakura quirked an eyebrow ' Funny how the school let them work together this year, maybe they have leaned off the nepotism rules a bit'

"My name is Kankuro.. I specialize in art, particularly maronets, painting of the face and calligraphy. I've spoken to Sensei Iwa, and his interests are clay molding and..the rest will be a- and I quote 'A real banging surprise'"

A light wave of chuckles ran through the class room, as he cleared his throat, the classroom hushed to listen once more.

"I look forward to participating and learning with you all, until Sensei Iwa returns. Thank you." A wave of applause ran through the classroom before dying down.

Sensei Sabaku took this as a cue to continue. " Next!?"


"Sakura-Chan! Over here!"

Sakura smiled after spotting the over energetic Rock Lee waving her down to a seat at his table. Once she successfully maneuvered through the crowd of her fellow students, she drops her lunch bag on the table, taking up the only other empty seat, which was next to Naruto, who was devouring his third cup of instant ramen chicken noodle soup. Sakura sweatdropped, but nonetheless unzipped her lunch box to pull out a more...nutritional lunch. Just as she was about to take a bite from her chicken and broccoli spinach salad she asked.

"So.. How did you get Hinata to fall for a doof like you?"

Naruto's face when from a blazing red, to a pale white, his neck snapped between Neji who was two tables away from their little group to Sakura, a look of shock and fear flashing through his features. He swallowed a mouthful of beef flavored ramen down before nervously hushing the rose hair colored student.

"HUSH! H-hinata said he'll kill me if her finds out.. So please… DON'T say it any louder. I will tell you the full details after school! I promise!"

Sakura snickered and took a bite of her salad that looked perfectly coated in dressing and seasoning whilst including every ingredient in the salad. The perfect bite.

"Not this afternoon, I'm staying after school to get a head start on gathering future assignments for the rest of senior year.. I want a head start so that I can use my free time studying and researching colleges.. I know I want to be a surgeon or doctor, but.. I can't pick just one. I want to be.. Ugh..what's that word..?" Sakura rubbed her chin pensively, like an old detective trying to solve a case.

"I think the word you're looking for is.. Jack of All Trades, and it just isn't possible"

Sakura's eyes momentarily brightened then became downcast as she turned to look at the owner of the statement

"Ms. Sabaku!" The dirty blonde haired teacher, wearing beige colored skirt and light purple blouse, smiled and looked at the girl's lunch tray before asking.

"Sakura, are you done with lunch? I know you requested to have a meeting with me.. So soon.." Temari sweatdropped. ' I mean.. it IS only the second week of school.. I'm surprised it took her this long to request one..'

"I'm free right now if you are.."

"Hai Sensei! I'll see you guys!" Sakura quickly picked up her tray after fixing her backpack on her shoulders, throwing away her trash before following Ms. Sabaku to her classroom; just as they were out of sight, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino and Tenten came to sit at the table.

Tenten looked around for the pink-haired go getter before throwing a questioning glance at Naruto who answered without taking his eyes off his lunch.

"Where else do you think? Getting a headstart on class assignments.." Tenten sweat dropped. "Who's her first victim?"

Naruto slurped his ramen up messily, chuckling before adding.

"Ms. Sabaku."

"Rip" The twin bun wearing classmate concluded while she dunked a chicken tender in mustard.

Music Classroom- Ms. Sabaku

"Take a seat, Sakura..would you like some tea? It is anti-inflammatory."

"O-oh.. Thank you Sensei, I would love some."

took out her thermos, it was a white and blue, littered in decorations of leaves and fans, from the moment she unscrewed the top, the room was filled with the soft aroma of green tea and something else.

"Ms. Temari.. That smells heavenly, but what else is in the tea?" Temari clicked her tongue.

"White willow bark.. I am hoping that it becomes a breakthrough for you" Temari passed her a white mug, rimmed with blue to Sakura who smiled sadly as she accepted it, but whispered a soft 'Thank you' as she stared at the green cloudy liquid.

"Sakura.. I'm sorry for bringing it up- No, Ms. Temari.. It means so much to me that you are still trying to help me through it, I should have more hope."

And with that Sakura regained her smile, blew into the liquid to cool off the contents some, before taking a large sip. A soft sigh escapes her lips as the flavor coats her taste buds.


"Delicious!" Temari smiled before taking a sip herself, which turned into a unladylike chugging of the tea before slamming the mug on her desk, afterward rummaging in her briefcase for a thick binder that is until one labeled "Lesson Plans" dropped onto the desk between the two ladies in the room, startling them. Chuckling beside them was Kankuro.

"You forgot it in the car, you're welcome sis" Temari grumbled before opening the neat binder. Sakura couldn't help chuckling into her hand at the sibling bickering that no one seems to know how to grow out of.

Sakura was one of the few people Ms. Sabaku would trust with her personal information, over the years her parents got to know the two siblings very well, they are considered great friends, damn near family.

"So Sakura.. Right here, as Kank, so graciously dropped on my desk, is the curriculum we've planned until takes Kankuro's place, maybe you would like a peak to some ideas, that way you can help if any of your fellow classmates if they get stuck somewhere, sound good?" Sakura nodded, her stare switched from that of playfulness to determination.

"Let's see..What about-VRRRB VRRRB VRRRB VRRRB" A vein popped from Temari's temple.

"Kankuro! Turn off your phone! We are at work!" Kankuro was in the middle of patting his pockets before he shrugged her off.

"Not me, It must be you." He concluded, placing his hands on his hips, eyebrow raised smugly. Taking the bait, Temari checked her purse to no avail. "No.. It's not my phone.. Sakura?"

The two adults in the room stared at the girl in question, only to have her response in her shaking her head. "I leave my phone off and in my locker.. I wonder where it's coming from."

Sakura bent over whilst still seated in her chair to look underneath the teacher's desk, locating the source of the vibrating to be inside of Temari's briefcase.

"Ms. Temari.. I think it's coming from your Are you two..okay?" Sakura questioned the pair, the demeanor and air had changed to a heavier more palpable one.

" ?" said woman picked up her briefcase, her eyes widening at the screen before showing it to Kanuro, who's eyes hardened. Sakura sat quietly, very lost and confused.

"G-guys?- Sakura.. Can we continue this meeting, another time.. Something urgent has come up." and with that Temari rushed out the room to an unknown location within the school answering her phone before students rushed back to the classrooms since lunch was almost over.

" ..?" said man looked at Sakura, uncharacteristically bearing a painful expression before motioning to the door, getting the hint Sakura packed up and made a quick exit, speed walking to the lockers to switch out the learning materials from morning classes to afternoon classes, which were English, PE and Social-studies/ Moral Studies. All the while thinking 'They will tell me when they are ready. I just hope everything is alright..'



"What has happened?"

"How? You told us that can't happen.. That is was impossible"

** ******* ** *** ****** **** **** **** ** *** ****. ** *** **** **** **** ****** *** *** ******* *** **********. ******, **** ***. ****, ******.

"Of course.. He is our blood."

** ***** ** ***** * ******* *******, ** *** ****** *******. ** *** *****.

"I won't.. Thank you, Sasori"