Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story or Viewfinder itself.


Backstory: Its been over three years since Akihito moved in with Asami and not once have either of them said I loved you. Both too stubborn to admit their feelings for each other but both aware that what they had wasn't a casual fling. While both knew this they couldn't help but feel like there was distance growing apart. Akihito being Akihito decided that enough was enough.


Akihito had been planning to say those three little words that would change everything for weeks. He just couldn't find that sweet perfect moment where everything fell into place and he wasn't worried about where he stood with Asami but alas the world isn't perfect and that moment didn't exist.

Tonight's the night. I'm gonna make sure that I say it. And I won't let anything or anyone get in my way here. Akihitos little voice in his head get giving him the courage he needed. Asami knew something was wrong with his little kitten and as more days passed by the more the anxious the crime lord got. Though he wouldn't let anything ruin his infamous mask. What could have happened to Akihito in the past few days that makes him all flustered and so cute during dinner.

"Asami-sama Haruaki is in warehouse number 5." Kirishima broke Asami's train of thoughts.

"He's been prepped by Suoh and has still decided not to talk. Would you like me to pull the car around?" Asami nodded and with that Kirishima left Asami to ponder what was wrong with his kitten. Maybe someone's threatening to kill him unless they use him as a spy. Maybe he's cheating on me. All these dark thoughts arose and made Asami in the mood for a torture session.

"Sir Kirishima-san is ready for you." The lowley bodyguard had never felt such fear as he did the moment Asami-sama stood up from his chair. A dark aura surrounded him with a face that would send terror to any crime lord across the globe. Once Asami-sama past the bodyguard he fell on the floor clutching his heart with sweat dripping onto the floor. He was still fairly new to this whole world and now he fully understood the true power of Asami Ryuichi.


"If you drop the race now I will let you go but if you don't I will make that you get to see your family go to heaven very slowly before I let you go to the bottom pits of hell. Now will you reconsider?" After an hour of torturing Asami finally let the bandanna out of Haruakis mouth.

"Okay okay okay! Please just make it stop! I'm begging you!" Haruaki now was sobbing uncontrollably with blood mixed in as well.

"Fine fine I'll drop the race. Please just spare my family and I." Now Asami usually never cared about politicians but Asami needed his man to win this race. If he didn't he wouldn't own the underworld of the West area of America.

"Good. Now I will let you go and you will not say anything to anyone because I have many other toys at my disposable that I would love to use. Do I make myself clear?" The politician nodded vigorously until Suoh knocked him unconscious.

"Asami-sama Haruaki will be taken back to his home with makeup to cover up the bruises. In three days time he'll drop out of the race because he would like to spend more time with his family and give back to the earth. He will then disappear on a tree planting tour."

"Make sure that the tour lasts at least two months."

"Consider it done sir." Asami then went into the car to get home before dinner.


"Oh you're early Asami. Why are you early?! I didn't know you would be home this soon so dinner isn't ready yet." Akihito didn't know how to react to Asami coming home so soon. He didn't prepare for Asami to come home so early. He was all flustered but he couldn't let Asami know that so he put on his cool facade.

"So what do you want you bastard." Akihito was getting ingredients from the cupboards above the stove. Asami smirked and moved up behind Akihito he squeezed his perfect buttchecks and then wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Right now I'm thinking that I could just devour you." Asami put his head in the crook of Akihitos neck and started bitting his little ear. One arm started to sneak into the front of Akihitos pants and the other started to pinch his nipples. Despite himself Akihito started moaning.

"No Asami no no! Not now!" Akihito started squirming but it was no use. Asamis grip didn't let up.

"Not now? So you're ready for a whole sleepless night? Hm good." Asamis hands started moving.

"Nooooo that's not what I meant! Asami not the shirt! Nope nope not today! Not happening!" Akihito turned around to face Asami and started kissing him hard. Asami was none the less surprised but accepted it gracefully. Asami pushed Akihito into the island then lifted him up onto it. While Asami was taking off his shirt Akihito darted off the island. "No Asami! I'm planning something and you can't ruin it!"

"Planning something? What is it?" Asami turned into his serious crime lord mode.

"Uhhhh it's not what your thinking trust me. It's something that should be important and it's taken me a long time to do this."

"What is so important that you've been nervous for weeks and now won't tell me!?" Asami started to lose his patience.

"It's something that shouldn't be rushed! So stop making it all about you!"

"Making it all about me? I have been more than generous and patient with you. So you will tell me what it is that your hiding or I will make sure tha-"

"I love you!" Akihito shrieked it. He wouldn't be surprised if the bodyguards heard it. Asami for once in his life didn't know what to say.

"I love you you big idiot. And it's taken weeks for me to gather the courage to say it. And I know that you may not feel the same way but I honestly don't care because I need to get this out. I need you to know what I want and how I feel. So here it is. I was hoping to make a nice romantic dinner with candle light then at the end of dinner I would tell you that I love you then you would take me to bed and say something like 'I'll show my love for you through my body.' Then everything would still be the same but instead I know where I stand with you! That's what I wanted and still want!" By this time Akihito was crying. Asami just stood there in shock. He doesn't know where he stands with me?

"I want to know if I'm just some kind of toy you enjoy playing with or if you actually feel the same way. And I know that your this big bad crime lord who has no emotions but that doesn't matter. I love every part of you. The serious attitude, the signature smirk, the honesty in bed, the way you get when I'm in trouble, and the rare moments where you smile." Akihito couldn't believe this was happening and it was and with a breaking voice he said

"Now I'm gonna go to our room and in the morning I will make breakfast like nothing happened." And with that Akihito practically sprinted towards him and Asamis room. Asami just stood there practically in shock. His muscle memory took control of his body and he automatically went to the fridge to grab some wine. Once the wine was in a glass he went to his armchair and sat there drinking. He honestly didn't know what to do with himself. Hmm he loves me huh? I always knew it but saying it out loud is something else. Asami was pleased with himself but he couldn't ignore the guilt that was eating at him. Akihito just confessed and he just stood there. After a few hours after Akihito went to bed Asami knew what to do. It was time to go to bed.


After Asami got ready for bed he slid into the bed very carefully as to not to wake up his precious kitten.

"Takaba thank you for telling me how you feel. I'm aware that I usually don't thank you or show my gratitude. But that doesn't me I still don't care about you. Now it's hard for me to express my feelings and I'm aware of that but here it goes. I love you Takabaka and you're the most precious thing in my world. I live in a dark hole that seems to never stop but then you jumped from that building and the chase was on. I'll be honest the only reason why I went after you was because I liked the feeling of catching your free spirit. But I came to love you in our own strange way. Then my black world had a little light that I never thought was possible. And you never have to question your position with me because nothing and no one will be more important than you. That's the best your gonna get out of me so don't come crawling to me begging for me to show you my "cute" side because it doesn't exist. Goodnight Takabaka." Asami then proceeded to sleep. Asami assumed that he fell alseep but little did he know that the young photographer heard all of it. Akihito sat still all flustered and nervous but overall happy. He knew that Asami didn't mean for him to hear it so he would keep it his little secret. He actually loves me! Oh I've never felt this kind of joy! After an hour or two Akihito finally got tired enough to go to bed for real.