If anyone has a better title picture or name for the story I would like to hear/see it.

13 year old Ben Tennyson sat in his seat anxiously awaiting for the bell to ring signaling the end of his last day of school. Well the last day of school for him in America anyways. He, his Grandpa Max, and cousin Gwen are going to be spending their summer vacation overseas in Paris, France. However it was only March but they had gotten the green light to go ahead early from Ben and Gwen's parents if they finished school in France. Ben's parents approved because they hoped a European curriculum would help improve his grades and Gwen's parents because even if she somehow failed school in Europe she would still pass with an A because she always does extra credit work.

Ben wasn't too excited about the school part in France, especially since school goes on longer there than in the U.S, but if it meant seeing more of Paris and spending more time with Grandpa Max, Ben was happy to go.

RIIIINNNNNGGGGGG went the school bell and before anyone could leave their seats Ben had already zoomed out the door with the teacher behind him shouting "No Running!" but Ben ignored her as he continued running till he arrived at his locker, opened it, grabbed his backpack and zoomed outside the school and hopped on his bike but before he could leave he heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey Tennyson!" Ben turned his head to see J.T and Cash walking towards him with their fists looking ready to pound him.

J.T and Cash have been the school bullies since the second grade and for some reason always had it out for Ben.

"Oh great what now." muttered Ben as he got off his bike and stood to face them.

"What is it Cash you know I have to get home and pack for my trip." Ben said

"Oh yeah we know" said J.T

"Which is why we're going to give you an all expense paid trip to your destination for you."

"I don't suppose it's to Paris?" replied Ben in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"Nope it's Wedgieville Tennyson and it's a one way trip." said Cash as he cracked his knuckles.

"Sorry guys but I'll have to pass" answered Ben as he quickly hopped back onto his bike and jolted off with J.T and Cash chasing behind him shouting and lagging behind him unable to match his bike's speed.

"Whew close one." thought Ben as he continued pedaling to his house.

Ben arrived home a few minutes later and parked his bike in the garage and zoomed towards his room.

"Ben no running in the house." called his mother from the living room.

"Sorry Mom" replied Ben but he still didn't stop until he reached his room and shut the door.

"Gah I have one hour to pack before Grandpa Max gets here." said Ben as he gathered clothes and stuffed them into his backpack in his rush to gather his things he accidentally knocked down a box in his closet causing it to spill a bulky retro looking watch with a green hourglass symbol on it.

"Oh man the Omnitrix" said Ben as he put it back into the box but held it in his hands for a moment contemplating on whether he should pack it.

"Better safe then sorry" said Ben as he took the Omnitrix out of the box and stuffed it into a pouch in his suitcase."

After a snack break Ben continued stuffing his usual black shirts and blue jeans and shorts into his backpack along with a ton of snacks to help him survive his Grandpa's cooking knowing that it would be horrific and inedible to him. Ben also decided to pack his Sumo Slammers video games to keep himself entertained. Ben then checked himself out in the mirror. He saw himself with slightly messy brown hair, green eyes, black T-Shirt, blue shorts that went down to his knees, and his usual neon green 10 jacket that had a white stripe going down the left side with a 10 inside a black circle which was in the middle of the stripe.

"Alright I don't look to bad" thought Ben to himself as then checked the clock on his wall to see the time

"3:54! I gotta bring out my suitcase now!" said Ben as he lugged his heavy suitcase to the front door to find his Grandpa Max already here.

"Need some help with that suitcase there Ben?" asked his Grandpa

"No I got it." Ben grunted as he continued to pull the heavy case to the Rustbucket.

As Ben pulled the suitcase into the Rustbucket a voice said "Need a hand Doofus" Ben turned his head to find his cousin Gwen closing the magic book she was reading and setting it on the table. Gwen looked different than the last time Ben had seen her. She still had green eyes like Ben but her hair had grown longer and now went down to her mid-back and turned a darker shade of orange than it used to be. Gwen was also wearing a dark blue top with a white collar that had sleeves that went to her elbows with a black skirt and dark maroon leggings.

"No I got it Dweeb but thanks for asking." replied Ben

He and Gwen used to argue and fight all the time when they were 10 but now it had turned more playful and nostalgic but was very rarely a real fight.

While Gwen resumed reading her book Ben continued lugging his bag and set it down by the bunks then head back out to say goodbye to his parents.

After his goodbyes Ben and Grandpa Max got back into the Rustbucket and began their trip. While Max sat at the steering wheel and began driving Ben sat at the table across from Gwen.

"How have things been going for you?" Ben asked

Gwen set down her spellbook again and replied "Things have been going fine. I've improved upon my magic skills and am still doing karate and extra credit work after school. what about you? anything else going on in your life?"

"Nothing much, I have started to play Soccer as a goalie ,well I guess they call it football in Europe." replied Ben.

"Awesome Ben." replied Gwen

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. I learned a spell that will allow us to speak and understand French fluently so we won't have any language problems." added Gwen with an excited grin on her face since she rarely got to try out her magic.

"Cool Gwen but I guess me practicing French was all for nothing then." replied Ben

"You learn another language yeah right Doofus. We both know you don't have the patience to learn another language." laughed Gwen

"I do too!" said Ben

"Do not!" said Gwen

"Do Too!" shouted Ben

"Do Not!" shouted Gwen and they continued doing that for awhile until they both burst out laughing from the fun shouting match they just had.

"it's hard to believe that we used to hate each other and yet now we get along so much better now Ben." Gwen said still giggling a bit.

"Yeah I know I never thought we would eventually get along." replied Ben

"But your still a Total Dweeb Gwen" Ben added as he started laughing again

"Right back atcha Doofus" Gwen said as she started laughing too.

Them getting along better put a smile on Grandpa Max's face knowing he would not have to deal with the drama and stress of keeping them from each other's throats anymore.

The rest of the trip mainly consisted of Ben and Gwen updating each other on how their lives have changed since the last time they met last summer and the occasional playful insults they always gave each other.

"Alright Kids we're at the Airport." said Grandpa Max as he parked the Rustbucket.

They all got out of the Rustbucket and entered the Airport to start their journey to France.

The Trip was longer than Ben had expected but was mostly just boring and uncomfortable due to the crummy economy class seats and nothing good to watch on the inflight entertainment. The only stressful part for Ben was when the Omnitrix set off the x ray machine at security before they had boarded. The security guards however just put it back in his suitcase thinking it was nothing more than a simple trinket.

Grandpa had informed him and Gwen on the way to baggage claim that the Rustbucket would arrive in about a week and that they would be staying at a hotel until then. Grandpa Max also told them that they would resume school in about a week in order to give them time to recover from Jetlag.

After they grabbed their suitcases from baggage claim and cleared customs they then left the airport and got a taxi to take them to the Grand Paris Hotel. Ben passed out in the car due to not being able to sleep on the plane and later woke up to Gwen pinching his nose shut to wake him up.

"huh agh huh uh" Ben woke up startled and snorting due to Gwen holding his nose.

"Wake Up Ben we're here." stated Gwen letting go of his nose and exiting the taxi.

"Where now." moaned Ben rubbing his eyes.

"The hotel doofus. Where else would we be." Gwen said as she grabbed her bag from the taxi trunk and pulled it up to Grandpa Max who was paying the taxi driver.

Ben yawned and left the taxi, grabbed his suitcase from the trunk and pulled it adjacent to Gwen as the Taxi Driver drove off.

"Alright lets go check in." said Grandpa Max as they made their way into the hotel.

As they entered they were greeted by a man with a red, white, and blue sash who looked kinda old and wore a suit and tie under the sash.

"Welcome to The Grand Paris Hotel. I am the Owner of this hotel and the mayor of Paris André Bourgeois how may I help you today?"

"We just need to check in" answered Grandpa Max

"Of course go over to that desk over there to check in and feel free to ask for anything else if you need it." replied the mayor as he then departed to greet more guests of the hotel. Grandpa Max checked them in and they went to their room. It had 2 twin beds and a pull out couch on one side. A TV on a nightstand on the other side of the room, A kitchenette,closet and bathroom with pink painted walls across the whole hotel room.

"Man this place is pretty swanky." said Ben as he plopped down onto a bed.

"Well surprisingly tourist season started early and this one was the only hotel with any openings so I had to get this on-" Grandpa Max was cut off by the sound of Ben's snoring.

"Doofus" muttered Gwen as she began to unpack her suitcase.

4 Days Later

After beginning to adjust to the timezone and a few brief walks to familiarize themselves with Paris , Ben and Gwen were starting to learn a few of the roads and routes of the city or at least the ones near their hotel. Grandpa Max had also informed them the other day that they had a tour of the school scheduled today at 2:00 in the afternoon French time which they were on their way to now.

As they arrived at the school they were greeted by a man with a big grey beard and a redhead teacher.

"Hello you must be the Tennysons. I am Principal Damocles and this is Ms Bustier she will be your teacher.

"It's always a pleasure to meet new students such as yourselves." said Ms Bustier as she shook hands with Gwen and Ben.

"Now Mr Tennyson I will need you to come with me to my office to fill out some paperwork while their class president gives the children a tour of the school." said Principal Damocles.

"Alright but then where is the class president?" asked Grandpa Max.

"I'm here!" shouted a girl with blueish black hair tied into pigtails. She wore a grey jacket over a white shirt with pink flower designs on it. She also wore pink pants and had also had a pink purse with similar designs to her shirt on it.

"Sorry I forgot I agreed to give a tour today." lied the girl who was really distracted gushing over her crush and was only undistracted by her best friend reminding her of the tour.

"Hi I'm Marinette." said Marinette as she held out her hand and introduced herself.

Ben and Gwen shook her hand and introduced themselves as well.

"Alright you two ,if you need me I'll be in the principal's office." stated Grandpa Max as he left with Principal Damocles.

"I have a class to teach so I trust that you two will be safe in Marinette's hands." said Ms Bustier as she also walked off.

"Alright lets begin the tour" said Marinette as she led Ben and Gwen around the school showing them all the different classrooms and explaining that during lunch time you don't have to eat at school but can leave , buy or eat food elsewhere during lunch break and also what extracurriculars their were to take, which Ben didn't pay much attention to.

Ben was so bored. Gwen and Marinette kept talking about extracurriculars during the tour and he zoned out thinking about sumo slammers. He snapped back to reality when Marinette asked him a question.

"Huh" said Ben

"I asked are you interested in any extracurriculars?" Marinette asked again.

"No not really." replied Ben trying to cover up the fact he wasn't really listening but he could tell Gwen noticed he didn't pay attention as she gave him a look.

"To bad Doofus I was looking forward to kicking your butt in fencing." mocked Gwen

"You could never kick my bu- wait your taking fencing?" asked Ben

"Well no guarantee but I will schedule a tryout with the instructor." replied Gwen

"I thought you would want to continue taking karate?" said Ben

"Judo Ben. and I do but they don't have a judo class here or any martial arts as an extracurricular here so the next best thing is fencing and it would look good on my extracurriculars list." answered Gwen.

"Also I can resume judo when we get back to Bellwood." added Gwen

"Yeah that makes sense." said Ben

"So lets continue the tour." added Ben shifting his gaze to Marinette.

"Uh Ben the tour is over." said Marinette with a bit of a grin on her face.

Ben blushed in embarrassment as he noticed Gwen also had a grin on her face trying to contain her laughter.

Ben was about to apologize when Marinette beat him to the punch. "It's fine I zone out in class sometimes too." she said

"Uh yeah sorry for not listening." Ben then said still having an embarrassed blush on his face.

"Alright that concludes the tour and if you have any questions or need any help just ask and oh yeah there's one more thing I should tell you. There's this mean girl named Chloe the mayor's daughter if she does or says anything mean to you don't take it too personally she's like that to everyone." finished Marinette.

Before any of them could ask any questions or say goodbye there was a loud shout from the courtyard.

"I am Uneducator! School is hard and frustrating so I shall remove it from the world starting with this school!" Uneducator shouted. Uneducator had the ridiculous tall pointy blonde hair like the guys from Dragon Ball Z. He wore a T-Shirt saying "Down With Homework" on it like Bart Simpson's shirt from that one Simpsons episode. He also wore a black sash with The science teacher's face imprinted on a corner along with several other teachers and all of the teachers on it had a look of terror on their faces. and also black pants that seemed to blend into his skin with a pencil bag in his pocket.

"Uh tour over gotta go bye!" said Marinette as she ran away from Ben and Gwen.

"Uneducator! Your name sucks!" shouted Ben down to Uneducator.

"How dare you! I am merely trying to save us teens from the merciless institution that is school and you mock me!" Well I shall add your face to my sash like all the other teachers!" Uneducator quipped back with an angry death glare at Ben.

Ben felt someone grab his shoulder and looked over to see it was Gwen.

"Ben what are you doing?" Gwen asked.

"Standing up to the school bully." Ben replied with a small grin forming on his face.

Gwen gave him a look. "Alright I was mocking him but you gotta admit he is ridiculous especially with that haircut.

"Enough!" Uneducator growled grabbing Ben and Gwen's attention as he did a super jump up to the railing making Ben and Gwen step back.

"Now to add you to my sash! Uneducator said as he pointed a pencil at Ben and the tip of it glowed a yellow orb off of it.

Ok intro chapter of this remake done and a cliffhanger I hope you all find this story better than the orginal cause I thought my original was just lacking in detail and to quick to the action without enough rising action and events. So I am trying to change that in this remake but am also fixing some weak story elements. Also yes this takes place between the Original series and Alien Force so elements form both will be used. And this takes place during season 2 of Miraculous just so you all know. Anyways thanks for reading please review because I am really looking for feedback and opinions on how this is going so far.