And then this happened… whoops.
#sorrynotsorry #killmenow
Sleep eluded him the night after he got his Flames back. Just the same way he used to, he played with the physical manifestation, watching the warm, brilliant orange fire jump from finger to finger. A realization struck him a few minutes into reacquainting with his Flame. He was in far less 'Danger' with the trash villains, than he had been with the sludge pedo from before – why the fuck didn't his Flames come back then?!
For some reason, Xanxus felt like he was being mocked. With a sneer and a low growl, he snuffed out his Flames and went to sleep.
Some purple-haired fucker thought it was funny to challenge him of all people after class ended the day they learned about the semi-quasi Olympics parody that the school hosted once a year.
Like honestly, what the fuck was his deal? Just because he wasn't good enough to make it to this class, didn't make it Xanxus' problem. Just be better. Your Quirk ain't good enough? Either struggle to accept it, or struggle to get better. Don't make it someone else's issue that you aren't enough for you.
Make yourself good enough for you, or accept that you aren't. It ain't hard.
So he brushed off the fucker, as well as all the trashy onlookers, and walked home. Literally anything would be better than dragging his mind down to their level.
"I pledge… That I'll be number one." Xanxus walked off the stage among jeers and negative shouts, feeling a lot calmer than he had felt in the previous few weeks. He knew Deku was watching him as he descended the stairs. He knew most, if not all his classmates were watching him with hate in their eyes. He knew all the students and most of the stadium hated his guts for the comment…
He loved it.
Oh, how the (former) Varia Leader loved the jeers and the drama! It almost made him miss his old life.
His smile and laugh were not happy ones as he continued to his place in line.
First up: an obstacle race.
… A little dumb, but he could deal.
Xanxus enjoyed the first part of the race – using the other students as launching pads to jump higher up than he could have right from the ground. He felt like he was flying- no, fuck that he was flying!
Flying right over the suddenly frozen robot…
Since when was a robot considered part of an obstacle race? No, seriously. What? Why?
… whatever, he was still flying over it and catching up to someone that was in front of him. Wasn't that the fucking half'n'half kid? Did he freeze the robots? It was likely.
Xanxus added a bit of his Flames to his explosive sweat and blasted right over the kid's pompous head – but fuck the scum was fast. He landed running and they raced neck and neck for a while before the bastard used his ice to create a bridge over the small canyon.
The canyon, meant to be the second obstacle of the race, was a lot smaller than what Xanxus had seen in his past life, but it was still big enough to make him wonder, who was funding this shit? Do they shit fucking golden bricks or something?
And, also, again, since when was a canyon a part of an obstacle race?!
…fuck it. This world had no real concept of physics, Xanxus should really give up expecting things to make sense.
He gauged the distance between the ledge he was on and the closest platform to jump onto and reasoned that his best bet was the bridge the idiot left standing from one end to the other. He pushed an explosion from his hands and landed on the bridge with a running start.
He got about 9 feet before he realized that the kid that got in on recommendations wouldn't have been stupid enough to give everyone a bridge to cross… but Xanxus was stupid enough to fall for an oh so obvious trap.
"FUCK!" He screamed as the ice crumbled beneath his feet. He fell beyond ground level before he was able to ignite his Flames and blast his way up and over to the closest edge to grab hold of.
He was back at the starting ledge… with other students now ahead of him.
Fuck that.
This wasn't happening and that would not stand.
With a growl that scared hapless students beside him (that he ignored, because who cared about scummy nobodies?) Xanxus unleashed his Flames in all their ruthless might, disregarding his explosive sweat, and launched himself into the air. About halfway across the canyon, his Flames dwindled and he was left with just his explosions to get across the last half of this ridiculous obstacle.
Which, really, was more than enough.
Xanxus needed to calm down a bit, and he took measured breathes to do just that as he lightly jogged to the last obstacle. He wasn't the first one there, obviously, but there were only a handful of students that had gotten there before him.
Including the pompous half'n'half, who was leading by a fair margin.
They all had to slow down considerably since the third and final obstacle was a fucking field of land mines?!
Oh, Xanxus wanted to kill someone – not because he was concerned for anyone or anything, but because seriously. His explosive sweat packed more of a punch than this dust-up bull shit.
Being the leader of an assassination group, Xanxus had been chased, running full tilt, through many fields with much better hidden, real land mines, so keeping the same jogging pace as he went through this "field" was easy.
What wasn't easy was keeping his cool when the fucker up ahead, the bastard that tricked him with that bridge of ice (setting aside the fact that Xanxus was the one that fell for such an obvious trap).
"Fucking half and half!"
Ok, so he may not actually remember the other's name, but did that really matter?
The other teen tisked as he looked over his shoulder, but continued on as Xanxus caught up. The neck and neck race got fuzzy a moment for Xanxus, but then all of a sudden fucking DEKU launched himself over Xanxus and the other scum, Bakugou Katsuki style, and then he was flying over them, and suddenly Deku was first place?!
Next time, Xanxus! We see him embarrass himself and redeem himself, all in one chapter! Stay tuned! 😘