So, I've been planning this for a few months… Here's what you need to know when you submit a character:

The first chapters will be set in West Elizabeth in 1898, so adjust the ages of your character accordingly.

Some of your characters may leave the gang, get kicked out – maybe even caught by the law. BUT none of this means that they won't turn up in the story later… unless they get killed.

The story will revolve around the rise of an outlaw gang from across the Red Dead map – feel free to make your characters diverse and unique. I'm more interested in people than stereotypes.

You may also (should you wish) submit Pinkertons, rival gangs, civilians and the like.

I won't be showing the Dutch Van Der Linde gang, though I may allude to them. Same goes for the O'Driscolls.

The first chapter should be up within the week, so get going with your submissions. I'm thinking I'll have around 12 main characters in this gang, but I'm flexible…

Character Form (which will also be on my profile)




Alias: (i.e. 'The One-Shot Kid')

Date of Birth:



Ethnicity: (Cherokee? Sicilian? Scottish?)



Personality: (At least three detailed paragraphs)

Occupation: (If they're in the gang, just state their role. Cook? Domestic? Even gunfighters need to pull their weight…)



Motive: (Money? Respect? Love? Why are they doing what they're doing? Why did they join the gang?)

Appearance: (Hair, facial hair, scars… Anything and everything – include their injuries here.)

Birthplace: (As accurate as you can be)

Backstory: (From their birth to the start of the story – 1898.)

Other: (Do they have a specific accent? What do they spend their money on? What do they like to drink? Cigarettes or cigars – how about pipes? What are their hobbies? What food do they like? Do they know how to swim? Who taught them? How do they make money best? If a woman, do they ride a horse side-saddle? Put all the minor and random details in here)

Views on…

The Pinkertons:

Outlaw Gangs:

The Wapiti:

The Army:



Clothing: (Either describe their style and general look, or give specific outfits).

Gunbelt: (Includes holsters. Describe the colour and positioning of the holsters. I.e. do they crossdraw?)

Revolvers: (Describe the type of revolver and the colour)

1st Longarm: (A rifle/repeater/shotgun. Anything that would be stored on the shoulder)

2nd Longarm: (A rifle/repeater/shotgun. Anything that would be stored on the back)

Melee: (I.e. a hunting knife? A hatchet?)




Coat: (colour)

Age: (Horses can generally live up to around 30 years)