From the Sky to the Surface

Disclaimer: I don't own LoZ SS or HP.


(Birth of Link)

"Ti!" A blond haired women screamed.

"Athol? Is it time?" The brown haired man asked.

"Yes. Ah! Oh goddess yes!"

"I'll get the doctor and midwife."

"O-okay." She panted.

"I'll be back." Ti ran out.

"He better hurry."

Ti did indeed hurry. It wasn't long before he returned with them. The doctor prepared the room while the midwife and Ti helped her to the bed. He was then kicked out.


He poured as he waited. Soon a cry filled the air. He jumped up excited. His child had finally entered the world.

"It's a boy." The midwife said when she opened the door.

"I have a son!?"

"Yes you do. Would you like to see him?"


The midwife laughed. "Come on in." She moved out of the way.

Ti all but ran in. He froze at the sight of his son. It was the most amazing sight he had ever seen in his life. His son was beautiful.

"He's perfect."

"Yes he is." Athol agreed.

"Name?" The doctor asked.


The doctor smiled. "Welcome to the world Link."

Said baby blinked before closing his eyes and sleeping. The parents cooed at him.

(Link, age 7)

"Mama? Papa?" Link coughed through the smoke.

His parents didn't answer. He tried to look around for them but the smoke made it tough. He was also coughing really hard and soon he passed out.


Geopora had seen the fire and ran. He had found both Ti and Athol dead. Now he looked for the blond haired child.

"Link where are you? It's me Geopora."

He found Link near the room. He checked the child's pulse and found one. Link was unconscious but alive. He picked him up and ran to the hospital.

"He," Geopora began coughing. "was in the," He coughed again. "Fire."

"Doctors get over here!" The nurse yelled.

"Damn. Get these two in a bed." The doctor ordered.

"Yes sir."

"Right away."

One of the nurses took Link and placed him on a bed. Another guided Geopora to a bed. Another doctor joined.

Link was obviously in worse shape. He had inhaled more smoke. They had to put him in another room filled with pure oxygen.

"Will he be okay?" Geopora asked.




"His parents are dead."

The doctor gave a sad smile. "I know. We heard. The worst part is that Nani found signs of foul play."

Geopora looked at him in shock. "Are you serious?"



"Those were my thoughts too."

"Poor Link."

"Indeed. I have no idea where he can go."

"He will stay at the academy."

"Are you sure?" He gave him a potion.

"Yes I am."

"Don't you already have a kid staying there?"

"Yes I do." He downed a fourth potion.

"Won't it be tough? I mean not only do you have your daughter and Harry but also the students."

"I know but Link needs a place to stay so I'm giving him one."

"You're a good man Geopora."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Am I free to leave?"


"Good. I need to go inform the instructors, Zelda, and Harry. I also need to set up his room."

"I'll send someone if I need you."

"Thanks Bo."

"Of course."

Geopora quickly left the hospital. He made his way to the academy. Instructor Horwell had just entered the hallway when he spotted the headmaster. Seeing the state Geopora was in and rushed over.

"Oh my Goddess. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Unfortunately Ti and Athol died in a fire a few hours ago."

The instructor's eyes widened. "What about Link?"

"He is in critical care at the hospital from smoke inhalation. I am setting up a room for him."

"I shall inform the others then go to the hospital."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"Have Harry and my daughter come to the room across from Harry's."

"Yes sir."

Instructor Horwell left. Geopora changed before going to the room. Zelda was already there. She looked at him in confusion.


"I will explain once Harry comes here."

"Oh okay. Are...are you okay?"

Geopora hugged her tightly. "I'm fine sweetheart."

"Good, good." She was relieved.


"You wanted to see me?" They turned to see Harry.

"Yes I do." He released his daughter. "Could you both sit down?"



"There was a fire at Link's home."

"Are they okay?" Zelda asked in concern.

"Link is being treated in the hospital. He is in critical care. His parents however died."

Zelda teared up. "Oh my."

"Link, he's the hyper blond that always plays with Zelda, right?" Harry asked without any emotions.


"Oh." His face remained neutral. 'I hope he gets better.' He thought.

"My friend is hurt and his parents are dead. Show some damn emotions!" She yelled.


"Excuse me." Harry left. 'Just because I don't show it doesn't me I don't care.' He slammed the door shut.

"Why are you mad at me? He doesn't care!"

"How do you know?"

"What?" She looked confused.

"Just because he didn't show it doesn't mean he doesn't care. You know Harry isn't one to show his emotions. You know what happened to him."

Zelda sighed as she calmed down. "Your right. I...I guess I took my worry and anger out on Harry."

"Yes, yes you did. I expect you to apologize for it."

"Yes daddy."

"Good. Now I must get this room ready."


Zelda left the room to go find Harry. Meanwhile Geopora got to work. He wanted the room to be perfect and if he was honest it took his mind off the situation. He hoped Link was okay.