been a joy to write this, but it's done as done can be. time to tuck it in, pop some confetti, and get ready to nerd out on Frozen 2. feel free to send me any questions on tumblr or discord (asksillysisters or t43)

Table for Three

Chapter one

Imminent travel plans

"Last kiss!" Lynsey insisted, stamping her foot and pouting sourly.

Sighing, Anna set the duffel bag down and kissed her girlfriend, grinning as the taller, brown haired girl slipped her hand into Anna's blue windbreaker. Pulling away with a nibble, Lynsey grinned, palming a stick of gum removed from Anna's jacket pocket. "I'll pick you up some more gum tonight, babe."

"Uh huh, that's what you said last time." Anna rolled her eyes, shouldering her duffel bag and unlocking the barred door to the store. She held it open as her most conscientious employee, Hiccup, carefully stepped inside while precariously balancing a stack of records a foot taller than him. "Thanks, Anna…" the brown haired young man mumbled awkwardly, hitting the light switch with his foot as he made his way inside.

"Don't be late tonight, babe. I'll pick up lo mein from Wong Hau's!" Lynsey promised, waggling an index finger in a semi-wave as she made an abrupt about face and stepped off the curb.

Anna groaned as she set her bag on the counter in the middle of the store and began removing records. "What do you think, Hiccup? Will Chinese food four times a week kill me?"

Hiccup paused, scratching his head with a 'Message to Bears' album. "Maybe if it's their orange chicken...I wouldn't feed that to the rats in these walls."

A groan from the front door drew their attention. In stumbled a short redhead, curls absolutely everywhere, wearing jeans and a Local Natives t-shirt. "Speaking of rats…" Anna mumbled, shooting the newcomer a sour glare. Hiccup ducked his head to stifle a chuckle. Anna waved an album threateningly in the redhead's direction. "Holy shit, Merida. Do you know what 'open the store' means? I think it means you get your ass in here by 7:30!"

"Calm your tits, Anna." Merida groused, massaging her temples. "Long night...shitty band with a shitty playlist at Foxy's. No one picked up any of my shots…"

"First world problems…" Anna smirked.

"And I DID get here on time, but your stalker girlfriend had the front door staked out and this hangover has zero tolerance for her whiny bullshit." Stumbling over to a push broom, Merida made a half-hearted attempt at sweeping the floor.

"She isn't a stalker, she's just...enthusiastic." Anna finished lamely. Merida grunted in response, and the freckled girl knew her hungover employee had a point. Her mind wandered as she idly placed the new shipment of records in their correct alphabetical locations. A mouse scurried by underfoot and she tried shaking the sleep out of her eyes. Heavy philosophical ponderings such as the latest in a string of half-hearted attempts at relationships were impossible without some serious caffeine.

Sensing his boss's annoyance, Hiccup set down the album he was about to play on the store's sound system and offered to run over to Starbucks for a pick me up. "Sure, yeah, appreciate it. Just take it out of the register today and grab something for everyone." Anna cringed. She hated dipping into business money when they were behind on rent, but some days one just needed a damn coffee. "Even for Sadpants McHungover there."

Hiccup quickly removed a twenty from the register and pocketed it, walking quickly out of the store with the hunch and gait that Merida claimed looked just like a penguin on drugs. With the record player now free, the Scot suddenly brightened considerably and nearly bounded over to the machine. Stuffing Hiccup's record of choice in the filing cabinet, behind the folder for 2012's receipts, she eagerly removed a Righteous Brothers album from under her shirt and put the record on.

"Nice hangover there, ass. Almost felt sorry for you." Anna smirked, rolling her eyes. Merida and Hiccup were only hired under the pretense of part-time help, but after awhile they'd just started showing up every day. She didn't have the heart to turn two good employees away who clearly needed the money. Well, one good employee and one...whatever Merida was. Said curly haired fireball was currently doing a horrible solo tango down the aisles to 'Little Latin Lupe Lu'.

"Hey, I totally saved you from whatever sad sack album penguin boy was gonna play, and you know it!" Merida shot back cheekily, ruffling her boss's hair as she danced by.

"Okay okay, child, yes good. Wear yourself out now before we get any customers. We need to make some sales today, not scare off or insult middle aged dads." Anna chided, swatting at Merida with a stack of record sleeves.

"Don't you defend that guy's shitty taste! 'I Just Called to Say'...that song sucks the big one!" Flipping through their 'gold star' customer notebook, Merida picked out a few recently absent favorites. "Get your cousin in here, I ain't seen her around in weeks! She'd buy something."

Snatching the notebook from her, Anna pursed her lips. It was true...Rapunzel hadn't been to the store in two weeks. It was mid October, so she was probably finishing up pre-winter projects for her special customers, but Anna hated guilting her cousin into stopping by. To make a sale...or for anything else. "Give her another week. We're getting in some Earth Wind and Fire next Wednesday and I know for a fact she's missing some of their stuff."

"Weird 70s taste runs in the family, I see." Merida snickered. "What about Elsa? Any supergroup obsessions there?"

Anna held up a hand abruptly, silencing Merida. "Not today...not…" Groaning, she rubbed at her head. Calloused fingers traced a scar three inches long, before sliding down a streak of off-white hair that stood in stark contrast to her majority of copper locks.

Putting up her hands in acquiescence, Merida nodded. "Roger, space captain. I'll go clear the trash those damn skater punks left outside."

Nodding mutely, Anna took a few deep breaths and slapped her hands against her face. "Focus! Sell some shit today!" The Righteous Brothers didn't help her throbbing head and she wished Hiccup would get back with that coffee quickly.

"Order up!" Gaston boomed. Sliding several plates with bacon, eggs, and french toast onto the hot plate, the burly chef spun the now empty order holder. "Let's go, Hank's Diner doesn't do slow service!"

Grumbling in frustration, a petite, short haired brunette appeared on the other side of the counter. "Look Gas', I can get the shit out to people faster if you'd stop being a douchebag and dropping three orders on me at once!"

Chuckling, the black haired man stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Can't handle it? Too much pressure? You better get your butt in gear, Rapunzel, or this job's gonna go just like your last relationship!"

Sighing, Rapunzel nodded glumly. Her fingers were just itching to paint, without having to rely on part time work employed by the likes of muscle-brained Gaston. "Is he alright?"

Smirking, Gaston raised an eyebrow. "If five nights a week at Foxy's is alright, then Flynn's just great! I'm not gonna deal with your bullshit, my roommate has enough of that to handle already. I don't even know why he recommended you here after what happened."

Shutting her mouth before a snarky retort could slip out, Rapunzel pursed her lips in frustration and headed out to the dining room to deliver some meals. Overtime was good, at least until freelance work started up for the year. She hated the idea of signing onto some big named paint roller company, but money was money and shitty apartments like the one she shared with several cats didn't pay for themselves. It had been much more manageable when Eugene was living with her, but…

Clamping down on that thought, Rapunzel swiftly cleared a table and scrubbed furiously at the crayon coloring marks some dumb parent had let their kid put on the table. Scrub. Scrub. Scrub harder. Sometimes people just don't want the same things...and nobody was to blame for that.

Biting her lip and willing herself to not cry, she shoved the rags inside the front pocket of her apron and shouldered the tray of empty dishes. She really needed to chill the fuck out and listen to some mellow music with a certain cousin.

Dropping her briefcase and collapsing on the sofa in her living room in an exhausted heap, Elsa let herself fall apart a little. Her usually neat hair bun had come half undone in her panicked run up the stairs to her apartment. She hoped nobody had seen. Seen her like that. Her mind played the day's events back to her, with an intense focus on her last conversation with her boss.

"Miss Arendelle, please have a seat." Mr. Weselton began, drumming his fingertips together as the slightly flustered blonde, the firm's youngest junior associate, took a seat opposite his large desk. "You've been able to distinguish yourself quite commendably in your eight months with Foster and Associates Architecture."

Fidgeting nervously, Elsa fought the urge to check her hair bun. "Thank you, sir. I don't mean to oppose this...opportunity you've given me. I just feel my specialties would be of greater use here at the office."

Her direct superior nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm, yes, normally I would agree with you. Sterling university marks, glowing recommendations from several professors whom I consider close friends. We knew you would be an asset to the firm." Adjusting his spectacles, the white-haired man continued. "However, we don't intend you to be a specialist."

"Sir?" Elsa queried, unsure of her boss's implication.

"It is imperative that associates be well versed in all areas of operations. Both design and implementation. That includes dealing with people, not just plans." The gentleman gave her a small smile.

"It's...I...Associate?!" Elsa only just managed to restrain the volume of her voice, but her jaw went slack and her eyes grew wide.

Putting up a finger, Mr. Weselton continued. "Grooming. Preparation. The higher ups wish to see how you comport yourself in the field, as it were. Flawless designs mean little if the meaning behind them cannot be properly conveyed. This is just another angle of your training while we determine a...suitable timeline for your future promotion prospects."

Taking several deep breaths, Elsa responded evenly. "I understand, sir. I will perform to the best of my abilities in representing the firm. I do not feel I've earned this level of trust or opportunity, but I will put my all into Madtown Music."

Nodding, Elsa's boss pulled a folder from behind his desk and handed it to her. "The first of a franchise. If the owner is pleased with both construction and operations, it could be the beginning of a lucrative long term agreement building similar entertainment superstores for Madtown all across the country." Following the folder with an envelope he handed to her, he finished. "I cannot guarantee a promotion from your success, but…" and he winked as he cracked a grin, "...your prospects would be very bright, indeed."

Elsa nodded once more, attempting to match his infectious smile. "Understood, sir. I take it this is a plane ticket?"

Her boss nodded, absentmindedly signing several forms. "Yes, as well as a standard issue company credit card. I assume you've read the permittable charged expenses, and that you are capable of locating living quarters near the construction site."

"Of course, sir." The blonde placed the folder and envelope inside the satchel by her feet.

"Also included is the contact information for the head foreman on location...a Mr. Bjorgman, I believe." Pausing, he considered the young woman across from him thoughtfully. "Elsa Arendelle...on the Associate track at 25. If your father could see you now…"

Elsa ducked her head in embarrassment. "Yes...he always spoke fondly of working with you, sir. It is a great hope of mine to continue the streak of architecture excellence that the Arendelle name carries. I won't let you, or pa-or my father, down."

Smiling sadly, her boss reached across the desk and briefly patted her hand. "He saw you graduate in spirit, and he will be with you every step of the way in life. You won't let him down. You will make him proud."

Elsa gulped, blinking back tears and trying to still the tremors running through her body. "Make him proud...that...that I will do. Thank you, sir. If you will excuse me."

Mr. Weselton nodded, and Elsa stood up and walked out with as much composure as she could muster. Conceal. Don't feel. Be the good girl. Make mama and papa proud.

Proud. Don't misbehave. Elsa felt anxiety grip her, and a sudden flash of hot nausea had her tearing open her blouse. Several buttons scattered on the pinewood floor and her breath came in strangled gasps. Tears burned at the corners of her eyes.

"San Francisco…" Elsa whispered hoarsely. She needed somebody. She needed to talk to Rapunzel. Her cousin would know what to do. How to calm her. How to make her feel as though this wasn't a death sentence for her psyche. "Can't let mama and papa down...I promised…" Her body shivered uncontrollably as the tears finally fell, hot and bitter.

"Don't feel…" Elsa moaned softly, clutching her knees to her chest. "Don't let her know...I'm still...I'm still sick…"

"...Anna. I'm...I'm still si...sick."

Gnawing on the pencil in her mouth thoughtfully, Anna triple checked the sales receipts for the day and made a decision. "Mer...we're gonna have to sell your liver on the black market to make rent this month. Sorry."

Snatching her emergency raincoat from the worn locker Anna gave her in the storeroom, Merida stuck her head back out and replied, "Fine, but at least grab a drink with me at Foxy's tonight before you spoon that shit out of my belly, yeah?"

Anna howled with laughter. "Your belly?! Mer, didn't you have a fucking Health class in high school?"

"She was too busy skipping half of her classes to smoke under the bleachers with Gaston's crew." Hiccup mumbled, meticulously resorting the disheveled albums customers had disturbed during the day. "Only passed because I let her copy off of me…"

Slapping the lanky young man on his back hard, Merida guffawed. "Yeah, those were the days. But hell, I kept your head from getting dunked in a toilet at LEAST twice during senior year!" Buttoning up the coat, the curly redhead yanked the shutters down on the front windows while whistling the theme to "Cats Don't Dance".

Picking up the albums Merida's slap had jarred from his hands, Hiccup added, "...and you put it there once, too, if my memory serves me correctly."

"See?! I'm a positive force in your life!" Reaching over the counter to yank gently on one of Anna's pigtails, Merida put on her best pout. "So you'll come tonight, right?!"

"I dunno." Anna didn't feel like being on the receiving end of another barrage of prying questions from her intense girlfriend. "Lynsey gets...pissy if I'm too late for dinner."

Flicking her hand with an added whip sound effect, Merida prodded. "One drink, that's all! The No-Tones are playing at Foxy's tonight, and they're worth missing a couple minutes with your precious lady love."

Hiccup nodded. "I hope I can get them to sign this collector's edition album I got." Merida rolled her eyes, while Anna smiled at his childlike enthusiasm.

Slamming the register shut with a bag and locking it, Anna grinned. "One drink...just one! And Mer, if they suck, I'm gonna make you listen to my special 'Fridays Suck Ass' mixtape tomorrow!"

Throwing an arm around her boss and dragging Hiccup by his shirt out the front door, Merida cackled. "Boss, all your mixtapes suck ass!"

Pushing the door to her studio apartment open with a foot, Rapunzel stepped inside and breathed a sigh of relief. Two bags of clean clothes were perched precariously on her shoulders, and she was instantly assaulted by the indignant meows of three hungry cats. "Yes my dears, yes...mama brought you more food today. Just one second."

Tossing her clean uniform bag onto the couch, she rummaged through the other bag and withdrew from it a bag of dry cat food. Her feline friends immediately increased the volume of their whining and pressed up against her legs, causing her to stumble. "Yes my lovely little shits, make mama fall, that'll get you your food much faster!" Dipping each cat's dish into the bag, she placed them back on the floor, where her cats happily indulged.

Flopping on the couch unceremoniously next to her clean laundry, Rapunzel pulled out her phone and browsed her missed text messages with tired eyes. Landlord. Landlord. "Damn, is it already that time of the month?" she mused bitterly. Scanning a text from a freelance painting friend, the brunette's spirits raised slightly at the prospect of actual creative painting work the following week. Lastly, a text from Anna. Sighing, Rapunzel felt a small smile crawl unbidden across her face. 'At Foxy's being held against my will. Stop by if you aren't too tired and save meee!'

"Foxy's…" Rapunzel moaned dramatically, draping the back of her forearm across her forehead. Despite her current state of exhaustion, she could usually muster the energy to make the ten minute walk down to the dive bar if it meant a pick me up from her adorable younger cousin. "If what Gaston said about Eugene is right, though…" the brunette shook her head, shutting off her phone's screen. Their breakup was still too fresh, and she didn't want to chance running to him, surrounded by shot glasses and his well meaning but jerkass roommate Gaston. "Not yet...maybe soon, I hope." She really did want to remain friends with her charming and often times sweet ex-boyfriend.

Thinking better of it, she returned to her phone's text messages section and sent Anna a quick courtesy reply. 'Long day, beat to hell, relationship exploded in a messy fireball. If you see Eugene there, don't let Gaston get him too wasted. Be in to the shop tomorrow. Luv, P.' She didn't want to get into details through text, but she knew Anna would have a hug trap set for when she walked into the redhead's music store. Good. Rapunzel could use a hug trap right about now.

"No hug traps tonight, though." she mumbled glumly. Her grey and white tiger striped cat, Miles Davis, sensed her distress and rubbed affectionately against her calf. "You're a sweetie, Miles. Let's go cuddle in bed and listen to the trolley piss off the neighborhood dogs, hmm?" Rapunzel cooed sweetly, picking up the affectionate feline and stepping over his two play fighting siblings on her way to a suddenly altogether too big and empty bed.

Shove. Push. Elbow. These were just three of an arsenal of attacks Anna was forced to employ in order to carve some breathing room amidst the drunken, carousing patrons of Foxy's. Leaning over to Hiccup, who was nursing a (probably alcoholic) lemonade drink, she half-shouted, "Why can't the No-Tones play more gigs at someplace a little less...shitty?!" The young man ducked his head in agreement, nervously swinging the band's album he'd brought along to get autographed.

The lead singer of the No-Tones, a gnarly looking dude with a brown leather vest and a Jayne style knit cap, took a swig from a suspicious bagged bottle before launching into their (only) hit single, 'Freezer Lady'. Their drummer, a spikey haired female Anna was sure she'd seen playing for one or two other bands in the area, surveyed her obnoxious bandmates with an air of disinterest while lazily keeping time. Anna couldn't be sure, but she thought the twin bassist and guitarist were banging their heads together more than they were actually playing anything. Just another night at Foxy's.

The crowd before Anna and Hiccup momentarily burst apart, and Merida burst from between the other patrons, clutching a drink in each hand and turning to curse somebody out. "Watch your fuckin' hands before I bite 'em off, asswipe!" Grinning, she handed Anna her requested drink, a custom beverage she called a 'Jazeroo', equal parts blackberry Manischewicz wine and brandy on ice. "Your brain cell killing beverage of choice, boss. I had to hop the counter to show the new bartender where the damn Manischewicz was. Jasmine obviously hired him for 'dat ass', because the guy can't mix a drink to save his life." Shaking her head ruefully, she gestured towards the clueless bald headed man behind the counter. "I might have to go babysit him so the poor little guy doesn't get overwhelmed and have a stroke."

Sipping her drink thoughtfully, Anna remarked, "I think the twins actually play better when they're trying to give each other brain damage."

Merida nodded, facepalming. "Yeah...speaking of brain damage, I think I saw your cousin's boyfriend and his asshole beefcake roommate. Gaston's gonna get Flynn killed if he keeps ordering him shots."

Worry flashed across Anna's features. Eugene was here, drinking? Alone? Without Rapunzel? This warranted investigation. "Thanks for the hot tip, detective. I'll go have a word with him."

While Anna pushed her way through the raucous crowd towards the bar, Merida sidled up to Hiccup and elbowed him in the ribs, grinning lecherously. "Oh Hickie, I think I saw some pretty young thing eyeing you up from across the way…"

Rolling his eyes and clutching his No-Tones album tighter against his chest, Hiccup hunched down and shot back, "Nope, still not gonna tell you which way I lean, Mer. You'll have to do better than that."

"Argh, fine, be that way Haddock." Merida eyed him challengingly. "Keep your secrets, but one of these days I'll figure it out and get you a damn date!"

Returning her challenging look with a rare grin of his own, Hiccup chuckled. "Keep trying, Mer."

In the meantime, a handful of stiff-arms and challenging glares of her own later, Anna arrived at the bar counter with her sanity and drink mostly intact. The bartender was kinda cute, in a head shaved ex military completely flustered kind of way, and she gave him a little smile which he returned. In the next moment he fumbled the glass in his hands and made a very ungraceful save just a second before it hit the counter.

"Nice save, Roy! You'll go first round to the 49ers no problem!" a boisterous voice boomed several seated patrons over to her right. Groaning, Anna steeled herself. She'd recognize Gaston's overbearing voice and presence anywhere. Sliding several seats down, said man was half seated on a barstool, one booted foot on the floor and the other resting against the bar. Between him and her, seated in an unusually closed position, was Rapunzel's drunk and obviously depressed boyfriend, Eugene.

"Anna Arendelle if I'm not mistaken." Gaston drawled, tipping his drink in her direction. "I really hope you weren't sent here tonight by...anybody in particular."

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm here tonight as a friend." Anna huffed. "Could you...please...give us a few minutes?"

Considering her thoughtfully, at length Gaston nodded. Moving away from the bar and brushing past her, he quietly said, "I think he'll be alright...I won't let him have too much."

Blinking at the usually gruff man's admission, Anna blinked, before returning, "Thanks...yeah, thank you."

Nodding grimly, the broad shouldered Gaston turned towards the crowd of dancing patrons, and with a simple parting of his hands the patrons made a path for him to pass. Anna looked on with mixed feelings. How could somebody command the title of 'Supreme Lord Jerkface' and yet do a complete one eighty for a down in the dumps friend? She knew they'd grown up together...maybe she'd have to buy Gaston a drink sometime to satisfy her curiousity about his personality.

As if noticing just then that his roommate had wandered off, Eugene turned his head and his bloodshot eyes met Anna's in vague recollection. "Arendelle...hey there, what brings you to this fine establishment tonight?"

Anna winced at the discrepancy between his charming words and the utter despondency that seemed to radiate from every part of his body. "Hey, Eugene. So...tell me. Do the No-Tones actually sound great tonight, or does the alcohol just make them sound less shitty than normal?" Cringing at her half hearted attempt at levity, the brown haired man was at least able to crack a little smile in return. Taking a seat next to him, Anna put a hand on his forearm. "Talk to me, guy. What's going on?"

Inhaling deeply, Eugene shrugged. "Figured you'd be the first one she told. Punzie and I are...past tense. Has been. No longer the greatest thing since sliced kielbasa." Folding his arms on the counter, he rested his head on them and was completely drained of wisecracks. "I sure didn't see it coming…"

Lightly squeezing his arm, Anna waved to the bartender and mouthed the words 'water, please', to which he nodded in understanding. Returning her attention to her dejected friend, Anna continued. "I won't bug you about it. Just remember that I'm your friend too. If you need somebody to talk to...or somebody else besides Gaston to grab a drink with." The redhead smiled wryly. "You have my number."

Eugene's concentration blurred as the alcohol burned in his veins. "'re good people, Anna. Keep an...keep an eye on your cuz, will ya? I'm not really into her whole relationship scene these days, but I still...still love the hell outta her…"

The water Anna had ordered arrived, and she pushed it towards him gingerly. "You'll be alright in time, my buddy."

Managing a half hearted smolder, Eugene gently knocked his fist against Anna's chin. "Good people, that's you...yeah...we'll be okay." Taking the water glass and sitting up straighter, he called out, "Gasto! Get over here and help this poor shmuck put his vomit in a toilet and not on the floor!"

Anna chuckled as he stumbled away towards his taller friend who quickly told three girls he was engaged in conversation with to scram. Thinking it was time for she to head home herself, and thankful that Rapunzel hadn't come tonight after all, she was surprised when her phone buzzed insistently. Flipping it open, she read Rapunzel's text reply and cringed. Pocketing her phone and waving to Merida and Hiccup, Anna added 'make a top five songs to get over breakups' mix tape after she got home. Lynsey would be pissed that she wouldn't have the redhead's undivided attention, but Anna had friends to take care of. That, and the scar on her scalp was throbbing like a motherfucker and she reeked of dive bar and mediocre music.

The airline clerk glanced at his monitor in disinterest as he filled in Elsa's personal information. "Will you be carrying on any luggage, ma'am?"

"Yes...two pieces, please." Elsa replied, indicating her purse and the ratty backpack by her feet. The straps were well worn, and brightly colored patches were sewn haphazardly all over the front of the bag.

Retrieving Elsa's freshly printed airline ticket from the nearby printer, the clerk stamped her luggage options and neatly indicated her departure and arrival gates by double circles in green marker. "Please give yourself half an hour to go through the security check. Have a nice flight and enjoy your time in San Francisco, ma'am."

Nodding absentmindedly, Elsa collected her carry on luggage and headed towards her flight's gate. The weight of the bookbag and the texture of the coarse straps in her hand brought back memories of high school. Slinging it over her left shoulder, the blonde woman let her feet carry her to her destination while her mind wandered back to her first day at her new school, almost 12 years ago.

13 year old Elsa Arendelle clutched the straps of her new backpack tightly as she quickened her pace to keep up with the upperclassman giving her a tour.

"Right, so administration's down hall E. Detention room's also down that way. If you're going to get detention, don't get it when Goethel is supervising. That witch won't even let you go to the library to get a book."

Nodding dumbly, Elsa swallowed in nervous anticipation. Her throat was parched and in her anxious stupor she'd already forgotten this upperclassman's name. "Um..ex...excuse me? Could you show me where sixth year homeroom is?" Her voice cracked at the end and she winced in embarrassment.

Her raven haired guide shot her a quizzical glance. "Aren't you seventh year? Eh well, guess you've had enough of 'boring tour time' and are eager to get to learning or some shit." Tossing her jet black hair over a shoulder, the upperclassman gave a hearty chuckle. "Enjoy your time at Pricetown Academy...and the sixth year homeroom is room G-3. Give your 'girlfriend' there a kiss from me!" Winking playfully, the upperclassman walked off.

"She isn't my...I don't have a girlfriend!" Elsa squeaked in protest, clutching her bookbag's straps tighter as a mortified blush spread across her cheeks. "That's...that's not allowed…" Glumness washed over her features, and the 13 year old trudged towards the wing the upperclassman had indicated.

Her ears perked up at the sound of singing, and Elsa looked to her left to see the choir doing their morning warmups. It brought a small smile to her face. "I hope Anna is getting involved in choir at her school this year. Her voice really is the prettiest…" Abruptly halting that thought, Elsa grimaced and yanked on her bookbag's straps, wincing as they cut into her shoulders through her blouse. " the good girl. Good…" She kept her head down, lips silently mouthing a quiet mantra that only she could hear, all the way to her destination.

Turning the brass handle to the door of her destination, Elsa pushed it open and winced as a loud creak drew attention to her. Luckily, she saw that the classroom full of sixth years was sufficiently busy with pre-class day bustle that nobody noticed her intrusion. Nobody...except for a bubbly, long haired blonde haired girl who was in her face instantly.

"Elsa! You made it! I mean, of course you made it, you're here! Not that this place is all that great or anything." Rapunzel gushed, snatching Elsa's hands from the death grip they had on her backpack straps and squeezing them tightly.

" still haven't cut your hair, have you?" Elsa couldn't help but admonish her younger cousin, but she did it with a small, amused smile.

The blonde furiously shook her head back and forth, long blonde locks bobbing playfully. "There are a few benefits to havving a stepmom on the staff, hee hee." Giving her pale cousin a once over, Rapunzel let out a long breath. "Alright, lesson one from me!"

Rolling her eyes, Elsa laughed. "Yes, lesson one, please teach me." She gave an eep of surprise when Rapunzel snuck around her and put both pairs of hands on Elsa's bookbag straps.

Squeezing Elsa's hands with hers, Rapunzel spoke softly but firmly. "Do you feel that?"

Blood rushed to Elsa's face and she awkwardly shook her head, unsure of what she was supposed to feel besides rather warm for some reason.

Yanking on the tight bookbag straps harshly, Elsa let out an indignant "Ouch!"

"Mistake number one, silly." Rapunzel sighed, pressing her fingertips gently against the straps and where they'd cut into Elsa's shoulders. "Don't wear your bookbag so tight. You carry that weight around all day...may as well make it as comfortable as possible." Demonstratively, she loosened each of the straps, until Elsa's backpack hung loosely on her lithe frame. "Isn't that better?"

Elsa ducked her head in guilt. "Yeah...I'll try to remember that one.' Before she could mope any more, however, her feisty cousin had already yanked one of the straps completely off.

"Lesson 2. Double strapping your backpack is for nerds!" Rapunzel guffawed, while Elsa tried to rebalance herself thanks to the shift in her backpack's weight.

"Well hey...maybe I like being a nerd." Elsa grumped, testing the shifted weight by swaying from side to side. Rapunzel responded by tickling her sides lightly, earning another indignant squawk from her taller cousin.

"You make a great nerd...but there's no reason you can't be a cool nerd." Rapunzel smiled impishly with a blush.

Elsa swallowed nervously. She was supremely grateful to have such a good friend at her new school, but Rapunzel was certainly...testing her boundaries. "Okay then, why don't you show me around, Miss Cool." Elsa offered, keeping her backpack slung over one shoulder and taking Rapunzel's hand hesitantly with her other. Rapunzel scrunched up her nose in a wide smile and marched off happily, with Elsa in tow.

25 year old Elsa gripped the bookbag strap over her left shoulder tighter, the strap pressing into her shoulder as a harsh reminder. However, she resisted the instinct to slip her right arm through the other strap. She couldn't help it. Some of her memories of her cousin were inappropriate. Not natural. The thoughts of a bad girl. But a small voice in a lonely corner of her mind still insisted that they were warm memories of a beautiful person. A beautiful person who made her feel. Rapunzel...Anna…

A harsh yank of the strap sent biting pain through Elsa's shoulder and arm. Disgusting girl. Keep the pain hidden. Pain controls...those thoughts.

Elsa stood ramrod straight in the security check line, face betraying no hint of discomfort. She pulled out her phone, mentally composing a perfunctory text she was going to send to Rapunzel to inform her of her imminent travel plans.