Chapter Fifteen

By shadowphoenix55 and dearemmahansen (guess who did what to get a shout out)

"How was work?" Percy asked cheerily, leaning over the couch to look at Annabeth.

"Fine," Annabeth mumbled, closing the door. Hard.

His expression immediately went from pleased- he'd gotten a 91% on a math quiz and couldn't wait to tell her- to concerned. "What happened?"

"We finished the element," Annabeth said shortly. "Stasium."

"That's awesome!" Percy exclaimed. "Annabeth- you've created a new element! That's incredible!"

She nodded, setting her bag down next to her shoes and crossing to the couch, slumping down. "Percy…"

He took her hand, looking at her. "Yeah?"

"Do you think I'm messed up?"


"Do you think I'm messed up?" Annabeth repeated, looking up at him with watery gray eyes.

"Of course not!" Percy said quickly in surprise. "Why would you think that?"

"Mr. Stark and I were celebrating our element, and he had some wine-" Percy's stomach twisted- "and he grabbed my arm. Not in that way!" She quickly added at Percy's look, "I was reminded of her, and… and it went downhill from there."

"So…" Percy asked.

"We fought, Pepper Potts came in, we made up. I'm not fired. We're too good of- associates?-for him to do that. I think." Annabeth said in a monotone. She then looked at the ground, "And then I ran."

Percy took a step towards Annabeth and crashed into her, hugging his girlfriend with all of his might.

"It's okay." He said. Annabeth hugged him back, and Percy was suddenly reminded of how strong she was. Annabeth smelled of a workshop plus sweat, but Percy didn't care. Annabeth was almost never this… this broken, but when she was, Percy had to be there to pick up the pieces no matter what , "Everything is going to be okay."

That's when an arrow flew through the window.

Percy was pretty sure the world hated him. Well, at least the Fates.

Percy's back was to the window, so he didn't see it, but his instincts went haywire seconds before he heard the window shatter.

Everything went in a blur. Annabeth and Percy, still in a hug, moved, somehow - Percy's feet were lifted off of the ground, the world became a blur- and then something in his arms went limp.

Annabeth fell to the floor, and arrow sticking out of her back.

"Annabeth!" Percy shouted, dropping to the floor.

Those wide grey eyes seemed calm, even as everything seemed to be in chaos.

"The man." Annabeth said.

"What?" Percy asked stupidly.

"The man." Annabeth repeated, eyes flicking to the window.

On the next window over, Barton, who had tried to kidnap them stood with a bow in his hands. He started running, as if he was going to jump.

"Percy go." Annabeth said emphatically, coughing up blood.

"It'll not leaving you." Percy replied, and he scooped Annabeth up in his arms, attempting not to move where the arrow had hit her.

Barton threw some sort of rope and swung towards the window.

Barton has shot his girlfriend. Actually, he had shot Percy and Annabeth had taken the arrow for him.

Percy let his power loose. Every single water pipe in the house broke, and a flood of water slammed into the window Barton was aiming for, roaring as it pushed him down into the street.

"Go." It was more of a rasp than anything else, but Percy heard it loud and clear.

The water swirled around his feet, building up until it was like a mini tornado. It carried Percy and Annabeth to the window and out of it. They landed on the next roof.

Percy looked down into the alley he'd dropped Barton in.

Barton was gone.

Percy cursed.

A grunt brought him back to the girl in his arms. Annabeth lay there, arrow in her hand.

She'd pulled it out.

Taking the knife from her side, Annabeth sliced her shirt into pieces. Wrapping it around her wound, which was bleeding like crazy and went all the way through her side, she stood up.

Percy let his hands fall.

Annabeth staggered a bit, but put a hand up to Percy.

"No." She said, "I can do this."

And she took a running jump off of the roof.

"Annabeth!" Percy shouted, following her. His girlfriend stood on the next roof.

"Come on, Seaweed Brain!" She shouted (or at least attempted to), "We're trying to get away, here!"

Percy jumped.

They made it three more roofs until Barton landed on one with them.

Annabeth, one hand holding her side, drew her dagger.

"Leave. Us. Alone." She said, a trickle of blood making its way down from her lips. She let go of her side and signaled to Percy.

Barton had the audacity to have some form of respect and awe pass over his face before reaching for an arrow.

Drawing Riptide, Percy launched himself at Barton. Barton dodged to the side, putting his bow away and reaching for a dagger of his own. It was more of a short sword, actually, being a bit shorter than the length of his forearm. It was pretty cool, having holes on the non-sharp side and being almost black in color-but Percy was getting off topic.

The two weapons met. Annabeth's wound fresh in his mind, Percy stared at Barton with a level of fierceness he'd only felt once before.

They fought. Percy has a go at Barton every chance he got, but the older man was quick. Dodging with ease and giving as much as he got, the Barton quickly pushed Percy to the edge. Percy leaned back to dodge a punch, waving his arms to keep his balance. He ducked under Barton's legs, attempting to get time to concentrate and summon the water, but Barton spun around quickly. Barton lifted some sort of taser, ready to drive it down-

But he had forgotten about the other person on the roof.

Annabeth kicked Barton off of the roof.

Annabeth slumped.

"Annabe-" But she didn't even let Percy get that far.

"Catch me." She said, and jumped down after Barton.

Percy jumped after her, calling whatever water source was nearest. Water filled the alley, stopping their fall just enough. Percy's feet hit the ground seconds after Annabeth's did.

Barton stood, limping a bit, six feet in front of them. He made a move towards his bow-

The water pushed him out of the alley, going with him.

Percy turned to Annabeth, who finally allowed herself to slide against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked. What a dumb question - of course she wasn't, "Should I call a hospital? How do I even do that again? Annabeth you can't leave me."

"Relax, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said. Her makeshift wrap was bright red, "Find the nearest phone - unless yours isn't fried. Dial 991. Ask for an ambulance and tell them the street. Say-" Annabrth coughed up some more blood, "Say we got mugged by some weird guy with a bow and arrow. Tell them I'm injured. I'll make it until they get here. Barton's dealt with. We'll be fine."

Percy felt the words wash over him with a calm.

Of course, the Fates didn't particularly like Annabeth either.

Her eyes widened just as Percy heard a footstep. Percy whipped around, hand going to Riptide-

-to find Barton holding a knife to his throat.