If my brain had told me that Xanxus was Katsuki before I stupidly made him Hayato in my other story, Boku no Hero Hibari Kyoya!
WARNING: Language. Lots and lots of swearing. Like… a lot. This also may have way more drama than I intended.
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR or BNHA.
It surprised him, his memories. They snuck up on him, like some annoying younger family member that you weren't allowed to hit randomly attaching themselves to his neck; that kind of exasperation. He was seven years old, for a second time, brushing his teeth before bed, but after his bath, when a passing thought made itself known.
'Where did my scars go?'
And then, a second later,
'Wait, what scars?'
And then,
'Wait! What fucking language is this?!'
And Then.
'…Eh, I'm too tired for this shit.'
And so Xanxus of Varia, now the seven-year-old Bakugou Katsuki, spat out his toothpaste, rinsed out his mouth, found his mother's liquor cabinet, snuck a small nightcap and went to bed.
The next morning, Xanxus erupted from the soft mattress, darting into the bathroom in a panic to poke and prod at himself in the mirror. His hair was blond, not the pitch black he remembered. His skin was fucking pale, fucking not tan, and seriously, where the fuck were his scars?! He had grown to like how intimidating they were damn it! Now, with these fucking pudgy cheeks and fucking flawless skin, he was more likely to be treated like someone's angry puppy when he was glaring at them, rather than be treated like the man really could kill whoever was fucking unlucky enough to get in his way!
His eyes were the only resemblance he could cling to, however; his eyes were still a crazy red – a few shades lighter, and a lot more doe-like with his diminutive appearance, because what the fuck, why not?
(The most embarrassing thing, though, was the fact that the man had to cling to the sink to lean in close enough to the mirror for his liking; his feet weren't touching the ground!)
"…What… WHAT THE SHITTY FUCKING HELL IS THIS SHIT?!" He screamed, his voice breaking in different parts and squeaking in others. Footsteps slammed on the stairs, someone running full tilt up them before the door was almost ripped off its hinges.
"The Fuck did you just say, child?!" It was his mother, his new mother, but now wasn't the time to realize this. Xanxus was still far too concerned with the pigment of his skin to even look at her.
"Shut up, hag!"
"What did you just call me?" it was the clam, cold tone that made Xanxus turn to her. He glared.
"You Fucking heard-"
The sound of the slap resounded in the bathroom, the echo almost fading out completely before the sting of the hit really reached his brain. Xanxus brought his hand up to his cheek, surprised that the woman would hit him. He pulled his hand back when he felt something wet, and his bottom lip started trembling when he realized he was crying.
Slowly, the blonde woman folded to her knees in front of him, low enough to be eye-level with him, and she reached out to take his hands in hers.
Her eyes looked suspiciously wet as well.
"I think we both went a bit too far just now, and we both did something we regret." She said softly. Xanxus couldn't do anything but stare at her. After a short moment, he numbly nodded. She nodded back at him.
"What do you regret?"
To his shame, Xanxus heaved a sob, sniffled and muttered, "Calling you a mean word, and swearing a lot."
The blonde woman smiled a very small and sad smile, her eyes softening, and a tear rolled down her cheek when she blinked. "I regret hitting you, my beautiful boy."
He heaved another sob when she reached forward to kiss his forehead. "I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-so-sorr-" he couldn't even get the words out he was suddenly crying so hard. Had he ever cried this hard before? Had he ever cried, period?
"Mama is sorry, too." She whispered, pulling Xanxus into a hug. She held him gently while Xanxus tried to get his tears under control. What was even happening? He was the boss of a Mafia, and he was crying over a slap to the face? But at the same time, he was really confused, because his arms wound themselves around her shoulders of their own accord, and he found himself wanting his Mama to make the pain go away. But what the hell? He hadn't felt that, even with his real mom back in the slums of Italy!
…Italy? Mafia? Wait… this was getting even more confusing?
His confusion stilled his tears, and the woman backed off a little, sitting on her heels away from him. "Now, you have about 40 minutes to get ready for school, you woke up a bit early. I'm just starting breakfast, so come down and eat when you're dressed in your school uniform, alright?"
Xanxus blinked up at her, both in confusion and to get rid of the residual tears. When had he last gone to school? He had had privet tutors all his life in the mansion, why would he go to a school now? The blonde woman smiled, bigger than her last one and she stood to leave him be.
"I love you, Katsuki. Come down when you're ready, but don't be late!" The last line was sung a slight bit as she descended the stairs, but Xanxus was focused on another part altogether.
"… Ka… Tsu… Ki?" He looked down at his hands, his pale, scar-less hands, and muttered to himself, "Oh, that's right. I'm… Bakugou Katsuki now."
It took him another ten minutes of staring at his hands before he remembered where his school uniform was, and that he had to go put it on.
This likely won't get continued, but the last time I said that, I ended up making 5 more parts to a series, so…
Tentatively marked complete until I know more. R&R?